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61. Sehome Library Database 818 Ir. Irving, Washington, 17831859. Tales of the Alhambra. Spain 818 Irving.Irving, Washington, 1783-1859. The world of Washington Irving. Dell, 1965. http://wwwshs1.bham.wednet.edu/CURRIC/COOL/amlit1600-1900.htm | |
62. Blueplaqueproject.org | People | IRVING, Washington People Washington Irving. Washington Irving. 17831859 American Writer, livedhere. Links. Google Search for Washington Irving Comments add a comment. http://www.blueplaqueproject.org/plaque_detail.php?ID=379 |
63. Great Books And Classics - Washington Irving Selected Reading List All Works ? Change Selected Language AllChange. Author Chronological, Washington Irving (1783-1859), http://www.grtbooks.com/irving.asp?idx=0&yr=1783 |
64. Washington Irving Washington Irving. American author (17831859) Biography Washington Irvingis considered to be the first American writter to be known abroad. http://www.ricochet-jeunes.org/eng/biblio/author/irving.html | |
65. Irving, Washington (Litteraturnettet) Oversetterforening. OM VIRUS OG SPAM. Irving, Washington USA 17831859. LenkerBooks and Writers Biografi. SØK ETTER Irving, Washington. SØK I http://www.litteraturnettet.no/i/irving.washington.asp?lang=&type= |
66. Irving, Washington (Norwegian Writers' Web) Irving, Washington USA 17831859. Links Books and Writers Biography. http://www.litteraturnettet.no/i/irving.washington.asp?lang=gb&type= |
67. Zaadz Quotes By Author - Washington Irving Quotes 1. Great minds have purposes, others have wishes. ~ Washington Irving(17831859) American writer of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow . http://www.zaadz.com/quotes/authors/washington_irving/ |
68. Andy's Anachronisms -- Rip Van Winkle By Irving Washington Irving Washington (17831859) in addition to writing Rip Van Winkle, a PosthumousWriting of Diedrich Knickerbocker also penned the classic tale the Legend http://www.timetravelreviews.com/shorts/rip_van_winkle.html | |
69. A Bibliography l Europe. 1.4. Revue ALIZES. 1.4.5. Alizés n°17. A Bibliography.Washington Irving (17831859). A Bibliography. The first http://www2.univ-reunion.fr/~ageof/text/74c21e88-116.html | |
70. Valencia West LRC - Irving, Washington Irving, Washington (17831859). Pathfinder. May 1996. The following reference bookscan be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors. http://valencia.cc.fl.us/lrcwest/Author_Pathfinders/irving.html | |
71. Volume B: American Literature, 1820-1865 Washington Irving (17831859). America s first international literary celebritywas born in New York City, the eleventh child in a close-knit family. http://www.wwnorton.com/naal/vol_B/bio/irving.htm | |
72. IRVING Washington Irving (17831859). Internet Resources Jack Voller s Literary Gothic.. 3784. Irving, Washington (1783-1859) (pp. 138-39). http://www.pagedepot.com/thesicklytaper/IRVING.HTML | |
73. Washington Irving Translate this page Washington Irving 1783-1859) Escritor estadounidense Nació el 30de abril de 1783 en Nueva York. Cursó estudios de derecho en http://www.arteyestilos.net/biografias_escritores/irving.htm | |
74. Washington Irving - Spanish Celebrities In Andalucia, Southern Spain Washington Irving AUTHOR 17831859. Washington Irving was the son of a New Yorkmerchant, he was trained in law but gave it up for the family business. http://www.andalucia.com/history/people/irving.htm | |
75. Literatura Norteamericana Translate this page 1920-) // El hombre sin rostro HOWELLS, William Dean (1837-1920) // La fortuna deSilas Irving, Washington (1783-1859) // Crónicas moriscas Irving, Washington http://www.interrogantes.net/includes/documento.php?IdDoc=290&IdSec=49 |
76. Academic Directories Washington Irving Resource Page Created by Donna Campbell of Gonzaga University,this page devoted to Washington Irving (17831859) contains a collection of http://www.alllearn.org/er/tree.jsp?c=5735 |
77. Irving Washington Worlds of Washington Irving,17831859 An Anthology Exhibition from the Collectionsof the New York Library AUTHOR Andrew B. Myers ISBN 0871042525 No Book http://www.bookfinder.us/Horror/Authors__A-Z/Irving__Washington~~13.html | |
78. Irving, Washington ISBN Title Most Popular Similar Authors. Irving, Washington 17831859.(Washington Irving). Books by this Author. 1 2 3 The http://isbndb.com/d/person/irving_washington.html | |
79. EducETH: Irving, Washington information on Washington Irving and his stories suitable for class reading, teaching information, teachers' and students' comments, requests Readinglist Grammar. Irving, Washington 1783 1859. Reading List. Author Information http://www.educeth.ch/english/readinglist/irvingw | |
80. Washington Irving Washington Irving. (1783 to 1859). Excerpted from White on Red, Eds. Black,Nancy B. and Bette S. Wiedman, New York; Kennikat Press, 1976. Introduction. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/railton/projects/rissetto/irving.html | |
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