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         Mims Edwin:     more books (78)
  1. A Biography of Sidney Lanier
  2. Sidney Lanier (American Men of Letters series) by Edwin Mims, 1905-01-01
  3. The Van Dyke Book: Selected From The Writings Of Henry Van Dyke
  4. The Van Dyke Book by Edwin Mims, 1905-01-01
  5. The Pageant of America: The American Stage by Oral Sumner; Mims, Edwin Jr. Coad, 1929
  6. Chancellor Kirkland of Vanderbilt by Edwin Mims, 1940
  7. The Van Dyke Book: Selected from the Writings of Henry Van Dyke by Edwin Mims Henry Van Dyke, 2008-10-09
  8. Sidney Lanier by edwin mims, 1905
  9. Adventurous America: A study of contemporary life and thought by Edwin Mims, 1929
  10. Southern Prose And Poetry For Schools (1910) by Edwin Mims, Bruce R. Payne, 2010-09-10
  12. The Golden Book Magazine of Fiction and True Stories That Will Live Volume XII July-December, 1930 by Henry Seidel; Walpole, Hugh; Shaw, Albert; Mims, Edwin (editorial advisory board) Canby, 1930
  13. Great Writers as Interpreters of Religion by Edwin Mims, 1945-01-01
  14. Stevenson's Inland voyage, and Travels with a donkey by Edwin Mims, 2009-12-16

41. Sidney Lanier
Here! This book display page shown 1111 times since 005340 5/16/04. Sidney Lanier. Edwin Mims. Dewey Subject Codes 920, Biography.

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(Courtesy of LookSmart.Com) Search About for Edwin Mims books (Courtesy of About.Com) Online books and articles by Mark Zimmerman Format - Real Audio The Old Man of the Holy Mountain The Book that Changed My Life Subtitle: The Making of The Old Man of the Holy Mountain How to Make the World a Better Place Chapter 1: Emotional Literacy Education and Self-Knowledge Chapter 2: Emotional Literacy Language and Vocabulary Chapter 3: Emotional Literacy Education Teaching Compassion Chapter 4: Emotional Literacy Education Understanding Fear Encyclopedia of Self-Knowledge Classical Authors Index Classical Authors Directory ... Outline of Self-Knowledge See main index page via link at top of this page.

43. Electricity And Magnetism References
Jones, Edwin R (Rudy) and Childers, Richard L, Contemporary College Physics, AddisonWesley Mims, Forrest M, Op Amp IC Circuits, Engineer s Mini-Notebook, Cat.
Electricity and Magnetism References
Baseden, Alan, Lightning Destruction, Atlanta Journal, July 16, 1991. Blackwood, O H, Kelly, W C, and Bell, R M, General Physics, 4th Edition, Wiley, 1973 Bloomfield, Louis A., How Things Work, The Physics of Everyday Life,2nd Ed., Wiley, 2001. de Armond, John, "Ground Fault Interrupters",, posted 11/00, Link Craford, M. George, Holonyak, Nick, and Kish, Frederick, "In Pursuit of the Ultimate Lamp", Scientific American 284, 62, February 2001. Diefenderfer, James and Holton, Brian, Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, 2nd Ed. ,Saunders College Publ., 1994. Diefenderfer, James, Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, 2nd Ed. , W.B. Saunders, 1979. Giancoli, Douglas C., Physics, 4th Ed, Prentice Hall, (1995). Ewell, George W., Radar Transmitters, McGraw-Hill, 1981. Floyd, Thomas L., Electric Circuit Fundamentals, 2nd Ed., Merrill, 1991 Floyd, Thomas L., Electronic Devices 3rd Ed., Merrill, 1992 Horowitz, Paul and Hill, Winfred,The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press, 1980

44. Genealogy Data Page 10 (Family Pages)
Back to Main Page. Goff, James Edwin Birth 16 DEC 1903 Myrtle, MO. Family Marriage 12 SEP 1922 Spouse Mims, Jewel Birth ABT 1905 Gender Female Parents
Genealogy Data Page 10 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
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Roach, Lallah
Birth: 25 NOV 1898
Death: 6 APR 1937
Gender: Female
Family: Spouse: Lemons, Sidney Henry
Birth: 14 JUN 1889
Death: 30 APR 1948
Gender: Male
Parents: Father: Lemons, Walter Frances
Mother: Fagg, Lucie
    Lemons, Frances Alice Birth: 6 MAY 1921 Death: 8 DEC 1923 Gender: Female
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Goff, LaVera Birth: ABT 1895 Gender: Female Parents: Father: Goff, Isaac Henry Mother: Raber, Lula (Beggs) Family: Spouse: Baer, Eugene Birth: ABT 1895 Gender: Male
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Oliver, Jackson Gender: Male Family: Marriage: 12 DEC 1860 Russellville, Putnam Co., Indiana Spouse: Wilson, Emily Birth: 11 NOV 1839 Russellville, Putnam Co., Indiana Death: 13 MAY 1921 Gender: Female Parents: Father: Wilson, William Mother: Goff, Susannah Children:
    Oliver, William Gender: Male Oliver, Charles Gender: Male Oliver, Renal Gender: Female Oliver, Jesse Gender: Male Oliver, Frank
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Oliver, Emily Gender: Female Family: Spouse: Oliver, Frank

