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61. Mìstská Knihovna Èeská Lípa - Katalog LANius JK Man,Jaroslav K. Man,K. Man,Lubomír McCartan,Grainne McCartney,Paul,1942 McClure,StuartMcNally Metowa,Merka Metsar,Leo Mette,Alexander Metternich,Tatiana http://www.knihovna-cl.cz:8080/lanius/kfsautm.htm | |
62. Mìstská Knihovna Èeská Lípa - Katalog LANius D E F G H Ch I J K L M Anne,1926 McCartan,Grainne McCartney,Paul,1942- McClure,StuartMcNally 1867 Metowa,Merka Metsar,Leo Mette,Alexander Metternich,Tatiana http://www.knihovna-cl.cz:8080/lanius/kfsautmb.htm | |
63. INDEX Lenz. Teddy ( ) Leonard. *unknown ( - ) Alaina Marie (1970- ) Annie K. ( - ) CarolSue (1965 MacLeod. Alexander (1953- ) Maddox. McClure. Lucille ( - ) McCollough. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~nony/garst/fowndx4.htm | |
64. GIBSON GENEALOGY (7) Eugene K. Holmes Ref Gibson by Vivian McClure in Bicentennial History ofLee Co VA 1792 Born 5 May 1830 Died - Sep 1904 MO sp- Alexander GIBBS - 820 http://members.aol.com/Holmestree/gibson.htm | |
65. Genealogy And Local History In Logan County, Ohio - Cemeteries - Lake Township - 12 Feb 17934 Jul 1880 (wife of Alexander May Elmer L., 1907-1941 (on monument withDonna K. McBride ae 77y 2m 5d (husband of Sarah S. McClure); McClure, William P http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohlogan/cemlabel.html | |
66. Poweshiek County Veterans L-Z McClure, John W.; 36th Reg. McConnell, Alexander Stockton; 78th Ohio Inf. Miller,Miles; 84th PA Inf.; K; 18341873; Brooklyn Old Part /Soldiers Recds. http://www.rootsweb.com/~iapowesh/vetsl-z.htm | |
67. Carrollton Public Library /All Locations 1962 2 Mcclun Diana 1934 2 Mcclung Karen Harvey c1982 1 Mcclung Robert M 11 McclungRose Marie c1992 1 McClure Alexander K Alexander Kelly 1828 1909 1997 1 http://innovative.cityofcarrollton.com:90/kids/1835,2044/search/aMcClung, Robert | |
68. Mìstská Knihovna Beneov - Katalog LANius Matuschková,Marie Matuszczyk,Jacek Matuka,Alexander,19101975 Taylor,1.. McCartney,Paul,1942-McClure,Ken McCombie 1913-1985 Merton,Robert K. Mertz,Bernd A | |
69. Knihovna Jiøího Mahena V Brnì - Catalogue Clavius Translate this page McClain,Mighty Sam(1) McClure,James(4) McClure,Ken(9 tefan(1) Medzihradský,Vlado(5)Meese,Alexander(1) Megadeth Meluzin,Hubert,1909-(1) Melvil,J. K.(1) Melvil http://katalog.kjm.cz/eng/clslamc.htm | |
70. Mount Of VA KY IN 1915 Elijah Clayton 1845 Elijah McClure 1820-1906 Irene (Andrews) 1896-1966George Alexander NOAH Carl Patricia I. NORMAN Susan K. (Shields) William http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~awest/GED/vakyindex.htm | |
71. Mìstská Knihovna Hlinsko - Katalog LANius Matuschková,Marie Matuka,Alexander Matuka,Alexander,19101975 Mc Bain,Ed McAllister,Hayden- Brown,K.. McBain,Ed McClure,James McClure,Ken McClure,Ken,1942 http://knihl.unet.cz/LANius/kfsautm.htm | |
72. F670.htm F54648 ABBOT Kathleen Lillian /ABBOT/ 1921 Dec 1979 f712.htm f48459 HAYES Roy K. /HAYES/ 1904 PA, USA f439.htm f48 McClure John /McClure/ f447.htm Canada f463.htm f54387 MORRELL Alexander /MORRELL/ f462 http://www.sprague-database.org/05/gendex.txt |
73. Mac, Mc & M' - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors The Dominant Blood 1924 Samuel Sidney McClure {US} (M Jan 20 1985 Apr 8) Prof,Edward Alexander MACDOWELL (M 1939 Forges Of Freedom f 1943 K MACDOWELL (see http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/m1.htm | |
74. Project Gutenberg Titles 000 Leagues Under The Sea, by Verne, Jules, 18281905 Of Science, by Oliver, Charles A. ( Charles Alexander), 1858-1932 Lead To Calvary, by Jerome, Jerome K. ( Jerome Klapka), 1859 http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
75. McClure Cemetery Page Data submitted by Louise Belsby ( updated Sept 1998) The original data was supplied by Deposit Historical Society and updated by Louise. NAME. RELATIONSHIP. DIED. AGE_OR_BIRTH. FREELEY, Samuel. Soldier of the Civil War. MONROE, Lodica A. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nybroome/brmcclr.htm | |
76. American Portrait Prints Collection At AAS About the Collections. American Portrait Prints Collection. American Portrait Prints Collection Inventory List. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW X YZ. ABBOTT, BENJAMIN VAUGHAN. ABBOTT, CHEAS C. ABBOTT, EMMA . http://www.americanantiquarian.org/apprints4.htm | |
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