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Lowell Amy: more books (18) | ||
21. Poetry: Amy Lowell Back to List Amy Lowell (18741925) LINKS Poetry of Amy Lowell http//www.sappho.com/poetry/a_Lowell.htm BIOGRAPHYAmy Lowell (1874-1925). http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/introduction_literature/poetry/lowell.htm |
22. MSN Encarta - Search View - Lowell, Amy Lawrence Lowell, Amy Lawrence. Lowell, Amy Lawrence (18741925), American poetand critic, one of the leaders of the imagist school (see Imagism). http://encarta.msn.com/text_761574733__1/Lowell_Amy_Lawrence.html | |
23. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Lowell Amy Lawrence Lowell, Amy Lawrence (18741925), American poet and critic, one of the leaders ofthe imagist school (see Imagism). She was born in Brookline, related items. http://encarta.msn.com/Lowell_Amy_Lawrence.html | |
24. Poet: Amy Lowell - All Poems Of Amy Lowell Amy Lowell blacktitle.jpg (12329 bytes). Amy Lowell (18741925) Lowell s Lifeand Career About Lowell s Poetry On The Weather-Cock Points http://www.poemhunter.com/amy-lowell/poet-6747/ | |
25. Heath Anthology Of American Literature 4/e Amy Lowell - Author Page Textbook Site for The Heath Anthology of American Literature, FourthEdition Paul Lauter, General Editor. Amy Lowell (18741925) http://college.hmco.com/english/lauter/heath/4e/students/author_pages/modern/low | |
26. Gale - Free Resources - Poet's Corner - Biographies - Amy Lowell Amy Lowell. Read her poem Generations . (18741925) Nationality AmericanCareer Poet, biographer, critic, and essayist. A descendent http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/poets/bio/lowell_a.htm | |
27. Madonna Of The Evening Flowers By Amy Lowell. 1874-1925 Madonna of the Evening Flowers. Send this poem to a friend. Amy Lowell.18741925 All day long I have been working Now I am tired. http://lovepoems.great-dating-services.com/poem/53.html | |
28. Amy Lowell Poems, Biography And Picture Amy Lowell Nationality American Lifespan 1874-1925 Paternal grandfather, JohnAmory Lowell and maternal grandfather, Abbott Lawrence - the towns of Lowell http://www.love-poems.me.uk/biography_lowell_amy.htm | |
30. Lyrical Poems Of Amy Lowell, Audio Readings By Walter Rufus Eagles Readings by Walter Rufus Eagles in RealMedia streaming audio. Fourteen LyricalPoems by Amy Lowell 18741925 USA. . Apples of Hesperides 104. http://www.eaglesweb.com/Sub_Pages/lowell_amy_poems.htm | |
31. Author Amy Lowell, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive Amy Lowell (next poet) I was from USA, and I lived from 18741925. Printor Buy my poetry? View comments? Add to favorites? My influences http://oldpoetry.com/authors/Amy Lowell | |
32. Famous Love And Romance Poetry - Amy Lowell - Madonna Of The Evening Flowers Classic Love and Romance Poems. Madonna of the Evening Flowers by AmyLowell. 18741925 All day long I have been working Now I am tired. http://www.theromantic.com/poetryclassic/madonnaoftheevening.htm | |
33. Volume D: American Literature Between The Wars, 1914-1945 Amy Lowell (18741925). Born into the powerful Lowell family of Massachusetts,Amy Lowell chose not to become a complacent Lowell http://www.wwnorton.com/naal/vol_D/bio/lowell.htm | |
34. American Literature Web Resources: Audre Lorde American Literature Web Resources Amy Lowell Amy Lowell (18741925)Chronology. compiled by Heather C. Reed, Millikin University. http://www.millikin.edu/aci/crow/chronology/lowellbio.html | |
35. The Blue Scarf, By Amy Lowell Click Here. THE BLUE SCARF. by Amy Lowell (18741925). ALE, withthe blue of high zeniths, shimmered over with silver, brocaded In http://www.poetry-archive.com/l/the_blue_scarf.html | |
36. Battledore And Shuttlecock, By Amy Lowell BATTLEDORE AND SHUTTLECOCK. by Amy Lowell (18741925). HE shuttlecock soarsupward In a parabola of whiteness, Turns, And sinks to a perfect arc. Plat! http://www.poetry-archive.com/l/battledore_and_shuttlecock.html | |
37. WIEM: Lowell Amy Literatura, Stany Zjednoczone Lowell Amy (18741925). Lowell Amy (1874-1925),amerykanska pisarka. Czlonkini grupy tzw. imagistów. http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00da36.html | |
38. BI Amy Lowell, Contents BI. Amy Lowell, 18741925. Introduction. Primary Materials. 1. A Domeof Many-Coloured Glass, 1912. 2. Sword Blades and Poppy Seed, 1914. http://themargins.net/bib/B/BI/00bi.html | |
39. Daily Celebrations ~ Amy Lowell, A Rare Pattern ~ February 9 ~ Ideas To Motivate Amy Lowell. A rare pattern, poet Amy Lowell (18741925) was born to awealthy, prestigious family on this day in Brookline, Massachusetts. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/020900.htm | |
40. Amy Lowell At The Mad Cybrarian's Library web hosting, domain name, free web site, email address web hosting domainnames email addresses. The Mad Cybrarian s Library. Amy Lowell. 18741925. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/Lowell-Amy.html | |
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