45. Genealogy Data Page 15 (Descendancy Pages)
Mims, Jewel. Female Birth ABT 1905 Married to Goff, James Edwin Male Birth 16 DEC 1903 Myrtle, MO. Death JAN 1977 - Marriage 12 SEP 1922
Genealogy Data Page 15 (Descendancy Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

46. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author!
BM Milza, Pierre Mimica, Jadran Mimms, Sandra Mimosa, Books Mimouni, Rachid Mims, Amy ~ Mims, Barbara C. ~ Mims, Cedric A. ~ Mims, Edwin ~ Mims, Forrest M
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, Cork Millner, Denene Millner, Lynda ... , Angel Luis

47. MIT Libraries' Catalog - Barton - Full Catalog - Full Record
1905Jan. 1919, WH Glasson (with Edwin Mims, Apr. 1905-July 1909; WP Few, Oct. 7001, a Mims, Edwin, d 1872-1959. 7001, a Glasson, William Henry, d 1874-1946.

48. MIT Libraries' Catalog - Barton - Full Catalog - Full Record
1905Jan. 1919, WH Glasson (with Edwin Mims, Apr. 1905-July 1909; WP Few, Oct. 1909-Jan. 1919); Apr. Mims, Edwin, 1872-1959. Glasson, William Henry, 1874-1946.

49. Sidney Lanier [a Biography] By Edwin Mims
Sidney Lanier a biography by Edwin Mims Hypertext Meanings and Commentaries from the Encyclopedia of the Self by Mark Zimmerman.
Sidney Lanier [a biography]
by Edwin Mims
Hypertext Meanings and Commentaries
from the Encyclopedia of the Self
by Mark Zimmerman
Sidney Lanier
by Edwin Mims [American (Southern U.S.) Scholar; 1872-1959. Preface The present volume is a biography of Lanier rather than a critical study
of his work. So far as possible, I have told the story in his own words,
or in the words of those who knew him most intimately. If I have erred
in placing undue emphasis on the early part of his career, it was intentional,
for that is the part of his life about which least is known
I have intentionally emphasized his relation to the South, in order to avoid a misconception that he was a detached figure. The bibliographies prepared by Mr. Wills for the "Southern History Association" and by Mr. Callaway for his "Select Poems of Lanier" make one unnecessary for this volume. Of previously published material, I have been greatly indebted to the Memorial by Mr. William Hayes Ward, the fuller sketch by the late Professor W. M. Baskervill, and the volume of letters published by Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons. For new material

50. Detailed Record
Japan in transition • By Emil Lederer ; Emy LedererSeidler ; Edwin Mims ; Helen Sullivan Mims ; Elizabeth Todd • Publisher New Haven London ; Yale
About WorldCat Help For Librarians Japan in transition
Emil Lederer Emy Lederer-Seidler Edwin Mims Helen Sullivan Mims Elizabeth Todd
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WorldCat is provided by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. on behalf of its member libraries.

51. TAPS (M-Q)
Hubert P Miller, James T Miller, Merlin Miller, Ray A Miller, Robert J Miller, Robert S Miller, Theodore G Millett, Bernard W Millner, William J Mims, Edwin E,
In Memoriam Home Search Dedication About Us ... Guest Book
of Members of the 303rd Bomb Group (H) who have "Gone West"
- may they live forever in our hearts -
This list shows 303rd men "Killed in Action" or "Killed in Service" plus those who have passed away since the war. It is far from complete. For additions or corrections, contact Obituaries and Remembrances Search for WWII War Dead buried overseas or MIA Killed in Action Korea Vietnam Killed in Service
A - E
F - L M - Q R - Z
Mabie, Hilton C
Maciejewski, Marcelin J
Mack, Austin J
Madak, Edward P
Mades, Franklin B
Madrid, Robert L
Madsen, Parley W Jr Magee, Alan E Magee, Jack R Maher, William P Malone, Roy P Manina, Joseph J Mann, Ferrell A Manning, Harold R Manze, Dario J Maple, Stanley Maresh, Lewis A Marker, Vernon G Markiewicz, Joseph L Markt, Rex Mars, Charles W Marshall, Alexander F Marson, Charles H Martin, Anthony B Martin, Raymond W Martin, Walter E Jr Mason, Frederick H Mason, John W Massimiliano, Joseph Matheson, John A Mathis, Henry C Jr

