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         Meredith George:     more books (100)
  1. Poems by George Meredith 1828-1909, 1898-12-31
  2. Odes in contribution to the song of French history by George Meredith 1828-1909, 1898-12-31
  3. Evan Harrington: A Novel by Meredith George 1828-1909, 2010-09-29
  4. Odes In Contribution To The Song Of French History by Meredith George 1828-1909, 2010-10-15
  5. An Essay On Comedy, And The Uses Of The Comic Spirit by Meredith George 1828-1909, 2010-09-27
  6. Poems Volume 2 by Meredith George 1828-1909, 2010-10-15
  7. The Egoist; A Comedy In Narrative by Meredith George 1828-1909, 2010-09-30
  8. A Reading Of Life, With Other Poems by Meredith George 1828-1909, 2010-10-15
  9. The works of George Meredith. by Meredith. George. 1828-1909., 1909-01-01
  10. The works of George Meredith. by Meredith. George. 1828-1909., 1909-01-01
  11. The works of George Meredith. by Meredith. George. 1828-1909., 1909-01-01
  12. The works of George Meredith. by Meredith. George. 1828-1909., 1909-01-01
  13. The poetical works of George Meredith by George, 1828-1909 Meredith, 2009-10-26
  14. The works of George Meredith. by Meredith. George. 1828-1909., 1909-01-01

41. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
2. Meredith, George (18281909) The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts; January1, 1998 Meredith, George (1828-1909) English novelist and poet.

42. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
4. Meredith, George The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004Meredith, George Meredith, George 18281909, English novelist and poet. Meredit

43. GEORGE MEREDITH 1828-1909 Great Books Poetry Classics (GEORGE
George Meredith 18281909 Great Books Poetry Classics George Meredith 1828-1909sails aboard The Jolly Roger
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46. George Meredith
George Meredith (18281909). Modern Love (complete sequence).
George Meredith (1828-1909)
Modern Love (complete sequence) From Modern Love Other sonnets
"By this he knew she wept with waking eyes"
By this he knew she wept with waking eyes:
That, at his hand's light quiver by her head,
The strange low sobs that shook their common bed
Were called into her with a sharp surprise,
And strangled mute, like little gaping snakes,
Dreadfully venomous to him. She lay
Stone-still, and the long darkness flowed away
With muffled pulses. Then, as midnight makes
Her giant heart of Memory and Tears
Drink the pale drug of silence, and so beat
Sleep's heavy measure, they from head to feet
WEre moveless, looking through their dead black years
By vain regret scrawled over the blank wall.
Like sculptured effigies they might be seen
Upon their marriage-tomb, the sword between;
Each wishing for the sword that severs all.
"In our old shipwrecked days there was an hour"
In our old shipwrecked days there was an hour
When in the firelight steadily aglow

47. Author George Meredith, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive
George Meredith (next poet) I was from England, and I lived from 18281909.Print or Buy my poetry? View comments? Add to favorites? Meredith
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48. George Meredith
1828-1909. 1 Zitatgefunden Nichtstun ist die Weisheit derjenigen, die den Untergang
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49. Ridgeway
Modern Love in George Meredith (18281909) and Natsume Sôseki (1867-1916) TheDissolution of a Marriage Author s Name, Institution and E-mail Address.
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William Ridgeway (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
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50. George Meredith
. George Meredith. (18281909). English Author. Meredith is achild of the working-class. Later, he tried to hide his origins.
Theme Search Advanced Search The Ebookstore is a trademark of Unitel Inc George Meredith English Author Meredith is a child of the working-class. Later, he tried to hide his origins. His first attempts in poetry were unsuccessfull, until the turn of the century, where he had acquired the reputation of beeing one of the greatest amongst English authors. This Author's titles If you wish further information about this author, please enter English Authors: Anonymous Austen Bronte Chaucer ... Wilde Other Authors of Poetry genre:
Milton Poe Tagore George Meredith is at the origin of the success of his friend, Thomas Hardy.
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith
George Meredith

51. Meredith, George - 60 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans
Poems, Volume 1 Poems, Volume 2 -Poems, Volume 3 -Selected Poetry of GeorgeMeredith (1828-1909) -The Egoist -The Ordeal of Richard Feverel Works,_george/
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Meredith, George
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George Meredith

George Meredith

The Country Of George Meredith
The George Meredith Page

A Reading of Life, Other Poems

Lucifer in Starlight
Modern Love On the Idea of Comedy and the Uses of the Co... ... The Ordeal of Richard Feverel Works Diana_of_the_Crossways Diana of the Crossways Diana of the Crossways, Volume 1 Diana of the Crossways, Volume 2 Diana of the Crossways, Volume 3 ... Diana of the Crossways, Volume 5 Works Evan_Harrington Evan Harrington Evan Harrington, Volume 1 Evan Harrington, Volume 2 Evan Harrington, Volume 3 ... Evan Harrington, Volume 7 Works Rhoda_Fleming Rhoda Fleming Rhoda Fleming, Volume 1 Rhoda Fleming, Volume 2 Rhoda Fleming, Volume 3 ... Rhoda Fleming, Volume 5 Works Sandra_Belloni Sandra Belloni Sandra Belloni, Volume 1 Sandra Belloni, Volume 2 Sandra Belloni, Volume 3 ... Sandra Belloni, Volume 7 Works The_Shaving_of_Shagpat The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertain...

