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         Hume David:     more books (100)
  1. Reception of David Hume In Europe (The Athlone Critical Traditions Series) by Peter Jones, 2006-02-04
  2. David Hume's Critique of Infinity (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History) by Dale Jacquette, 2000-10
  3. DAVID HUME (The Philosophy of David Hume) by Greig, 1983-08-01
  4. David Hume (Twayne's English Authors Series) by John Valdimir Price, 1991-07
  5. The Reluctant Revolutionary: An Essay on David Hume's Account of Necessary Connection (American University Studies Series V, Philosophy) by Alan Schwerin, 1989-04
  6. David Hume's Theory of Mind by Daniel E. Flage, 1990-10
  7. David Hume (Pioneers in Economics)
  8. David Hume: Critical Assessments (Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers)
  9. The Sceptical Realism of David Hume by John P. Wright, 1983-11
  10. CENTRAL PROBLEM DAVID HUMES (The Philosophy of David Hume) by Salmon, 1983-07-01
  11. David Hume: Bicentenary Papers
  12. The Suasive Art of David Hume by Mark A. Box, 1990-04
  13. A Humean Critique of David Hume's Theory of Knowledge by John A. Gueguen, 1998-06-11
  14. Essays on the Philosophy of David Hume: Natural Religion, Natural Belief, and Ontology by Stanley Tweyman, 1996-10

David Hume 1711 1776 Gnothi ON THE MARVELOUS AND MAGNIFICENT ALL-HEALINGMAGICAL POTION OF David Hume. Date Sat,17 Jan 2004. From pomonomo2003.
David Hume 1711 - 1776
ALL-HEALING MAGICAL POTION OF DAVID HUME Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 From: pomonomo2003 POM: The Hegelian (did you also mean to say Humean ?) God as concept is interesting. Could we say that the difference for Hegel would be that this Concept could eventually be actualized - in History? In Being? - While Hume, of course, would never sit still for saying that. GCM: Walter Kaufmann made the observation that Hegel's philosophy of history is often interpreted as purposeful AND PROGRESSIVE whereas Hegel, in reality, was very reticent, even negative, about future history. The original lecture series THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY was edited by a Frenchman who deliberately destroyed all his sources after making his version. When he said the Prussian state was the highest development of government it was not a moral or 'progressive' statement but more like, considering the chain of logical consequences in history this is the 'best' that is actual. Like Hume did many times, this may not express what he really felt but said to appease censors and political authorities. POM: Heidegger’s polytheism can also mean the gods are irrelevant for human knowing. Polytheism suggests that the gods philosophize because they too lack knowledge. Therefore the threat of nihilism screams through all realities, this world, the next world, and the worlds that loom threateningly beyond.

82. David Hume, 1711 - 1776
Press (1741). Of Essay Writing (1742), Of Superstition and Enthusiasm (1741). My Own Life (1776), The Hume Archives. Of Tragedy

A Treatise of Human Nature (1739)

"Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion" (1741)

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748)

"Of the Liberty of the Press" (1741)

A Treatise of Human Nature (1739)

"Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion" (1741)

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748)

"Of the Liberty of the Press" (1741)

83. Hume
Translate this page Hume (1711 - 1776). Hume est né à Edimbourg (1711) où il effectue sesétudes. Quelques liens intéresants David Hume par Robert Tremblay.
Hume (1711 - 1776)
Hume est né à Edimbourg (1711) où il effectue ses études. Il s’occupe ensuite de droit et de commerce. De 1763 à 1766, il est le secrétaire de l’ambassadeur d’Angleterre à Paris. Il fréquente les salons, connaît les encyclopédistes et se lie pour un certain temps d’amitié avec Rousseau . Hume voit dans l’expérience l’unique source de notre savoir. Il cherche à comprendre les relations constantes dont nous échappe la raison. L’œuvre politique de Hume est abondante et éparse : Traité de la nature humaine Du contrat originel Enquête sur les principes de la morale De l’origine du gouvernement (1774). Si le Contrat originel dénonce, contre Locke , les termes d’une origine fictive de l’état civil, l’origine du gouvernement cherche à repérer, dans le sillage de Machiavel, les composantes de l’origine réelle des sociétés. Pour Hume, le pouvoir s’est tout d’abord fondé sur l’injustice et la violence ; il est devenu avec le temps légal et obligatoire. L’avènement de la notion de gouvernement, de l’Etat est décelée dans la compétition guerrière qui découle de la rareté des biens disponibles parmi les groupes humains déjà constitués. La nécessité économique secrète le conflit qui donne naissance à une hiérarchie militaire qui se transforme, la paix venue, en hiérarchie civile et système de gestion politique. L’Etat a donc une origine économique et une mission de préservation des avantages acquis. L’Etat n’est qu’une institution contingente, historiquement exigée, appréciée en raison des services rendus.

