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         Mansfield Katherine:     more books (56)
  1. Cuentos Completos/ Complete Stories (Contemporanea / Contemporary) (Spanish Edition) by Katherine Mansfield, 2003-02-28
  2. Something Childish and Other Stories (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics) by Katherine Mansfield, 1999-06
  3. Katherine Mansfield and the Modernist Marketplace: At the Mercy of the Public by Jenny McDonnell, 2010-09-15
  4. Life of Katherine Mansfield by Ruth Elvish Mantz, John Middleton Murry, 1974-06
  5. Critical Essays on Katherine Mansfield (Critical Essays on British Literature)
  6. In a German Pension (Hesperus Modern Voices) by Katherine Mansfield, 2005-08-01
  7. Radical Mansfield: Double Discourse in Katherine Mansfield's Short Stories by Pamela Dunbar, 1997-11
  8. Katherine Mansfield: A Critical Essay by Arthur Sewell, 1973-06
  9. Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf: A Personal and Professional Bond (Debrecener Studien Zur Literatur, Bd. 2) by Nora Sellei, 1996-06
  10. Letters of Katherine Mansfield by Katherine Mansfield, 2000-01
  11. Katherine Mansfield
  12. Mansfield by C. K. Stead, 2005-01-01
  13. On The Rocks (Oberon Modern Plays) by Amy Rosenthal, 2009-06-01
  14. Criminal Procedure and the Constitution: Leading Supreme Court Cases and Introductory Text (American Casebook Series) by Jerold H. Israel, Yale Kamisar, et all 1989-01

61. The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks
Katherine Mansfield (18881923) published three collections of short stories-In a German Pension, Bliss, and The Garden Party-during her tragically short life
The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks Katherine Mansfield Edited by Margaret Scott REVIEWS:
New York Times
The only unexpurgated collection of Katherine Mansfield's private writings-now available for the first time! Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) published three collections of short stories-In a German Pension, Bliss, and The Garden Party -during her tragically short life, and was acclaimed as one of modernism's most daring and original writers. After her death from tuberculosis in France, Mansfield's private writings and letters were edited by her husband, John Middleton Murry, and published in four volumes between 1927 and 1954. Murry, however, took liberties in recasting his wife's journals and notes. He excluded most of the vast mass of material and revised much of what he included, resulting in a distorted image of Mansfield as a passive, ethereal spirit. More than four decades later, the real Mansfield finally emerges in The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks

62. Bliss.
A Celebration of Women Writers. Bliss. by Katherine Mansfield (18881923) From Bliss, and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield.
"Bliss." by Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)
From: Bliss, and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1920. pp. 116-136. [Page 116]
Oh, is there no way you can express it without being "drunk and disorderly" ? How idiotic civilisation is! Why be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a case like a rare, rare fiddle? [Page 117] "Yes, M'm." "And has the fruit come?" "Yes, M'm. Everything's come." "Bring the fruit up to the dining-room, will you? I'll arrange it before I go upstairs." It was dusky in the dining-room and quite chilly. But all the same Bertha threw off her coat; she could not bear the tight clasp of it another moment, and the cold air fell on her arms. Mary brought in the fruit on a tray and with it a glass bowl, and a blue dish, very lovely, with a strange sheen on it as though it had been dipped in milk. "Shall I turn on the light, M'm?" "No, thank you. I can see quite well." There were tangerines and apples stained with strawberry pink. Some yellow pears, smooth as silk, some white grapes covered with a silver bloom and a big cluster of purple ones. These last she had [Page 118] bought to tone in with the new dining-room carpet. Yes, that did sound rather far-fetched and absurd, but it was really why she had bought them. She had thought in the shop: "I must have some purple ones to bring the carpet up to the table." And it had seemed quite sense at the time.

63. Words Of Women Katherine Mansfield
Click here to return to main page, Katherine Mansfield. (18881923). lilip s photography Post to the messageboard Elizabeth Akers Allen
Katherine Mansfield
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Jane Austen
Page One
The Opal Dream Cave
Across the Red Sky
The Awakening River
Camomile Tea
Covering Wings
Firelight Page Two Out in the Garden A Little Girl's Prayer Loneliness Night-Scented Stock Now I am a Plant, a Weed... In the Rangitaki Valley Sanary Sea Sea Song Page Three The Secret There is a Solemn Wind To-Night Sorrowing Love Stars The Storm The Gulf There was a Child Once To God the Father To L. H. B. (1894-1915) The Town Between the Hills Villa Pauline Waves The Wounded Bird Romance The Earth-Child in the Grass The Meeting Her Childrens' Poems More information about Katherine Mansfield

