Fuller Bibliography section on Love to Heart of Living God With Love, there are a few of the masters on relationships and empathy Akin, Daniel L. God on Sex: the Creators Ideas about Love, Intimacy and Marriage. Alberoni, Francesco. I Love You . Milano, Italy: Cooperativa Libraria I.U.L.M., 1996. 421p. Alcock, Norman Z. The Logic of Love . Oakville, Ontario, Canada: CPRI Press, 1976. 156p. André, le chapelain. The Art of Courtly Love . Translated by John Jay Parry; edited and abridged by Frederick W. Locke. NY: F. Ungar Pub. Co., 1957. 54p. Series: Milestones of thought in the history of ideas. Andrews, Frank. The Art and Practice of Loving . Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1990. 227p. Angelo, Joseph R. For Men Only: How to Love a Woman without Losing Your Mind Apgar, Kathryn. Overcoming Relationship Addiction: a Workshop for Women who Love Too Much . Milwaukee, WI: Family Service America, 1990. 94p. Aquinas, Saint Thomas St. Thomas Aquinas, on Aristotles Love and Friendship, Ethics, books VIII-IX. Translated by Pierre Conway. Providence: Providence College Press, 1951. 132p. Translated from the authors In | |