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         Marx Karl:     more books (100)
  1. Histoire des doctrines économiques / Karl Marx ; publiée par Karl Kautsky ; traduit par J. Molitor - [Complete in 8 volumes] by Karl (1818-1883) Marx, 1924
  2. Die Klassenkampfe in Frankreich, 1848 - 1850 / von Karl Marx; mit Einleitung von Friedrich Engels; Vorwort und Ammerkungen von Alexander Emel by Karl (1818-1883) Marx, 1930
  3. The living thoughts of Karl Marx : based on Capital, a critique of political economy / presented by Leon Trotsky by Karl (1818-1883). Leon Trotsky Marx, 1942
  4. Capital; a critique of political economy. by Karl Marx. by Marx. Karl. 1818-1883., 1906-01-01
  5. Marx's 'Grundrisse' / selected and edited [and translated from the German] by David McLellan by Karl (1818-1883). David McLellan (ed.) Marx, 1980
  6. Capital : a critical analysis of capitalist production / translated from the third German edition by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling and edited by Frederick Engels. Vols.1, 2 & 3 by Karl (1818-1883) Marx, 1961-01-01
  7. Marx and Engels on Malthus: selections from the writings of Marx and Engels dealing with the theories of Thomas Robert Malthus. Edited with an introductory essay and notes by Ronald L. Meek. Translations from the German by Dorothea L. and Ronald L. Meek by Karl (1818-1883); Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) - Related name: Meek, Rona Marx, 1953
  8. Marxs concept of man / [edited by] Erich Fromm ; with a translation from Marxs economic and philosophical manuscripts, by T.B. Bottomore by Karl (1818-1883). Erich Fromm (ed.). T.B. Bottomore (transl.) Marx, 1961-01-01
  9. Karl Marx (1818-1883) by Unknown, 1999-12-31
  10. MARX AND ENGELS: Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Frederich Engels (1820-1895). Catalog of the Historic Study Exhibition Featuring Their Lives and Works. by Karl-Ludwig Konig, Hans Pelger, Ursula Piquemal). Karl-Marx-Haus. (Helmut Elsner, 1985
  11. Critique of Hegels Philosophy of right. Translated from the German by Annette Jolin and Joseph OMalley. Edited with an introd. and notes by Joseph OMalley by Karl (1818-1883). Joseph OMalley (ed.) Marx, 1970-01-01
  12. Marxïÿýs concept of man / [edited by] Erich Fromm ; with a translation from Marxïÿýs economic and philosophical manuscripts, by T.B. Bottomore by Karl (1818-1883). Erich Fromm (ed.). T.B. Bottomore (transl.) Marx, 1961-01-01
  13. Secret Diplomatic History of The Eighteenth Century by Karl, 1818-1883 Marx, 2010-07-28
  14. L Ideologie allemande (premiere partie) : Theses sur Feuerbach by Karl (1818-1883) Marx, 1972-01-01

21. Karl Marx
Karl Marx. (18181883). Karl Marx, the son of Hirschel and HenriettaMarx, was born in Trier, Germany, in 1818. Hirschel Marx was
Karl Marx
Karl Marx, the son of Hirschel and Henrietta Marx, was born in Trier, Germany, in 1818. Hirschel Marx was a lawyer and to escape anti-Semitism decided to abandon his Jewish faith when Karl was a child. Although the majority of people living in Trier were Catholics, Marx decided to become a Protestant. He also changed his name from Hirschel to Heinrich. After schooling in Trier (1830-35), Marx entered Bonn University to study law. At university he spent much of his time socializing and running up large debts. His father was horrified when he discovered that Karl had been wounded in a duel. Heinrich Marx agreed to pay off his son's debts but insisted that he moved to the more sedate Berlin University. The move to Berlin resulted in a change in Marx and for the next few years he worked hard at his studies. Marx came under the influence of one of his lecturers, Bruno Bauer, whose atheism and radical political opinions got him into trouble with the authorities. Bauer introduced Marx to the writings of G. W. F. Hegel, who had been the professor of philosophy at Berlin until his death in 1831. Marx was especially impressed by Hegel's theory that a thing or thought could not be separated from its opposite. For example, the slave could not exist without the master, and vice versa. Hegel argued that unity would eventually be achieved by the equalizing of all opposites, by means of the dialectic (logical progression) of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. This was Hegel's theory of the evolving process of history.

