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         Melanchthon Philip:     more detail
  1. Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by George Wilson, 2010-08-28
  2. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary by Timothy Wengert, M. Patrick Graham, 1997-10-01
  3. The Augsburg Confession InLatin And In German- Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by 1497-1560 Philip Melanchthon, 2010-02-20
  4. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William Richard, 2010-10-14
  5. Philip Melanchthon: The Protestant Preceptor of Germany (1497-1560) by James William Richard, 2010-01-10
  7. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by Anonymous, 2009-10-27
  8. Philip Melanchthon the Protestant Preceptor of Germany 1497-1560 by D.D. James William Richard,
  9. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560
  10. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William (D.D.) Richard, 1898-01-01
  11. The Transformation of Natural Philosophy: The Case of Philip Melanchthon (Ideas in Context) by Sachiko Kusukawa, 2006-11-02
  12. Rhetoric and Ritual in the Theology of Philip Melanchthon by Michael B. Aune, 1995-01-01
  13. Philip Melanchthon's Rhetorical Construal of Biblical Authority: Oratio Sacra (Texts and Studies in Religion) by John R. Schneider, 1990-10
  14. Law and Gospel: Philip Melanchthon's Debate With John Agricola of Eisleben over Poenitentia (Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought) by Timothy J. Wengert, 1997-12

61. Bekenntnisse
Translate this page Reformation. Das Augsburger Bekenntnis. Dieses Bekenntnis wurde 1530 Seiner MajestätKarl V. in Augsburg von Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) überreicht.
Gottesdienst Glaubenstexte Bekenntnisse ... Web-Andachten Bekenntnisse 04. Jahrhundert - Alte Kirche Das apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis Das Glaubensbekenntnis der westlichen Kirchen weiter...
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16. Jahrhundert - Reformation Das Augsburger Bekenntnis

20. Jahrhundert

20. Jahrhundert Das Stuttgarter Schuldbekenntnis

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21. Jahrhundert "Die" zehn AnGebote der Kirche - ein modernes Bekenntnis der EKD weiter... Losung für Freitag, 4. Juni 2004 Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt und nicht wieder dahin zurückkehrt, sondern feuchtet die Erde und macht sie fruchtbar und lässt wachsen, dass sie gibt Samen zu säen und Brot zu essen, so soll das Wort, das aus meinem Munde geht, auch sein. Jesaja 55,10.11 Jesus sprach: Diese sind's, bei denen auf gutes Land gesät ist: die hören das Wort und nehmen's an und bringen Frucht, einige dreißigfach und einige sechzigfach und einige hundertfach. Markus 4,20 Sie haben eine Frage zum christlichen Glauben? Schlagen Sie nach im: Kirchen-ABC - Lexikon Ratgeber Taufe Ratgeber Konfirmation Ratgeber Trauung ... Ratgeber Beerdigung Sie suchen Rat und Hilfe?

62. Protestant And Catholic Scholasticism
Protestant and Catholic Scholasticism. · Philip Melanchthon (14971560); Locitheologici; 1530 –Augsburg confession. · Georg Calixtus (1586-1656). to America.htm
Protestant and Catholic Scholasticism Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560); Loci theologici ; 1530 –Augsburg confession Georg Calixtus (1586-1656) Jacobus Arminus (1560-1609); Dirck Koornhert; Francis Gomarus; Remonstrants 1618-19 - Synod of Dort TULIP: Total depravity Unconditional election Limited atonement Irresistable grace Perserverence of the Saints Westminster Assembly (1643) Gallicanism; Ultramontanism; Justin Febronius – 1763; Josephism Jansenism – 1640 – Cornelius Jansenius; Blaise Pascal (1623-62) Quietism
Descartes (1596-1650); Cartesianism; cogito, ergo sum occasionalism; monism; preestablished harmony John Locke (1632-1704); Essay concerning Human Understanding The Reasonableness of Xy Deism: Lord Herbert of Cherbury; John Toland (1670-1722) Christianity not Mysterious ; Matthew Tindal (1655-1733) Christianity as Old as Creation David Hume (1711-1776) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Sebastian Franck (1499-c. 1542); Caspar Schwen kf eld (1487-1541) Jakob Boehme (1575-1624); Brilliant Dawn The Way to Christ ; Paracelsus Quakers/Religious Society of Friends; George Fox (1624-91); Inner Light

