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         Melanchthon Philip:     more detail
  1. Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by George Wilson, 2010-08-28
  2. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary by Timothy Wengert, M. Patrick Graham, 1997-10-01
  3. The Augsburg Confession InLatin And In German- Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by 1497-1560 Philip Melanchthon, 2010-02-20
  4. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William Richard, 2010-10-14
  5. Philip Melanchthon: The Protestant Preceptor of Germany (1497-1560) by James William Richard, 2010-01-10
  7. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by Anonymous, 2009-10-27
  8. Philip Melanchthon the Protestant Preceptor of Germany 1497-1560 by D.D. James William Richard,
  9. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560
  10. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William (D.D.) Richard, 1898-01-01
  11. The Transformation of Natural Philosophy: The Case of Philip Melanchthon (Ideas in Context) by Sachiko Kusukawa, 2006-11-02
  12. Rhetoric and Ritual in the Theology of Philip Melanchthon by Michael B. Aune, 1995-01-01
  13. Philip Melanchthon's Rhetorical Construal of Biblical Authority: Oratio Sacra (Texts and Studies in Religion) by John R. Schneider, 1990-10
  14. Law and Gospel: Philip Melanchthon's Debate With John Agricola of Eisleben over Poenitentia (Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought) by Timothy J. Wengert, 1997-12

81. Frühe Neuzeit Digital - HAB Wolfenbüttel
Philip Melanchthon (1497- 1560) (in English). Möller, Arnold (1581-1655) Arnold Möller
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82. Historical Prints - Online Shop
Accompanying Biography Text Philip Melanchthon (1497 1560) Philip Melanchthon,scholar and theologian, was born son of George Scharzerd; but was given the

83. Melanchthon: The Safety Of The Virtuous
Melanchthon 1497–1560. The Safety of the Virtuous. Biographical Note.Philip Melanchthon (Schwarzerd) was born at Bretten, in Baden, in 1497.
The Safety of the Virtuous
Biographical Note
Philip Melanchthon Augsburg Confession
Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John x., 28. Not in vain, however, has God made known to us the causes of our misery. We should not only consider the greatness of our necessity, but also discern the causes of it, and recognize His righteous anger against sin, to the end that we may, on the other hand, perceive the Redeemer and the greatness of His compassion; and as witnesses to these, His declarations, He adds the raising of dead men to life, and other miracles. Let us banish from our hearts, therefore, the unbelieving opinions which imagine that evils befall us by mere chance, or from physical causes. Let us, therefore, apply our hearts to repentance, and direct our eyes to the Son of God, in respect to whom we have the assurance that, after the wonderful counsel of God, He is placed over the family of man, to be the protector and preserver of his Church. If, in these distracted and warring times, we see States blaze up and fall to ruin, then look away to the Son of God, who stands in the secret counsel of the Godhead and guards His little flock and carries the weak lambs, as it were, in His own hands. Be persuaded that by Him thou also shalt be protected and upheld. The eternal Father earnestly commands that we should hear the Son, and it is the greatest of all transgressions if we despise Him and do not approve His voice. This is what every one should often and diligently consider, and in this disposition of the Father, revealed through the Son, find grace.

84. From The Archives: To Luther - Christian History -
Philip Melanchthon 1497–1560 Despite the animosity that later existed betweenLutherans and Calvinists, Melanchthon and Calvin were dear friends.
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Explore CTLibrary Home Search Browse by Topic Browse by Publication ... Pricing Member Services My Account Our Policies Contact Us Related Sites Christian Sites Church Sites Sermon Illustrations Search Library: FREE ARTICLE PREVIEW ARTICLE TOOLS Find similar articles Toggle highlighting To Luther Calvin was a prolific letter-writer. Reprinted below is the entire text of a letter sent to Martin Luther, by way of Philip Melanchthon; along with some of Calvin’s writings. Melanchthon never showed the letter to Luther. January 21, 1545 To the very excellent pastor of the Christian Church, Dr. M Luther, my much respected father. Philip Melanchthon Despite the animosity that later existed between Lutherans and Calvinists, Melanchthon and Calvin were dear friends. Already a member? Login here: E-mail Password Like the preview? To read this complete article

85. Notice - L'éducation Protestante Au XVIe Siècle
Translate this page Philip Melanchthon SHPF. Le projet éducatif de la Réforme Philip Melanchthon,ami et successeur de Luther, va jeter les bases de ce projet éducatif.

