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Lamb Charles: more books (100) | |||
41. Author Charles Lamb, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive Charles Lamb (next poet) I was from England, and I lived from 17751834.Print or Buy my poetry? View comments? Add to favorites? http://oldpoetry.com/authors/Charles lamb | |
42. The Charles Lamb Society It exists to advance knowledge and publish studies of the life, works, and timesof the writer Charles Lamb (17751834) and his circle, and to form and http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scat1492/clsoc.htm | |
43. Primera Vista - Lamb, Charles Translate this page Hijos de un escribiente y un ama de llaves, Mary (1774-1847) y Charles (1775-1834)Lamb vivieron oscuramente en pleno auge del Romanticismo inglés. http://www.primeravistalibros.com/fichaAutor.jsp?codigo=107 |
44. Primera Vista - Lamb, Mary Translate this page Lamb, Mary Hijos de un escribiente y un ama de llaves, Mary (1774-1847) y Charles(1775-1834) Lamb vivieron oscuramente en pleno auge del Romanticismo inglés. http://www.primeravistalibros.com/fichaAutor.jsp?codigo=108 |
45. Quotes By Author L Charles Lamb. 17751834. Charles Lamb. 1775-1834. A Farewell to Tobacco. This is mymotto Contented with little, yet wishing for more.Charles Lamb (1775-1834). http://www.weeks-g.dircon.co.uk/quotes_by_author_l.htm | |
46. The San Antonio College LitWeb Charles Lamb Page The Charles Lamb Page. ( 17751834 ). Major Works Tales from Shakespeare( 1807 ). A collaboration with his sister Mary. On Line from Bartleby. http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/lamb.htm | |
47. Tales From Shakespeare, By Charles And Mary Lamb Notes. Tales from Shakespeare was written by Charles Lamb (17751834) and hissister Mary Lamb (1764-1847) in 1807 as a prose adaptation for children. http://www.eldritchpress.org/cml/tfs.html | |
48. Blueplaqueproject.org | People | LAMB, Charles People Charles Lamb. Charles Lamb. No Plaque Image Available. Click to addone. 17751834 Writer, lived here. Links. Google Search for Charles Lamb http://www.blueplaqueproject.org/plaque_detail.php?ID=420 |
49. Blueplaqueproject.org | People | , People Charles Elia Lamb. Charles Elia Lamb. No Plaque ImageAvailable. Click to add one. 17751834 Essayist, lived here. Links. http://www.blueplaqueproject.org/plaque_detail.php?ID=421 |
50. Academic Directories online project of the Department of English at the University of Toronto, this sitecontains electronic texts of selected poems by Charles Lamb (17751834). http://www.alllearn.org/er/tree.jsp?c=9710 |
51. English Heritage - Lamb, Charles (17751834) and Lamb, Mary (1764-1847) Writers, livedhere. Lamb, Charles Elia (1775-1834), Essayist, lived here. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/default.asp?wci=WebItem&WCE=183 |
52. Charles Lamb Definition Of Charles Lamb. What Is Charles Lamb? Meaning Of Charle Charles Lamb. Word Word. Noun, 1. Charles Lamb Englishessayist (1775-1834) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Charles Lamb | |
53. [WebCat] WebCat At ... I561.73/1.3 ?(?)? (Lamb, Charles), 17751834 ISBN 957-527-003-7. | |
54. Charles Lamb Charles Lamb. Charles Lamb, 17751834, English writer. Lamb, a closefriend of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Godwin and well http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/Frank/People/lamb.html | |
55. }Ú×îñ , *Lamb, Charles, 17751834. ? ?, LCSHLamb, Charles, 1775-1834 Correspondence. LCSHAuthors, English 19th century Correspondence. http://opac.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=0&key=&code=21582475 |
56. ThinkQuest : Library : Lit Cafe works. Lamb Charles (pseudonym Elia) 17751834 Charles Lamb was bornin London, England and was educated at Christ´s Hospital. http://library.thinkquest.org/17500/data/bio/romantic.html | |
57. Aders, Elizabeth, Compiler. Autograph Album: Guide. Watercolor drawing portrait of Mrs Willis; np,nd 1s.(1p.). (20) Lamb,Charles, 1775-1834. Angel (21v) Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834. ALs http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou01264.html | |
58. Bloomsbury.com - Research Centre Entire site. Lamb, Charles (17751834) Essayist and critic. His http://www.bloomsburymagazine.com/ARC/detail.asp?entryid=108148 |
59. Aref - Balcão De Referência Virtual | Tema: Língua E Literatura Translate this page Lamb, Charles (1775-1834). Selected Poetry of Charles Lamb, Tales from Shakespeare(em co-autoria com sua irmã Mary Lamb e ilustrações de Arthur Rackham). http://aref.bn.pt/referencia/lingua_literatura/autores.html | |
60. The Millennium Library: Who's Who - Charles Lamb Charles Lamb. 17751834. English poet, children s writer, essayist,critic. Lamb was born in London, the youngest son of a law clerk. http://www.millenniumlibrary.co.uk/millib/reference/notes.php?entry=Charles Lamb |
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