84. David Hume
Mitbegründer der klassischen Nationalökonomie; Verfasser
Hume, David (1711-1776)
  • schottischer Philosoph, Ökonom und Historiker Mitbegründer der klassischen Nationalökonomie Verfasser von Beiträgen zur Wirtschaftstheorie 7. Mai 1711 Geburt in Edinburgh Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, jedoch ohne Abschluss Kontakt mit der Newtonschen Physik sowie mit den Werken des englischen Philosophen John Locke während seiner Studienzeit richtungsweisend für sein Denken 1734 - 1737 intensive Beschäftigung mit den Problemen der spekulativen Philosophie Nach der Veröffentlichung des Traktats Rückkehr Humes nach Berwickshire , wo er sich mit den Problemen der Ethik und der Wirtschaftspolitik beschäftigte Beschäftigung mit den Problemen der Ethik und der Wirtschaftspolitik erfolglose Bewerbungen um eine Professur an der Universität von Edinburgh 1751 Umzug nach Edinburgh 1762 - 1765 Sekretär des britischen Gesandten in Paris vorübergehende Freundschaft mit dem französischen Philosophen Jean-Jacques Rousseau, der ihn bei seiner Rückkehr nach Großbritannien begleitete 1767-1768 Dienstzeit als Unterstaatssekretär in London Umzug nach Edinburgh, wo er den Rest seines Lebens verbrachte

85. David Hume 310
David Hume. 1711 1776. . . . . . A Treatise of Human Nature(1739-40). An Abstract of A Treatise of Human Nature (1740).
David Hume
A Treatise of Human Nature An Abstract of A Treatise of Human Nature An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding History of England ... Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul Secondary Source Material:
David Hume
: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
David Hume
: Weber - History of Philosophy Miscellanae:
: Hegel - Lectures on the History of Philosophy
Hume: Published Works

The Scottish Contribution to the Enlightenment

Modern Skepticism
: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Links:
Hume Archives

David Hume Links
Readings in Modern Philosophy

86. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Hume, David 1711 - 1776
Hume, David 1711 1776 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. ANZENBACHER, Arno, Úvoddo etiky, L 7146. BLECHA, Ivan, Fenomenologie a kultura slepé skvrny, L 10768.
Hume, David 1711 - 1776
Záhlaví Název Signatura ANZENBACHER, Arno Úvod do etiky L 7146 BLECHA, Ivan Fenomenologie a kultura slepé skvrny L 10768 DOERING, Detmar Liberalismus v kostce. JC 4339 ECO, Umberto Skeptikové a tìšitelé. N 5303 FLEW, Antony An Introduction to Western Philosophy. L 7140 GARDINER, Patrick Kierkegaard L 7749 HOLMAN, Robert Vývoj ekonomického myšlení. G 2924 HUME, David An enquiry concerning human understanding L 8987 HUME, David Zkoumání o lidském rozumu L 7938 IGNATIEFF, Michael The needs of strangers L 9107 MASARYK, TomᚠGarrigue Moderní èlovìk a náboženství L 9289 MASARYK, TomᚠGarrigue Pøednášky a studie z let 1882-1884 L 8788 MINTON, Arthur J. Philosophy. L 6692 NOVOTNÝ, Zdenìk David Hume a jeho teorie vìdìní L 8916 NOVOTNÝ, Zdenìk Závìr PRIEST, Stephen The British empiricists L 10807 RAWLS, John Lectures on the history of moral philosophy L 10363 RICKEN, Friedo Obecná etika L 7430 SCRUTON, Roger Konzervativní myslitelé. L 6920 SCRUTON, Roger Krátké dìjiny novovìké filosofie L 8889 SOBOTKA, Milan Dìjiny novovìké filosofie od Descarta po L 6662 WEISCHEDEL, Wilhelm

