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1. PAL: Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) Chapter 7 Early Twentieth Century Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) 1938; The Sangamon, 1942; The Harmony Of Deeper Music Posthumous Poems Of Edgar Lee Masters, 1976 (Ed http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap7/masters.html | |
2. American Literature Web Resources: Edgar Lee Masters American Literature Web Resources Edgar Lee Masters. Edgar Lee Masters. 18681950.Prepared by Natalie N. Jeckel, Millikin University. Chronology http://www.millikin.edu/aci/crow/chronology/mastersbio.html | |
3. Inventory Of The Dorothy Dow-Edgar Lee Masters Papers, 1920-1950 Inventory of the Dorothy DowEdgar Lee Masters Papers, 1920-1950 Selected Search Terms. Names. Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950. Dow, Dorothy http://www.newberry.org/nl/collections/DowMasters.html | |
4. Inventory Of The Agnes Lee-Edgar Lee Masters Papers, 1919-1933 Inventory of the Agnes LeeEdgar Lee Masters Papers, 1919-1933 Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950. Lee, Agnes, 1868-1939. Darrow, Clarence, 1857-1938 http://www.newberry.org/nl/collections/ALeeMasters.html | |
5. Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) American Literature on the Web. Edgar Lee Masters (18681950). WritingsAnti-Imperialist Writings by Edgar Lee Masters (Jim Zwick). Best http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/m/masters20.htm | |
6. RPO -- Selected Poetry Of Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) Selected Poetry of Edgar Lee Masters (18681950). from RepresentativePoetry On-line Prepared by members of the Department of English http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display/poet437.html | |
7. RPO -- Edgar Lee Masters : Yee Bow Edgar Lee Masters (18681950). Yee Bow. 1They got me into the Sunday-school.2In Spoon River. 3And tried to get me to drop Confucius for Jesus. http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display/poem2872.html | |
8. Chicago Resistance Less sanguine about life in general but equally focused on the lives of ordinarymen and women, Edgar Lee Masters (18681950), a downstate Illinois lawyer who http://www.millikin.edu/english/Guillory'sWeb/www/chicagoresistance.html | |
9. Project Gutenberg Titles By Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 Project Gutenberg Titles by. Masters, Edgar Lee, 18681950. Spoon RiverAnthology. You can also look up this author on The Online Books http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Masters, Edgar L |
10. Toward The Gulf, / By Edward Lee Masters. Toward the gulf, / by Edward Lee Masters. Poems, reprinted in part from various periodicals. Making of America (MOA); Masters, Edgar Lee, 18681950. Edgar Lee, 1868-1950. Masters http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ACS3910&y=028173 |
11. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Outlines: Outline Of American Literature: The An Outline of American Literature. by Kathryn VanSpanckeren. The Riseof Realism 18601914 Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950). *** Index***. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/masters.htm | |
12. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > M > Masters, Edgar Lee, for this text. Author Masters, Edgar Lee, 18681950 Keywords AuthorsM Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950; Titles S ; Literature. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
13. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > M Amelia Ruth Gere; Mason, Mary Murdoch; Massa, Philippe, Marquis De,18311911; Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950; Matilda Betham; Matilda http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
14. Edgar Lee Masters' Life And Career New York Oxford University Press, 1999. Copyright © 1999 by the AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies. Chronology Edgar Lee Masters 18681950. http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/m_r/masters/life.htm | |
15. The San Antonio College LitWeb Edgar Lee Masters Page The Edgar Lee Masters Page. ( 18681950 ). Major Works Masters, the author of essays,biographies, poems, plays and fiction, was versatile and prolific, but none http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/masters.htm | |
16. Edgar Lee Masters - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia UTC. Edgar Lee Masters (18681950) was an American poet and dramatistand author of Spoon River Anthology. This article is a stub. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Lee_Masters | |
17. The Star, By Edgar Lee Masters Click Here. THE STAR. by Edgar Lee Masters (18681950). AM a certain godWho slipped down from a remote height To a place of pools and stars. http://www.poetry-archive.com/m/the_star.html | |
18. Masters, Edgar Lee Logout. ISBN Title Most Popular Similar Authors. Masters, EdgarLee 18681950. (Edgar Masters). Books by this Author. Across Spoon http://isbndb.com/d/person/masters_edgar_lee.html | |
19. Masters, Edgar Lee Edgar Lee Masters (18681950) Illinois. Edgar Lee Masters Modern American Poetry.Edgar Lee Masters Perspectives in American Literature. Edgar Lee Masters. http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/lp-2001/masters.html | |
20. Index-Alphabetical 17601841) Edward Sandford Martin (1856-1939) Jonathan Jones Marvin (1822- ) LutherRawson Marsh (1813-1902) Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) Cornelius Mathews http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/lp-2001/intro/index_alpha.html | |
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