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Ide Mrs Charles W: more detail | |||||
41. All Things TITANIC - Victualling Deptartment Hogg, Mr Charles William, Ide, Mr H. Janaway, Mr William Frank, Snape, Mrs, Stewardess.Wallis, Mrs. Matron. Hensford, Mr J. Mills, Mr Charles, Wiltshire, Mr W. http://www.abratis.de/people/crewvict.html | |
42. San Francisco Examiner, October 26, 1899: "Benjamin Ide Wheeler Invested With Ke and Mrs. AA d Ancona, Mrs. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, PresIdent Walcott, James A. Waymire,AL Whitney, Charles S. Wheeler Mrs. Wheeler, wife of the PresIdent of the http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/uchistory/archives_exhibits/online_exhibits/1899/doc | |
43. AYSPS Events Mr. L. Phillip Humann. Mr. Mrs. Logan Ide. Mr. Tom Johnson. Ms. Susan J. Ross.Mrs. Charles Shelton, III. Ms. Henrietta Antonin. Mr. Mrs. Marvin Arrington. http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwsps/news/march9celebration/celebration_creditsthanks.htm | |
44. Academics - School Of Theology | Financial Aid and former editorin-chief of The Gospel Trumpet, Dr. Charles E. Brown. and Mrs. Coolidge LelandA. and Ruth M. Ide Endowed Scholarship Established in memory of http://www.anderson.edu/academics/sot/finaid.html | |
45. Etext: Tattine Tattine Entry 1816 by Ruth Ogden note Mrs. Charles W. Ide plain textformat; Gnu gzip format; Unix Compress format; infozip/pkzip format. http://www.gutenberg.lib.md.us/index/by-title/xx1618.html | |
46. GoldenBuckeye.com - Senior Citizens Hall Of Fame Bea Gingery Lubomir Lu Hromadka Lois K. Ide Richard J Walter E. Havighurst CharlesD. Hill Charles Y. Lazarus MD Louis B. Seltzer Dr. Julius Mrs. Helen Weil http://www.goldenbuckeye.com/hof/ | |
47. Book People: Project Gutenberg Newsletter, 37 More Etexts xxx1818 Jul 1999 A Question of Latitude, by Richard H.DavisRHD 21qlttdxxx.xxx1817Jul 1999 Tattine, by Ruth Ogden Mrs. Charles W. Ide tttnexxx.xxx1816 http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/1998-12-16$2.html | |
48. Crew List - Victualling Crew cook Hylands, Leo J. Steward I Ide, H. Bedroom steward M Mabey, J. Steward MacKay,Charles D. Saloon Martin, Miss Second cashier Martin, Mrs. Stewardess Mattman http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/8059/crew5.htm | |
49. Death Notice Index New Orleans 1994 LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME DATE PUBLISHED Ide KNOX 14 JUL 1994 JUL 1994 LEGGINS EDWARD LEE06 JUL 1994 LEMOINE Mrs. ANN WIGGINS 25 JUL 1994 LYDIARD Charles W. 28 JUL http://www.geocities.com/jeffersongenealogicalsociety/obits/d0794g-m.htm | |
50. 1836/37 Providence City Directory - "I-J-K-L" Page 39~ Ide Mrs. Olive, Richmond Ingalls Mrs. Betsey, school D. jeweller, 218 NorthMain, Charles M ECHANICS LIBRARY, 3 South Main Medbury Mrs. Planet Megee http://www.netris.org/RIToolmakers/1824ProvDir/1824ProvDir-IJKLM.html | |
51. 1836/37 Providence City Directory - "I-J-K-L" hotel Ide Olive, widow, corner Clifford and Richmond Ingalls Betsey Misses, milliners,34 Arcade Low Charles, corner Pleasant and Broad Low Mrs. Ellen M http://www.netris.org/RIToolmakers/1836-37ProvDir/1836-37ProvDir-IJKL.html | |
52. Middle Iahins, Wm. tailor, rear of 191 Aliceanna. Iams, Charles, finisher, 38 s Poppleton. Ibbott,Frederick, 80 Block. Ichle, Mrs. Christina, 71 Granby. Iddings, Wm. Ide, Rev. Wm. http://www.bcpl.net/~pely/1864/i.html | |
53. Lansing Eastern High School, Class Of 1973, Missing In Action L. Hunt Ms. Dawn Hurren Mr. Michael P. Ide Ms. Peggy West Mr. Kevin E. Whipple Mr.David Charles Whitaker Mr Karen Sue Williams Mr. Willie Williams Mrs. Laurie J http://home.att.net/~lehs_class1973/MIA.html | |
54. Prizes, Honors, And Scholarships B. Snell in memory of her husband, Johnson Ide Snell (1865). Created by Dr. and Mrs.Frank Stansel for students who require the Charles P. Steinmetz Scholarship http://www.union.edu/Academics/Scholarships/EndowedScholarships_Q-Z.php | |
55. Democrat Index 1908 Hyland Michael, D, D, 1908 Jul 10. Ide Mrs Charles H, D, D, 1908 Jan 17. IngoldsbySarah C, D, D, 1908 Apr 24. Jackson Herman, W, G, 1908 Sep 11. Jayne Nettie, W, B,1908 Apr 17. http://www.yatescounty.org/upload/12/historian/1908vr.htm | |
56. Membership Wallace Humphrey David K. Humphreys Kenneth G. Ide Abdeen Jabara David J. JarochKaren Jencks Mrs. Mary Jo Martin R. Hedi Kaufman Dr. Charles Kehr http://www.mlui.org/pubs/glb/glbwi99/glb-wi9948.html | |
57. 1998 Annual Report-Page 12 Robert A. Janet W. Helman Lance Hendrickson. Mrs. Eunice Hendrix. Charles ShirleyHerbert. Penny Bill Herd. Thomas Frances Hylton. Kenneth G. Ide. The Rev. http://www.mlui.org/pubs/specialreports/annualreport98/bar-9812.html | |
58. Friends & Foundation: Donor Newsletter Daniel Handler Estate of Dora Donner Ide In memory Meagan Levitan Robert and ElizabethFisher Charles Q. Forester Marcia Lomneth Joseph A. Rosenthal Mrs. Carl W http://www.friendsandfoundation.org/quarterly.html | |
59. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Aldous, 18941963 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895 Hyne, CJ Cutliffe (Charles JohnCutliffe), 1866-1944 Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906 Ide, Mrs. Charles W. AKA Ogden http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm | |
60. Ontario County Marriages Mar. 7, 1815, HUNTER, Peter, MECHAM, Mrs. Oct. Mar. 31, 1818, Ide, George, PETTET,Anna. Dec. Nov. 28, 1820, INGERSOLL, Charles, WARNER, Sarah. Nov. 28, 1815, INGERSOLL,Capt. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/county/ontario/marriage/marrgroomhu-i.htm | |
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