64. New Page 1
Guide for The Voyage (1922) by Katherine Mansfield (18881923). Structure, Character, and Theme. Katherine Mansfield’s The Voyage
Guide for "The Voyage" (1922) by Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)
Structure, Character, and Theme
Katherine Mansfield’s "The Voyage" is a great illustration of short story features. It is only nine pages long, which means that the writer made use of certain techniques that tell the story in a concentrated manner These techniques involve narration in ‘free indirect discourse’, and the employment of imagery and symbolism. We discuss them below. Back The storyline is limited: a young girl travels with her grandmother by boat to her grandparents’ home, to live with them. Her mother has passed away and her grandmother now takes care of her as her guardian. Only halfway through the story, however, we can conclude that Fenella’s mother is indeed dead. In short stories, information like this is often not told in so many words, but suggested rather economically through images. Imagery means that we get the sensory impressions—that is, what someone sees, hears, smells, feels, or tastes—of the main character without wordy explanations from these impressions we can deduct facts, or moods

65. Cuentos De Katherine Mansfield - Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva
Translate this page Seva ¦ ¿Quiénes Somos? Katherine Mansfield Nueva Zelandia 1888-1923. Cuentos Textos electrónicos completos. El canario Felicidad

Obra Literaria Otros Escritos Datos Personales ... ¿Quiénes Somos? Katherine Mansfield
Nueva Zelandia: 1888-1923 Cuentos
Textos electrónicos completos El canario

Fiesta en el jardín
La mosca ...
Opiniones y consejos sobre el arte de narrar
24 Mar 2004 Escríbanos San Juan de Puerto Rico var site="sm5ciudadseva"

66. Felicidad [Bliss], Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)
Translate this page Katherine Mansfield (Nueva Zelandia, 1888 - Francia, 1923) felicidad 1. A pesar de sus treinta años, Berta Young tenía momentos
Katherine Mansfield
(Nueva Zelandia, 1888 - Francia, 1923)
A pesar de sus treinta años, Berta Young tenía momentos como éste de ahora, en los que hubiera deseado correr en vez de andar; deslizarse por los suelos relucientes de su casa, marcando pasos de danza; rodar un aro; tirar alguna cosa al aire para volverla a coger, o quedarse quieta y reír... simplemente por nada.
¿Qué pude hacer uno si, aún contando treinta años, al volver la esquina de su calle le domina de repente una sensación de felicidad..., de felicidad plena..., como si de repente se hubiese tragado un trozo brillante del sol crepuscular y éste le abrasara el pecho, lanzando una lluvia de chispas por todo su cuerpo?
¿Es que no puede haber una forma de manifestarlo sin parecer “beodo o trastornado”? La civilización es una estupidez. ¿Para qué se nos ha dado un cuerpo, si hemos de mantenerlo encerrado en un estuche como si fuera algún valioso Stradivarius?
“No, la comparación con el violín no expresa exactamente lo que quiero decir —pensó mientras subía corriendo la escalera, y, después de buscar la llave en su bolso y ver que la había olvidado como de costumbre, repiqueteaba con los dedos en el buzón—. Y no lo expresa porque...”
—¡Gracias, Mary! —Entró en el vestíbulo—. ¿Ha vuelto la niñera?

67. Katherine Mansfield's Mr. And Mrs. Dove
Main Anthology Menu. Mr. and Mrs. Dove by Katherine Mansfield (18881923) from The Garden Party (1922). Of course he knew no man
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Mr. and Mrs. Dove
by Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)
from The Garden Party Of course he knew no man better that he hadn't a ghost of a chance, he hadn't an earthly. The very idea of such a thing was preposterous. So preposterous that he'd perfectly understand it if her father well, whatever her father chose to do he'd perfectly understand. In fact, nothing short of desperation, nothing short of the fact that this was positively his last day in England for God knows how long, would have screwed him up to it. And even now... He chose a tie out of the chest of drawers, a blue and cream check tie, and sat on the side of his bed. Supposing she replied, "What impertinence!" would he be surprised? Not in the least, he decided, turning up his soft collar and turning it down over the tie. He expected her to say something like that. He didn't see, if he looked at the affair dead soberly, what else she could say.
cheeks. He doted on her delicate little nose, her perfect lips, her ear like a baby's, and the gold-brown curl that half covered it. They were passing through the jungle. It was warm and dark and far away. Then she woke up and said, "Have I been asleep?" and he answered, "Yes. Are you all right? Here, let me " And he leaned forward to... He bent over her. This was such bliss that he could dream no further. But it gave him the courage to bound downstairs, to snatch his straw hat from the hall, and to say as he closed the front door, "Well, I can only try my luck, that's all."

