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1. CIA - The World Factbook -- Japan Jamaica. Jan Mayen. Japan. Jarvis Island. Jersey. Johnston Atoll comparatively small defense allocation (1% of GDP) helped Japan advance with extraordinary rapidity to the rank of http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ja.html | |
2. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo Overview of Japanese life, history, and culture by the US Library of Congress. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/jptoc.html | |
3. Japan-guide.com - Japan Travel And Living Guide Everything about modern and traditional Japan with emphasis on travel and living related information. Click Here. Japan Guide Homepage, http://www.japan-guide.com/ | |
4. Japan National Tourist Organization Web Site Copyright (C) 2004 Japan National Tourist Organization. All Rights Reserved. http://www.jnto.go.jp/ |
5. The Japan Times Online IN BLOOM Ayame (Iris). WILD WATCH On the trail of Japan s odd woodland dog with no bark By Mark Brazil. ANIMAL TRACKER Mudskipper By Rowan Hooper. The Japan Times. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/ | |
6. Asahi.com : English OLYMPIC VOLLEYBALL QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT Russia denies Japan perfect mark(05/17 positionJapaneseAmericans can build bridges between Japan and the United States at the grass-roots http://www.asahi.com/english/english.html | |
7. The Japan Information Network (JIN) "JIN FACTS" Have Been Renewed Information. The Japan Information Network (JIN) JIN FACTS have been renewed as Web Japan as of April 1, 2004. You will be redirected to Web Japan in 10 seconds. http://www.jinjapan.org/kidsweb/ | |
8. Daryl And Joel's Photo Tour Of Japan Author visited Kyoto, Hiroshima, Tokyo, and Nikko. Many pictures. http://www.darylandjoel.com/Japan99/ | |
9. Japan Information Network OPINIONS, Web Japan, BUSINESS, Privacy Policy About This Site Site Map . http://www.jinjapan.org/ | |
10. Guide To Japan Umfangreiche Informationen ¼ber das moderne und traditionelle Japan, Fotogalerie, PenPalForum, Chat, Online-Diskussionen und Japan-Shop. http://www.japan-guide.com/index_d.html | |
11. The Rising Sun News, Soccer In Japan A collection of news, pictures and information on the J.League and Japan's national soccer team(including U23), plus a preview of the 2002 World Cup in Japan and Korea. Visitors can view the goal replays of weekly J.League matches as well. http://www.wldcup.com/Asia/ |
12. Kids Web Japan Kids Web Japan Managed by the Japan Center for Intercultural Communications, the Kids Web Japan site introduces schoolchildren aged between 10 and 14 to the country of Japan. The main page offers http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://jin.jcic.or.jp/kidsweb/&y=02C3F91ACB |
13. Japan An American teacher who spent three weeks in Japan writes about her experiences. Site includes information on the country's system of education, its people, and culture and traditions. http://www.k111.k12.il.us/king/japan1.htm | |
14. Japan Flags Geographic.org Japanese Flag Images in several sizes. http://www.geographic.org/flags/new1/japan_flags.html | |
15. All About JapaniI[AoEgWpj The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://allabout.co.jp/ | |
16. CHEKCKLIST OF THE BIRDS OF JAPAN Checklist. http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~kazuko/menu/birdlist.html |
17. Indymedia Japan: Home The Japan IMC is a volunteer, noncorporate effort to provide news coverage and media resources to the disempowered Themes. Default. imc Japan. Most compatible. New. Sparse Japan U.S. War Crimes, Depleted Uranium/ Protest/. IMC-Japan mailing lists are here http://japan.indymedia.org/ | |
18. }CN\tg - z[ Microsoft.com Japan ?, , . Microsoft Japan Home, Microsoft.com Japan Microsoft.com Japan http://www.microsoft.com/japan/ | |
19. Queer Samurai Japan For Gay/Lesbian Teens And Youth History, literature, culture and selfhelp for gay youth. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Berkeley/3508/start.html | |
20. New Home Page What's New. Announcement Budgetary Assistance for the Palestinian Authority. G8 Justice Ministerial Meeting Concludes in Washington. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AT EMBASSY OF Japan ( 03/12/ 04) Highlights. JapanUS Relations 150th Anniversary of Japan-U.S. Relations. US-Japan 150th Anniversary Video Presentation http://www.embjapan.org/ |
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