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Mason Mary Murdoch: more detail | |||||
82. Project BookRead - Index M The Madness In My Mind, Maddog. Mae Madden, Mary Murdoch Mason. Maggie A Girl Of The Streets, Stephen Crane. The Magic Egg And Other Stories, Frank Stockton. http://tanaya.net/BookRead/pbr-m.html | |
83. Project BookRead - Index M John Masefield, Martin Hyde, The Duke s Messenger. Mary Murdoch Mason, Mae Madden. Edgar Lee Masters, Spoon River Anthology. Somerset Maugham, Moon And Sixpence. http://tanaya.net/BookRead/pbr-m-a.html | |
84. Birth1 Presb 1830-1865 BLAIR, ROBERT, 0702-1845, ROBERT, Murdoch, MARGARET. LYLE, J0HN, 06-05-1853, THOMAS, LETT, Mary. Mason, HELEN, 02-22-1847, ROBERTSON, McDONALD, SARAH. http://www.100megsfree3.com/granny1/bir1.html | |
85. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With M Silvana Mathews, Albert Porter Mason Mathews, Allison Marie Theresa Morrisey, Mary Morrisey, Mary Alice Morrisey Munroe, Glen Munroe, John Murdoch, Faye Murdoch http://members.ozemail.com.au/~ncc1701d/idxm.html | |
86. Alphabetical List M Eleanor Mason, Gladys Mason, Margery Mason, Marguerite Massey Mundy, May Munns, Freda Murdoch, Helen Murray Isabel Murray, Margaret Murray, Mary Murten, Blanche http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Davis/Indexes/alphname_M.html | |
87. The Passengers Of The Mary Kennedy Donald ban oig MacLeod, his wife Mary (Martin) MacLeod Children Donald (1818-1896), John?, Malcolm?, Roderick (1822-1896 Murdoch was a Mason and Farmer http://www.islandregister.com/marykennedy.html | |
88. Some 1866 Ayrshire Death Records Married to Agnes Ramsay, John Fulton, Mason (dec) and Dalry, Iron Miner, Married to Bridget Murdoch, Peter Millen, Weaver (dec) and Mary McIlroy, Bridget http://fp.ayrshireroots.plus.com/Genealogy/Records/Post 1855/Ayrshire 1866 Death | |
89. Ayrshire 1873 Deaths Anderson, 49, February 9, 1873 at Loudoun Byres, Mason (Journeyman), Married to 1, 1873 at Whitehall, Maybole, Single, Illegitimate, Mary Murdoch, Farm Servant http://fp.ayrshireroots.plus.com/Genealogy/Records/Post 1855/Ayrshire 1873 Death | |
90. Alphabetical List Of People Involved In BMDS Activities Mason, Robert, Mason, Sally, Mason, William. Morris, Mary, Morris, Stephanie, Morris, TB. Munitich, Herei, Murdoch, Denis, MurdochMuirhead, Colin. http://www.bmds.bm/Archive/Persons.asp?L=M |
91. Continuum - Books By Author Steve Mason, Jim Mason, Don MasonJohn, Valerie J. L Mazanec, Joseph Mazar, Amihai McAleese, Mary McAllister, Pam H. McBride, PK McBride, Murdoch McBride, Elle http://www.continuumbooks.com/books_author.cgi?letter=M&ssid=6QL40SN33441M52JKAA |
92. Biographical Files "M"- Chesney Medical Archives Moreno, Jose Bernardo MorenoPerez, Ignacio Morfit, Henry Mason Morgan, Alan Harry Dalle Muramatsu, Minoru Murdoch, Agnes Gordon Murdoch, Mary Lou Murgatroyd http://www.medicalarchives.jhmi.edu/bio-m.htm | |
93. Legal Citation Guide guides to abbreviations held at Murdoch University Library People, vol 2 (Virginia George Mason UP, 1993). Crock, Mary Saul, Ben, Future Seekers Refugees http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/guides/law/lawcite.html | |
94. Los Angeles Times - Registration by challenging conventional thinking, said Mary Ann Halford, a based DirecTV in his arsenal, Murdoch would become said Blair Levin, an analyst at Legg Mason. http://www.latimes.com/technology/la-fi-murdoch22dec22,1,1775291.story?coll |
95. Kelvin Grove Cemetery - Surnames M - Wanganui-Manawatu Region, New Zealand b. 19 Sep 1918, d. 14 Dec 1996, MR Mason, Wynfred, b Sydney Samuel, d. 15 Oct 1948, h/o Mary Ann Morris 20 Jan 1986, w/o David Murcott, MR Murdoch, Elenor P http://www.interment.net/data/nz/wanganui_manawatu/kelvin/grove_m.htm | |
96. PUSEY SURNAMES | M Mason, Samuel m. Katharine Evans Stokes; Mason, William Tm Hannah Erminia Sharpless. Murdoch, Unknown m. Mary Matilda (Till) Painter; Myers, Bayard Tm Unknown; http://www.gunboatempires.com/genealogy/Pu_M.htm | |
97. Play Finder Playwright Browse Results Mason Keith Antar. Mason Miriam E. Mason, Timothy. Massey, Edward. Mercer, David. Mercier, Mary. Meredith, Burgess. Munro, Rona. Murdoch, Iris. Murdoch, Marion. http://www.columbuslibrary.org/cmlplay/pwbrowseresults.cfm?browseterm=M |
98. Teacher Resource Exchange High School 3 resources by Sue Mason The Giffard CP College 1 resources by Stephanie Murdoch - Stranmillis 1 by Nicola Murray - The Mary Erskine School http://tre.ngfl.gov.uk/server.php?request=c2l0ZS5icm93c2U=&option=author=M&outpu |
99. Hamnett PINHEY in German) Munro Alexander Munro the Mason Murdoch the weaver Mason his boys Ryan James, Mason Ryder John Scissons Scissons Samuel Seeman Mary Shea Sheehy http://www3.sympatico.ca/ag.lewis/pinhey.htm | |
100. Red Wolf's Cast & Crew List: M Mary McDonald Mrs Allsop 1AEB02 Eine Kleine Frohike. Tom Mason Detective Waltos 3X21 Avatar. Lachlan Murdoch Right Fielder 4X03 Home. http://www.redwolf.com.au/cast/m.html | |
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