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         Hume David:     more books (100)
  1. Probability and Humes Inductive Scepticism by David C. Stove, 1973-06
  2. David Hume, Philosopher of Moral Science by Antony Flew, 1986-11
  3. The Moral and Political Philosophy of David Hume by John Benjamin Stewart, 1973-02-28
  4. Secondary Sources on the Philosophy of David Hume: A David Hume Bibliography 1741-2005 by Stanley Tweyman, 2006-06-30
  5. The Moral Animus of David Hume by Donald T. Siebert, 1990-05
  6. David Hume's Argument Against Miracles by Francis J. Beckwith, 1989-09-30
  7. Ironic Hume by John V. Price, Henry H. Price, 1999-06-01
  8. Morals, Motivation, and Convention: Hume's Influential Doctrines (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy) by Francis Snare, 2002-06-20
  9. Space and the Self in Hume's Treatise by Marina Frasca-Spada, 2002-04-11
  10. David Hume: An Introduction to His Philosophical System (Purdue University Series in the History of Philosophy) by Terrence Penelhum, 1992-03-01
  11. David Hume and The Problem of Reason: Recovering the Human Sciences by Robert M. Danford, 1990-09-10
  12. David Hume and the Problem of Other Minds (Continuum Studies in British Philosophy) by Anik Waldow, 2009-08-15
  13. The Great Debate on Miracles: From Joseph Glanvill to David Hume by Robert M. Burns, 1981-09
  14. David Hume by A.H., pseud. Basson, Anthony Pike Cavendish, 1981-05-12

61. ThinkQuest : Library : "Here, Madam,": An Exploration Of Inspiration
David Hume (17111776) Naturalist in Modern Philosophy. Philosophy. Hume sbasic belief was that Man is incapable of knowing anything for certain.
Index Philosophy
"Here, Madam,": An Exploration of Inspiration
How do I know I exist? Do I have free will? Does God exist? What is intelligence? What is truth? What is the function of beauty? What is justice? Open your mind to the timeless conversations, meditations and questions of philosophy...the key is an inquisitive spirit! Explore the thoughts of 19 of the greatest minds in the world, from Aquinas to Wittgenstein. Visit Site 1996 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Students Colin South Lafourche High School, Galliano, LA, United States Shawn South Lafourche High School, Galliano, LA, United States Jenny South Lafourche High School, Galliano, LA, United States Coaches Cheryl South Lafourche High School, Galliano, LA, United States Tommy South Lafourche High School, Galliano, LA, United States Janet South Lafourche High School, Galliano, LA, United States Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

62. Empirisme - Hume
L EMPIRISME I David Hume (17111776). L Empirisme és un movimentfilosòfic que es desenvolupa a la segona meitat del s. XVIIè
L'EMPIRISME I DAVID HUME (1711-1776) Però l'empirisme, com a moviment filosòfic, es fa ressò d'una llarga tradició britànica. Entre els seus antecedents podem esmentar el nominalista Guillem d'Occam (Medieval: S.XIVè).També recull la teoria de la ciència de Bacon (Renaixement) i la teoria política de Hobbes, autor del llibre "Leviathan o l'Estat" pels aspectes ètics i polítics. La paraula "Empirisme" prové del grec empíria o empeireia que significa: "experiència". Els empiristes diuen que el coneixement racional no depèn de la suposada existència d'idees innates, sinó que es fonamenta en l'experiència, en el concret, o (en expressió de Locke) "en el comerç amb el món". No hi ha raó que pugui prescindir del coneixement sensible, la raó humana no és autosuficient sinó que depèn de la sensibilitat. Com a moviment, podem assenyalar quatre grans idees en el conjunt de l'empirisme:

63. The James Willard Oliver David Hume Collection
This collection includes both early editions of works by the Scottish philosopherDavid Hume (17111776), and extensive holdings of scholarship about his life
The James Willard Oliver David Hume Collection
David Hume, portrait by Allan Ramsay ("the Younger"), 1754
  • This collection includes both early editions of works by the Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776), and extensive holdings of scholarship about his life and thought. The items below have been chosen to indicate the range of older material in the Oliver Collection, but represent only a small portion of its total holdings. Individual titles are cataloged in the library's on-line catalogue USCAN. The collection was formed by Prof. James Willard Oliver (1912-2001). Prof. Oliver (Ph.D. Harvard 1949) taught at the University of Florida and at the University of Southern California before moving to the University of South Carolina in 1964, as Professor and first Head of the new Department of Philosophy. Through Professor Oliver's generosity, his Hume collection was transferred to the University in 1997. In the following years, Prof. Oliver also transferred his substantial collections of works by and about Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and of modern American logic, notably the logic of of W. V. Quine (1908-2000), with whom Prof. Oliver had worked at Harvard.
    David Hume’s First Book
    David Hume, 1711-1776. A

64. Tenkte Tanker: David Hume (1711-1776)
Tenkte tanker David Hume (17111776). Midt på 1700-tallet reduserte denskotske filosof og historiker David Hume filosofi til sitt minimum (ref.
Tenkte tanker: David Hume (1711-1776) Midt på 1700-tallet reduserte den skotske filosof og historiker David Hume filosofi til sitt minimum (ref. 1). Han hevdet at vi alle har ansvaret for oss selv og vår egen virkelighet. Han argumenterte i hjel årsak/virknings-sammenhengene og avlivet dermed også grunnlaget for vår egen tids kvalitets- og forbedringsarbeid. Kanskje han hadde rett? Stein Smaaland Fornuften er, og bør alltid være, underlagt følelsene, og kan aldri gjøre krav på å ha noen annen hensikt enn å tjene og lyde dem » (ref. 3 og figur 1) Hume innledet sine universitetsstudier i Edinburgh i tolv års alderen, noe som ikke var uvanlig på den tiden. Han studerte det sedvanlige latin, gresk, etikk og logikk, men også naturvitenskap og fysikk, der han ikke minst lærte av vitenskapsmannen Isac Newton; I Newton kan denne øyen (Skottland/England/Wales, red.anm.) skryte av å ha produsert den største og sjeldneste av alle genier som noensinne er blitt skapt for utsmykking og instruksjon av artene. Forsiktig med å innrømme andre prinsipper enn dem som kunne underbygges av eksperimenter, men bestemt i å adoptere ethvert slikt prinsipp, uansett hvor nytt og uvanlig,... var Newton lenge ukjent for menneskeheten... Men til slutt... » (ref. 4).

65. DAVID HUME (1711-1776) Classic EMPIRICIST Foundationalist
DAVID HUME (1711-1776): Classic EMPIRICIST Foundationalist READINGS: page references for Sections 1-3 of Enquiry and Hume (pp.250-8) in Sober. Sober's lectures 15-16 will be helpful on the Problem of Induction, and see Sober 17 on the failure of Foundationalist Epistemology. THINK ABOUT AS YOU READ:
The object of Hume's book is to uncover the basic laws of the mind, in terms of which the phenomena of human experience can be explained. "May we not hope, that secret springs and principles, by which the human mind is actuated in its operations?'' (Sec. I, p. 15). Hume compares himself to Newton, whose basic laws of motion explained in principle the immense variety of phenomena about motion. The basis of this comparison is a certain view of science: 1. observation of phenomena (varied and complicated), and

66. Society, Philosophy, Philosophers, H: Hume, David
Sites on the 18thCentury Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776).Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.,_David/
Top Society Philosophy Philosophers ...
Related links of interest:

