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         Mencken H L:     more books (100)
  1. Mencken, H. L. (1880-1956): An entry from SJP's <i>St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture</i> by R. Thomas Berner, 2000
  2. Damn!: a book of calumny by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-08-25
  3. The American credo: a contribution toward the interpretation of the national mind by George Jean Nathan, H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-07-27
  4. The American credo: a contribution toward the interpretation of the national mind by George Jean Nathan, H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-08-20
  5. A book of prefaces by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-08-28
  6. A book of prefaces by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-08-18
  7. Prejudices by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-07-29
  8. The American credo; a contribution toward the interpretation of the national mind by George Jean Nathan, H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-09-04
  9. Prejudices: third series by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-09-08
  10. Ventures in common sense by E W. 1853-1937 Howe, H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-08-09
  11. Europe after 8: 15 by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, George Jean Nathan, et all 2010-08-01
  12. A book of prefaces by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-08-20
  13. Europe after 8: 15 by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, George Jean Nathan, et all 2010-09-08
  14. A book of prefaces by H L. 1880-1956 Mencken, 2010-09-08

21. Mencken (H. L.)
Translate this page Mencken Henry Louis (1880-1956). Ses Mémoires (The Days of HL Mencken, 3 vol., 1940-1943)évoquent avec nostalgie le Baltimore de la fin du XIXe siècle et
Mencken Henry Louis (1880-1956). L'écrivain germano-américain Henry Louis Mencken vécut toute son existence à Baltimore, où il se tailla rapidement une réputation d'humoriste iconoclaste grâce à ses articles des Sunpapers entre 1906 et 1948. Il dirigea également deux mensuels : The Smart Set (1914-1923, avec George Jean Nathan) et The American Mercury Prejudices (1919-1927) rassemblent ses essais de journaliste et proposent à une Amérique encore provinciale des modèles étrangers, en même temps qu'ils l'encouragent à s'explorer elle-même et à critiquer sa propre insuffisance culturelle. Les cibles favorites de Mencken sont ce qu'il nomme l' Americano , ou Boobus Americanus , autrement dit le citoyen crédule, patriote, sectaire, prétentieux, gauche et borné ; et encore le clergé hypocrite, le nivellement démocratique, la médiocrité provinciale. D'une caricature féroce des États-Unis, l'écrivain excepte une prétendue "minorité civilisée", tolérante et cultivée. Par germanophilie et anglophobie, il s'est élevé contre Woodrow Wilson et F.D. Roosevelt et a été le champion véhément du conservatisme isolationniste. Son dynamisme, sa personnalité tranchée, la verve de son style lui ont assuré un public important entre 1920 et 1930, décennie à laquelle on l'associe souvent. Ses Mémoires ( The Days of H.L. Mencken

22. - Books By H. L. Mencken Reviewed
The American Language (1936) HL Mencken (1880-1956) (GradeA). The VintageMencken (1955) - HL Mencken (1880-1956) (GradeA). Copyrighted
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Author: H. L. Mencken [Henry Louis]
-REVIEW: of The Dissenting Opinions of Mr. Justice Holmes, Mr. Justice Holmes
(H.L. Mencken, May 1930, The American Mercury)
-ESSAY: Mencken and Orwell, Social Critics With Little (and Much) in Common
(EDWARD ROTHSTEIN, October 26, 2002, NY Times)
-ESSAY: H. L. Mencken: The Joyous Libertarian
(Murray N. Rothbard, Summer 1962, New Individualist Review)
-REVIEW: of THE SKEPTIC: A Life of H.L. MenckenBy Terry Teachout
(Richard Lingeman, Washington Post)
-REVIEW: of The Skeptic
(David Kipen, SF Chronicle)
-REVIEW: of The Skeptic
(Jack Shafer, Reason)
-REVIEW: of The Skeptic: A Life of H.L. Mencken by Terry Teachout
(Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post)
-REVIEW: of The Skeptic
(Jackson Lears, New Republic)
-REVIEW: of The Skeptic
(Tom Chiarella, Esquire) -REVIEW: of The Skeptic: A Biography of H.L. Mencken (Ben Boychuk, Claremont) The American Language H. L. Mencken (Grade:A) The Vintage Mencken H. L. Mencken

