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Johnston Mary: more detail | ||||
61. Historic Trail Mary Johnston (1870 1936) Chiefly remembered today for her historical novel ToHave and to Hold (1900), a national best-seller, Mary Johnston was a popular http://www.bpwva.advocate.net/trail.htm | |
62. Salem Church Cemetery US Army Mary M. Averett, FEb 19, 1924, June 29, 1979 RA Colburn, June 15, 1869, March22, 1958 Annie Wade Colburn, 18701936 Sarah Bulah Colburn, March 19, 1901 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9365/salem.html | |
63. CEMETERIES Union Ridge Cemetery, Marshall County, Kentucky HENSON, Thomas J. 1851 1952 HENSON, Mary 1859 - 1955 F. 1919 - 1930 HENSON, JaneHaley 1870 - 1936 HENSON, Charles 14, 1860 - Apr 29, 1943 Johnston, ML 1854 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ky/marshall/cemeteries/unionrid.txt | |
64. Twiggs County Georgia Cemetery Jeffersonville File Contributed For 1876 9/24/1910 Ford, RM 1872 - 1936 Ford, Alice 1870 - 1936 Gates, Mary FrancesM. 1862 - 1892 Johnston, Cordelia Alvod 1869 - 1915 Johnston, Mary L. Hunter 8 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/twiggs/cemeteries/jeffersonville.txt | |
65. ST. Marys RC Church Cemetery Walter 1909 1972 Husband Father Johnston, Wm Miller, John A. 1866 - 1927 Margaret1870 - 1936 Eugene C Miller, Joseph J. 1891 - 1965 Anna Mary 1893 - 1982 http://members.tripod.com/~NSampson/St_Marys.html | |
66. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: J] Spencer Johnson, MD, and Larry Wilson Jill Johnston, American journalist and critic(1929 ) Mary Johnston, American novelist (1870 - 1936) Gordon Johnstone http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathj.htm | |
67. Robinson Cemetery 2, 1860. JOHNSON Emma S. 1864 1920 Mary E. 1846 - 1877 James M. 1831 - 1896.Johnston Charles H., brother 1858 - 1933. Mary A. 1870 - 1936. http://www.macatawa.org/~brianter/RobinsonCemetery.html | |
68. San Diego Biographies Gertrude Gilbert (18711947); Irving J Gill (1870-1936); Bertram Grosevenor Goodhue FatherAntonio D. Ubach ( -1907); Sebastian Vizcaino; Mary Chase Walker (1828 http://www.sandiegohistory.org/bio/biographies.htm | |
69. The Boone County Ancestors Of Dr. Michael Cole the parents of seventeen children Eli Hamilton, above; Sarah E. HUNT (18681899),unmarried; William C. (Bill) HUNT (1870-1936); Mary C. (Mollie) HUNT (1871 http://www.thecolefamily.com/hobby/booneco.htm | |
70. List A -D Jenkins, Burton Seth 18701936 Culpepper, Virginia Unknown, Oneda BIGGBOOMER @AOL.com CarterAston b. 1882 Oxford, North Carolina Ellis, Mary osstarr@erols.com http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/GJenk32888/Jenkhom/listad.htm | |
71. Lakeview Cemetery Lots Over 500 514, Crist, Frank, 1870, 1936, 514, 594, Pannaci, Mary Strong, 7/14/15, 8/9/98, 594West 1/2, Mary Strong Pannaci Charles 659, Johnston, Margaret, 1992, 659 singlegrave 6, http://members.aol.com/laperkins/lv999.htm | |
72. Randolph County, Georgia, Posted Queries For Her mother was Ann Eliza Johnston. Submitted by Beverly Shuler. Oscar W ETHRIDGE(1870 1936 Henry Co, AL) m /1 Gertrude PARISH m/2 Mary L (); http://home.earthlink.net/~bwjohnson/garand/query011.htm | |
73. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With R 10 Jan 1879) Rippy, Barbara Angeline (21 Mar 1842WFT Est 1870-1936) Rippy, BarbaraE Rippy, Martin (WFT Est 1838-1864-WFT Est 1844-1944) Rippy, Mary (18 Aug http://www.dalzell.net/ceramics/gen/idxr.htm |
74. Architecture & Design Collection Coxhead Coxhead. Craig, James Osbourne (died 1922). Craig, Mary (18891964). Cram,Goodhue and Ferguson. Gill, Irving J. (1870-1936). Gill, Louis John (1885-1969). http://www.uam.ucsb.edu/Pages/adc_list.html | |
75. Bibliography Of Queer History: Modern Lesbian History The life of Australian writer Mary Fullerton (18681946) and her life-long Carroll Discourses of sexuality and subjectivity the New Woman, 1870-1936 , orig. http://www.infopt.demon.co.uk/biblesb3.htm | |
76. Who's Who-H-I Harbaugh, Letitia Alice (18711962) - daughter of David and Mary M.(Whipkey) Harbaugh. Married Nathan C. Stoner (1870-1936). Harbaugh http://www.minerd.com/whoswhohi.htm | |
77. Bois-Franc And Old Gracefield Cemeteries N. Perrier Fils Nicolas Perrier 1870 1936 , husb. of Anna Miljour 1872 - 194341. Foley Mary Anne Foley died Dec. 4 mths.., Husband of Julie Johnston 59. http://www3.sympatico.ca/ag.lewis/boisfran.htm | |
78. LA FAYETTE CEMETERY Rowley 09 Feb 1871 Age 46 Ambrose Rucker no dates Mary M. Sayger no 1880 - 1933Godfrey K. Schmickle 1871 - 1933 ss, Clara C. 1870-1936 Keith Schmickle http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ia/county/linn/cem/lafayette.htm | |
79. West View Cemetery, Bolivar, Fairfield Township Westmoreland County PA Johnston, Rebecca A., 1859 1928. MORRIS, Mary Elizabeth, b. 26 Nov 1914, no deathdate, wife of Fred C. MUIR, Della Jane, 1870 - 1936, wife of William F. http://www.pa-roots.com/~westmoreland/townships/fairfield/westview.html | |
80. USD - Richardson Collections List By Name E Edelen, Mary B. Edwards, Edward H. Back to Top. Newspapers. Nielson, P. Raymond.Norbeck, Peter, 18701936. Norway Township, Clay County, South Dakota. http://www.usd.edu/library/special/richardson1list.cfm | |
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