63. HMC | NRA | Persons Beginning ME
18781967), colonial administrator ornithologist (8) Meitner, Lise (1878-1968) Germannuclear physicist (1) Melanchthon, Philip (1497-1560) Reformer (1) Meldola

MC ME MG ... MY List of persons with surname beginning ME
Meachem, Frederick (fl 1890-1920) Mining Engineer

Mead, Clement Alfred (1899-1986) Colonel

Mead, Geoffrey John de Cusance (fl 1939-1979) historian

Mead, Joseph (1586-1638) Biblical Scholar and Scientist
Mead, William Edward Writer

Mead, William Richard (b1915) geographer

Meade, Elizabeth Henrietta (d 1925) nee Kennedy, wife of 4th Earl of Clanwilliam

Meade, Georgiana Caroline Grenfell (d 1881) nee Grenfell, wife of Robert Henry Meade
Meade, Helen Muriel (fl 1964-1988) Devon Local Historian ... Mee, Florence (fl 1953-1980), Shelford Shelford, Nottinghamshire Meek, Brian Lawrence (1934-1997) computer scientist Meek, Charles Kingsley (1885-1965) Anthropologist Meek, George (b 1868) Socialist Meek, Sir James (1778-1856) Knight Public Servant ... Megler, James (fl 1797-1848) Clergyman Pembrokeshire Dyfed Megroz, Rodolphe Louis (1891-1968) Literary Journalist Meiggs, Russell (1902-1989) Ancient Historian Meighen, Arthur (1874-1960) Canadian Prime Minister Meikle, Andrew (1719-1811) Millwright and Inventor ... Mellish, William (d 1791) MP Receiver General of Customs Mellon, Harriot (1777-1837) see Beauclerk ( Mellor, James Eric Moulsdale (1890-1984) Entomologist

64. Orations On Philosophy And Education -- Philip Melanchton Sachiko Kusukawa Karl
Philip Melanchthon (14971560), humanist and colleague of Martin Luther, is bestknown for his educational reforms, for which he earned the title Praeceptor
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65. Melanchthon And The Civil Magistrate, 1521-1543
Grand Rapids Eerdmans, 1996. . “The Biblical Commentaries of PhilipMelanchthon.” In Philip Melanchthon (14971560) and the Commentary, eds.

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Contact Us Home Programs ... The 2002 Lord Acton Essay Competition Melanchthon and the Civil Magistrate, 1521-1543 Jordan J. Ballor
Calvin Theological Seminary Introduction Thus, Melanchthon is certainly a worthy object of historical study. The translator of his 1543 Loci Communes That the first codifier of Reformation-era Lutheranism has been overlooked is an error of historical myopia that needs correction. To examine this thesis, three major primary works will be considered: the Loci Communes of 1521, the Commentary on Romans of 1540, and the Loci Communes of 1543. Loci Communes Loci Communes is characterized particularly by its brevity, especially in comparison with later editions of the work. The relative alacrity with which Melanchthon was inclined to publish this first edition was certainly a contributing factor to its brevity. A year before the first edition of Loci Communes Loci Communes Melanchthon could not recall or suppress the unauthorized student publication, but he could issue a well-thought out and revised version in an attempt to displace it. Loci Just as the length of the Loci Loci In his brief discussion of the civil magistrate, it is important to note that Melanchthon makes use exclusively of Scripture as he appeals to authority. There are no explicit references to the Church Fathers, to tradition, or to other contemporaneous theological writings. Likewise, there are no appeals to non-Christian literary sources. This is striking, as will become especially clear when compared to the section on the civil magistrate in the 1543 edition of the

66. Santuary Windows
Philip Melanchthon(14971560), professor of Greek at Wittenberg University, assistedLuther in his composition of teaching documents about Luther s theology
and the
TRANSFIGURATION Matthew : At the top we see the Christian symbol for Matthew - the Winged Man. This symbol was chosen because Matthew gives the genealogy of Jesus, often speaks of him as the Son of Man, and includes discussion of the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark : To the left is Mark's symbol, the Winged Lion. Mark's gospel begins with a voice crying in the wilderness (1:3). Luke : To the right is the Winged Ox, Luke's symbol. Oxen were sacrificed in great numbers to Jehovah (I Kings 8:63). The gospel of Luke speaks often of sacrifice. John : While the other three gospels begin with Jesus as a human being who is later recognized as the "Son of God," John begins his story of the life of Jesus with an echo of Genesis, "In the beginning." In this gospel, Jesus comes down from heaven and lives with his people. John's symbol is the Eagle. Transfiguration : The center panel of this great window shows the transfiguration of Jesus. To the right is Moses, the Lawgiver, to the left is Elijah, the prophet. These biblical figures are included to illustrate the fulfillment of the Old Testament law and prophesy. Below Jesus is John, the beloved disciple, James who later was a martyr and Peter the rock-solid man. These are the inner-circle of Jesus' disciples.

