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Mcneill John Charles: more detail |
1. Biography Of John Charles McNeill John Charles McNeill. 18741907 Poet Journalist Wagram, North Carolina.Photo UNC Photographic Services The fields and woodlands http://www.ncwriters.org/jmcneill.htm | |
2. Songs Merry And Sad John McNeill Songs, Merry and Sad by John Charles McNeill American (North Carolina) poet. 18741907. To JOSEPH P We neither know nor care, Content to name it John Paul Jones http://jollyroger.com/library1/SongsMerryandSadbyJohnMcNeillebook.html | |
3. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 18381926 AKA Square, A. Abbott, John S. C. ( John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 McNeill, John Charles, 1874-1907. McSpadden, J. Walker (Joseph Walker), 1874-1960 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
4. Songs, Merry And Sad Songs, Merry and Sad McNeill, John Charles, 18741907 John Charles, 1874-1907 McNeill http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.archive.org/texts/texts-details-db.p |
5. McNeill, John Charles Strangers to Us All, Lawyers and Poetry. John Charles McNeill (18741907)North Carolina. poet, attorney, legislator, and journalist http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/lp-2001/mcneill.html | |
6. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > M > McNeill, John Charl this text. Author McNeill, John Charles, 18741907 Keywords AuthorsM McNeill, John Charles, 1874-1907; Titles S ; Literature. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
7. Manuscripts Department Library Of The University Of North Carolina Online Catalog Terms College studentsNorth CarolinaHistory19th century. McNeill,John Charles, 18741907. Poets, AmericanNorth CarolinaBiography. http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/m/McNeill,John_Charles |
8. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: Songs, Merry And Sad By John Charles McNeil FREE Online Book Songs, Merry And Sad by John Charles McNeill John Charles McNeill. Songs, Merry and Sad. John Charles McNeill American (North Carolina) poet. 18741907. To http://www.tanaya.net/Books/sngms10 | |
9. Manuscripts Department Library Of The University Of North Carolina century. McNeill, John Charles, 18741907. North CarolinaPoliticsand government1951- . McNeill, John Charles, 1874-1907. North http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/j/Jenkins,James_Lineberry |
10. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Story: Mecklenburg People John Charles McNeill (18741907). Best remembered for the hundreds of poemshe wrote, this Scotland County native was also a lawyer and teacher. http://www.cmstory.org/people/people.asp?id=-1923859510 |
11. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Story: Index Of Mecklenburg People November 28,1965 Dorothy Simpson Masterson (July 28, 1897 March 22, 1991) Dr.Charles Gustavius McManaway (1855-1918) John Charles McNeill (1874-1907) Col. http://www.cmstory.org/people/peopleindex.asp?alpha=All |
12. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg Mary Webb. Masefield, John, 18781967. Mason, Amelia Ruth Gere Brown), 1853-1942. McNeill, John Charles, 1874-1907. McSpadden, J. Walker (Joseph Walker), 1874-1960. Melanchthon, Philip http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&ca |
13. John Charles McNeill: Songs, Merry And Sad Table of Contents. Project Gutenberg Impressum and Copyright Notice. Songs, Merryand Sad by John Charles McNeill American (North Carolina) poet. 18741907. To http://www.farid-hajji.net/books/en/McNeill_John_Charles/sms-index.html | |
14. North Carolina ECHO: Exploring Cultural Heritage Online The nearby John Charles McNeill House, the birthplace of wellknown North Carolinapoet John Charles McNeill (1874-1907), was moved a few miles to this http://blue.dcr.state.nc.us/servlet/ascwg/search?ss=no&qry=county&tm1=Scotland |
15. Index McLaughlin, Marie L. (1842 ) Myths and Legends of the Sioux McNeill,John Charles (1874-1907) Songs, Merry and Sad Melanchthon, Philip http://www.eshunet.com/list1/en3000/titles/index-m.htm | |
16. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Search) (Limit/Sort) KEYWORD, Num Mark AUTHORS (12 of 2) Year McNeill,John Charles, 1874-1907. 1 Lyrics from http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,12/search/aMcNeill, John Cha |
17. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Num Mark AUTHORS (17 of 7) Year McNeill, John J. 1 The Blondelian synthesis; astudy of the influence of German philosophical sources on the formation / by http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,12/search/aMcNeill, John Cha | |
18. Index Translate this page John, 1846-1929 Gutenberg McGowan, Richard, 1958- Gutenberg McLaughlin, Marie L.,b. 1842 Gutenberg McNeill, John Charles, 1874-1907 Gutenberg McSpadden, J http://www.elbooks.sk/angautM.html | |
19. Thanksgiving Poems: Harvest Harvest (John Charles McNeill, 18741907). Cows in the stall andsheep in the fold; Clouds in the west, deep crimson and gold; A http://www.night.net/Thanksgiving/p-harvest.html-ssi | |
20. Not Just For Kids! Christmas Poem: A Christmas Hymn A Christmas Hymn (John Charles McNeill, 18741907) Near where theshepherds watched by night And heard the angels o er them, The http://www.night.net/christmas/p-christmas_hymn.html-ssi | |
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