86. The Power Of The Gospel - Alliance Of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc
Phillip Melanchthon (14971560) ©1997 Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. PhilipMelanchthon was one of the most important first-generation German Reformers.,,PTID307086|CHID56046
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The Power of The Gospel
By Philip Melanchthon
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc - Phillip Melanchthon (1497-1560)
Philip Melanchthon was one of the most important first-generation German Reformers. This article, "The Power of the Gospel," is a section of Melanchthon's Loci communes theologici, one of the earliest Protestant dogmatics.
Those whom conscience has terrified in this manner [by convicting of sin] would most surely be driven to despair, the usual condition of the condemned, if they were not lifted up and encouraged by the promise of the grace and mercy of God, commonly called the gospel. If the afflicted conscience believes the promise of grace in Christ, it is resuscitated and quickened by faith, as the following examples will reveal wonderfully. On the other hand, the advent of Christ is described by the prophet Zechariah as follows in 9:9: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble." First, when the prophet gives the order to rejoice, he teaches that the word of this King is different from the law; moreover, he expresses the gladness in the conscience of one overjoyed at hearing the word of grace. Next, there is nothing tumultuous, but all is calm, that you may understand he is the author of peace, not of wrath. This is that characteristic which elicits Zechariah's term "humble," which the Evangelist, as if in explanation, has made "meek." Isaiah has the same idea in 42:3: "bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench."

87. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (ME - MEQ)
1978) READ QUOTES (3) BUY AMAZON BOOK Melanchthon (pseudonym of Philip Schwarzerd),German humanist and professor of Greek (1497 - 1560) - BUY AMAZON
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Peter B. Medawar, English immunologist and author (1915 - 1987) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Giulio de Medici, Clement VII, Roman pope (1478? - 1534) [see Clement VII BUY AMAZON BOOK
Samuel Medley, English sailor, clergyman and poet (1738 - 1799) READ QUOTES (2) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Henry Medwall, English writer of interludes (c. 1462 - c. 1522) BUY AMAZON BOOK
William Mee, English poet and journalist (1788 - 1862) READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
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88. Phillip Melanchthon
Phillip Melanchthon. (1497 1560).
Phillip Melanchthon Melanchthon distinguished himself from his contemporaries not only through his works as a humanist and his extraordinary gift for Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, but also through his outstanding achievements as a reformer, politician, and educator.
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Last modified: February 08, 1999

89. Philipp Melanchthon
500 Jahre Philipp Melanchthon Die Zeit Sein Leben Melanchthon
und die
Aktuell: Reformationsfest in Wittenberg
Das Melanchthon-Jahr 1997
stand unter dem Motto
"Zum Gespräch geboren"
Melanchthons Wahlspruch:
"Ist Gott für uns,
wer mag wider uns sein"
Stand: 2. Februar 1999 Gestalter und Partner dieses Angebots Anfragen, Anregung, Kritik, Lob bitte an

Um Beachtung wird gebeten.

90. The Life Of Philippus Melanchthon - Links
Sites op het WorldWideWeb. van belang voor de kennis van de persoon enhet werk van Philippus Melanchthon. Op deze pagina wordt geprobeerd
Sites op het WorldWideWeb
van belang voor de kennis van de persoon en het werk van Philippus Melanchthon Op deze pagina wordt geprobeerd de actuele stand van zaken bij de houden van links in het WorlWideWeb die betrekking hebben op het leven en werken van de reformator Philippus Melanchthon.
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Wanneer u bij uw zoektochten over het Web interessante links bent tegengekomen met betrekking tot Philippus Melanchthon, dan wordt u vriendelijk gevraagd deze aan ons te melden. Deze sites zullen dan wanneer ze voldoende materiaal bevatten eveneens in deze lijst worden opgenomen.
500 Jahre Philipp Melanchthon, het Melanchthon Internet project voor 1997!

Philipp Melanchthon - ein Lehrer Deutschlands, onderwijs project voor 1997

1497 - 500 JAHRE - 1997 Philipp Melanchthon

Melanchthon Jubileumaar 1997, Melanchthonhuis Bretten
... Index

91. Copernicus's Book
This partial acceptance of Copernicus work was disseminated widely through PhilipMelanchthon (14971560) and his students at University of Wittenberg (thus
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      Copernicus's Book
      Title page of Copernicus, De Revolutionibus, the last two words in the title, 'celestium orbium' were added without the knowledge of the author or editor, Rheticus. Image by kind permission of the Master and Fellows of Trinity College Cambridge. Large image (87K).
      Very large image (2.6M).
      Following the favourable reception of the Narratio Prima ,the Nuremberg printer Johannes Petreius asked Georg Joachim Rheticus to secure the printing of Copernicus' next work. Bearing books from the Petreius press as gifts, Rheticus made a trip to Frombork, which was successful. In 1542, Rheticus began supervising the publication of the De Revolutionibus in Nuremberg with Petreius, though he left before its completion to take up a post at the University of Leipzig. When it was finally published in March 1543, the De Revolutionibus contained an anonymous letter to the reader and two additional words to the title, celestium orbium ('of the celestial orbs'), which neither the author or Rheticus had intended.