22. Biblioteca Virtual - Marx, Karl (1818-1883)

23. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > M > Marx, Karl, 1818-18
Author Marx, Karl, 18181883 Keywords Authors M Marx, Karl, 1818-1883; TitlesC ; Subject Germanic literature; Subject Socialism, communism, anarchism.

24. Marx, Karl (1818-1883) Forum Frigate
Marx, Karl (18181883) Forum Frigate PHILOSOPHY FLEET Post MessageThe JollyRogerOne Page Version. Welcome to the Marx, Karl (1818-1883) Forum Frigate.,Karl(1818-1883)hall/shakespea
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25. Karl Marx
Translate this page Home_Page Karl Marx (1818-1883), Filósofo alemán, creador junto conFriedrich Engels del socialismo científico (comunismo moderno
Karl Marx
Marx se vio obligado a abandonar París en 1845 debido a su implicación en actividades revolucionarias. Se instaló en Bruselas y comenzó a organizar y dirigir una red de grupos llamados Comités de Correspondencia Comunista, establecidos en varias ciudades europeas. En 1847, Marx y Engels recibieron el encargo de elaborar una declaración de principios que sirviera para unificar todas estas asociaciones e integrarlas en la Liga de los Justos (más tarde llamada Liga Comunista). El programa que desarrollaron -conocido en todo el mundo como el Manifiesto Comunista - fue redactado por Marx basándose parcialmente en el trabajo preparado por Engels y representaba la primera sistematización de la doctrina del socialismo moderno. Las proposisicones centrales del Manifesto , aportadas por Marx, constituyen la concepción del materialismo histórico, concepción formulada más adelante en la Crítica de la economía política (1859). Según se explica en estas tesis, el sistema económico dominante en cada época histórica, por el cual se satisfacen las necesidades vitales de los individuos, determina la estructura social y la superestructura política e intelectual de cada periodo. De este modo, la historia de la sociedad es la historia de las luchas entre los explotadores y los explotados, es decir, entre la clase social gobernante y las clases sociales oprimidas. Partiendo de estas premisas, Marx concluyó en el Manifiesto que la clase capitalista sería derrocada y suprimida por una revolución mundial de la clase obrera que culminaría con el establecimiento de una sociedad sin clases. Esta obra ejerció una gran influencia en la literatura comunista posterior y en el pensamiento revolucionario en general; ha sido traducida a multitud de lenguas y de ella se han editado cientos de miles de ejemplares.

26. Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Karl Marx (18181883). Robert Sullivan, Visiting Assistant Professor of English,Brown University. Marx was one of the great thinkers of modern times.
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Robert Sullivan, Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Brown University
Marx was one of the great thinkers of modern times. Born in Prussia, he led an itinerant existence and had various interests; in his youth he wrote lyric poetry, later he became a newspaper man, and eventually a theorist advocating social reform. From his student days Marx was interested in philosophy (his doctoral dissertation concerned itself with aspects of Greek philosophical systems) and, after reading extensively in anthropology and economics, he arrived at a formulation of his own "philosophical anthropology" the science of human beings in society. Despite what has been proclaimed and enacted in his name (later in life he would protest that he was not a "Marxist" as the term had come to be understood), Marx was concerned ultimately with human freedom, reviving the ancient concept of communism, wherein human beings could fulfill their cooperative roles within society without fear of exploitation. He saw the historical stage of capitalism as the "insidious" antagonist of such freedom; insidious because unlike serfdom (capitalism's predecessor in the evolution of social relations) capitalism was (is?) able to perpetuate the illusion of freedom even though its raison d'etre relies on those who have nothing to sell but their labor and those, who through the power of capital and property, exploit such labor for profit. It is important to point out that Marx did not view capitalism as an aberration in society's evolution toward true freedom, but as a necessary historical stage in that evolution.

27. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Marx Karl
Translate this page Marx, Karl Marx 5Relations entre conflits de classes et changement social chezMarx A) L’homme Marx Karl, 1818-1883, né à Trèves, fils d’un avocat
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Marx Karl" Page sur 3 Suivant R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Marx, Karl Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Marx, Karl (1818-1883), philosophe politique, ©conomiste et r©volutionnaire allemand, cofondateur avec Friedrich Engels du socialisme scientifique... plan de l'article Pr©sentation Le Manifeste du Parti communiste Exil politique Derni¨res ann©es ... Karl Marx Encyclop©die EncartaImage Karl Marx Encyclop©die EncartaImage avec extrait sonore « Les communistes ne s'abaissent pas   dissimuler leurs opinions et leurs projets. Ils proclament ouvertement que leurs buts ne peuvent ªtre... Karl-Marx-Stadt Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Karl-Marx-Stadt , nom donn© de 1953   1990, date de la r©unification de l’Allemagne,   la ville de Chemnitz, situ©e alors en RDA. Manifeste du parti communiste (Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Manifeste du parti communiste (Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels) (en allemand

28. Svarog: Sociologija: Sociolo¹ke Teorije: Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Karl Marx (18181883). Marx je protisloven, konkreten mislec. Rojenje v mestu Triere. Kljub temu, da se je komunizem (Marxova misel
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Marx je protisloven, konkreten mislec. Rojen je v mestu Triere. Kljub temu, da se je komunizem (Marxova misel) razsul, je ¹e vedno njegova misel ¾iva. Veè misli, ki so pomembne v sodobni sociologiji najdemo pri Marxu in pri Comtu.
Temeljni tokovi marksizma : za razumevanje Marxa je najbolje upo¹tevati tri komponente: romantièno, prometejsko in razsvetljensko komponento.
Romantièna komponenta
Prometejska komponenta
. Dopolnjuje se s prvo. Simbol èlovekovega prizadevanja, da ostane subjekt. Podreja stvarnost svojim potrebam. Pri Marxu je ta Prometej proletarijat. On pojmuje delavski razred kot skupino, ki je zmo¾na strmoglaviti ne samo vladajoèi red, temveè preseèi pogoje ¾ivljenja za katere je znaèilno, izkori¹èanje vladavine in odtujitev. V delavskem razredu so skoncentrirane odtujitve, ta odtujitev bo vse moènej¹a in s tem bodo ustvarjanje objektivne mo¾nosti, da prevzame dru¾bo. Kapitalisti ne bodo veè nujni, proces produkcije se bo socializiral. Tukaj ne bo veè prostora za posameznika kapitalista, temveè bo potrebno na podru¾abljen naèin uporabljati produkcijo. V tem obdobju bo potekala vladavina delavskega razreda. Ta je zmo¾en upravljati gospodarstvo v celoti.
Razsvetljenska komponenta dru¾bena zavest ). Althusser pravi, da je s tem odloèno vplival na dru¾boslovje, odprava subjekta. On ga ni nikoli popolnoma odpravil, ampak se je nagibal k determinizmu.

Translate this page Karl Marx (1818-1883). Para describir a Marx debemos hacer justicia enque a pesar de que se lo relaciona principalmente con la profesión 9/Ciclope6.htm
window.defaultStatus = " - La primera comunidad de conocimiento en negocios de Hispanoamérica" Links Parce Chato Aquí, todos los recursos organizados por tema !!! HOME EDUCACIÓN EJECUTIVA QUÉ HAY DE NUEVO PUBLICA TUS DOCUMENTOS ... ANUNCIA EN GESTIOPOLIS PARTICIPA Publica tus artículos, apuntes y trabajos en Opina en los Foros DIRECTORIOS Administración y Gerencia Contabilidad y Finanzas Economía Emprendedores ... RR.HH. y Autoayuda NOSOTROS Registrarse Su publicidad aquí Contáctenos Uso y privacidad ... Aliados CICLO DE PENSAMIENTO ECONÓMICO EN G e stio Polis. com Esta es la primera de dos entregas en las que consideraremos a uno de los mas importantes filósofos de la historia del pensamiento económico. El señor Karl Marx quien influenció con su modelo gran parte del orden socio económico mundial en el siglo XX. Por: Manuel Andrés Guerrero Anterior: John Stuart Mill Karl Marx (1818-1883) Para describir a Marx debemos hacer justicia en que a pesar de que se lo relaciona principalmente con la profesión económica, el fue mucho mas que un economista, destacándose como sociólogo, filósofo y sobre todo un revolucionario, titulo este ultimo, que nos hace entender el porque de su inclinación a promover los cambios en la sociedad que consideraba necesarios, en vez de contentarse con la interpretación y análisis de la realidad. Para esto planteaba que se debía adelantar una revolución de alcances profundos en las bases del orden instituido en lugar de aisladas demostraciones de inconformismo que a la final no eran de mayor trascendencia.

