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61. 20th Century Poets - "M" John_Masefield. (18781967). English poet, novelist, dramatist and journalist. Poetry Online John Masefield Text of A Consecration , Choice , Rounding the http://www.vulgarian.net/ipa/20th/20thm.html | |
62. John Masefield Collection | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr College Library This collection is open for research. John Masefield (18781967). The poet John Masefield was born on 1 June 1878 in Ledbury, Herefordshire, England. http://www.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/masefield.shtml | |
63. A Little Poetry Archive - John Masefield John Masefield (18781967). English poet, novelist, dramatist. Poetry is a mixture of common sense, which not all have, with http://poeticportal.net/IKLM/masefield-john.html | |
64. The Home Of Poems, Poets, Verse And Poetry on the Garden Christopher Marlowe (195493) The Passionate Shepherd Andrew Marvell (1621-78) The Coy Mistress John Masefield (1878-1967) Cargoes John Masefield http://poems.co.uk/famous.htm | |
65. John Masefield - BlueRider.com availability, John Masefield. Your search results search for John_Masefield on Google John Masefield n. 1), English poet (18781967). http://www.bluerider.com/wordsearch/john_masefield | |
66. John Edward Masefield - BlueRider.com John edward Masefield. Your search results search for John_edward_Masefield on Google John edward Masefield n. 1), English poet (18781967). http://www.bluerider.com/wordsearch/john_edward_masefield | |
67. Other Archival Holdings - John Masefield Special Collections. Masefield, John, 18781967. Letter to RN Green-Armytage and note. 19? - 1916 August 17. 2 items (1 p. ; 2 p. on 1 leaf). http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/mase.htm | |
68. YRMusic.com :: Bio : John Masefield John Masefield (18781967). Biography not available. Do a Google search for John Masefield. ALL YRM ARTIST BIOS YRM Composers. http://yrmusic.com/v2/artists/bios/artist.php?ID=241 |
69. The Site Of The Red Arrows - British Authors 1593); Marschall, Bruce (1899?); Marwel, Andrew (1621-78); Masefield, John 1878-1967); Maugham, W. Somerset (1874-1965) texts; McElroy http://www.kulmbach.net/~MGF-Gymnasium/redarrows/english_3a.html | |
70. CA5 John Masefield And Japan CA. Other Poets and Works. 5. John Masefield (18781967). The Faithful. London Heinemann, 1915. The future Poet Laureates long http://themargins.net/bib/C/ca/ca05.html | |
71. Literature 1876) Author. Marvell, Andrew (16211678) Poet. Masefield John (1878-1967) Poet. McClure, James Howe (1939-) Novelist. McGahern, John http://www.britisharts.co.uk/mo.htm | |
72. Historical Society Of Western Pennsylvania Catalog Masefield, John (1878 1967), Click For External Online Reference English Poet. Poems By This Source. Misc. » Sea Fever. Search. http://digital.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/hswp/hswpbibl-idx.pl?type=control&field= |
73. Masfield Masefield (John, 18781967, poet laureate and novelist) AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED ( John Masefield ), to an unknown recipient, thanking him for a most gracious http://www.roydavids.com/masefield.htm | |
74. University Of Exeter Special Collections - Archive Collections INDEX TERMS (NCA RULES). Masefield John Edward 18781967 poet laureate Knowles Charidea Mimina Dolly d 1983 née Scouloudi, verse-speaker. http://www.ex.ac.uk/library/special/archives/collections/071-80/076_01.html | |
75. NPG 4569; John Masefield this image. Sitter John Masefield (18781967), Poet Laureate. Sitter in 27 portraits. Artist Henry Lamb (1883-1960), Painter. Artist http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/portrait.asp?LinkID=mp02601&rNo=0&role=art |
76. Masefield, John. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. Masefield, John. ( ms) (KEY) , 18781967, English poet 1924), and The Bird of Dawning ( 1933). Masefield is the author of several literary studies, of which his http://www.bartleby.com/65/ma/Masefiel.html | |
77. John Masefield Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about John Masefield's life and Masefield's works. With links to essays literary criticism and analysis. Portrait John Masefield, by William Strang, 1912. John Masefield (1878 1967) http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/john.masefield.asp | |
78. 38195. Masefield, John. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION John Masefield (18781967), British poet. Cargoes (l. 11). . . New Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 12501950. http://www.bartleby.com/66/95/38195.html | |
79. John Masefield -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article More results . 100 Student Encyclopedia Britannica articles, specially written for elementary and high school students. , Masefield, John (18781967). http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=396768&query=poetry&ct= |
80. Gilmore, John E. -- Encyclopædia Britannica , Masefield, John (18781967). Poet laureate of Great Britain from 1930 until his death, John Masefield was only 22 years old http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=122360 |
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