52. The Rape Of Aurora, By George Meredith
by George Meredith (18281909). EVER, O never, Since dewy sweet Flora Wasravished by Zephyr, Was such a thing heard In the valleys so hollow!
THE RAPE OF AURORA by: George Meredith (1828-1909)
    EVER, O never,
    Since dewy sweet Flora
    Was ravished by Zephyr,
    Was such a thing heard
    In the valleys so hollow!
    Till rosy Aurora,
    Uprising as ever,
    Bright Phosphor to follow,
    Pale Phoebe to sever,
    Was caught like a bird
    To the breast of Apollo!
    Wildly she flutters,
    And flushes all over
    With passionate mutters
    Of shame to the hush
    Of his amorous whispers:
    But O such a lover
    Must win when he utters,
    Thro' rosy red lispers,
    The pains that discover
    The wishes that gush
    From the torches of Hesperus.
    One finger just touching
    The Orient chamber,
    Unflooded the gushing
    Of light that illumed
    All her lustrous unveiling.
    On clouds of gold amber,
    Her limbs richly blushing,
    She lay sweetly wailing,
    In odours that gloomed
    On the God as he bloomed
    O'er her loveliness paling.
    Great Pan in his covert
    Beheld the rare glistening,
    The cry of the love-hurt,
    The sigh and the kiss
    Of the latest close mingling:
    But love, thought he, listening,
    Will not do a dove hurt,
    I know,and a tingling,
    Latent with bliss

53. George Meredith
George Meredith (18281909). From The Oxford Companion to English Literature,4th edition. Ed. Sir Paul Harvey. Oxford Clarendon, 1983. 535-534.
George Meredith (1828-1909)
From The Oxford Companion to English Literature , 4th edition. Ed. Sir Paul Harvey. Oxford: Clarendon, 1983. 535-534.
"[Meredith] was privately educated at Portsmouth and Southsea and at the Moravian school at Neuwied. In London, after being articled to a solicitor, he turned to journalism, contributing to Household Words and Chamber's Journal ....His first great novel, The Ordeal of Richard Feverel appeared in 1859, and he became acquainted with Swinburne, Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite group, and other notable people. But his book did not sell well and for long his means were scanty and precarious. He contributed to periodicals, and more especially to the Fortnightly Review , in which much of his later work was first published....During 1861-2 he lodged for a time with Swinburn and Rossetti in Chelsea, and in the latter year published his chief tragic poem Modern Love Rhoda Fleming in 1865, Vittoria in 1866, The Adventures of Harry Richmond 1871, Beauchamp's Career 1876, and

54. George Meredith Definition Of George Meredith. What Is George Meredith? Meaning
Word Word. Noun, 1. George Meredith English novelist and poet (1828-1909) Meredith.novelist - someone who writes novels. Meredith
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
George Meredith
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun George Meredith - English novelist and poet (1828-1909) Meredith novelist - someone who writes novels poet - a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry) Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Examples from classic literature: More He formed a platonic friendship with a lady some years older than himself, who lived in Kensington Square; and nearly every afternoon he drank tea with her by the light of shaded candles, and talked of George Meredith and Walter Pater.
Of Human Bondage
by Maugham, W. Somerset View in context Beyond "Fra Lippo Lippi" and "Caliban and Setebos," he found nothing in Browning, while George Meredith was ever his despair.
Burning Daylight
by London, Jack View in context In the fifth verse we shall recognise our old friend "Marriage on the ten-years system," which George Meredith suggested some years ago.
Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None
by Nietzsche, Friedrich

55. The Classical Fiction Writers.
Meredith, George (18281909) An English novelist, Meredith reflectedin his writings his hatred of egotism and sentimentality.
The Classical Fiction Writers: Click
the letter and you will be brought to the beginning of the appropriate biography list. A B C D ... W X Y Z

(Click on letter to go to index.)

Auchincloss, Louis
Auchincloss was a practicing lawyer (New York City). He became a successful writer of fiction, including: Tales of Manhattan I Come as a Thief The Partners (1974), and The Winthrop Covenant (1976). He wrote non-fiction too, including: Life, Law and Letters , in which Auchincloss makes reference to Holmes, Cardozo, Jane Austen, Astor, Vanderbilt, Dreiser, Lytton Strachey, Saint-Simon, Thackeray (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979); and A Writer's Capital (University of Minnesota Press, 1974).
Austen, Jane

(Click on letter to go to index.)
Bennett, Arnold
Blackmore, Richard Doddridge
"His books are particularly notable for their secondary characters and for descriptions of England's West Country." ( Benet's .) His most notable work: Lorna Doone
Borrow, George Henry
Trained as a lawyer, Borrow had a working knowledge of at least twelve languages; he traveled and read widely. Borrow's novels were mostly biographical; his best two works were Lavengro (1851) and its sequel