23. - Review Of H. L. Mencken's The Vintage Mencken
HL Mencken Journalist of the Century (Shelton Hull, October 1999, Ink 19) PHOTO HL Mencken (1880-1956), journalist, editor, and critic (American History
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The Vintage Mencken
Author Info: H. L. Mencken
[Henry Louis]
(Gathered by Alistair Cooke
If, after I depart this vale, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner
and wink your eye at some homely girl.
-H.L. Mencken Epitaph The Smart Set , December 1921) There seems, even at this late date, some remote possibility that the revival of conservative thought in America may actually suffice to rescue the original reputation of H.L. Mencken, as a funny and profound critic of democracy, and save him from being remembered as only a cranky (perhaps even racist and anti-Semitic) columnist and the author of a decent early book on linguistics. This is not to diminish in any way the enduring value of The American Language ; it remains eminently readable and retains its significance as an important defense of the distinctiveness and even the superiority of American English to British English. At the time he wrote, Mr. Mencken's assertion may have seemed audacious, but who now would argue with his conclusion that : When two-thirds of the people who use a certain language decide to call it a freight train instead of a goods train, they are 'right';

24. Zaadz Quotes By Author - HL Mencken Quotes
1. Life is a deadend street. ~ HL Mencken (1880-1956) Americanwriter critic of American life. More quotes about Death, Life

25. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
HarperCollins render harsh judgment on HL Mencken (18801956), the erstwhile anything absolutely, Mencken began and marketed himself L. Mencken

26. Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) Quotes
More about Henry Louis Mencken Mencken official site Mencken Ring The HL MenckenPage Back to main quotes If you have quotation to add, please send it to me.
Henry Louis Mencken Quotes
Imagine the Creator as a low comedian, and at once the world becomes explicable. Creator: a comedian whose audience is afraid to laugh. Demagogue: one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy. The only really happy folk are married women and single men. A good [politician] is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar. There is only one honest impulse at the bottom of Puritanism, and that is the impulse to punish the man with a superior capacity for happiness. All zoos actually offer the public, in return for the taxes spent upon them, is a form of idle witless amusment, compared to which a visit to the state penitentiary, or even a state legislature in session, is informing, stimulating and enobling. Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody is looking. A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin. The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind. Don't overestimate the decency of the human race.

27. SSSL: Bibliography: Writers: Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
Writers Henry Louis Mencken (18801956). The Smart Set Mencken for the Defense ,William H. Nolte (1968); Colonel HL Mencken, CS A , Joseph L. Morrison (1968

28. SSSL: Bibliography: Writers: Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
SSSL Bibliography Browse the Directory. Writers Henry Louis Mencken (18801956).Time Period Modern * Also listed in Author category HL Mencken and the

