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Landsat Pathfinder Us: more detail |
61. Large Area Land Cover Mapping : References An automated classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper database for the conterminoUS US, Photogrammetric Engineering in press, The NASA Pathfinder Global Land http://www.pfc.forestry.ca/eosd/cover/references_e.html | |
62. Space Links 2 US Geological Survey (USGS). Space Links Institutions and Associations. Hubble Space Telescope. Landsat Pathfinder Humid Tropical Forest Inventory Project. http://www.humblepie.com/linkspac2.html |
63. Environmental Resources Tropenwaldbericht der Bundesregierung. UNH Landsat Pathfinder Humid Tropical Forest Inventory Project. GCRIO The US Global Change Research Information http://www.stormloader.com/geocoop/environment.htm | |
65. Optical Sensors Finder program to convert lat/long to path and row Landsat Pathfinder Page (Some USGS Landsat Quicklook Image Viewer. MTI page from US Department of Energy. http://www.geog.nottingham.ac.uk/~mather/useful/optical-sensors.html | |
66. ARM Research Web Sites The Landsat Pathfinder Project provides access to an excellent database of satellite The US Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO) provides access http://nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu/~arm/researchSites.html | |
67. Remote Sensing Data (RDMS/UD) available via ftp at no charge (this is the US GeoData series Pathfinder programs available through this site AVHRR; TOVS; GOES; SSM/I; Landsat; Polar Regions. http://www.rdms.udel.edu/rdms/main/rsdata.html | |
68. Www.hackwriters.com - Futures The people involved are the World Forest watch (INPE) Brazil), Landsat Pathfinder (NASA, US) TREES (Joint Research Centre, Europe), IGBP 1km land cover (NASA http://www.hackwriters.com/Disappearingtrees.htm | |
69. Web Sites For Ditigal GIS Data Landsat US DOC/NOAA/NESDIS Pathfinder Program Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) AVHRR Image Browser Remote Sensing Field Experiments. http://harbert.geology.pitt.edu/images/web.html |
70. 8) Geophysical And Mapping Data URLhttp//sun1.cr.USgs.gov/eroshome.html US Geological Survey s including satellite- and aircraft-acquired data 1km AVHRR, Landsat Pathfinder data, Digital http://www.faqs.org/faqs/meteorology/research-data/section-8.html | |
71. Tropical Forests It focUSes on tropical forest regions and the Atlantic coast of Canada, the US, and the eastern NASA Landsat Pathfinder humid tropical deforestation project. http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/b990e4c4838f5a0bc21d38e3d4980ccc.html | |
72. Coastal Management Sectors Links to all US Regional Climate Centers. EOSDIS DAAC (EROS Data Center, NASA) Global AVHRR, Landsat Pathfinder, DCW Derived DEM, SIRC, Global Land Cover http://www.coastalmanagement.com/sectors/section11.html | |
73. Remote Sensing Resources Spot Image (US subsidiary) (French Headquarters) Source for SPOT satellite Landsat Landsat Pathfinder Program A NASAUSGS program that maintains low-cost http://sscl.berkeley.edu/arf/geo/remotesensing.html | |
74. Links Landsat Pathfinder Humid Tropical Forest Inventory Project PanAmazon/Africa (MSU). Landsat-7 Gateway. US Global Change Research Information Office (USGCR). http://lcluc.gsfc.nasa.gov/resources/links/index.asp | |
75. CEO Links Landsat Org A good source for Landsat images, many Landsat 7 images page; CIESIN Home Page; Interactive Topographic Maps for the Entire US; Goddard Pathfinder. http://www.yale.edu/ceo/Documentation/ceo_links.html | |
76. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - L AUTHOR United States ADD. AUTHOR Landsat Pathfinder, US LANGUAGE SUBJECT Reference PG ENTRY 758 POSTING DATE Dec 1996 ZIP. http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_l3.html |
77. NALC DATA SET ABSTRACT is a component of the Landsat Pathfinder Program, which is part of a larger Pathfinder Program initiated effort between NASA, the US Environmental Protection http://eosims.cr.usgs.gov:5725/dataset_documents/nalc_dataset_abs.html | |
78. PROJECT/CAMPAIGN NALC and Space Administration (NASA) Landsat Pathfinder Program. Pathfinder projects focUS on the investigation of effort between the US Environmental Protection http://eosims.cr.usgs.gov:5725/CAMPAIGN_DOCS/nalc_proj_camp.html | |
79. LAS VEGAS RJ:NEWS: WANING WETLANDS The project an effort of NASA s Landsat Pathfinder Program, the EPA and the US Geological Survey was launched in 1993 to investigate changes in land http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/1998/Oct-19-Mon-1998/news/8423340.html | |
80. NERC Research Funding - Earth Observation , Landsat Pathfinder Pathfinder. , NSCAT http//podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/nscat/. , US Department of Agriculture USDA. Other International Bodies. http://www.nerc.ac.uk/funding/earthobs/eoexternal.shtml | |
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