30. Karl Marx De Treves
Translate this page Karl Marx de Treves (1818-1883 dC). Karl Marx, teórico do socialismoe revolucionário alemão (Treves 1818 - Londres 1883). Segundo
Karl Marx de Treves
(1818-1883 d.C.)
Karl Marx, teórico do socialismo e revolucionário alemão (Treves 1818 - Londres 1883).
Segundo filho de um advogado liberal de confissão judaica convertido ao protestantismo, Karl Marx estudou Direito nas universidades de Bonn e Berlim, onde se interessou mais pela história e pela filosofia. Em 1841 preparou em Iena uma tese sobre As diferenças da filosofia da natureza em Demócrito e Epicuro, que o fez descobrir a crítica materialista da religião. Membro dos jovens hegelianos, ligou-se aos irmãos Bauer e recebeu também a influência de L. Feuerbach. Em 1842 tornou-se redator-chefe da Gazeta Renana, jornal de oposição fundado por burgueses radicais. Foi então que tomou conhecimento dos problemas econômicos e conheceu melhor o socialismo francês, pela leitura de Saint-Simon, Fourier, Proudhon, etc. Casou-se com uma amiga de infância, Jenny von Westphalen, em 1843, e mudou-se para Paris, onde lançou, após a interdição da Gazeta Renana, os Anais Franco-Alemães, em cujo único número figura A questão judaica (1844). Hegel exerceu uma grande influência sobre os

31. Project Gutenberg Titles By Marx, Karl, 1818-1883
Project Gutenberg Titles by. Marx, Karl, 18181883., Karl, 1818

32. The Collection Of MARX, Karl, 1818-1883, Communist, Economist And Philosopher He
British Library of Political and Economic Science. Marx, Karl, 18181883,communist, economist and philosopher 1845-1846. Below is
British Library of Political and Economic Science
MARX, Karl, 1818-1883, communist, economist and philosopher
Below is the table of contents for the collection of MARX, Karl, 1818-1883, communist, economist and philosopher held at the British Library of Political and Economic Science. List all collections

33. Philosophers : Karl Marx
Karl Marx. German social Philosopher and Revolutionary. 18181883.With Friedrich Engels, a founder of modern socialism and communism.
Karl Marx
German social Philosopher and Revolutionary
With Friedrich Engels See Also:
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34. Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Translate this page E+Z - Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Nr. 1, Januar 2000, S. 8-11). Karl Marx(1818-1883) Die drei Entwicklungstheorien des Karl Marx. Ulrich Menzel.
E+Z - Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Nr. 1, Januar 2000, S. 8-11)
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Die drei Entwicklungstheorien des Karl Marx
Ulrich Menzel
Schriften von Karl Marx:
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Werke (MEW).Berlin
(Ost), Dietz 1956-1990, 43 Bde.
- Feuerbach. Aus: Deutsche Ideologie. MEW 3
- Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei. MEW 4
- Revue. MEW 7 - Die Herzogin von Sutherland und die Sklaverei. MEW 8 - Die britische Herrschaft in Indien. MEW 9 - Der Handel mit China. MEW 13 - Vorrede zur zweiten russischen Ausgabe des "Manifest der kommunistischen Partei". MEW 19 - Vorwort zur ersten Auflage des Kapital. MEW 23 - K. M. / F. E. zur russischen Revolution. (Hg. Maximilien Rubel. Berlin, Ullstein 1984 Shlomo Avineri: Karl Marx on Colonialism and Modernisation. New York, Doubleday 1968 Diptendra Banerjee (Hg.): Marxian Theory and the Third World. New Delhi, Sage 1985 Victor Kiernan: Marxism and Imperialism. London, Edward Arnold 1974 Jorge Larrain: Classical Political Economists and Marx on Colonialism and "Backward" Nations, iIn: World Development 19.1991, 2/3. S. 225-243 Umberto Melotti: Marx and the Third World. London, MacMillan 1977