29. Daffy-Nitions, C
know. HL Mencken, 18801956. Celtics, What a parasite salesman does. laugh.HL Mencken, 1880-1956. Crestfallen, Dropped toothpaste.
Daffy-Nitions, C
Cannibal Someone who is fed up with people. Cantaloupe When you are unable to run away to get married. Cartoonist What you call your auto mechanic. Castanets What they did to fill the role of Frankie Avalon's movie girlfriend.. Celebrity One who is known by many people he is glad he doesn't know. H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956 Celtics What a parasite salesman does. Centipede An ant built to government specifications. Chicken
  • The only animal you eat before they are born and after they are dead.
  • An egg's way of producing more eggs. Coffee Person who is coughed upon. Collaboration A literary partnership based on the false assumption that the other fellow can spell. Committee
  • A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
  • A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary. Concert A breath mint for inmates. Conclusion The place where you got tired of thinking. Conscience
  • A mother-in-law whose visit never ends. H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956
  • The inner voice that warns us somebody is looking. H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956
  • What hurts when all your other parts feel so good.
  • 30. Daffy-Nitions, S-Z
    HL Mencken, 18801956. Shin, A device for finding furniture in the dark.Shotgun wedding, A case of wife or death. HL Mencken, 1880-1956.
    Daffy-Nitions, S-Z
    Sarcasm Barbed ire. Secret Something you tell one person at a time. Selfish What the owner of a seafood store does. Self-respect The secure feeling that no one, as yet, is suspicious. H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956 Shin A device for finding furniture in the dark. Shotgun wedding A case of wife or death. Suburbia Where they tear out the trees and then name streets after them. Sudafed Brought litigation against a government official. Sunday A day given over by Americans to wishing that they themselves were dead and in Heaven, and that their neighbors were dead and in Hell. H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956 Sunday School A prison, in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents. H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956 Synonym A word you use when you can't spell the other one. Tact The art of saying nothing when there is nothing to say. Televangelists The pro wrestlers of religion. Theology An effort to explain the unknowable by putting it into terms of the not worth knowing. H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956 Tomorrow One of today's greatest labor-saving devices. Toothache The pain that drives you to extraction.

    31. The San Antonio College LitWeb H. L. Mencken Page
    The HL Mencken Page. ( 18801956 ). Major Works Mencken is anthologized in The AmericanScene A Reader. Selected and edited by Huntington Cairns. Knopf, 1965.
    The H. L. Mencken Page
    Major Works

    Mencken is anthologized in The American Scene: A Reader . Selected and edited by Huntington Cairns. Knopf, 1965. See also The Vintage Mencken . Gathered by Alistair Cooke. Vintage, 1955
    Ventures into Verse
    The Artist
    Prejudices: First Series
    The American Language
    ( 1919; Revised, 1921, 1923, 1936 ).
    Heliogabalus ( 1920, with George Jean Nathan ).
    Prejudices: Second Series
    Prejudices: Third Series
    Prejudices: Fourth Series Notes on Democracy Prejudices: Fifth Series Prejudices: Sixth Series Treatise on the Gods Making a President Treatise on Right and Wrong Happy Days, 1880-1892 Newspaper Days, 1899-1906 A New Dictionary of Quotations on Historical Principles Heathen Days, 1890-1936 The American Language: Supplement One The American Language: Supplement Two The Mencken Chrestomathy
    ( 1949 ). Edited and annotated by Mencken himself. Minority Report: H. L. Mencken's Notebooks A Bathtub Hoax and Other Blasts and Bravos Letters of H. L. Mencken . Selected and annotated by Guy J. Forgue. Knopf, 1961. The Diary of H. L. Mencken

    32. MSN Encarta - Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis)
    Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis) (18801956), American journalist, critic, and essayist,whose between Mencken and his wife; The Diary of HL Mencken (1989), from the
    MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Tasks Find in this article Print Preview Send us feedback Related Items American literature Inherit the Wind more... Magazines Search the Encarta Magazine Center for magazine and news articles about this topic Further Reading Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis) News Search MSNBC for news about Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis) Internet Search Search Encarta about Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis) Search MSN for Web sites about Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis) Also on Encarta Editor's picks: Good books about Iraq Compare top online degrees What's so funny? The history of humor Also on MSN Summer shopping: From grills to home decor D-Day remembered on Discovery Switch to MSN in 3 easy steps Our Partners Capella University: Online degrees LearnitToday: Computer courses CollegeBound Network: ReadySetGo Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Encyclopedia Article from Encarta Advertisement Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis) Multimedia 1 item Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis)