56. Blupete's Favorite Links
Of Human Bondage; Moon and Sixpence Melville, Herman (181991) Electronic TextCollection - University of Virginia. Meredith, George (1828-1909) The Egoist





The following links will bring you outside of "Blupete's Website" So, Now is a good time, so that you might readily return to Blupete, to book mark "Blupete's Website". BOOKS:
Alcott, Louisa May (1832-88)
  • Little Women
    Austen, Jane
    a site dedicated to Jane Austen.
    Balzac, Honore de
  • The Works at Project Gotenburg
    Borrow, George
  • Lavengro ...
  • Jane Eyre (Project Gutenberg)
    Brontë, Emily
  • Wuthering Heights (University of Virginia Library)
    Buchan, John
  • The Thirty-Nine Steps
    alternate The Thirty-Nine Steps (Project Gutenberg)
    Butler, Samuel
  • The Works at Project Gotenburg
    Carroll, Lewis
  • ...
  • The Innocence Of Father Brown
    (University of Washington)
  • The Man Who Knew Too Much (Project Gotenburg)
  • Day by Day (Notre Dame)
  • Greybeards at Play: Literature and Art for Old Gentlemen (Notre Dame)
  • Appreciations and Criticisms of Dickens (1911)
  • The Oracle of the Dog
  • The Club of Queer Trades
  • The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare ...
  • Orthodoxy
    Cleland, John (1709-1789):
  • Fanny Hill (University of Washington)
    Conrad, Joseph
  • 57. L'astronomie Et La Poesie : George Meredith
    Translate this page Nox Oculis. George Meredith (1828-1909). Poète et romancier britanniqueau style très travaillé et assez obscur, qui fit preuve
    Nox Oculis
    George Meredith Amour moderne (1862), et un roman, Richard Feverel Richard Feverel Evan Harrigton Emilia en Angleterre (1864), qui devint connu sous le titre Sandra Belloni Aventures de Harry Richmond (1879), les Lord Ormont et son Aminta (1888) et Lucifer in Starlight
      On a starred night Prince Lucifer uprose.
      Tired of his dark dominion swung the fiend
      Above the rolling ball in cloud part screened,
      Where sinners hugged their spectre of repose.
      Poor prey to his hot fit of pride were those.
      And now upon his western wing he leaned,
      Now his huge bulk o'er Afric's sands careened,
      Now the black planet shadowed Arctic snows.
      Soaring through wider zones that pricked his scars
      With memory of the old revolt from Awe,
      He reached a middle height, and at the stars, Which are the brain of heaven, he looked, and sank. Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank, The army of unalterable law. Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth
    Meditation Under Stars
      What links are ours with orbs that are So resolutely far : The solitary asks, and they

    58. Zaadz Quotes By Author - George Meredith Quotes
    1. Cynicism is intellectual dandyism. ~ George Meredith (18281909)English novelist poet from The Egoist. More quotes about Cynicism

    59. Favorite Poetry
    Meredith, George (18281909), Love in the Valley, Rossetti, Dante Gabriel HerBeauty, Meredith, George (1828-1909), Love in the Valley, Milton
    Press the BACK button on your browser to return to previous page.
    Favorite Poetry

    Click on any of the following titles to view the text of the poem,
    Ordered on birth date;
    Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503-1542) Remembrance Howard, Henry (1517-1547) The Seafarer Sackville, Thomas (1536-1608) Shield of War Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586) The Bargain
    A Farewell

    To Sleep
    Peele, George (1558-1596) Farewell to Arms, To Queen Elizabeth
    What Thing is Love?
    Daniel, Samuel (1562-1619) Ulysses and the Siren Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) The Sonnets Ford, John (1586-1639) Love's Martyrs Kynaston, Sir Francis (1587-1642) To Cynthia: On Concealment of Her Beauty Carew, Thomas (1595-1640) On the Death of Donne
    Persuasions to Enjoy
    Milton, John (1608-1674) The Lady Sings
    Wilmot, John (1647-1680) The Mistress
    Love and Life Collins, William (1721-1759) Ode to Simplicity How Sleep the Brave Ode to Evening Goldsmith, Oliver (1730-1774) Song Crabbe, George (1754-1832) Frenzy Blake, William (1757-1827) The Tiger Never Seek to Tell thy Love Jerusalem Wordsworth, William (1770-1850) Resolution and Independence Upon Westminster Bridge Daffodils A Complaint ... Mutability Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)

    60. Lyrical Poems By George Meredith, Audio Recordings By Walter Rufus Eagles
    Readings by Walter Rufus Eagles in RealMedia streaming audio. Five Lyrical Poemsby George Meredith 18281909 . . Dirge in Woods ( The wind sways the pines.
    A personal literature and arts website. Click HERE for our editorial policy or to record your comments. Click on the red logo to return to home page. Readings by Walter Rufus Eagles in RealMedia streaming audio. Five Lyrical Poems by George Meredith

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