MELANTHON Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) wittenbergi evangélikus teológus,Luther munkatársa, a reformáció eszméinek egyik legnagyobb hatású
AGEB - vén kutya (szitkozódás)
AGLEMUS - vén magatehetetlen
ÁLFURK - fortély, ravaszság
ALÍT - vél, gondol
APOL - csókol
APELLÁCIÓ - megszólítás, hivatkozás, fellebbezés
APPREHENDIT ASTUTOS IN ASTUTIA SUA - Az álnokokat saját álnokságukban fogja meg
ÁRTÁN, ÁRTÁNY - herélt sertés
ÁSZKOK - a hordók alá fektetett talpfák
ASZÚ FA - száraz fa
AZ TOTT - az tény, az biztos BACCALARIUS (helyesen: baccalaurus) - tudományos fokozat a régi egyetemeken BARTOSON - ravaszul, alattomban, sunyin BEKAKOCSOLA - benéze BÉLLETT - kétszínû BENEDICERE - dicsérni, megáldani BENE VERITIS, DOMINI! - Adj' isten, urak! BEOROZKODIK - belopakodik BERBETÉL - hadarva mond, szajkózik BIRÉTOM - papi sapka BIZELNI - bûzölni, szagolni BOJTORJA - bojtorján, bozót, csalit BRASZLAI - boroszlói CAPRAK - cafrang, cifraság, sallang CATO - Marcus Porcius Cato (i. e. 234-149) római író, hadvezér, politikus. A Karthágó elleni háború híve, Hispánia meghódítója és helytartója. Mezõgazdasági szakkönyvei a latin próza legrégebbi emlékei közé tartoznak. A verses mondásaiból összeállított gyûjteményt egészen a 17. századig iskolai olvasmányként használták CIBERE - savanyú böjti leves CINADOFF - finom gyolcs CONFIRMÁL - megerõsít CONFUSIO - zavar, rendetlenség

68. UNF Core I: Section 23: Protestant Reformation
Lutherans Philip Melanchthon (14971560). Other German ReformationsZurich - Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531). IV. John Calvin (1509-64).
University of North Florida History Dept Freshman Core Page Halsall Homepage Section Contents Readings Discussion Search ... Movies UNF Core I:
Western Civilization to 1648 Section : Protestant Reformation Introduction: This Section's Goals By the end of this section students should be able to: Text

69. Melanchthon, Philip. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
Melanchthon, Philip. ( mlngk´thn) (KEY) , 14971560, German scholar and humanist name was Schwarzerd Ger. =black earth; Melanchthon is the Greek rendering of black earth
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Melanchthon, Philip

70. Melanchthon, Philip
Melanchthon, Philip , 1497–1560, German scholar and humanist. He was secondonly to Martin Luther as a figure in the Lutheran Reformation.
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    Melanchthon, Philip [m u u n] Pronunciation Key Melanchthon, Philip Loci communes (1521) he made the first systematic presentation of the principles of the Reformation and so clarified the new gospel to those outside the movement. He served as mediator between Luther and the humanists, tempering the Protestant disapproval of worldly culture. He represented Luther at many conferences. At the Marburg Conference he opposed Huldreich Zwingli , and at the Diet of Augsburg (1530) he wrote and presented the Augsburg Confession (see creed ). Melanchthon was more conciliatory than Luther, as evidenced by his friendship with John Calvin after Luther's death and by his willingness to compromise on doctrinal issues. Luther had great confidence in Melanchthon as his successor, but Melanchthon was ill-suited for leadership. For his powerful role in creating the German schools, Melanchthon is known as preceptor of Germany. His Loci communes appeared in a modern critical edition and translation by Charles Leander Hall (1944).

