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Machen Arthur: more detail | ||||||
41. THE CAMELOT PROJECT: MENU OF AUTHORS Launfal (1848). Machen, Arthur (18631947) The Great Return (1915).Manning, Frederic (1882-1935) Tristram (1910). McNary, Sarah http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/AUTHMENU.htm | |
42. NMGW | Art | Collections Display as visit planner (with maps). WALTERS, Evan (1893 1951).Arthur Machen (1863-1947). Media oil on canvas. Size 61.5 x 51.0 cm. http://www.nmgw.ac.uk/art/collections/db/?action=show_item&item=1873&style=list |
43. Minotauren I Pressen Den walesiske skräckförfattaren Arthur Machen (18631947), föga läst men välkändsom författaren till The Great God Pan, en skräcknovell som gång på http://www.alephbokforlag.se/minotauren/recensioner.htm | |
44. Pag1c Translate this page Arthur Machen Considerado por Lovecraft como uno de los cuatro maestros modernosdel género, el galés Arthur Llewellyn Machen (1863-1947) es uno de sus http://dreamers.com/lospulps/pag1f.html | |
45. Machen Tellmeabout.co.uk fiction. Arthur Machen (18631947). Machen Family Machen Family. May20, 2004 1117pm CDT. Welcome To The Machen Family Website. http://www.tellmeabout.co.uk/directory/m/machen/readme.htm |
46. Esos Locos Doctores > Elmundolibro - El Libro Del Día Translate this page Autor de algunos de los cuentos de terror más sobrecogedores de la historia de laliteratura, el galés Arthur Machen (1863-1947) fue periodista, ensayista y http://www.el-mundo.es/elmundolibro/2002/11/14/anticuario/1037386576.html | |
47. TecaLibri: Indice Degli Autori Di: Narrativa Inglese Machen , Arthur, 1863-1947, Il terrore; McEwan, Ian, 1948, Espiazione copertine; McGrath , Patrick, , Follia http://web.infinito.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/Classi/N/Nar_Ing_A_0001.htm |
48. El Terror - CYbErDaRk.Net - (Alianza Editorial - El Libro De Bolsillo) - Terror la obra de Arthur Machen (1863-1947) abrió nuevos caminos a la historia de http://www.cyberdark.net/ver.php3?cod=1758 |
49. El Gran Dios Pan Y Otros Relatos De Terror - CYbErDaRk.Net - (Valdemar - El Club Translate this page Arthur Machen (1863-1947), al igual que su contemporáneo Lord Dunsany, fue un obstinadosoñador que creó una de las obras más líricas y exquisitas que ha http://www.cyberdark.net/ver.php3?cod=8659 |
50. Demons & Demons, Edited By Marvin Kaye Machen, Arthur, (Arthur Llewellyn Jones, 18631947) Novel of the White Powder,1895. (excerpt from The Recluse of Bayswater, in The Three Imposters, 1895.). http://www.hycyber.com/HF/devils_demons.html | |
51. Great Tales Of Terror And The Supernatural, Edited By Phyllis Cerf Wagner And He (Weird Tales April, 1929; The Outsider and Others, 1939.). Machen, Arthur,(18631947) The Great God Pan, 1922. (The House of Souls, 1922.). http://www.hycyber.com/HF/wagner_great_tales.html | |
52. Chatto & Windus Newspaper Reviews : M 3. McDowall, Arthur, Nature and men / by Arthur McDowall, 1924, 27. Machen,Arthur (18631947), The canning wonder / by Arthur Machen, 1925, 31. http://www.library.rdg.ac.uk/colls/special/chatto/chattom.html | |
53. S. T. Joshi The Three Imposters Other Stories The Best Weird Tales of Arthur Machen, Volume1 Arthur Machen (18631947), an English author best known for his eerie http://facultyofphilosophy.com/search_S._T._Joshi/searchBy_Author.html | |
54. Application.cfm 1971. New York Britannica. Edition (unknown). $75.00. Book Photo Machen, Arthur,18631947. THE ANATOMY OF TOBACCO. 1926. New York Alfred A. Knopf. http://www.spiritdancergallery.com/catalogs/test.cfm?medicine=true |
55. Application.cfm 1742. London William Sandby, at the Ship without TempleBar. Second Edition.$400.00. Book Photo Machen, Arthur, 1863-1947. THE ANATOMY OF TOBACCO. 1926. http://www.spiritdancergallery.com/catalogs/test.cfm?philosophy=true |
56. JAMES,MR GGI 1044. Arthur Machen (18631947). 2900. BATCHLOR, John. 2902. GILBERT,RA Machen, Arthur Llewellyn (1863-1947) (pp. 151-52). http://www.pagedepot.com/thesicklytaper/OTHEREG.HTM | |
57. REH Bookshelf - M (18631947). a close study of Poe s technique, I am forced to give as my personalopinion, that his horror tales have been surpassed by Arthur Machen, and that http://www.rehupa.com/bookshelf_m.htm | |
58. Dr Roger Luckhurst Case of Lady Sannox (1894) Grant Allen (18481899), The Pallinghurst Barrow(1893) Arthur Machen (1863-1947), The Great God Pan (1894) MP Shiel http://www.bbk.ac.uk/eh/eng/staff/rl.htm | |
59. CNN.com - Spine-tingling Tales For Halloween - Oct. 27, 2003 and Tim Lebbon comes a first collaboration, Exorcising Angels. Inspired by thelife and work of Welshborn author Arthur Machen (1863-1947), this novella http://www.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/books/10/27/hln.hot.book.halloween/ | |
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