35. 1818-1883
Marx s Wage Theory in Historical Perspective Kenneth Lapides Wages Marx, Karl 18181883 Marxian Economics Business / Economics / Finance Political
Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International
Jacques Derrida Peggy Kamuf
Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International
Jacques Derrida Peggy Kamuf ... Political

36. Karl Marx
Marx, Karl, 18181883 Communism Post-communism Philosophy PoliticalScience Political Ideologies - Communism Socialism History Surveys
Karl Marx
The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels Martin Edward Malia ... Political

37. ResAnet Browse Results
resAnet NL Home, Français Help. New Search Previous Next Marx, Joseph,18821964Discographie (1 doc); Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (8 docs);

  • Marx, Joseph, 1882-1964Discographie (1 doc) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (8 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (224 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (1 doc) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (6 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (165 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (1 doc) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883Addresses, essays, lectures (1 doc) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883Aesthetics (2 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883AestheticsAddresses, essays, lectures (1 doc)
  • 38. ResAnet Browse Results
    resAnet NL Home, Français Help. New Search Previous Next Marx, Joseph, 18821964(2 docs); Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (140 docs); Marx, Karl, 1818-1883.

  • Marx, Joseph, 1882-1964 (2 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (142 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. (2 docs) Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (1 doc) Marx, Leo, 1919- (3 docs) Marx-Macdonald, Sherry (1 doc) Marx, Magdeleine (1 doc) Marx, Mauryne, 1946- (1 doc) Marx, May, 1928- (1 doc) Marx, Melvin Herman (3 docs)
  • 39. Biographie De Karl Marx (1818-1883) Enseignement Des Sciences Economiques Et Soc
    Translate this page Karl Marx (1818-1883), par LÉNINE Biographie. Karl Marx naquit le 5 mai1818 à Trèves (Prusse rhénane). Son père, un avocat israélite
    Karl Marx (1818-1883)
    par LÉNINE
    Karl Marx naquit le 5 mai 1818 à Trèves (Prusse rhénane). Son père, un avocat israélite, se convertit en 1824 au protestantisme. Aisée et cultivée, sa famille n'était pas révolutionnaire. Après avoir terminé le Lycée de Trèves, Marx entra à l'Université de Bonn, puis à celle de Berlin; il y étudia le droit, mais surtout l'histoire et la philosophie. En 1841, il achevait ses études en soutenant une thèse de doctorat sur la philosophie d'Epicure. A cette époque, ses conceptions faisaient encore de Marx un idéaliste hégélien. A Berlin, il fit partie du cercle des "hégéliens de gauche" (comprenant, entre autres, Bruno Bauer), qui cherchaient à tirer de la philosophie de Hegel des conclusions athées et révolutionnaires.
    Lorsque éclata la Révolution de Février 1848, Marx fut expulsé de Belgique. Il revint à Paris qu'il quitta après la Révolution de Mars, pour retourner en Allemagne et se fixer à Cologne. C'est là que parut, du 1er juin 1848 au 19 mai 1849, la Nouvelle Gazette rhénane dont Marx fut rédacteur en chef. La théorie nouvelle se trouva brillamment confirmée par le cours des événements révolutionnaires de 1848-1849, et ensuite par tous les mouvements prolétariens et démocratiques dans tous les pays du monde. La contre-révolution victorieuse traduisit Marx en justice (il fut acquitté le 9 février 1849), puis l'expulsa d'Allemagne (le 16 mai 1849). Il se rendit d'abord à Paris, d'où il fut également expulsé après la manifestation du 13 juin 1849, puis à Londres, où il vécut jusqu'à la fin de ses jours.

    40. Marx, Karl (1818-1883)., Capital: A Critical Analysis Of Capitalist Production..
    Bennett Gilbert. Marx, Karl (18181883). Capital A Critical Analysisof Capitalist Production . New York, Appleton Co., 1889.
    Bennett Gilbert
    Marx, Karl (1818-1883). Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production.... The first American edition of the most powerful work of nineteenth-century economic and social thought. Octavo: xxxi, (i), 816pp. Original light brown pebbled publisher's cloth, gilt-lettered backstrip (light rubbing). Very good. Click here to see an image of this item. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Bennett Gilbert ; click here for further details.

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