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61. Autoren Theologie Thomas a Kempis (13801471) The Imitation of Christ Vgl. weitere Texteund Autoren beim Thema Spiritualität oder Doctors of the Church. http://teol.de/autoren_theologie.htm | |
62. Facets Of Religion - Books & Music - The Imitation Of Christ Splendid devotional of great historical significance Thomas a Kempis was medivalmonk and priest (13801471) who served as chronicler of the monastery at Mt. http://www.facetsofreligion.com/modules.php?name=Amazon&asin=0375700188 |
63. Hall Of Church HistoryThe Medieval Churchmen The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis (13801471) A classic devotional work,still in print and widely available in book shops. The Medieval Sourcebook http://www.gty.org/~phil/medieval.htm | |
64. The Church In Cleveland Hus John, (13721415). Kelly, William, (1821-1906). Kempis, Thomas à,(1380-1471). Lang, GH (George Henry), (1874-1958). Law, William, (1686-1761). http://www.clevelandonline.org/English/biographies/biogs_list.htm | |
65. Osawa-t Translate this page Qca-578 Thomas a Kempis, 1380-1471. @@The imitation of Christ. 21 cm.Og-A357 Thomas a Kempis, 1380-1471. @@Die Nachfolge Christi. http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/bunko/osawa-t.htm | |
66. All Things Work Together For Good -- From Hidden Wisdom Magazine tribulation. Many love Jesus so long as no adversities befall them. Thomasa Kempis (13801471). Christ? Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471). http://www.hwmagazine.org/togetherforgood.htm | |
67. GutenMark, A Project Gutenberg Markup Program Thomas à Kempis (Thomas Hemerken of Kempen, 13801471) The Imitation of Christ(1427; 595K; 437 pages), translated by Aloysius Croft and Harold Bolton . http://www.sandroid.org/GutenMark/MarkedTexts.html | |
68. Encyclopedia4U - List Of Scholastic Philosophers - Encyclopedia Article Thomas Bradwardine, (c. 12901349). Thomas of Chobham; Thomas of Erfurt;Thomas Gallus; Thomas à Kempis, (1380-1471); Thomas of Sutton; http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/l/list-of-scholastic-philosophers.html | |
69. Reli 006 Coursepack skim 245275, read 285-293, 298-306. Thomas à Kempis, c. 1380-1471 The Imitationof Christ, trans. Leo Sherley-Price (London Penguin, 1952), pp. http://www.unc.edu/courses/2002fall/reli/006/001/coursepack.html | |
70. Tagesaktuell Im Evangeliumsnetz Translate this page Vorläufer der Reformation Kempis, Hus, Wycliffe im 14./15. lehrten und PredigtenGerhard Groot (um 1384) und sein Schüler Thomas von Kempen (1380-1471). http://www.evangelium.de/eva_top/index.phtml?name=2004_02_11 |
71. Larry Marietta's Music Notes From Sunday Morning Services March 21, 1999 At FCCB O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High is a 23stanza Latin poem entitled Apparuitbenignitas , attributed to Thomas à Kempis (c.1380-1471.) Thomas à Kempis http://www.fccb.org/music/m990321.html | |
72. Polish Publishing Co. ALT AUTHOR Thomas, Kempis, 13801471. TITLE Czwarta ksiazka do czytaniadla szkol ludowych w Ameryce IMPRINT nd DESCRIPT 395, v p. ill. http://wilson.ctstateu.edu/lib/archives/polish/polampub/polpub.htm | |
73. MASTER , Vellum. 140 fols. 229 x 154 ....... Contents, Thomas a Kempis (13801471) De imitatione Christi Liber I-III. (Latin)Scribe Johannes Physical http://malkyn.hum.dmu.ac.uk:8000/AnaServer?kb 2675 msdesc.anv |
74. Christ Christ also suffered leaving us an Example that we should follow hisSteps. 1ST St. Pet. 2.G.21. Thomas, a Kempis, 13801471. The http://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/exhibitions/wesleyexhibit/Christ.htm | |
75. Title Page OF CHRIST. BY. Thomas À Kempis. TRANSLATED FROM. THE LATIN INTO http://www.ccel.org/k/kempis/imitation2/htm/i.htm | |
76. KEMPIS, Thomas A Kempis, Thomas à. Born Circa 1380, Kempen or Kempten, near Düsseldorf, the Rhineland (now Germany) Died July 25 or August 8, 1471, St. Agnietenberg near Zwolle, Bishopric of Utrecht (now the Netherlands) http://michaelroth.tripod.com/bio107.htm | |
77. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Thomas A Kempis Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. T Thomas à Kempis. A Thomas à Kempis. Author of the "Imitation of Christ", born at Kempen in the http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14661a.htm | |
78. Thomas à Kempis Thomas à Kempis (1380 1471) was a medieval Christian monk and author of Imitationof Christ, one of the most well-known Christian books on devotion. http://www.fact-index.com/t/th/thomas_a_kempis_1.html | |
79. Literary Encyclopedia: A Kempis, Thomas A Kempis, Thomas. (1380 1471). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Religion.Monk, Theologian. Active 1400 - 1471 in Germany, Continental Europe. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2 |
80. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (A) 225 Matches for A. A Kempis, Thomas (A Kempis, Thomas Thomas Hammerlein or Hamerken).1380 1471. Abbas, Khwaja Ahmad (Abbas, Khwaja Ahmad ). 1914 - 1987. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?golist=true&init=A |
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