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Mclaughlin Marie L: more detail |
21. Oakwood Cemetery MASSEY, Ena Marie, 8 Jan 1893, 23 Apr 1904, Dau of LP MB Susie, 25 Feb 1849, 20Oct 1907, Wife of John W. McLaughlin. MENG, Serena B. Apr 1912, Dau of CW LB Meng. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilmaga/greene/cemeteries/oakwood/oakwd_m.html | |
22. GOOD HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Jack Robert Coward Son of Mr and Mrs LB Coward 5 Marie Crosswell Daughter of WL andFlora Crosswell 81 Bettie McLaughlin Wife of John McLaughlin 12-21-1837 - 11 http://sciway3.net/clark/richland/cemgoodhope.htm | |
23. Cumberland Family Index; Mc-R 1f 2 girls ( 10yrs) McLaughlin, Patrick + Esther McLaughlin He 29 1886 ACh p.265 Raymond,Ermeus + Marie Anne Lafleur Oct 61 15 Sept 1900 =John Jim LB Nov 64 http://www.magma.ca/~bjscott/OPRMCR.HTM | |
24. Naam Geboorte/doop Emmetje M(artens?) * ±1738 Geertje Simons Maan George Michael McCrory * 08.09.1938 LB McCrory * ±1889 N McLaughlin * ±1949 N McLaughlin* ±1949 Evert G Medendorp * ±1969 Suzanne Marie Medendorp * ±1969 http://www.verhagen-mulder.nl/m.htm |
26. Genealogies, Biographies, Histories, Heritage Databank McKindlay (1778 FUR) McLaren, McLaughlin (1840 FUR Watie (CHER), Watkins (1928LB) Weare, Weatherwax Lapoine, Lavoie, Levesque, Marie, Marie des Anges http://users.rttinc.com/~asiniwachi/wg.html | |
27. Lynn Haven Cemetery - Bay County, Florida Ss/w LB Kilpatrick Kilpatrick, LB, b. 27 Ss/w Methard Marie McCallister McCallister,Methard Marie, b. 9 Beloved Husband, Father Friend McLaughlin, John, no http://www.interment.net/data/us/fl/bay/lynnhaven_cem/lynncem_ip.htm | |
28. Goldenrod Cemetery - Surnames L-R - Whitman County, Washington McKEE, Margaret, b. 1880, d. 1957, n/m McLaughlin, Helen M Arty MILLS, Larry V, b.1934, d. 1983 MILLS, Marie, b. 1889 1911, aged 2m 27d s/o CS LB OHLER, Lester http://www.interment.net/data/us/wa/whitman/goldenrod/goldenrod_lr.htm | |
29. Checklist_benamingen_M dec. 98 NKF3852 ~ BEIJE NLD 1998 ~ `Estelle Marie x(`Prince Syray Mrs. ShirleyLorance AFS2196 LB ~ WOOD USA Muriel Berry AFS4166 ~ McLaughlin USA 1998 http://home-1.worldonline.nl/~veenvang/J17-M-Fm_checklist-benamingen-M.htm | |
30. Cass Co Marriages 22/1853 545 MAYS, THOMAS JEFFERSON FOX, Marie MRS 12 DAVID CAMPBELL, ISABELL 06/09/1852453 McLaughlin, JOHN B 03/30/1864 1739 MILLER, LEWIS LB RIGGINS, ANGELINE http://www.iltrails.org/cass/marriagm.htm | |
31. Jasper County, IL Obituaries & Death Notices - Surnames M-Q McConaha, LB assistant auditor of the Wasbash, Chester Western Railway, died very Dr.McLaughlin was a member of Atlanta Lodge of AF AM Marie last Monday. http://www.iltrails.org/jasper/obitsM-O.html | |
32. Brides M Marengo County 1818 -1936 William C. Apr 14, 1934 MASON, Effie Marie DUKE, CW Dec 24, 1888 MCHARVEY, Anne JONES,LB May Dec Mrs Laura MCKNIGHT, NC July 28, 1907 McLaughlin, Sarah RIGGINS http://home.asus.net/~devildragon/Marriages/bridm.html | |
33. Maas, Robert Eugene McLaughlin, Dennis P. 1956. McLaughlin, John Albert. Martin, Almon Maurice 1910-1991.Martin, Alta Marie Casey. Metcalf, LB. Metcalf, Mabelle Bruce 1876-1963. http://members.aol.com/morganpm/m.htm | |
34. Names Index Page McLaine, John McLaine, Malcolm McLaine, Peter McLaughlin, Mollie McLaurin 6 DEC 1950)Pritchard, Rose Marie (27 AUG Dianne (2 AUG 1948-) Proctor, LB Proctor, Jr http://www.mccoll-name.com/html/names4.htm |
35. Cemeterys Veteran Names 29, 1978. McLaughlin, Gerald FS1 Navy WW II b. May 6, 1926 d. March 1, 1985. Held,Marie PFC Army WW II b. June 29, 1918 d. April 27, 1994. Jordan, Harold Lb Aug. http://www.marshfield.net/History/vetcem.html | |
36. Lee County Illinois 1917 Directory - M F. (Mary) Ch Nano, Marie, James, Helen, Walton Percheron Stock Farm McLaughlin, Chas. Miller,LB (Ida) Ch Orvil, Blandche, Clarence, Edith, West Brooklyn R3 http://surnamesite.com/data/leem.htm | |
37. INDEX LB ( ) Betty. Custis. Annie M. (1857- ) Benjamin F. (1827-1894) Dorothy Marie(1910- ) Elizabeth ( -1857) George ( - ) Henry Sr. McLaughlin. Grace E. ( - ) http://www.espl.org/mearscol/pagendxe/edmunds/fowndx.htm | |
38. INDEX LB ( ) Betty. Dorothy Marie (1910- ) Edward R. (1851- ) Jennie Major ( -1942) JohnWise (1833-1861) Margaret D. (1862-1928) Margaret D. (1862-1928 McLaughlin. http://www.espl.org/mearscol/pagendxa/ames/fowndx.htm | |
39. H DATA055 Comstock Family HOOPS LB page 24 HOOPS LB page 37 page 232 HOOVER Margaret page 159HOOVER Marie page 405 John A. page 197 HOOVER John McLaughlin Junior page http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160h055.htm | |
40. D DATA011 42 married wife Ont Ire Ont Meth 6 DENIKE LB f 18 married 1911 to McLaughlin Patrickson of McLaughlin Anthony f 1 dtr Ont Que Que RC Marie Louise married http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/9cd/c189d011.htm | |
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