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Malot Hector: more detail | ||||
81. Secondemain, Votre Boutique Virtuelle Malot, Hector d émotion, où l on s attendrit sans mièvrerie, un chef-d oeuvre d http://www.planirom.qc.ca/acatalog/Secondemain_Malot__Hector_4206.html | |
82. Mary Carey actrices.zizimag.com; Mstsk knihovna Lanhot - katalog LANius Malory,Thomas Malot,Hector,1830-1907Malotnov,Miriam Malouf,David,1934- Maloumian,Armand Malovec http://www.tutorgig.com/searchweb.jsp?keywords=mary carey |
83. IUB Libraries: French Contemporary Authors Approval Plan - Author List - Born Be Translate this page MALE, Emile, 1872, 1954. MALEGUE, Joseph, 1876, 1940. MALLARME, Stéphane, 1842,1898. Malot, Hector, 1830, 1907. MALRAUX, Clara, 1897, 1982. MARCEL, Gabriel,1889, 1973. http://www.indiana.edu/~libmps/ap/fauthor.html | |
84. Le Cimetière Virtuel Translate this page Hector Malot. 1830 - 1907. Cimetière Fontenay sous bois val de marneFrance. Ecrivain (sans famille). deposé par lise le 16/05/2004. http://www.lecimetiere.net/tombe.php?nbr=824 |
85. Paffio_Peline_Story Hector Henri Malot (1830/1907). http://www.paffio.it/Peline/Peline.html | |
86. Oslopuls.no - Kunst & Kultur Fakta Frendelaus Musikal som baserer seg på barnebokklassikeren Sansfamille , av den franske forfatteren Hector Malot (1830 1907). http://oslopuls.no/cityguides/nav/news.jhtml?id=632090&printVersion=false&contex |
87. Inn For Gravid Heidi 2000. Stor mulighet «Frendelaus» er en ny, norsk musikal basertpå en roman av franske Hector Malot (1830 1907). Musikken er http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2003/09/04/377662.html | |
88. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations 1950 See Becks Malorny Ulrike 1950 1 Malory Thomas Sir 15th Cent 14 entries14 Malot Hector Henri 1830 1907 See Malot Hector 1830 1907 1 Malouf http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,1899,1901/search/a?Malouf, Melissa. |
89. Pleasanton Public Library /All Items See Malory Thomas Sir 15th Cent Morte Darthur 14 additional entries Malot Hector1830 1907 3 entries Malot Hector Henri 1830 1907 See Malot Hector http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/10,152/search/amaloni kelly/amalon | |
90. Pulaski County Special School District /All Locations Malory Tho King Arthur; Northwood Middle School Malory Thomas Sir 15th Cent 23 entries Malot Hector 1830 1907 3 entries Malot Hector Henri 1830 1907 http://pcssdmedia.k12.ar.us:90/kids/1899,1901/search/amalpezzi frances m 1946/am |
91. Untitled Page, 1912. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 18361907. The Story of Horatio, 1832-1899. Hector's inheritance / by Horatio Alger, Jr company, c1934 Bronson, Lynn, 1907-1980 Popular girl, by http://www.lib.tcu.edu/SpColl/web-exhi/BOYSBKS2.txt |
92. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Hector enfants Sans famille, dont la visée moralisatrice n estompe pas les 4. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Hector.html | |
93. Scriitori Francezi Charles Baudelaire 1821 1867. Marcel Proust 1871 - 1922, Hector Malot1830 - 1907. Alexandre Dumas 1802 - 1870, Émile Zola 1840 - 1902. http://www.bvau.ro/manifestari/2002/scriitori_francezi/francezi.html | |
94. Biblioteca "V.A. Urechia" Charles Baudelaire 1821 1867. Marcel Proust 1871 - 1922, Hector Malot1830 - 1907. Alexandre Dumas 1802 - 1870, Émile Zola 1840 - 1902. http://www.bvau.ro/bvau_kids/pg/www/scriitori.html | |
95. Les Personnages Contemporains à Victor Hugo Au 19ème . Siècle tout spécial. Camille, vicomte de. 1830-1907. Député de la Loire en 1871. http://www.chronologievictor-hugo.com/corpquisontilsm.htm | |
96. (French Department) UNH homepage. University of New Hampshire Library. Department of French. Titles added to the UNH Library. January 17, 2003February 28, 2003. 1. Ribbe, Claude, 1954- ALEXANDRE DUMAS LE DRAGON DE LA http://www.library.unh.edu/newbooks/fre1.htm | |
97. Poodle Lit. 101/1 Poodle Lit. pre1929. Alcott, Louisa May (1832-88), Little Women ( most popular girls' book ever written, first published in 1868; any edition will serve the purpose). Aunt March owns an odious Poodle. http://www.poodlehistory.org/PZZLIT1.HTM | |
98. La Ressource éphémère No 18 famille veut exprimer une peur, c est la nuit qu il prend pour cadre. http://www.multimania.com/almasty/ephe18.htm | |
100. ç§ç å
¸ãæµ·å¤ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://homepage3.nifty.com/hobbit/child/jitenutf/aiueo.html | |
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