52. Honor Roll - Comrades Killed In Action
Ralph Miller, Cecil W Miller, Charles G Miller, Charles F Miller, David Miller, James T Millett, Bernard W Millner, William J Mims, Edwin E Mire, Burnie N
Honor Roll of
Comrades Killed in Action Home Search Dedication About Us ... Guest Book
of Members of the 303rd Bomb Group (H) Who Gave Their Lives For Us All
303rd Bomb Group Honor Roll HIGH FLIGHT
By John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of Wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or even eagle flew. And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. World War II Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial in Margraten, Netherlands 303rd BOMB GROUP(H) HONOR ROLL Killed in Action Korea Vietnam Killed in Service Adams, Arthur I

Holt, Perry 12, 10. Honaker, Scott 1-2. Mims, Edwin 1-2. Schrader, John 1-2. White, Stephen W. 1-2, 10. Williams, Frank B., Jr. 1-2, 10.
.25 linear foot
Accession No. PROVENANCE
The Faculty Colloquium Records were donated to the University Archives by Stephen W. White, Department of Philosophy, East Tennessee State University, on October 4, 1983. Processing of the records was completed in May 1995.
The Faculty Colloquium of East Tennessee State University was organized in 1952 as the Men's Colloquium to promote free discussion and exchange of ideas among male faculty members outside of the university setting. The colloquium encouraged academic presentations and programs aimed at stimulating intellectual discussion among its' members. The meetings of the colloquium were held once a month in the home of a member. The original membership consisted of the following persons: John Allen, Tom Carson, Bob Crawford, Harold Dugger, Clinton Ferguson, George Fox, Perry Holt, Gerald Jaggen, Sam Jasper, Frank Laurens, Albert Laker, Lloyd Pierce, Hal Smith, Dick Stevenson, and Frank Williams. The president of the university was an honorary member. The one officer of the organization was the moderator, who was elected annually. The moderator's duties included getting out meeting notices and scheduling programs.
Membership in the colloquium was limited to male faculty members until 1978 when membership became open to female faculty members as well. The Men's Colloquium then became the Faculty Colloquium. The colloquium ceased to exist in 1979.

54. Warden Memorial Library: General Information
378.768 M662h Mims, Edwin. History of Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt University, 1946. See index under Fugitives, Agrarians, and individual authors.
The Fugative and the Agrarians: Nashville Area Literary Movements of the Early Twentieth Century
Warden Memorial Library Library Catalog Databases Serials Library Home
The Fugitives and Agrarians were a group of poets and writers mainly associated with Vanderbilt University in Nashville in the 1920s and 1930s. They rejected the increasing mechanization and capitalism of modern life in favor of a return to an agriculturally based economy and modes of life historically grounded in the South. They published a literary magazine, The Fugitive , from 1922 to 1925, and stated their beliefs in a collection of essays titled I’ll Take My Stand in 1930. Two members of this group were born in Giles County; John Crowe Ransom was born in Pulaski in 1888, and Donald Davidson in Campbellsville in 1893. An historic marker honoring these two writers was placed outside the Giles County Courthouse in 1996. Part I. General History, Biography, and Criticism Online Resources: Our web page ( ) will direct you to a variety of databases and gateway sites in literature. Try these more specialized sites as well: Louisiana State University Press

55. Vandyke5
McCauley, Leon. McGaughey, Lydia. McLean, Mary. Merriam, John. Mims, Edwin. Moore, John. Moore, Winifred. Moreland, JR. Morgenthau, Henry. North, Ernet Dressel.
V. Papers of Tertius van Dyke (1886-1958)
A. Writings "The Church and Our Day": TMs, address, 25 May 1932 "The Guide Post": Proof sheets, by Henry and Tertius van Dyke "Henry van Dyke, A Biography":
Bibliography of HvD's works
Chronology of HvD's life
Extracts from his correspondence while at the Hague
Literary reviews and miscellaneous
Notes on biography
Notes, miscellaneous
Transcripts of HvD's letters, A-Z (2) "Henry van Dyke, Fisherman": TMsS and tearsheet, 1922 "My Father as a Collector of Tennyson and Tennysoniana": TMsS, speech, Princeton University, 1933 "Pastor Fidus, Alfred B. Barker": AMs, verse "The Person and Work of Christ": TMs, n.d. "The Sound of Many Watersfor Henry van Dyke": TMsS, verse, 10 November 1952 "A Visit to the Belgian Refugee Camp at Nunspeet": TMs, The Hague, 1915 B. Correspondence American Book Company American Foundation for the Blind Arny, Mary Baker, Ray Stannard Barnes, Roswell P. Barrowman, Thomas Barstow, Robbins W. Bartlett, Maitland Beard, James R. Bellman, Harriet R. Bennion, B. Bikle, Lucy

