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         Melanchthon Philip:     more detail
  1. Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by George Wilson, 2010-08-28
  2. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) and the Commentary by Timothy Wengert, M. Patrick Graham, 1997-10-01
  3. The Augsburg Confession InLatin And In German- Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560 by 1497-1560 Philip Melanchthon, 2010-02-20
  4. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William Richard, 2010-10-14
  5. Philip Melanchthon: The Protestant Preceptor of Germany (1497-1560) by James William Richard, 2010-01-10
  7. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by Anonymous, 2009-10-27
  8. Philip Melanchthon the Protestant Preceptor of Germany 1497-1560 by D.D. James William Richard,
  9. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560
  10. Philip Melanchthon: THe Protestant Preceptor of Germany, 1497-1560 by James William (D.D.) Richard, 1898-01-01
  11. The Transformation of Natural Philosophy: The Case of Philip Melanchthon (Ideas in Context) by Sachiko Kusukawa, 2006-11-02
  12. Rhetoric and Ritual in the Theology of Philip Melanchthon by Michael B. Aune, 1995-01-01
  13. Philip Melanchthon's Rhetorical Construal of Biblical Authority: Oratio Sacra (Texts and Studies in Religion) by John R. Schneider, 1990-10
  14. Law and Gospel: Philip Melanchthon's Debate With John Agricola of Eisleben over Poenitentia (Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought) by Timothy J. Wengert, 1997-12

1. Philip Melanchthon
Philip Melanchthon (14971560). To The Project Wittenberg Home Page.The Augsburg Confession (1530) From The Triglotta. A History
Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) To The Project Wittenberg Home Page
The Augsburg Confession (1530):
A History of the Life and Acts of Martin Luther...
Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537):
More Internet Locations For Phiilip Melancthon
  • The 500th Anniversary Exhibit at Concordia Historial Institute.
    The Concordia Historical Institute is providing a comprehensive 500th Anniversary Exhibit on the life of Philip Melancthon, which investigtes the following topics. Visit the

2. Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)
founder of the Protestant Reformation, and Melanchthon (14971560) responded to M.Rogness, Philip Melanchthon Reformer Without Honor (1969), contains aspects
Philipp Melanchthon born Feb. 15, 1497, Bretten, Palatinate [Germany]
died April 19, 1560, probably Wittenberg, Saxony [Germany]
German author of the Confession of Augsburg of the Lutheran Church (1530), humanist, Reformer, theologian, and educator. He was a friend of Martin Luther and defended his views. In 1521 Melanchthon published the Loci communes, the first systematic treatment of evangelical doctrine. Because of his academic expertise he was asked to help in founding schools, and he virtually reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, founding and reforming several of its universities. Early life and education. Melanchthon inherited from his parents, Barbara Reuter and Georg Schwartzerd, a deep sense of piety that never left him. From his Bretten surroundings (where five citizens were burned as witches in 1504) he absorbed a sense of the occult that combined later with biblical references to stars, dreams, and devils to make him a firm believer in astrology and demonology. In 1508, within a period of 11 days, both his grandfather Reuter and his father died, his father after four years of invalidism. Humanism predominated in Melanchthon's education, his studies having been directed by a great-uncle, Johannes Reuchlin, who was a famed Hebraist and humanist. Philipp's first tutor instilled in him a lifelong love of Latin and classical literature, and, at the Pforzheim Latin school, he received further humanistic training and had his name changed from Schwartzerd to its Greek equivalent, Melanchthon.

3. Philip Melanchthon
Philip Melanchthon ( 14971560) Texts Resources. Melanchthon at Project Wittenberg. The Book of Concord Lutheran Confessions, 1529-1580
Philip Melanchthon
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4. Augsburg Confession (1530): Baptism - Melanchthon
The Confession of Faith Which Was Submitted to His Imperial Majesty Charles VAt the Diet of Augsburg in the Year 1530 by Philip Melancthon (14971560).
The Confession of Faith:
Which Was Submitted to His Imperial Majesty Charles V
At the Diet of Augsburg in the Year 1530
by Philip Melancthon (1497-1560)
Translated by F. Bente and W. H. T. Dau
Published in: Triglot Concordia: The Symbolical Books
of the Ev. Lutheran Church
(St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921),
pp. 37-95.
To: Previous Page Book of Concord Philip Melancthon Project Wittenberg Article IX
Of Baptism
[cf. Confutatio Pontificia Of Baptism they teach that it is necessary to salvation, and that through Baptism is offered the grace of God, and that children are to be baptized who, being offered to God through Baptism are received into God's grace. They condemn the Anabaptists, who reject the baptism of children, and say that children are saved without Baptism. This text was converted to ASCII text for Project Wittenberg by Allen Mulvey and is in the public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith

5. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) And The Commentary @
Shop for Books at Christian Book Distributors the worlds largest distrbutors of Christian resources.

6. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560)
Engraving by Albrecht Dürer (1526) StaatlicheMuseen Kuperstichkabinett, Berlin.
Staatliche Museen Kuperstichkabinett, Berlin

7. Melanchthon, Philip
Melanchthon, Philip 14971560, German scholar and humanist. He was second only to Martin Luther as a figure in the Lutheran Reformation. His original name was Schwarzerd Ger. =black earth;

8. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560)
Philip Melanchthon (14971560). The Phillip Melanchthon Quinquennial in English(also available in German). Philip Melanchthon from Victor Shepherd.
Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) The Phillip Melanchthon Quinquennial in English (also available in German) Philip Melanchthon from Victor Shepherd Melanchthon House Bretten with some information on Melanchthon's life and times EKD-Quiz: 500 Jahre Philipp Melanchthon (for real fans or eager students, a quiz in German following a description of Melanchton's life and work. Philipp Melanchthon , a quick and brief biography
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Biblical Theological Resources Church Religion ... WIPTA

9. Augsburg Confession, The
Augsburg Confession, The Melanchthon, Philip, 14971560 Philip, 1497-1560 Melanchthon

10. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > M > Melanchthon, Philip
Author Melanchthon, Philip, 14971560 Keywords Authors M Melanchthon,Philip, 1497-1560; Titles A ; Subject Christianity (General).

11. Augsburg Confession, The The Confession Of Faith, Which Was
Augsburg Confession, The the confession of faith, which was submitted to His Imperial Majesty Charles V at the diet of Augsburg in the year 1530 Melanchthon, Philip, 14971560 Philip, 1497-1560

12. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Melanchthon
INDEX What is PG Etext Listings. Etexts by Author. Melanchthon,Philip, 14971560 M Index Main Index The Augsburg Confession;

13. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Melanchthon, Philip, 1497
Etexts by Author. Melanchthon, Philip, 14971560 M Index Main Index The Augsburg Confession LANGUAGE Latin and German SUBJECT

14. ChurchRodent: Melanchthon, Philip
Search Melanchthon, Philip. On Luther s death, Philip Melanchthon (14971560)took over the theological leadership of the movement he had begun.
Melanchthon, Philip
On Luther's death, Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) took over the theological leadership of the movement he had begun. Melanchthon taught Greek, first in Tubingen, then at the University of Wittenberg. There in 1518 he met Luther, changing Melanchthon from a humanist into a theologian and reformer. Gifted for logical consistency and wide knowledge of history, Melanchthon's influence on Protestantism was in certain ways even greater than Luther's.
Melanchthon publicly supported Luther at the Leipzig Disputation (1519). When Luther was away from Wittenberg, Philip represented and defended him. In 1521, he wrote the Commonplaces (Loci Communes) , the first book which described the teachings of the Reformation. He also contributed to Luther's German translation of the Bible.
At Marbur (1529) Melanchthon opposed Zwingli. He claimed that the service of holy communion was more than a memorial. Melancththon was responsible for the Augsburg Confession (1530), which remains the chief statement of faith in the Lutheran churches.
Melanchthon, however, often seemed too prepared to concede matters of doctrine to the Roman Catholics for the sake of peace. He believed that reunion was essential. The theological struggles in his own camp with other Lutherans deeply troubled him. Melanchthon remained the only Protestant theologian of his day to represent the views of the people at large.

15. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560)
Translate this page Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560). Please click on any image to see a largerversion. Portrait of Philip Melanchthon, 1543 Lucas Cranach
Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560)
Please click on any image to see a larger version.
Portrait of Philip Melanchthon, 1543
Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)
Uffizi Gallery, Florence Philipp Melanchthon, 1526
Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kupferstichkabinett Philipp Melanchthon, 1526
Museo Horne, Florence Philip Melanchthon, c.1529
Hans Holbein the Younger (1497?-1543)
Landesmuseum, Hanover Philipp Melanchthon, 1530
Georg Pencz (c.1500-1550)
Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kupferstichkabinett Philip Melanchthon, 1540
Heinrich Aldegrever (1502-c.1555/61) Bremen, Kunsthalle, Kupferstichkabinett Philip Melanchthon, 1560 Lucas Cranach the Younger (1515-1586) Berlin Staatliche Museen, Stiftung

16. MSN Encarta - Philip Melanchthon
Translate this page Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560), reformador religioso y erudito alemán. PhilipSchwarzerd, su verdadero nombre, nació en Bretten y estudió en las
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20. Philip Melanchthon
Philip Melanchthon. 14971560. Although his body was slightly misshapen(a congenital defect) and his tongue stammered, there was
Philip Melanchthon Although his body was slightly misshapen (a congenital defect) and his tongue stammered, there was nothing wrong with Melanchthon's head. Luther assessed him as the greatest theologian ever, a man whose writings were superseded only by Holy Scripture. He was the first systematic theologian of the Reformation. (Like a spewing oilwell, Luther geysered theological riches; Melanchthon gathered, refined and distributed a finished product that lent millions untold light and warmth.) He established the first public school system in Germany. He wrote Protestantism's basic doctrinal statement, the Augsburg Confession . (The Confession , together with his accompanying Apology , remain the theological benchmark of worldwide Lutheranism.) His commentary on Romans was the foundation of all 80-plus Romans commentaries written in the Reformation era. He was Protestantism's chief spokesperson in virtually every colloquy for 30 years. Never ordained, he preached learnedly and winsomely Sunday-by-Sunday. Philip Schwartzerd (the surname means "black earth") was born in Bretten, near Frankfurt in western Germany. Having distinguished himself in highschool in Pforzheim, Philip entered Heidelberg University at 13. Following the custom of humanist scholars of his day, he was known thereafter by the Greek version of his name, Melanchthon. (When his major work was translated into Italian, the author's name was printed as

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