87. MSAGA: DAVID HUME  (1711 - 1776)   SOURCE: David Hume - Wikipedia
Heimspeki © Jon Erlendsson David Hume - Wikipedia - 2004-04-15 MSAGA: DAVID HUME (1711 - 1776) SOURCE: David Hume - Wikipedia David Hume BIOGRAPHY PICTURES Quotes GO ... HELP David Hume HELP BIOGRAPHY PICTURES Quotes ... LHI Hume and the Problem of Induction SEE
From: NEWS GO LK "David Hume
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
David Hume (May 7, 1711 - August
Scottish philosopher and historian and, with Adam Smith and Thomas Reid among others, one of the most important figures in the Scottish Enlightenment
is sometimes regarded as the third and most radical of the so-called British Empiricists, BE after John Locke and George Berkeley " See Source Article " This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License JE which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license"

88. David Hume 1711 - 1776
David Hume 1711 1776. David Hume was a Scottish philosopher. historianand economist. He was born on April 26 1711, in Edinburgh.
David Hume 1711 - 1776
David Hume was a Scottish philosopher. historian and economist. He was born on April 26 1711, in Edinburgh. Hume was the second son of the lawyer Joseph Home and Katherine Falconer of Ninewells (an estate near Berwick-upon- Tweed). His father, a lawyer, died in 1713 and his mother raised him single-handedly (Hume changed his name in 1731, when he perceived Englishmen having complications with the pronunciation of the Scottish "Home").
After an early education at home, David entered Edinburg University at the age of 12 where he began the study of law. (enrolling at twelve was not too astonishing in that century). However, philosophy and literature called and he withdrew from the university in 1729 and dedicated the next eight, long years, marred by illness, depression, frustration and mental breakdown, to the solitary study of that discipline and the construction of his formidable thesis - eventually laid out in A Treatise of Human Nature.
The anonymously-published Treatise "fell deadborn from the press, without reaching such distinction as even to excite a murmur among the zealots" (Hume, 1776). This was not exactly true: the zealots disliked it and ensured that he was barred from academic appointments. An attempt to get a university chair at Edinburgh in 1745 was foiled by several clergymen and prominent townspeople who found him "subversive" - even after he had, in a fit of fright, pulled out his more contentious parts of his Treatise (such as the notorious essay on "Miracles") before publication.

89. HUME, David
Translate this page Band II (1990) Spalten 1175-1178 Autor Thomas Uecker Hume, David, bedeutendsterPhilosoph der englischen Aufklärung, Historiker und Diplomat, * 7.5.
Verlag Traugott Bautz Zur Hauptseite Bestellmöglichkeiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
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Band II (1990) Spalten 1175-1178 Autor: Thomas Uecker Werke: Treatise concerning human understanding, 2 Bde., London 1739-1740; Easays moral and political, 2 Bde., 1741 (1742 ); Account of Stewart, 1748; Philosophical essays concerning human understanding (späterer Titel: Enquiry concerning human understanding), 1748 (1750 ); An enquiry concerning the principles of morals, 1751; Political discourses, 1752 (1752 ); Scotticissnus, 1752; The history of Great Britain, 1754 (1757 )); Four dissertations, 4 Bde., 1757; Letter to the authors of the Critical Review, 1759; Dispute with Rousseau, 1766; Two essays on suicide and immortality, 1777; The life of D. H. written by himself, 1777; Dialogues concerning natural religion, 1779 (1779 ); GA der philos. Werke hrsg. v. T. H. Green u. T. H. Grose, 4 Bde., London 1874 (Neudr.: 1964); T. W. Jessop, A bibliography of D. H. and of D. H. and of Scottish philosophy from Francis Hutcheson to Lord Balfour, New York 1966, 342.

90. 29498. Hume, David. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996
ATTRIBUTION David Hume (1711–1776), Scottish philosopher. “A Dissertationon the Passions,” sect. 5, p. 162, Green and Grose (1898).
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