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61. Authors M-O pseud. AKA Watson, John, 18501907 Macy, Jesse, 1842-1919 Maeterlinck, Maurice,1862-1949 Malory, Thomas, d. 1471 Malot, Hector, 1830-1907 Mandeville, John http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/m-o.htm | |
62. DEMAREST - Autographes - Manuscrits - Histoire Et Philatelie - Paris - France An Translate this page message. Je suis interesse par I am Interested by Numero = 98 Auteur(Author) = Malot Hector (1830-1907), écrivain. Titre (Title http://www.franceantiq.fr/stamps/demarest/Form.asp?idTable=Demarest1103&Index=98 |
63. 2 FU STUDIETUR TIL OSLO TORSDAG 13 Her går du frå latter til tårer og til latter igjen! Hector Malot(18301907)skreiv om lag 70 romanar. I dag hugsar vi han best http://www.lu.hiof.no/~st/2003_2004/Team2/Turer/2_fu_studietur__til__oslo__torsd | |
64. Mìstská Knihovna Znojmo - Katalog LANius Malory,Thomas,14081471 Malot,Hector Malot,Hector,1830-1907 Malotínová,Miriam Malouf,David,1934-Maloumian,Armand Malouek,Antonín Malovec,Miroslav Malpass http://baze.knihovnazn.cz/LANius/kfsautm.htm | |
65. MìK Velké Meziøíèí - Katalog LANius Jaroslav,1905 Mallet-Joris,Francoise,1930- Malone,John Malone,Paul B. Maloney,Michael,1944-Malory,Thomas,1408-1471 Malot,Hector,1830-1907 Malotínová,Miriam http://ns.knihovnavm.cz/LANius/kfsautma.htm | |
66. List Of French Language Authors - InformationBlast de Lamartine (1790 - 1869); Hector Malot (1830-1907); Henry de http://www.informationblast.com/List_of_French_language_authors.html |
67. Mìstská Knihovna Èeský Dub - Katalog LANius Helena,18771940 Malíek,Vladimír,1933- Malkov,Pavel Málková Jaroslava Mallet-Joris,Francoise,1930-Malone,Paul B. Malot,Hector,1830-1907 Maloumian,Armand http://www.knihovna.cdub.cz/lanius/kfsautm.htm | |
68. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations 4 Malonis Jane A c2000 1 Malorosiia See Ukraine 1 Malorosja See Ukraine1 Malory Thomas Sir 15th Cent 28 entries 28 Malot Hector 1830 1907 4 Malot http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/6,992/search/aMalot, Hector, 1830-1907./ama | |
69. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Author, Malot, Hector, 18301907. Title, The adventures of Remi ;from the French of Hector Malot s Sans famille. Translated and http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/6,992/search/aAllen, R. Charles./aallen r c | |
70. Mìstská Knihovna Klatovy - Katalog LANius World Masterpiece Theater Anime List Author Hector Malot (18301907); Nationality French; Story Setting France;Pre-Story Date 1878 Perrine born in Dacca, India. Series Length 50 Eps. http://www2.knih-kt.cz/lanius/l.dll?kfh~A=Malot,Hector,1830-1907 |
71. World Masterpiece Theater Anime An Appreciation By GC. The World Author Hector Malot (18301907) Nationality French Story Setting France Pre-StoryDate 1878 Perrine born in Dacca, India. Series Length 50 Eps. http://www.sandg-anime-reviews.net/text/wmts2.txt |
72. Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. *Écrivains* Translate this page PIERRE DU MARCHEY DIT ) NÉ A PÉRONNE (1882-1970) MAISTRE (EXAVIER DE) NÉ A CHAMBERY(1763-1852) Malot (Hector) NÉ A LA BOUILLE (1830-1907) MALRAUX (ANDRÉ http://www.mots-croisiste.com/11.html | |
73. Collection Seine Maritime Translate this page Jumièges, Promenade à cheval, Euro, sans. La Bouille, Hector Malot(1830-1907) auteur de Sans Famille, né à la Bouille, Euro, sans. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eliane.demerges/Collection_SeineMaritime.htm | |
74. Biografielijst M - Wikipedia NL Kasimir Malewitsj (18781935), Russisch schilder; John Malkovich,Amerikaans acteur; Hector Malot (1830-1907), Frans schrijver. Man. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biografielijst_M | |
75. .:: Bibliotheek Van Fokke En Jori. Ab Hic Ad Lunam Et Retro: Auteur ::. Malot, Hector HENRI (18301907), French novelist and man of letters, the son ofa notary, was born at La Bouille (Seine Inférieure) on the 20th of May 1830. http://www.jori-fokke.net/auteur.php?id=246 |
76. BDHL - Fiche Complète D'un écrivain Translate this page Goncourt, Jules de, 1830, 1870. Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 1830, 1889.Malot, Hector, 1830, 1907. Sardou, Victorien, 1831, 1908. Gaboriau, Emile,1832, 1873. http://michel.bernard.online.fr/bdhl/auteurcomplet.php?recherche=248&tri=auteurs |
77. BDHL - Fiche Complète D'un écrivain Translate this page Goncourt, Jules de, 1830, 1870. Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 1830,1889. Malot, Hector, 1830, 1907. Auteurs, uvres, Dates, Statistiques,Manuels, Jeux. http://michel.bernard.online.fr/bdhl/auteurcomplet.php?recherche=658&tri=auteurs |
78. MSN Encarta - Malot, Hector enfants Sans famille, dont la visée moralisatrice n estompe pas les http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761589697/Malot_Hector.html | |
79. Barnebokkritikk Nilsen Ei litt trist, litt spennande, men mest av alt ei søt historie frå eingong før i tida Den franske forfattaren Hector Malot (1830 1907) er nok http://www.barnebokkritikk.no/modules.php?name=Reviews&rop=showcontent&id=41 |
80. ABout FranCe :: Alles über Frankreich Translate this page Malot, Hector frz. Schriftsteller (1830 - 1907). Autor Admin on 10/16/03.Encyclopedia 1.0 by Rebecca Smallwood. © Frankreich - Experte, 2004. http://www.about-france.de/frankreich/index.php?module=Encyclopedia&func=display |
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