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         Huxley Aldous:     more books (100)
  1. The Perennial Philosophy: An Interpretation of the Great Mystics, East and West (P.S.) by Aldous Huxley, 2009-08-01
  2. The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell (P.S.) by Aldous Huxley, 2009-08-01
  3. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, 2006-10-01
  4. Now More Than Ever: Proceedings of the Aldous Huxley Centenary Symposium, Munster 1994 by Aldous Huxley Centenary Symposium (1994 University of Munster), Bernfried Nugel, 1996-03
  5. Aldous Huxley: Brave New World (Writers and Their Works) by Raychel Haugrud Reiff, 2009-09
  6. Aldous Huxley (Human Potentialities: Studies on Aldous Huxley and Contempor) by Jerome Meckier, 2007-08-31
  7. Aldous Huxley and Eastern Wisdom by B. L. Chakoo, 1981-06
  8. Now More Than Ever: An Edition (HRHRC Imprint Series) by Aldous Huxley, 2000-06-15
  9. The End of Utopia: A Study of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World by Peter Edgerly Firchow, 1984-10
  10. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
  11. Aldous Huxley and Film (Scarecrow Filmmakers Series) by Virginia M. Clark, 1987-09
  12. Aldous Huxley (Literature and Life) by Guinevera A. Nance, 1988-09
  13. Aldous Huxley and the Way to Reality by Charles Mason Holmes, 1978-06
  14. Brave New World Revisited (P.S.) by Aldous Huxley, 2006-09-01

81. Quotation Search - Quote Search - The Quotations Page
Aldous Huxley (1894 1963). I wanted to change the world. Aldous Huxley (1894- 1963). Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad. Huxley&file=other

82. Aldous Huxley
English Literature. Aldous Huxley 1894 1963. QUOTATIONS There s only one cornerof the universe you can be certain of improving, and that s your own self .
Language Activities English Slang On-Line Dictionaries Song Lyrics Life in Britain Teaching English Free Postcards MAIN INDEX PAGE Email Us English Literature Aldous Huxley 1894 - 1963 QUOTATIONS: "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self" "Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored" "Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him" "Single-mindedness is all very well in cows or baboons; in an animal claiming to belong to the same species as Shakespeare it is simply disgraceful" "Every man's memory is his private literature" Huxley in his early twenties Huxley in later life. The Three Classic Works of Aldous Huxley: He began writing poetry and short stories in his early twenties, but it wasn't until the publication of his novel Chrome Yellow in 1921 that he established his literary reputation. Further works: Antic Hay, Those Barren Leaves

83. UKFDB - Author Details - Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963)
UKFDB Logo, Author Details List Books Text List. Aldous Huxley. (1894 1963). Back to Top. Site Design Jumbo Design. All content is Copyright.

84. Huxley, Aldous
Logout. ISBN Title Most Popular Similar Authors. Huxley, Aldous18941963. (Aldous Huxley). Books by this Author. 1 2 The art
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(Aldous Huxley)
Books by this Author The art of seeing
by Aldous Huxley
Publisher: London :
ISBN: 0-70110-788-X
The art of seeing

by Aldous Huxley ; foreword by Laura Huxley
Publisher: Berkeley : Creative Arts Book Co
ISBN: 0-91687-048-0 Beyond the Mexique Bay Huxley, Aldous Publisher: Chatto and Windus ISBN: 0-70110-789-8 Brave new world Aldous Huxley ; editor Robert Southwick Publisher: Harlow : Longman ISBN: 0-58206-016-8 Brave new world Huxley, Aldous Publisher: San Bernardino, CA : Borgo Press. ISBN: 0-06080-984-1 Brave new world Aldous Huxley Publisher: San Bernadino The Borgo Press ISBN: 0-06080-983-3 Brave new world Aldous Huxley ; simplified by H. A. Cartledge; ed.: Andy Hopkins ... [et al.] Publisher: Harlow Addison Wesley Longman ISBN: 0-58227-522-9 Brave new world by Aldous Huxley ; abridged and simplified by H. A. Cartledge Publisher: London : Longman ISBN: 0-58253-033-4 Brave new world Aldous Huxley Publisher: New York : HarperPerennial ISBN: 0-06092-987-1 Brave new world revisited by Aldous Huxley Publisher: London : ISBN: 0-70110-791-X Collected short stories Huxley, Aldous

85. Aldous Huxley - Un Mundo Feliz
Translate this page . LIBROS - UN MUNDO FELIZ - ALDOUES Huxley, Retorna a Biográficas. Un MundoFeliz Brave New World - (1932) Aldous Huxley (1894- 1963), Aldous Huxley.
Un Mundo Feliz
Brave New World - (1932)
Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley
Un macizo edificio gris de solo treinta y cuatro pisos. Sobre la entrada principal, las palabras : Centro de Incubación y Acondicionamiento de la Central de Londres, y en una tarjeta : Comunidad, Identidad, Estabilidad, la divisa del Estado Mundial.
La enorme pieza del piso bajo estaba orientada al Norte. A pesar del calor de fuera y de la temperatura casi tropical dle interior, solo una luz cruda, pálida e invernal, filtrábase a través de los cristales buscando con avidez algunos ensabanados cuerpos yacentes, algún trozo de carne descolorida, producto de disecciones académicas; pero solo hallaba cristal y níquel y las pulidas y frías porcelanas del laboratorio. Invierno respondía a invierno. Blancas eran las batas de los que allí trabajaban con manos enfundadas en guantes de goma de color cadavérico.
La luz era helada, muerta, fantasmal. Solo los tubos amarillos de los microscopios le prestaban algo de vida mientras resbalaba lúbricamente sobre su pulidez, formando una larga serie de ricos destellos todod a lo largo de las mesas de trabajo.
Esta - dijo el Director, al abrir la puerta - es la Cámara de Fecundación.

86. Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley, Period 1900 AD (1894 1963) Web links Huxley BiographyAldous Huxley, Locality UK Category Philosophy. Novelist
Aldous Huxley Period: > 1900 AD
Web links:


Aldous Huxley
Locality: UK
Category: Philosophy
Novelist and essayist, born in Godalming, Surrey, SE England, UK, the grandson of T. H. Huxley. He studied at Oxford, lived mainly in Italy in the 1920s, (where he met and befriended D. H. Lawrence) and moved to California in 1937. His early writing included poetry, short stories, and literary journalism, but his reputation was made with his satirical novels Crome Yellow (1921) and Antic Hay (1923). Later novels include Point Counter Point (1928) and, his best-known work, Brave New World (1932), where he warns of the dangers of dehumanization in a scientific age. His later writing became more mystical in character, as in Eyeless in Gaza (1936) and Time Must Have a Stop (1944), while Island (1962) is an optimistic Utopia. Huxley's death on November 22, 1963 went without notice being outshined by the event of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. References:
Aldous Huxley, After Many Summers Dies the Swan (1939)

87. Crystal Clouds Quotations: Source Profile
Size . Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894 1963), Click For ExternalOnline Reference English Writer. Quotations By This Source. Change.

88. Aldous Huxley
AldousHuxley a participé au développement de la théorie de l évolution.
Le fantastique

Art Nouveau

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) Lovecraft Ira Levin, l'auteur de " Rosemary's baby ", dans " The boys from Brazil Dans Le meilleur des mondes
Dolly EntitiesNode Somaweb

89. João Sedycias: Inglês Expressão Escrita 4
Prose. Aldous Huxley (1894–1963). Born 26 July 1894, Godalming, Surrey,England. Died 22 November 1963, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Depto. de Letras, Programa de Inglês
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa 8A Centro de Artes e Comunicação
Professor: Dr. João Sedycias
Código da Disciplina: LE 627 Observação importante
English Written Expression 4 – Primary Sources P r o s e
Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) Born 26 July 1894, Godalming, Surrey, England.
Died 22 November 1963, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
English novelist and critic gifted with an acute and far-ranging intelligence. His works were notable for their elegance, wit, and pessimistic satire. Aldous Huxley was a grandson of the prominent biologist T. H. Huxley and was the third child of the biographer and man of letters Leonard Huxley. He was educated at Eton, during which time he became partially blind owing to keratitis. He retained enough eyesight to read with difficulty, and he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1916. He published his first book in 1916 and worked on the periodical Athenaeum from 1919 to 1921. Thereafter he devoted himself largely to his own writing and spent much of his time in Italy until the late 1930s, when he settled in California. Huxley established himself as a major author in his first two published novels

90. Centre For Aldous Huxley Studies
64. Schulz, Clair. Aldous Huxley 1894–1963 A Centenary Catalogue. StevensPoint, WI Decline and Fall, 1994. Schulz, Clair. Collecting
CAHS / Contact Library Research "Human Potentialities" ... Links Research Huxley Research: Recent Publications I. By Aldous Huxley: Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World: A Musical Comedy, ed. Bernfried Nugel with afterword by Jerome Meckier. Aldous Huxley Annual Huxley, Aldous. "Christ and the Present Crisis," ed. James Sexton. Aldous Huxley Annual Huxley, Aldous. "Modern Amusements," ed. James Sexton. Aldous Huxley Annual
Huxley, Aldous. "Notes on Decoration," ed. James Sexton. Aldous Huxley Annual Huxley, Aldous. "Pareto's Museum of Human Stupidity," ed. James Sexton. Aldous Huxley Annual Huxley, Aldous. "Puritanism in Art," ed. James Sexton. Aldous Huxley Annual
Aldous Huxley Annual
Aldous Huxley Annual Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays . Ed. with commentary by Robert S. Baker and James Sexton.
Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays
Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays
Huxley, Aldous. Complete Essays
Huxley, Aldous. "Utopias, Positive and Negative (1963)." Ed. and with an afterword by James Sexton. Aldous Huxley Annual
Huxley, Aldous.

91. Huxley Aldous 1894 1963 Essays
Written by Aldous Huxley , Robert S. Baker , James Sexton Publishedby Ivan R Dee, Inc. (July 2001) ISBN 1566633478 Price $35.00.

Search High Volume Orders Links ... Philosophy of Mathematics Additional Subjects History Philosophy Numbers Journey into Mathematics, A: An Introduction to Proofs Satir Step by Step: A Guide to Creating Change in Families Anna on the Farm ... Military Flight Aptitude Tests Featured Books Complete Essays: Volume III, 1930-1935
This third volume of Huxley's complete essays will appeal to a college collection which already has the first two volumes and anticipates collecting the entire six: this volume covers 1930-35 and collects his observations of the social and political trends of those years. Important essays and articles provide rich, seasoned commentary on history and modern times.
Written by Aldous Huxley Robert S. Baker James Sexton
Published by Ivan R Dee, Inc. (July 2001)
ISBN 1566633478
Price $35.00
Certainly, Aldous Huxley believed in the rule of elites and had anti-democratic notions for a period of time. In these essays and letters it is a troubled Huxley that can't fathom the solutions to the social problems of his time that can be observed. He went through many changes and was greatly influenced in thought by ocurrances which he had to live through. This is a pivotal point to understading Huxley which has been overlooked as a consequence of the "claims" that his greatest novels a...
Written by Aldous Huxley David Bradshaw
Published by Ivan R Dee, Inc. (August 1994)

92. Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894 - 1963) Leonard Huxley (1894 - 1963)

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