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Jefferies Richard: more books (15) | ||||
81. The Story Of My Heart By Richard Jefferies Free download of the Project Gutenberg eBook Story of My Heart, The by Richard Jefferies http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/BIBREC/BR2317.H |
82. The Richard Jefferies Society Richard Jefferies, writer and naturalist, was born in 1848 at Coate near Swindon. He died at Goring by Sea, Sussex in 1887 encourage the study of Jefferies' work. Newsletters with http://www.treitel.org/Richard/jefferies.html | |
83. CORPUS, AUTHORS Jefferies, Richard John Richard, 18481887, English naturalist and writer.Jerrold, Douglas William, 18031857, English playwright and humorist. http://www.burgoyne.com/pages/bdespain/grammar/grambiog.htm | |
84. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (J) 1921 1997. Jay, John (Jay, John ). 1745 - 1829. Jefferies, Richard (Jefferies,Richard ). 1848 - 1887. Jeffers, Robinson (Jeffers, Robinson ). 1887 - 1962. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=25&golist=true&init=J |
86. Attractions - Museums And Heritage Richard Jefferies (1848 1887) was a celebrated writer on the English countryside.His classic children s book Bevis was set around Coate Water. http://www.visitswindon.co.uk/pages/attraction_focus/attractions.asp?attraction_ |
87. Country Living Works and Days. Jefferies, Richard (1848 1887). The Gamekeeper at Home or sketchesof natural history and rural life. 1878. Wild Life in a Southern County. http://www.asle.umn.edu/archive/biblios/country.html | |
88. EmptyWorld [Richard Jefferies - Author] Richard Jefferies (1848 1887). http://www.emptyworld.info/author_richard_jefferies.html | |
89. Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Bibliography Jefferies, Richard, 18481887 1882, Bevis The Story of a BoyBy Richard Jefferies In Three Volumes (Sampson Low, Marston http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/NCF/NCF.bib.html | |
90. Science Fiction And Fantasy Authors J Hidden Echoes, Stone Angels (H), Shadows in the Watchgate, (John) Richard Jefferies,Unofficial Site, United Kingdom, (1848 1887). 1. Wood Magic A Fable Aka-, http://www.sfbooklist.co.uk/authorsj.html | |
91. Biblioteca Virtual Jefferies, Richard (1848 + 1887). Pageant of Summer (.zip 21 Kb) TheStory of My Heart (.zip - 73.38 Kb). Jenkins, Edward (1838 + 1910). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/j.html | |
92. Nature Mysticism: Quotations, Links, Bibliography, Notes, Essays writings. 79k+. Google Mysticism Links. Life and Works of RichardJefferies (18481887) Biography, Quotations, Links. Mysticism in http://www.gardendigest.com/myst1.htm | |
93. GIGA Chronological Author List "1845 To 1849" story writer and novelist (1848 1908) - READ QUOTES (3) BUY AMAZON BOOK RichardJefferies, English naturalist and novelist (1848 - 1887) - BUY AMAZON http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1845.htm | |
94. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (JE - JEM) Jeans, English mathematician and astronomer (1877 1946) - BUY AMAZON BOOK RichardJefferies, English naturalist and novelist (1848 - 1887) - BUY AMAZON http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubioje.htm | |
95. La Page De L'angliciste - A Few English Authors Robert Bridges. 1844, 1930. Francis Herbert Bradley. 1846, 1924. RichardJefferies. 1848, 1887. Robert Louis Stevenson. 1850, 1894. Oscar Wilde.1856, 1900. http://www.kootchoo.net/englishlit.htm | |
96. sì¹Ìï/¿ºW The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~yachou/siryou/siryou_08.html | |
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