92. Die Predigtdatenbank
Translate this page Dieses Bekenntnis wurde 1530 Seiner Majestät Karl V. in Augsburg von PhilipMelanchthon (1497-1560) überreicht. ARTIKEL DES GLAUBENS UND DER LEHRE.
Dieses Bekenntnis wurde 1530 Seiner Majestät Karl V. in Augsburg von Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) überreicht.
Zuerst wird einträchtig laut Beschluß des Konzils von Nizäa gelehrt und festgehalten, daß ein einziges göttliches Wesen sei, das Gott genannt wird und wahrhaftig Gott ist, und daß doch drei Personen in diesem einen göttlichen Wesen sind, alle drei gleich mächtig, gleich ewig: Gott Vater, Gott Sohn, Gott Heiliger Geist. Alle drei sind ein göttliches Wesen, ewig, unteilbar, unendlich, von unermeßlicher Macht, Weisheit und Güte, ein Schöpfer und Erhalter aller sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Dinge. Unter dem Wort "Person" wird nicht ein Teil, nicht eine Eigenschaft an einem anderen Sein verstanden, sondern etwas, was in sich selbst besteht (selbständig ist), so wie die Kirchenväter in dieser Sache dieses Wort gebraucht haben. Deshalb werden alle Irrlehren verworfen, die diesem Artikel widersprechen. ARTIKEL 2: VON DER ERBSÜNDE
Weiter wird bei uns gelehrt, daß nach Adams Fall alle natürlich geborenen Menschen in Sünde empfangen und geboren werden, das heißt, daß sie alle von Mutterleib an voll böser Lust und Neigung sind und von Natur keine wahre Gottesfurcht, keinen wahren Glauben an Gott haben können, ferner daß auch diese angeborene Seuche und Erbsünde wirklich Sünde ist und daher alle die unter den ewigen Gotteszorn verdammt, die nicht durch die Taufe und den Heiligen Geist wieder neu geboren werden. Damit werden die verworfen, die die Erbsünde nicht für eine Sünde halten, damit sie die Natur fromm machen durch natürliche Kräfte, in Verachtung des Leidens und Verdienstes Christi.

93. Reformation Lecture Notes
The Confession was written by Luther’s friend and colleague PhilipMelanchthon (14971560). He was very good at writing down clearly Lecture Notes.htm
Reformation Lecture Notes
Unit 10: Martin Luther’s Revolt
Martin Luther’s years: 1483-1546 Luther’s major change was a loving God rather than a hateful, vengeful God. Faith alone” saves rather than Good Works. Faith a gift from a loving God. Good works linked to selling indulgences = BAD Luther in favor of clerical marriage Scripture the only religious authority (rather than the church fathers or the Pope) Rejects the sacraments of confirmation, marriage, holy orders, and last rites. Mass not a sacrifice; eucharist not transformed into Christ’s body and blood, but does contain some kind of divine presence. Ninety-five Theses 1517: Academic debate that started the Reformation. August 7, 1518: Pope Leo X orders Luther to hearing in Rome. Maximilian I dies in Austria: Three candidates to take Holy Roman Emperor title: Charles I of Spain, Francois I of France, and Henry VIII of England. Papacy choose Charles I after accepting large bribes from both Charles and Francois. Charles had to make nice with Germans. Luther promoted individual’s direct communication with God, and the idea of a priesthood of all believers

94. Template
(b) The period of Symbolism, represented, by the Lutheran theology of PhilipMelanchthon (1497-1560), and the Reformed theology of John Calvin (1509-1564
History of Systematic Theology Topic: Theology Type: Book section Author: A. H. Strong SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Strong, A. H., Systematic Theology th Pr. 1958; 1907; Philadelphia, PA; The Judson Press. Pp. 44-49. History of Systematic Theology In the Eastern Church, Systematic Theology may be said to have had its beginning and end in John of Damascus (700-760). Ignatius (?-115- Ad Trall ., c. 9) gives us "the first distinct statement of the faith drawn up in a series of propositions. This systematizing formed the basis of all later efforts" (Prof. A. H. Newman). Origen of Alexandria (186-254) wrote his Peri Arcwn Athanasius of Alexandria (300-373) his Treatises on the Trinity and the Deity of Christ ; and Gregory of Nyssa in Cappadocia (332-398) his LogoV kathchtikoV o megaV . Hatch, Hibbert Lectures , 323, regards the De Principiis of Origen as the "first complete system of dogma," and speaks of Origen as "the disciple of Clement of Alexandria, the first great teacher of philosophical Christianity." But while the Fathers just mentioned seem to have conceived the plan of expounding the doctrines in order and of showing their relation to one another, it was John of Damascus (700-760) who first actually carried out such a plan. His EkdosiV akribhV thV orqodoxou PistewV , or Summary of the Orthodox Faith , may be considered the earliest work of Systematic Theology. Neander calls it "the most important doctrinal text-book of the Greek Church." John, like the Greek Church in general, was speculative, theological, semi-pelagian, sacramentarian. The

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