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Ide Mrs Charles W: more detail | |||||
81. San Francisco Social Register 1927 Remarks see EF Adams. Name Wheeler, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ide and Mr. BenjaminWebb*Cal 15-at Univ. Remarks Name Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sf/gnl/srw.htm | |
82. Ancestry.com - Biographical Cyclopedia Of U.S. Women Ide, FANNIE OGDEN ( Ruth Ogden ) (Mrs. Charles W. Ide), author, daughter of Jonathanand Abigail (Murphy) Ogden, was born in Brooklyn, New York, December 27 http://search.ancestry.com/db-bcaw/P100.aspx | |
83. The Descendants Of John Whitney, P. 251 - 253 16, 1854; m. in 1876, DC Ide; res. vi. Charles T., b. Dec. 30, 1842; m. Apr., 1865;Dennis T., Upton, Mass.; Ellen L., Mrs. ZB GRANDY; Leona W., Mrs. AJ GODDARD http://www.whitneygen.org/archives/extracts/pierce/p251-253.htm | |
84. $1 Billion Campaign :: Supporters Of The Campaign For Conservation Indiana Community Foundation Dora Donner Ide Trust David Charitable Foundation MBNAAmerica, NA Charles Stewart Mott Disney Company Dominion Mr. Mrs. James D http://nature.org/aboutus/campaign/friends/ | |
85. Roll Of Honour - Sussex - Horsted Keynes 7th Son of Mr. Mrs. William Ruewell of Freshfield Crossways Mrs. J Ruewell isof Winkhurst Green, Ide Hill, Kent Son of Mr. Mrs. Charles M Woollven of http://www.roll-of-honour.com/Sussex/HorstedKeynes.html | |
86. Kane County, IL Marriages Ide, Charles A. PITTARD, ANNIE, 04/08/1895. INGRAHAM, Charles W. DROLET,LILLIAN, 04/29/1900. INGRAM, EVANS, EVANS, ANN (Mrs.), 06/17/1876. http://www.iltrails.org/kane/marri.html | |
87. Kane County, IL Marriages ONEILL, FRANCIS J. Ide, LILLIAN G. (GRAFTON), 10/29/1904. OSTROM, GEORGE N, TUBERT,CATHERINE (MCCOY) (Mrs), 07/20 OTT, Charles W. RAYMOND, ANNA ESTHER, 01/10/1900. http://www.iltrails.org/kane/marro.html | |
88. Cyclopedic Review Of Current History, 1893 James W. Craig, Willis Greene Crisp, Charles Frederick Cromer James S. Ferdinand,Prince Fleming, M., Mrs. Frel, Emil Humann, Rear Admiral Hunt, RM Ide, Henry C http://www.ancestorinfo.com/cyclopedic_review, 1893.htm | |
89. List Of Persons Buried In Lawrence County, Ohio Sec. 1. Ide, Willie, Upper, Woodland Cem. Sec. 1. IGO, Charles, Upper,Woodland Cemetery. Sec. 5. IMES, Eurina , Mrs. Upper, Woodland Cemetery. http://w3.gwis.com/~nnuss/cem/icem.html | |
90. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: Tattine By Ruth Ogden Tattine Ruth Ogden. Tattine Ruth Ogden Mrs. Charles W. Ide CHAPTERI. TROUBLE NO. 1 Whether you happen to be four or five, or six http://tanaya.net/Books/tttne10/ | |
91. Lawrence County Table Of Contents: Biographies - Hand-Atlas 12, Gruber, Daniel. 34, Gunn, SK, Mrs. 34, Guy, Augustus RG. 17, Hall, Robert. 16,Hutchison, Allen C. 28, Ide, Timothy. 28, Israel, WT, Major. 15, Kelley, WH, Gen.36, Kemp, Charles TM. http://www.scioto.org/Lawrence/bios/Hardesty/hardesty-bios.html | |
92. WWWBoard New Message: Message 258: Obit: Cora Emily (Mann) Morse, Wife Of Willia Mrs. Morse s chief interest in life was her family Charles Lewis Morse (born on unknown MartinNoble (Noble) Mann and Edna Ide were married on 21 Oct 1914 in Bath http://www.paintedhills.org/steubenobit/messages/258.html | |
93. A National Program To Conquer Heart Disease, Cancer And Stroke, Report To The Pr maudale, we pl~ged i~to ~utr assigne3 task ran/Ide~l thai the toll Dr. J. Willis HurstDr. ltugh II, Huasey Mrs. Florence Mahoney Dr. Charles W. Mayo Dr http://tobaccodocuments.org/atc/60271995.html | |
94. Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 28 EAGER, HARRIET Ide; EAGER, OLIVE MAY; EAGLE, JOHN; EAGLE, ROBERT; ELDER, JUNE; ELDER,Mrs. EILEEN; ELDRED, RALPH; ELDREDGE, LOMBARD; ELDRIDGE, CH; ELDRIDGE, Charles W. http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/q28.htm | |
95. Hodge Obit Index To Emporia Gazette - FHGS Bope, Elizabeth Bell nee See, Mrs. Charles. 1/4 Nov.1960. Bower, Charles W. Mrs. nee Jacques Bowman, Faye W. nee Watkins, Mrs. Charles L. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ksfhgslc/obitbobr.html | |
96. Lost Members By State AK To DE (Incl. Foreign) National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons. Lost Member Listings 12/31/97. This is a list of some of the members the Society is trying to locate. Beatrice Rogers) (CA) Daniel, Mrs. Charles W . http://www.magnacharta.org/states1.htm | |
97. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Help on this page. Data. Title Tattine. Author Ogden, Ruth. Author AliasIde, Mrs. Charles W. Language English. Subject Children s literature. http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/1816 | |
98. R_ide.html Index to History of Union County. by Ide. 1908. R. Robb, Cecil B. 725. Robb, CharlesW. 725. Robb, Harry. Robb, Mary Jane. 722. Robb, Mrs. WH. 300. Robb, Rosalind Ruth. http://lserver.aea14.k12.ia.us/SWP/jbriley/ucgen/Ide/r_ide.html |
99. Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical And Family Memoirs: Ide He married Catherine Gertrude Van Hoevenberg; children Harold; Jessie Linda, marriedCharles F. Cluett; Amy, married Mrs. George Peck Ide (Mary Ella http://www.schenectadyhistory.org/families/hmgfm/ide.html | |
100. 1891-92 Directory Of Milwaukee Elite Wisconsin Genealogy Milwaukee Wisconsin genealogy resources military, birth, death, history, marriage http://www.linkstothepast.com/milwaukee/1891mkeelite2.html | |
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