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Lawrence D H: more books (100) | ||||||||||
41. Archives Hub: D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930) Collection DH Lawrence (18851930) Collection, c.1890-1990s. Reference GB 0159 La C. Correspondenceof DH Lawrence (1885-1930), writer, in the Lawrence Collection. http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/lawrence.html | |
42. Archives Hub: Correspondence Of D.H. Lawrence, 1903-1930, In The D.H. Lawrence C Fonds Language of material...... of Manuscripts and Special Collections, Hallward Library Extent 1 box Name of CreatorDH Lawrence (18851930) Level of http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/04032302.html | |
43. DH Lawrence (1885-1930) Collection Table Of Contents Table of contents for DH Lawrence (18851930) Collection. When looking at apage, click on the icon to return to the table of contents at any time. http://mss.library.nottingham.ac.uk:6334/dynaweb/literary/dhl |
44. Editura Polirom | Autori Lawrence DH. DH Lawrence (18851930), prozator, poet si eseist englez.Opera romanesca puternic influentata de psihanaliza freudiana. http://www.polirom.ro/autori.cgi?action=autori&class=details&id=695 |
45. BrothersJudd.com - Books By D.H. Lawrence Reviewed Author DH Lawrence. Sons and Lovers (1913) DH Lawrence (1885-1930)(GradeD). The Rainbow (1915) - DH Lawrence (1885-1930) (GradeF). http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.authlist/author_id/770 | |
46. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of D.H. Lawrence's Women In Love Women in Love (1920). Modern Library Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century(49). Author Info DH Lawrence 18851930. LOVE Main Entry love http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/910/Wome | |
47. Academic Directories editions of two of DH Lawrence s books of poetry, Amores from 1916 and New Poemsfrom 1918. Selected Poetry of David Herbert Lawrence (18851930) From the http://www.alllearn.org/er/tree.jsp?c=9740 |
48. THE VIRGIN AND THE GIPSY **** THE VIRGINAND THE GIPSY. by. Lawrence, DH (David Herbert), 1885-1930. 1930. To Frieda. ONE. http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks03/0301101h.html | |
49. Lawrence, D. H. Logout. ISBN Title Most Popular Similar Authors. Lawrence, DH 18851930.(D. Lawrence). Books by this Author. 1 2 3 4 Aaron s http://isbndb.com/d/person/lawrence_d_h.html | |
50. Channel4.com Culture The Novel The Novelists. DH (David Herbert) Lawrence (18851930). Who? The manwho brought raw passion and candid love to a book shop near you http://www.channel4.com/culture/microsites/N/novel/novel_lawrence.html | |
51. IPac2.0 Browsing results matching Lawrence DH David Herbert 1885 1930. Lawrence, DH (DavidHerbert), 18851930, 160. Lawrence, DH (David Herbert), 1885-1930. 1. D H |
52. Lawrence, D.H. - Biography And Online Books David Herbert Lawrence (18851930). bush, throwing the tablets of stone at Moses shead. (from Why the Novel Matters in DH Lawrence Selected Criticism, 1956 http://www.literaturepost.com/authors/Lawrence.html | |
53. D H Lawrence In Sydney, Australia The walk from the Harbour Bridge to the Opera House has plaques of all the famouswriters who have visited Sydney. The plaque reads DH Lawrence 18851930. http://website.lineone.net/~alan.rowley/dhlplaq.html | |
54. FUSION Anomaly. Phoenix There is no complete forgetting, even in death. DH Lawrence (18851930),British author. DH Lawrence (1885-1930), British author. http://fusionanomaly.net/phoenix.html | |
55. Travel Britain - UK Search Engine And Travel Guide Home Society Culture People Authors Lawrence, DH (18851930) No MoreSubcategories Society CulturePeopleAuthorsLawrence, DH (1885-1930) http://www.travelbritain.com/search/Society_Culture_People_Authors_Lawrence_D_H_ | |
56. D. H. Lawrence English 401W01 Seminar in DH Lawrence (1885-1930). Welcome to thelife and works of a great diagnostician of the 20th century soul. http://home.earthlink.net/~jgertzma/dhl/ | |
57. DH Lawrence Papers, 1920-1963 (bulk 1923-1934) View Relevant Secondary Sources Access Terms. Lawrence, DH (David Herbert),18851930; Lawrence, DH (David Herbert), 1885-1930 ¾ Correspondence; http://elibrary.unm.edu/oanm/NmU/nmu1#mss94bc/nmu1#mss94bc_m8.html |
58. University Of Delaware: METHODS OF LITERARY STUDY Printed Collections. Lawrence, DH (David Herbert), 18851930. LOCATION SpecialCollections PR 6023 .A93 E7 1973. Lawrence, DH (David Herbert), 1885-1930. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/guides/bruecknr.htm | |
59. Assignment 3:the Rocking-horse Winner v. 24 Summer 87 p. 295301 PY 1987 IS 0039-3789 LA English DE Lawrence,-DH-1885-1930-Works-Rocking-horse-winner;Capitalism-in-literature; Labor-and http://fl.hfu.edu.tw/HyperNews-c/get/forums/research/5/15.html | |
60. D.H. Lawrence Biography DH Lawrence (18851930). DH Lawrence. David Herbert Richards Lawrencewas born on September 11 1885, in a small house in Victoria http://www.applebookshop.co.uk/author/lawrence.htm | |
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