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41. Oxford Scholarship Online: Reformers In The Wings ii. The Lutheran Tradition. 6. Philip Melanchthon (14971560). http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/public/content/religion/0195130480/toc.html | |
42. Historical Documents - The Augsburg Confession (1530) The Augsburg Confession (1517). Philip Melanchthon 14971560. Emperor Charles V1500-1558. The Augsburg Confession is the founding manifesto of Protestantism. http://www.historicaldocuments.com/AugsburgConfession.htm | |
43. Index John Charles (18741907) Songs, Merry and Sad Melanchthon, Philip(1497-1560) The Augsburg Confession Melville, Herman (1819-1891) http://book.nankai.edu.cn/book/english/m.html | |
44. Hosanna! Lutheran Church -- Reformation History Websites, By John Sturz www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/wittenbergmelan.html providesinformation on Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560). Melanchthon http://www.hosannachurch.com/reformationhistory.htm | |
45. HMML Authority List Melanchthon, Philipp, 14971560. Schwarzerd; Didymus Faventinus; Filippo Melantone;Philip Melancton; Philip Melancthon; Philip Melanchthon; Philippus Melanthon http://www.hmml.org/20040210_Archive/resources/authorities.htm | |
46. Biographies - M'ba To Mezo Melanchthon, Philip Schwarzerd (14971560) German author, theologian.Born February 16, 1497, he wrote guidelines for churches and http://www.philately.com/philately/biombme.htm | |
47. A Cloud Of Witnesses... The Power Of The Gospel as evangelion. Philip Melanchthon (14971560) was one of the most importantfirst-generation German Reformers. ©1992 - 2002 Alliance http://www.modernreformation.org/mr97/julaug/mr9704powergospel.html | |
48. Lifespans Of Famous Christians 4. Miles Coverdale (AD 14881568) 80 5. Thomas Cranmer (AD 1489-1556) 67 6. IgnatiusLoyola (AD 1491-1556) 65 7. Philip Melanchthon (AD 1497-1560) 63 8. Menno http://ministries.tliquest.net/theology/apocryphas/nt/lifespan.htm | |
49. LTSP: Faculty - History And Systematic Theology In 1997, for the 500th anniversary of Melanchthon s birth, he edited a book forSheffield Academic Press entitled Philip Melanchthon (14971560) and the http://www.ltsp.edu/faculty/history_systematics.htm | |
50. JUDAICA - No. 062 Translate this page Martin Luther (1483-1546) - Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) - Corlelius Agrippa (1486-1535)- Yosef Caro (1488-1575) - Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) - Samuel Usque http://www.judaica.com.br/materias/062_09a13.htm | |
51. The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - Biographies (Jan-Feb) February 16 (birth date) Philip Melanchthon, Confessor. Philip Melanchthon (14971560)was a brilliant student of the classics and a humanist scholar. http://www.lcms.org/pages/internal.asp?NavID=870 |
52. ANDOVER-HARVARD THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY. MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. 7, to Walter Grossman. 3. Philip Melanchthon (14971560), letter, 1558 Jan 16,to Johannes Brenz (1499-1570). 4. Chadwick, John White, letter, 1886 Sept. http://www.hds.harvard.edu/library/bms/bms00800.html | |
53. Protestantism Reformation theology was given a statement of faith when the Augsburg Confessionwas composed by Luther and fellow reformer Philip Melanchthon (14971560). http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/christ/cep/protest.html | |
54. Repristination Press The Life and Acts of Martin Luther by Philip Melanchthon ISBN 189146910X 46 is setforth in the writings of Philipp Melanchthon (14971560), particularly in http://www.scholia.net/repristination_press.htm | |
55. Some Famous Names Philip Melanchthon (14971560 AD) helped Luther translate the Bibleinto German. He was Luther s ally in the dispute at Leipzig http://www.otteryreformed.freeola.net/names.htm | |
56. Reformation Church History Bibliography Philip Melanchthon (14971560) and the Commentary. Continuum International PublishingGroup - Sheffield Academic, 1997. Hbk. ISBN 1850756848. pp.320. http://www.robibrad.demon.co.uk/reformbib.htm | |
57. Theology Today - Vol 25, No. 1 - April 1968 - BOOK REVIEW - A Fellowship Of Disc for German History in Leipzig, has published Philip Melanchthon über ThomasMüntzer und Nikolaus Storch, in Philip Melanchthon 14971560 (Berlin, 1963 http://theologytoday.ptsem.edu/apr1968/v25-1-bookreview7.htm | |
58. Index Translate this page Gutenberg McNeill, John Charles, 1874-1907 Gutenberg McSpadden, J. Walker (JosephWalker), 1874-1960 Gutenberg Melanchthon, Philip, 1497-1560 Gutenberg Melville http://www.elbooks.sk/angautM.html | |
59. PHS - Reformation Sunday Society supports congregational celebrations of this Sunday by the creation of aspecial reproducible bulletin cover featuring Philip Melanchthon (14971560). http://history.pcusa.org/cong/reformation.html | |
60. Wengert Philip Melanchthon (14971560) and the Commentary. Philip Melanchthon(1497-1560) and the Commentary Timothy J. Wengert, M. Patrick Graham http://topics.practical.org/browse/Wengert | |
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