56. American Line - Pafg20.htm - Generated By Personal Ancestral File
Francis Wilmoth Harvey , Martha Diuguid Mims , Diuguid Mims , Martha Diuguid Edwin Leroy Clopton (Edwin Lawrence , William Dowles , Patrick Henry , Waldegrave
Descendants of William and Ann Booth Clopton
Eighth Generation
Lindsay Wallace Cave Sarah F. Lindsay Francis Mills Nathaniel Mills ... William ) was born on 27 Aug 1838. He died on 10 Mar 1917. Lindsay married Ella S. Andrews on 8 Jan 1861. Ella was born on 1 Feb 1842. They had the following children: M i Preston Andrews Cave Preston married Alice Harris F ii Frances Birel Cave died in 1949. F iii Elizabeth Cave died in 1976. Elizabeth married Dickerson F iv Irene Cave Irene married Alley M v John Day Cave Mary Anville Cave Sarah F. Lindsay Francis Mills Nathaniel Mills ... William ) died age 27 in Orange County, VA. Mary married Edward Turner Powell on 15 Jan 1857. Edward was born in Norfolk, VA. They had the following children: M i John Powell M ii Edward Lindsay Powell was born on 8 May 1860. He died in Apr 1933. Edward married Lida Smoot Robert Catlett Cave Sarah F. Lindsay Francis Mills Nathaniel Mills ... William ) was born on 13 Feb 1842. He died on 23 Jun 1923. Robert married Sarah Frances Daniel , daughter of William Travers Daniel and Mary Julia Terrill, on 15 Jan 1863 in Richmond, VA. Sarah was born on 15 Dec 1843. She died on 6 Sep 1924. They had the following children: M i Robert Clifton Cave was born on 24 Nov 1864. He died on 8 May 1887.

57. Abacci EBook Authors Index: M
Miller, John Murray and Mills, Miller, Marion Mills, Milne, AA, Milton, John, Mims, Edwin, Ming, Tao Yuan, Mitchell, JA, Mitchell, S. Weir, Mitford, Mary Russell,

58. Used Homeschool Stuff: Government, Politics
Quantity in Basket none. Mims, Edwin, Charle s Scribner s Sons, 1929, , 304, Hardcover, , , ,. AGE OF DISCONTINUITY, THE, Guidelines

59. Index
Translate this page Miller, Gustavus Hindman, 1857- Gutenberg Milne, AA (Alan Alexander), 1882-1956 Gutenberg Milton, John, 1608-1674 Gutenberg Mims, Edwin Gutenberg Miss Mulock
Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 1846-1916 Gutenberg
MacCaffrey, James, 1875-1935 Gutenberg
MacClintock, William Darnall, 1858-1936 Gutenberg
MacClure, Victor, 1887- Gutenberg
MacDonald, George, 1824-1905 Gutenberg
MacGrath, Harold, 1871-1932 Gutenberg
MacKay, Charles, 1814-1889 Gutenberg
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 Gutenberg
Machen, Arthur, 1863-1947 Gutenberg
Machiavelli, Niccol?, 1469-1527 Gutenberg Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone, 1875-1928 Gutenberg Mackenzie, Alexander, 1833-1898 Gutenberg Maclaren, Ian [pseud.] AKA: Watson, John, 1850-1907 Gutenberg Macy, Jesse, 1842-1919 Gutenberg Maeterlinck, Maurice, 1862-1949 Gutenberg Malory, Thomas, d. 1471 Gutenberg Malot, Hector, 1830-1907 Gutenberg Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), 1766-1834 Gutenberg Mandeville, John, Sir Gutenberg Manners, J. Hartley Gutenberg Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923 Gutenberg Marbot, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine-Marcelin, Baron de, 1782-1854 Gutenberg Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 39-65 AD AKA: Lucan Gutenberg Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180

60. Index
by Bronte, Charlotte, 18161855 Biographical Study Of AW Kinglake, by Tuckwell, William, 1829-1919 Biography Of Sidney Lanier, A, by Mims, Edwin Bird Neighbors
Baartock, by Roth, Lewis
Bab Ballads, The, by Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), Sir, 1836-1911

Bab: A Sub-Deb, by Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 1876-1958

Babbit, by Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951
Bygone Beliefs: being a series of excursions in the byways of thought, by Redgrove, H. Stanley (Herbert Stanley), 1887-1943

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