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Linderman Frank Bird: more detail | |||||
41. Records For Indian Women -- North America. (in VSCCAT) Linderman, Frank Bird, 18691938. Red mother Pretty-shield, medicine woman ofthe Crows. Illustrated by Herbert Morton Stoops. New York, John Day Co. http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT/@INDIAN WOMEN NORTH AMERICA/56c430004100/0 |
42. K. Ross Toole Archives Frank Bird Linderman Collection Mansfield Frank Bird Linderman was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on September 25, 1869, the son of James Bird Linderman and Mary Barbara, California, in 1938. Minnie Linderman died in 1941. http://www.lib.umt.edu/dept/arch/mss007.htm | |
43. Montana's Capitol Gallery Of Outstanding Montanans Chet Huntley, journalist (19111974) Read gallery text for Chet Huntley. FrankBird Linderman, author (18691938) Read gallery text for Frank Bird Linderman. http://www.montanacapitol.com/exhibits/gallery/ | |
44. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (L) Lincoln, Abraham (Lincoln, Abraham ). 1809 1865. Linderman, Frank Bird (Linderman,Frank Bird ). 1869 - 1938. Lindsay, Anne (Lindsay, Anne Lady). 1750 - 1825. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=150&golist=true&init=L |
45. Inspiring Visions: Artists' Views Of The American West in 1915 Russell illustrated a collection of Native American stories, called IndianWhy Stories, with author and friend Frank Bird Linderman (18691938). http://www.cartermuseum.org/Inspiring_Visions/Russell/russell1915_art.html | |
46. Tuscaloosa Public Library /All Locations 1 Linder Stu 2002 1 Linderholm Helmer 1916 1963 1 Linderholm Sven Gottfrid Helmer1916 See Linderholm Helmer 1916 1 Linderman Frank Bird 1869 1938 1915 1 http://innopac.tuscaloosa-library.org:90/kids/10,146/search/aLindemann, Gottfrie | |
47. Marmot Library Network /Marmot Diane 2 Linderman Earl W 7 Linderman Frank 1 Linderman Frank Bird 1868 c1932 1Linderman Frank Bird 1868 1938 8 Linderman Frank Bird 1869 1938 7 Linderman http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aLinderman, Earl W./al | |
49. Li - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors f 1854 Oliver LINDEN (see Doris Caroline ABRAHAMS) Prof, Ivan H LINDER {US} (M1894 Aug 17 1977 May) Frank Bird Linderman {US} (M 1869 - 1938) 606 Indian http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/li.htm | |
50. Indian Old-Man Stories -- More Sparks From War Eagle's Lodge-Fire -- Frank Bird by Frank Bird Linderman,. Illustrated by Charles M. Russell,. Introduction by CelesteRiver. University of Nebraska Press. Frank B. Linderman (18691938) spent http://www.frontlist.com/detail/0803280017 | |
51. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations Burenstam 1931 See Linder Staffan Burenstam 1931 1 Linder Steven 2 Linder Stewart See Linder Stu 1 Linder Stu 2 Linderman Frank Bird 1869 1938 1995 1. http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,1899,1901/search/aLinder, Leslie./alinde | |
52. West Orange Public Library 1 Lindenmayer Clem 2002 1 Linder Leslie 1989 1 Linder M Marc See Linder Marc1 Linder Marc 1999 1 Linder Mark 1992 1 Linderman Frank Bird 1869 1938 2000 1 http://opac.wopl.org:90/kids/1899,1953,2015/search/alinderman frank bird 1869 19 | |
53. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Linderman, Frank Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_linderman_frank_bird_.h |
54. Cory, David Magie, 1872-1966 (1898). http//etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/, msr,plm,htmeng. Linderman, FrankBird, 1869-1938, 1004359. Indian Why Stories. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. http://hzeid.free.fr/ti.htm | |
55. ResAnet Record 24523034 Monograph COPIES NL Stacks E99 S54 L52 2001 NAME(S) *Linderman, FrankBird, 1869-1938 TITLE(S) Indian why stories sparks from War Eagle s lodge http://www.amicus.nlc-bnc.ca/wbin/resanet/itemdisp/l=0/d=1/r=1/e=0/h=10/i=245230 | |
56. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Lincoln, Natalie Sumner, 18851935 Red Seal, The. Linderman, FrankBird, 1869-1938 Indian Why Stories. Lindlahr, Henry, 1862-1924 http://www.globusz.com/authors_l.asp | |
57. Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb - South Hill Cemetery Bird, Beatrice, 18971976, Be Sweet . STARKINS, Florence R. STEVENS, wife of FrankT. Starkins, 1875-1905, Row 5. Linderman, Harriett, b. Jan 10, 1875, d. Feb 17, 1957, http://www.rootsweb.com/~nytompki/cemeteries/tcem035.htm | |
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