71. Philip Melanchthon, 1497 - 1560
Project Wittenberg. Philip Melanchthon, 1497 1560.
Project Wittenberg
Philip Melanchthon, 1497 - 1560
  • The Augsburg Confession [Triglotta] (1530)
  • The Apology to the Augsburg Confession [Triglotta] (1531)
  • The Life and Acts of Martin Luther (1548) Suggestion Box ... Concordia Theological Seminary
    This document results from the cooperative efforts of the volunteers of Project Wittenberg Reverend Bob Smith , Project Coordinator and Cindy A. Beesley, Editor. Document revised, July 26, 1998.
    SELECTED WORKS OF. Philip Melanchthon, 1497 1560. The Life and Acts of MartinLuther. Philip Melanchthon, 1497 - 1560. The Life and Acts of Martin Luther.
    Project Wittenberg
    PHILIP MELANCHTHON, 1497 - 1560
    The Life and Acts of Martin Luther
  • in Latin (1548)
  • in English [Unwin] (1845)
  • in English [Frazel, Sohmer] (1996)
    Suggestion Box
    ... Concordia Theological Seminary
    This document results from a cooperative effort of the volunteers of Project Wittenberg , Reverend Bob Smith, Project Coordinator, Cindy A. Beesley, Editor, and Debbie Harris, HTML Author. Document revised, July 18,1998
    Project Wittenberg
    PHILIP MELANCHTHON, 1497 - 1560
    The Life and Acts of Martin Luther
  • in Latin (1548)
  • in English [Unwin] (1845)
  • in English [Frazel, Sohmer] (1996)
    Suggestion Box
    ... Concordia Theological Seminary
    This document results from a cooperative effort of the volunteers of Project Wittenberg , Reverend Bob Smith, Project Coordinator, Cindy A. Beesley, Editor, and Debbie Harris, HTML Author. Document revised, July 18,1998
  • 73. On The Death Of Luther By Philip Melanchthon. Continental Europe (380-1906). Vol
    The World’s Famous Orations. Continental Europe (380–1906). 1906.On the Death of Luther. Philip Melanchthon (1497–1560). (1546).
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Nonfiction William Jennings Bryan Continental Europe See also: Philip Melanchthon Biography PREVIOUS NEXT CONTENTS ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD
    On the Death of Luther Philip Melanchthon G OD What shall I say of his other virtues? Often have I myself gone to him unawares and found him dissolved in tears and prayers for the Church of Christ. He devoted a certain portion of almost every day to the solemn reading of some of the Psalms of David, with which he mingled his own supplications amid sighs and tears; and he has frequently declared how indignant he felt against those who hastened over devotional exercises through sloth or the pretense of other occupations. On this account, said he, divine wisdom has prescribed some formularies of prayer, that our minds may be inflamed with devotion by reading them, to which, in his opinion, reading aloud very much conduced.

    74. Philip Melanchthon
    Era of Reform, Philip Melanchthon (1497 1560). Era of Reform, German Lutheranhumanist, author of the Augsburg Confession, and Lutheran reformer.
    Philip Melanchthon
    Era of Reform
    German Lutheran humanist, author of the Augsburg Confession , and Lutheran reformer.

    Philip Melanchthon
    byLucas Cranach
    Already a renowned scholar as a young man, Melanchthon taught beside Martin Luther at the University of Wittenberg. Originally appointed to teach Greek, Melanchthon later lectured in theology and several other disciplines. His textbook, the Loci Communes , continues to influence Lutheran theology to the present. Melanchthon also contributed to the institutional development of Lutheranism, through his authorship of the Augsburg Confession and other confessional writings, his preparation of forms of examination for ordinands, and instructions for visitations in Lutheran congregations. Along with several others he assisted in the preparation of Martin Luther's translation of the Bible into German . His differences with Luther and his views on certain matters, including the

    75. Biography Of Philip Melanchthon
    Melanchthon, Philip (1497–1560). Scholar and theologian; associatedwith Martin Luther in the German reformation Born in Bretten
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    Melanchthon was more the scholar and the reflective theologian than the man of action. Traits that served well in his partnership with his older colleague Luther. Powered by FreeFind Back Home
    Scholar and theologian; associated with Martin Luther in the German reformation
    Augsburg Confession
    Zwingli and Oecolampadius) on the eucharistic question. He helped to achieve agreement with Bucer and the South Germans on the same issue in the Wittenberg Concord of 1536. Along the same lines he contributed to the Thirteen Articles that the Lutherans and the Anglicans agreed on unofficially in 1538. With Bucer he also participated in the discussions with Romanists at Hagenau and Worms that led to the famous Colloquy of Regensburg of 1541. (There Cardinal Contarini made a serious bid for agreement, but the differences finally proved to be insoluble.) A decade later Melanchthon did not prove to be so enthusiastic about plan for a pan-reformation conference in London, but by this time he was under serious attack from within for alleged weakening of Lutheran teaching.