    33. American Experience | Monkey Trial | People & Events
    People Events Henry Louis Mencken (18801956) On a hot day in July 1925,HL Mencken arrived in Dayton, Tennessee, to report on the Scopes trial.
    On a hot day in July 1925, H. L. Mencken arrived in Dayton, Tennessee , to report on the Scopes trial. "The town, I confess, greatly surprised me," he wrote that night. "I expected to find a squalid Southern village, with darkies snoozing on the horse blocks, pigs rooting under the houses and the inhabitants full of hookworm and malaria. What I found was a country town of charm and even beauty." As editor of the American Mercury and reporter for The Baltimore Sun , Mencken was the voice of the Jazz Age . He had often described the South as an intellectual desert and though his first reaction to Dayton was one of pleasant surprise, later he called the town a "universal joke." He complained, "there is no gambling. There is no place to dance. The relatively wicked, when they would indulge themselves, go to Robinson's drug store and debate theology." H. L. Mencken was responsible for suggesting to Clarence Darrow that he volunteer his services in the defense of John Scopes . Mencken hoped to witness a showdown between Darrow and prosecutor William Jennings Bryan . He wanted a front-row seat at an epic battle over science and religion . According to historian Kevin Tierney, "Mencken and Darrow really wanted in some sense to re-fight the

    34. H. L. Mencken Definition Of H. L. Mencken. What Is H. L. Mencken? Meaning Of H.
    HL Mencken. Word Word. Noun, 1. HL Mencken United States journalistand literary critic (1880-1956) L. Mencken
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    H. L. Mencken
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun H. L. Mencken - United States journalist and literary critic (1880-1956) Henry Louis Mencken Mencken journalist - a writer for newspapers and magazines literary critic - a critic of literature Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "H. L. Mencken" in the definition: clamant



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    35. [H.L. Mencken], UM Libraries
    Exchanging Ideas HL Mencken and His Critics. HL Mencken (18801956) wasAmerican s most powerful and influential critic for almost two decades.
    History Day > H. L. Mencken Exchanging Ideas: H. L. Mencken and His Critics
    H.L. Mencken (1880-1956) was American's most powerful and influential critic for almost two decades. Trained as a newspaperman, Mencken reached the height of his powers in the 1920's when, as a writer for the Sun papers in Balitmore and an editor first of the Smart Set and then of the American Mercury , he became what the New York Times called "the most powerful citizen in America." As a commentator on social, religious, political and literary trends, H.L. Mencken was a man of pronounced opinions. His writings often caused a violent reaction in those offended by his views. Rather than shrinking from controversy, Mencken enjoyed verbal combat with his opponents, referring to it as “stirring up the animals.”
    Mencken was always controversial, opposing everything respectable and defending prostitution, alcohol, and war. His opinions were often unpopular with his publishers and in 1915 his support for Germany in World War I resulted in the suspension of his column in the Evening Sun . He was a particular foe of both Puritanism, which he saw as social force focused on enforcing morality, and its most objectionable manifestation, censorship. Writing from the pages of the

    36. About HL Mencken
    Henry Louis Mencken (18801956) was born into a German-American family in Baltimore,Maryland HL Mencken was as famous in America as George Bernard Shaw was in
    About H. L. Mencken
    Home News About Us HLM ... Links Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) was born into a German-American family in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the eldest son of August Mencken, a successful businessman who owned a tobacco business, and in whose footsteps the young boy was expected to follow. When he was not roaming the alleys and vacant lots of West Baltimore, he spent most of his time reading. When he was 8 years old he discovered Mark Twain that would have a profound influence on his life. About the same time his father bought him a small printing press, which helped form his interest in printing and newspapers. He attended the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, where was valedictorian of the class of 1896. When he graduated, he wanted to become a newspaper reporter, but his father insisted that he go to college or work at the cigar factory, so Mencken chose the factory. When his father died of a stroke two years later, the 18-year old Mencken haunted the Baltimore Morning Herald city room every day until the editor gave him a job. He was the youngest reporter on the paper. Looking back on those days at the turn of the century, he later wrote: “I believe that a young journalist, turned loose in large city, had more fun than any other man.”