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Region Manners and customs Wellington Region Manners and customs - West Coast Region Mansfield, Katherine 1888-1923 - Associations, institutions, etc.

69. Glbtq >> Literature >> Mansfield, Katherine
Though Katherine Mansfield was reticent in the depiction of lesbianism in her short stories, she had close female friendships and was always deeply concerned with the status of women. She was born Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp in Wellington, New Zealand
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Mansfield, Katherine (1888-1923) Though Katherine Mansfield was reticent in the depiction of lesbianism in her short stories, she had close female friendships and was always deeply concerned with the status of women. She was born Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp in Wellington, New Zealand. Her closest relationship was with her grandmother, who figures as the most sympathetic figure in her "New Zealand" stories. A chronological arrangement of those stories by Ian Gordon, entitled Undiscovered Country (1974), provides an insight into her own perspective on her childhood. Sponsor Message.
After attending Wellington Girls' High School, she was sent to Queen's College, London, as a finishing school. Back in Wellington, she became disenchanted with its intellectual life. Though her father helped her get some of her early stories published, she pined for London. She was allowed to return in 1908, with an annual allowance to supplement any income from her writing. In London, she found her way into the literary scene, working principally with John Middleton Murry. Her personal life often got in the way of her writing career. Married hastily to an acquaintance, she was pregnant by another man. The marriage lasted barely days. Her mother sailed at once for London (after cutting Kathleen out of her will), hustled her off to a spa in Germany, then left her alone to go through the suffering of a miscarriage.

70. Mansfield, Katherine
Mansfield, Katherine (1) (1888–1923), was born in Wellington as Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp, into a family with vigorous social ambitions.
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MANSFIELD, Katherine
No other New Zealand figure has troubled or challenged so many writers to irreverent, defiant or merely exploitative responses.
Author entry from The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature edited by Roger Robinson and Nelson Wattie (1998).
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Entry on critical response by Roger Robinson

Biographical entry by Vincent O'Sullivan
MANSFIELD, Katherine (1) (1888–1923), was born in Wellington as Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp, into a family with vigorous social ambitions. Her mother was the delicate and aloof Annie Dyer; her father, Harold Beauchamp, a canny and successful businessman. A first cousin in Sydney became the best-selling novelist, and Mansfield’s first role model, Elizabeth von Arnim. Kathleen Beauchamp returned to Wellington, rebellious and unsettled, in late 1906. Although her life was comfortable and socially expansive, for the next twenty months she warred against parental vigilance, and found Wellington understandably provincial. She filled what she later called ‘great complaining notebooks’, published her first work under noms de plume in The Lone Hand and The Native Companion in Australia, and moved through a number of furtive infatuations with men and women. She also made an extended caravan journey into remote Urewera country in the middle of the North Island, her one experience of ‘roughing it’, returning home with a liking for Maori and English tourists, ‘but nothing in between’. Her father accepted her plea for musical training in England and she arrived again in London in August 1908, ‘Katherine Mansfield’ already decided on as her pen-name.

71. Mansfield, Katherine. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
Edition. 2001. Mansfield, Katherine. 1888–1923, British author, b. New Zealand, regarded as one of the masters of the short story. Her
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72. Mansfield, Katherine. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language
Edition. 2000. Mansfield, Katherine. DATES 1888–1923. New Zealandborn British writer known for her short stories. Her collections
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference American Heritage Dictionary Mansfield ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

