Verlag Traugott Bautz Zur Hauptseite Bestellmöglichkeiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis ... NEU: Unser E-News Service Wir informieren Sie vierzehntägig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Helfen Sie uns, das BBKL aktuell zu halten! Band II (1990) Spalten 1175-1178 Autor: Thomas Uecker Werke: Treatise concerning human understanding, 2 Bde., London 1739-1740; Easays moral and political, 2 Bde., 1741 (1742 ); Account of Stewart, 1748; Philosophical essays concerning human understanding (späterer Titel: Enquiry concerning human understanding), 1748 (1750 ); An enquiry concerning the principles of morals, 1751; Political discourses, 1752 (1752 ); Scotticissnus, 1752; The history of Great Britain, 1754 (1757 )); Four dissertations, 4 Bde., 1757; Letter to the authors of the Critical Review, 1759; Dispute with Rousseau, 1766; Two essays on suicide and immortality, 1777; The life of D. H. written by himself, 1777; Dialogues concerning natural religion, 1779 (1779 ); GA der philos. Werke hrsg. v. T. H. Green u. T. H. Grose, 4 Bde., London 1874 (Neudr.: 1964); T. W. Jessop, A bibliography of D. H. and of D. H. and of Scottish philosophy from Francis Hutcheson to Lord Balfour, New York 1966, 342. | |