    76. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Philip Melanchthon (Protestant Christianity, Biographies
    Related Category Protestant Christianity, Biographies. Philip Melanchthonmulangk´thunPronunciation Key, 1497–1560, German scholar and humanist.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 04, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Protestant Christianity, Biographies ... Philip Melanchthon
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    Philip Melanchthon, Protestant Christianity, Biographies
    Related Category: Protestant Christianity, Biographies Philip Melanchthon [m u u n] Pronunciation Key Loci communes (1521) he made the first systematic presentation of the principles of the Reformation and so clarified the new gospel to those outside the movement. He served as mediator between Luther and the humanists, tempering the Protestant disapproval of worldly culture. He represented Luther at many conferences. At the Marburg Conference he opposed Huldreich Zwingli , and at the Diet of Augsburg (1530) he wrote and presented the Augsburg Confession (see creed ). Melanchthon was more conciliatory than Luther, as evidenced by his friendship with John Calvin after Luther's death and by his willingness to compromise on doctrinal issues. Luther had great confidence in Melanchthon as his successor, but Melanchthon was ill-suited for leadership. For his powerful role in creating the German schools, Melanchthon is known as preceptor of Germany. His Loci communes appeared in a modern critical edition and translation by Charles Leander Hall (1944).

    Translate this page (1497-1560) Nascido Phillipp Schwarzerdt em Bretten, na Saxônia, eo mais PhilipMelanchthon tornou-se conhecido como organizador e reformador das escolas
    COBRA PAGES e seus objetivos educacionais reg.
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    COBRA PAGES P.M.F-perguntas mais frequentes Temas de Filosofia ... FILOSOFIA MODERNA Para retornar
    em que estava,
    use a seta de
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    navegador Melanchthon.
    Melanchthon casou em 1520 com Katharina Krapp, a filha do prefeito de Wittenberg. De anima, De Miseriis Paedagogorum R.Q.Cobra
    Para citar este texto: Cobra, Rubem Queiroz -

    78. WHKMLA : Reformation : Biographies Of Famous Calvinists
    Translate this page 1587 Matthijs, Jan (Jan Matthys), c.1500-1534 Maurice (Moritz), Duke of Saxony, 1521-1553Melanchthon, Philip (Philipp Schwarzerdt), 1497-1560 Müller, Johann
    Biographies of Famous Lutherans First posted on January 28th 2003
    Biographies to the History of the Reformation
    Alphabetical Index
    Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz
    (Albert of Brandenburg), 1490-1545
    Alexander VI.
    (Rodrigo de Borja or Borgia), 1431-1503
    Ammann, Jakob
    (Jakob Amann), c. 1656 - c. 1730
    Arcimboldi, Giovannangelo

    Arminius, Jacobus
    (Jakob Harmenszoon), 1560-1609
    Barth, Karl

    Bengel, Johann Albrecht (1687-1752)

    Beza, Theodore de
    (Theodore de Beze), 1519-1605 Bilney, Thomas Blaurock, Georg Bodelschwingh, Friedrich von Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Bora, Katharina von Borromeo, Carlo , Saint, 1538-1584 Bras, Guy de (Guido de Bray, de Bres), 1522-1567 Brask, Hans Bray, Guido de (Guy de Bres, de Bras), 1522-1567 Bres, Guy de (Guido de Bray, de Bras), 1522-1567 Briconnet, Guillaume Bucer, Martin (Martin Butzer), 1491-1551 Bugenhagen, Johannes (Doctor Pomeranus), 1485-1558 Bullinger, Heinrich Cajetan, Thomas (Jakob de Vio), 1469-1534 Calvin, Jean (John Calvin, Jean Cauvin) 1509-1564 Cauvin, Jean (Jean, John Calvin) 1509-1564 Charles V.

    79. Title Details - Cambridge University Press
    Philip Melanchthon (1497–1560), humanist and colleague of Martin Luther, is bestknown for his educational reforms, for which he earned the title Praeceptor

    80. Wer Lebte Von 1497 - 1560? (Zeus) Philipp Melanchthon Huldreich
    Translate this page Wer lebte von 1497 - 1560? (Zeus). Huldreich Zwingli Philipp Melanchthon MartinBucer Martin Luther. Jean M. Auel Günter Grass Paulo Coelho Philip Roth John

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