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Macy John Albert: more detail | ||||
21. American Authors Ellery Leonard (18761944); John Albert Macy (1877-1932); Lloyd Douglas (1877-1951); Adelaide Crapsey (1878-1914); Carl Sandburg (1878 http://www.tsuru.ac.jp/~kevin/esl_links/A_authors.html |
22. INDEX Fred ( ) G. Wilson (1877-1932) George Albert (1880-1909 1938) John Thomas (1851-1928) John Wesley (1885 Lutye Wyl (- ) Lyda (- ) MF (- ) MJ (- ) Macy Zella (1906 http://www.humber-genealogy.com/fowndx1.html | |
23. CSULB-COAST /All Locations Mark Nearby Authors are Year Entries Macy, John Albert, 18771932. 6 Macy, John W., 1917- 3 Macy (Josiah) Jr. Foundation See Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. http://www.coast.csulb.edu:90/kids/10,152/search/aMacy, Sue./amacy sue/-5,-1,0,B |
24. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations Mark Year Entries Ma Hsi Yueh Han 1877 1932 See Macy, John Albert, 18771932 1 Ma Jian 1953 c2001 1 Ma Ka Tai Me She Kia Kiak Sauk Chief 1767 1838 See http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aM. S. B./am s b/13,-1, | |
25. Tuscaloosa Public Library /All Locations Main Biography, B Keller, DUE 0827-03BILLED. Alt author, Macy, John Albert, 1877-1932. Sullivan, Annie, 1866-1936. Berger, James, 1954-. http://innopac.tuscaloosa-library.org:90/kids/10,997/search/dPeople with disabil |
26. Balayage Des Résultats ResAnet Macy, John Albert, 1877-1932 (5 docs); Macy, John W., 1917- (2 docs); Macy, Lambert (1 doc); Macy, Laurelle (5 http://www.amicus.nlc-bnc.ca/wbin/resanet/resultsm/s=b/n=NA/l=1/d=1/r=1/e=0/h=10 | |
27. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations 2002 1 Ma, Shutian. 2 Massu, 1877-1932 See Macy, John Albert, 1877-1932 1 Ma, TS (Tsu Sheng), 1911- 2 Ma, Ta-ti, 1946- 1990 1 Ma, Tai-hsiu. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,997/search/aMa, Shutian./ama | |
28. Rocky Springs Cemetery, Lisbon, Claiborne Parish, LA Submitted By 5. Seaborn Jesse Aycock 18731943 6. Macy Hightower Aycock Albert Sidney Killgore 1877-1932 11 Louella Pryor Killgore Age 6 20 Blank Stone 21 John M. English http://searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/la/claiborne/cemeteries/rockyspr | |
29. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (M - MAC) BOOK Michael MacWhite, Irish diplomat (1883 1958) - BUY AMAZON BOOK John Albert Macy, American writer on literary subjects (1877 - 1932) - BUY AMAZON http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiom.htm | |
30. Macy (1976) Edgar Allan Poe An academic directory and search engine Author Macy, John Albert ( b. 1877, d. 1932) PUBLISHER http://www.getcited.org/pub/101594758 | |
31. GIGA Chronological Author List "1875 To 1879" Scottish clergyman and educator (1877 1948) - BUY AMAZON BOOK John Albert Macy, American writer on literary subjects (1877 - 1932) - BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1875.htm | |
32. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Num Mark AUTHORS (13 of 3) Medium Year Macy John Albert 1877 1932 1 Helen Keller La Historia De Mi Vida / Helen Keller, Por John Albert Macy ; Introducción http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/11,890/search/aMacy, Joanna, 1929-/amacy jo | |
33. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Foundation 1 Macy Gertrude 1978 1 Macy Harriet 1917 1 Macy Joanna 1929 5 Macy Joanna Rogers 1929 See Macy Joanna 1929 1 Macy John Albert 1877 1932 5 Macy http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/11,890/search/aMacy, Joanna, 1929-/amacy jo | |
34. Becker Medical Library Books A=Velpeau, A. (Alfred), 17951867. Regnard, A. (Albert), ed. Fifield, WCB, trans. A=Marshall, Charlotte T. Bowers, John Z. Schultze, Emma Josiah Macy, Jr. http://becker.wustl.edu/miniecat/BTL119.html | |
35. Library System Of Lancaster County /All Locations Num Mark AUTHORS (12 of 2) Medium Year Macy John Albert 1877 1932 1 The Story Of My Life The Restored Classic 1903-2003 / Helen Keller ; With Supplementary http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org:90/kids/1899,2126/search/aMacy, Robert./am | |
36. Library System Of Lancaster County /All Locations Andre 1901 1976 1 Ma Erh Sa Ssu 1766 1834 See Malthus TR Thomas Robert 1766 1834 1 Ma Hsi Yueh Han 1877 1932 See Macy John Albert 1877 1932 1 Ma http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org:90/kids/1899,2126/search/aMa, Jian, 1953-/ | |
37. Finding Aid To The Albert Einstein Archives Guillaume, Charles Edouard, 18611938. Gunther, John, 1901-1970 Schweitzer, Albert, 1875-1965. Schweydar, Wilhelm, 1877-1959 by Josiah Macy Foundation. 18-190 to 18-223. 1930 to 1932 http://www.alberteinstein.info/finding_aid | |
38. Pulaski County Special School District /All Locations Garcia Marquez Gabriel 1928 1 Ma Han 1840 1914 See Mahan AT Alfred Thayer 1840 1914 1 Ma Hsi Yueh Han 1877 1932 See Macy John Albert 1877 1932 1 Ma http://pcssdmedia.k12.ar.us:90/kids/1899,1901/search/ama yo yo 1955/ama yo yo 19 |
39. Westerville Public Library /All Locations Save Year Entries Macweeney Alen 1997 1 Macwilliam Keenan c2002 1 Macy Caitlin c2000 1 Macy John Albert 1877 1932 2003 1 Macy Laura Williams 2001 1 Macy http://catalog.wpl.lib.oh.us:90/kids/1953,2181/search/aMacy, Sue./amacy sue/-5,- | |
40. List Of People By Name: Ma - InfoSearchPoint.com Macy, William H., (born 1950), actor; Magee, John Gillespie, Junior, (19221941), (Aviation poet); Magellan Albertus, (died 1280), (aka Saint Albert the Great http://www.infosearchpoint.com/display/List_of_people_by_name:_Ma | |
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