    37. About The Friends Of The HL Mencken House
    on Hollins Street, was the residence of Henry Louis Mencken (18801956), one ofthe The purpose of the Friends of the HL Mencken House shall be educating the
    About The Friends of the H. L. Mencken House
    Home News About Us HLM ... Links For more than seventy years a row house in Baltimore, on Hollins Street, was the residence of Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956), one of the most influential American writers of the 20th century. Once part of Baltimore’s City Life museums, the house, with many original furnishings, was a superlative example of how successful families lived during its era. For Mr Mencken, 1524 Hollins Street was “as much a part of me as my own two hands,” and his personality can be seen in everything from the parquet floors to the garden tiles. The City Life museums closed in 1997. The now stands empty, a shuttered burden for the City of Baltimore, which plans to dispose of the property.
    The purpose of the Friends of the H. L. Mencken House shall be educating the public about the life and legacy of H. L. Mencken, and acquiring Mencken’s lifelong residence at 1524 Hollins Street for the purpose of restoring, preserving and operating a nonprofit museum.
    The Friends of the H. L. Mencken House envisions implementing their mission through two avenues:

    38. Chiropractic: An Essay By H.L. Mencken
    Chiropractic (1924). HL Mencken. _. Henry Louis Mencken (18801956)was a controversial American journalist, essayist and literary critic.
    Chirobase Home Page
    Chiropractic (1924)
    H.L. Mencken
    Homo americanus is improved to that extent. And every time a chiropractor spits on his hands and proceeds to treat a gastric ulcer by stretching the backbone the same high end is achieved. Where is there is such a committee to be found? I undertake to nominate it at ten minutes' notice. The land swarms with men competent in anatomy and pathology, and yet not engaged as doctors. There are thousands of hospitals, with endless clinical material. I offer to supply the committee with cigars and music during the test. I offer, further, to supply both the committee and the chiropractors with sound wet goods. I offer, finally, to give a bawdy banquet to the whole Medical Trust at the conclusion of the proceedings. Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) was a controversial American journalist, essayist and literary critic. During the 1920s, he became famous for his vitriolic attacks on what he considered to be the hypocrisy, stupidity, and bigotry of much of American life. For obvious reasons, his critics considered him highly skilled at satire but intolerant and often crude. This essay was published in the Baltimore Evening Sun in December 1924. Although the medical knowledge of his day was still quite primitive, Mencken knew enough to realize that chiropractic theory was preposterous. Chirobase Home Page

    39. H. L. Mencken
    HL Mencken (1999). by John Patrick Michael Murphy. Henry Louis Mencken (18801956)was a compound of brilliance, wit, grit, gumption, and humor who became one of
    Library Modern Documents John Patrick Michael Murphy : H. L. Mencken (1999)
    Murphy's Law:
    H. L. Mencken (1999)
    by John Patrick Michael Murphy
    Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) was a compound of brilliance, wit, grit, gumption, and humor who became one of the great writers and social critics of this fading century. His agnostic father quietly agreed with his Lutheran mother to send the young lad to Sunday school as long as he chose. He quit somewhere between Genesis and Exodus when he "got a firm conviction that the Christian faith was full of palpable absurdities, and the Christian God preposterous." He gave the experience a definition: " Sunday school: A prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents." Yet he became a responsible recognized biblical scholar. He would author 28 books, found two magazines and astound the nation with the punch of his sardonic wit as a Baltimore Sun columnist. He challenged his readers to think and speak out. "The most curious social convention of the great age in which we live is the one to the effect that religious opinions should be respected,"

    40. H. L. Mencken, Famous Quotation/Quote
    By HL Mencken (click for more quotes by HL Mencken or books by/about HL Mencken).(18801956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist, Linguist, Lexicographer
    Quote from H. L. Mencken "There is, in fact, no reason to believe that any given natural phenomenon, however marvelous it may seem today, will remain forever inexplicable. Soon or late the laws governing the production of life itself will be discovered in the laboratory, and man may set up business as a creator on his own account. The thing, indeed, is not only conceivable; it is even highly probable."
    By: H. L. Mencken (click for more quotes by H. L. Mencken or books by/about H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist, Linguist, Lexicographer, and Critic Date: Categories: Knowledge Reason Religion Science ...
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