73. Mansfield, Katherine
Mansfield, Katherine, 1888–1923, British author, b. New Zealand, regarded as one of the masters of the short story. Her original name was Kathleen Beauchamp.
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    Mansfield, Katherine Mansfield, Katherine, , British author, b. New Zealand, regarded as one of the masters of the short story. Her original name was Kathleen Beauchamp. A talented cellist, she did not turn to literature until 1908. Her first volume of short stories, In a German Pension (1911), was not remarkable and achieved little notice, but the stories in Bliss (1920) and The Garden Party (1922) established her as a major writer. Later volumes of stories include The Dove's Nest (1923) and Something Childish (1924; U.S. ed. The Little Girl, 1924). Her collected stories appeared in 1937. Novels and Novelists (1930) is a compilation of critical essays. After an unhappy first marriage, she married John Middleton Murry , an editor and critic, in 1918. During the last five years of her life she suffered from tuberculosis and succumbed to the disease at the age of 35. Mansfield's stories, which reveal the influence of Chekhov, are simple in form, luminous and evocative in substance. With delicate plainness they present elusive moments of decision, defeat, and small triumph. After her death Murry culled a number of books from her notebooks, editing her poems (1923, new ed. 1930), her journals (1927), her letters (1928), and a collection of unfinished pieces from her notebooks (1939).

74. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection. Katherine Mansfield (1888 1923). Nationality New

75. The Author
The Author. Katherine Mansfield Mansfield’s Poems. 1888–1923. poet. Mansfield, Katherine is at best a qualified national icon in New Zealand.
The Author Katherine Mansfield Mansfield’s Poems poet Mansfield, Katherine is at best a qualified national icon in New Zealand. As an expatriate writing in the London literary world and reflecting European movements of thought she had little connection with early New Zealand writing, which accorded her little recognition. In Europe , Francis Carco, John Middleton Murry and Aldous Huxley put versions of her into novels, and other accounts were published by A.R. Orage, Olgivanna, Beatrice Hastings and others. Katherine was born in Wellington as Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp, into a family with vigorous social ambitions. Her mother was the delicate and aloof Annie Dyer; her father, Harold Beauchamp, a canny and successful businessman. A first cousin in Sydney became the best-selling novelist, and Mansfield ’s first role model, Elizabeth von Arnim. After studying at Queen’s College in London , where she also immersed herself in French, German and music, Kathleen Beauchamp returned to Wellington , rebellious and unsettled, in late 1906. Although her life was comfortable and socially expansive, for the next twenty months she warred against parental vigilance, and found

76. Literary Encyclopedia: Mansfield, Katherine
Mansfield, Katherine. (1888 1923). Domain Literature. Story Writer, Poet, Reviewer, Autobiographer. Active 1908

77. Katherine Mansfield At -- Essays, Resources
Katherine Mansfield. 1888 1923 *. New Zealand-born British short-story writer. These essays offer analysis of the author s life and works.
Start your day with a thought-provoking quote from the world's greatest thinkers and writers. Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. Katherine Mansfield New Zealand-born British short-story writer
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78. Katherine Mansfield Bibliography
FantasticFiction Authors M Katherine Mansfield. Fantastic Fiction, Katherine Mansfield New Zealand (1888 1923). Search Authors. Search Books. Novels, Top.
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Katherine Mansfield
New Zealand
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The Aloe

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In a German Pension
Bliss,: And Other Stories The Garden Party: And Other Stories ... The Dove's Nest The Little Girl And Other Stories Something Childish Stories By Katherine Mansfield: A Selection Made By J. Middleton Murry The Doll's House: And Other Stories Short Stories by Katherine Mansfield ... Katherine Mansfield's New Zealand Stories
Non fiction Top
Journal of Katherine Mansfield
Letters of Katherine Mansfield Novels and Novelists Katherine Mansfield's Letters to John Middleton Murry 1913-1922 Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield 1888-1917 The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield 1918-1919 The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield 1919-1920 The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield, Vol. 4
Anthologies containing stories by Katherine Mansfield Top
Twentieth Century Short Stories
Master Stories of the Twentieth Century Points of View: An Anthology of Short Stories More Stories Strange and Sinister Great British Short Stories The Penguin Book of Classic Fantasy by Women
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A Suburban Fairy Tale The Lady's Maid The Daughters of the Late Colonel Marriage a la Mode Poison Something Childish But Very Natural Visitors to this page also looked at these authors Elizabeth Bowen Shirley Jackson Graham Greene J K Rowling ... W W Jacobs Fantastic

79. Menton Und Katherine Mansfield
Translate this page Die neuseeländische Schriftstellerin Katherine Mansfield ( 1888 - 1923) verbrachte vom Frühjahr 1920 an ein ganzes Jahr in Menton.
Menton Mansfield Katherine Mansfield in Menton Frankreich Orte A bis Z Menton Impressum

80. Library Catalogue Search
Library Catalogue Search Results. You searched for subject Mansfield Katherine 1888 1923 fiction 1 records were found. Mansfield a novel / Stead, CK. 2004.

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