67. David Hume
Translate this page Historiographie du XVe au XVIIIe siècle David Hume (1711-1776). Texte The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar
BCS BCS-BOR BCS-PUB MOTEUR DE RECHERCHE DANS LA BCS ... Introduction David Hume (1711-1776) Texte: The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 Histoire d'Angleterre, GOGARTEN H., David Hume als Geschichtsschreiber. Ein Beitrag zur englischen Historiographie des 18. Jahrhunderts , dans , 61, 1979, p.120-153. Histoire d'Angleterre, t.I, pp.31-32). Histoire d'Angleterre , t.2, pp.25-26). Histoire d'Angleterre , t.IV, pp.31-32) Jeanne d'Arc miraculeux et le merveilleux Histoire d'Angleterre, t.IV, pp.142-144). Histoire d'Angleterre , t.VI, p.99). Introduction BCS ... BCS-PUB

68. Manuscripts Catalogue
David Hume 17111776, 14 entries. Draft of letter from William Cullento William Hunter on the death of David Hume (Thomson, I, 607

69. David Hume (1711-1776),
Translate this page David Hume. (1711-1776). Teoria Moral. James Fieser. A teoria moralde Hume é de permanente importância na história da filosofia
David Hume
Teoria Moral
James Fieser
deve de um
1. Agente, paciente, e espectador nas teorias do Senso Moral 2. Resumo da teoria moral de Hume 3. A teoria moral de Hume no Tratado 4. A teoria moral de Hume na moral
1.Agente, paciente, e espectador nas teorias do Senso Moral agente paciente espectador moral sensorial Inquiry , 1699). Em seu segundo objeto graus iguais e a pior aquela que ocasiona infelicidade computar Teoria dos Sentimentos Morais Teoria dos Sentimentos Morais Elements of the Science of Ethics Essays on the Powers of Man , 1788, Essay 5.7] Lectures, Lect. 77]
2. Resumo da teoria moral de Hume
A teoria moral de Hume aparece no Livro 3 do Tratado da Natureza Humana (1740) e na constituem industry
3. A teoria moral de Hume no Tratado Tratado , intitulado ‘Da Moral’ Tratado , Hume explica que este prazer produz sentimentos adicionais de amor e orgulho no espectador. motiva como uma regra leis da natureza qualquer todo
4. A teoria moral de Hume na moral Tratado de Hume malograram. Em sua autobiografia, Hume escreve: “sempre acreditei que a falta de sucesso de meu Tratado da Natureza Humana EPM 4, nota)

70. Ty's David Hume Homepage
Ty's David Hume Homepage. David Hume was an eighteenth century Scottish philosopher and historian. Some consider him to be the greatest philosopher to have written in the English language.
Ty's David Hume Homepage
Created and maintained by D. Tycerium Lightner
David Hume was an eighteenth century Scottish philosopher and historian. Some consider him to be the greatest philosopher to have written in the English language.

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71. Great Books Index - David Hume
David Hume Great Books Index. David Hume (17111776) An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation Links to Information About David Hume. Hume Archives( IEP)
David Hume (17111776)
An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation AUTHORS/HOME TITLES ABOUT GB INDEX BOOK LINKS Writings of David Hume Concerning Human Understanding Human Nature Original Contract Perfect Commonwealth ... Articles An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
[Back to Top of Page] A Treatise of Human Nature
[Back to Top of Page] Of the Original Contract
[Back to Top of Page] Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth [Back to Top of Page] Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul

72. Hume Archives (The)
Hume Archives (The) "The Hume Archives is a searchable repository of electronic texts by and about 18th Century Scottish philosopher David Hume". The site is maintained by Jim Fieser at The

73. Ty's David Hume Homepage

74. David Hume (1711-76).
A Blupete Biography Page David Hume (171176) The Untroubled Sceptic. . DavidHume was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1711; he died there in 1776.
David Hume
"The Untroubled Sceptic." "I found that the moral philosophy transmitted to us by Antiquity, laboured under the same inconvenience that has been found in their natural philosophy, of being entirely hypothetical, and depending upon more invention than experience. Every one consulted his fancy in erecting schemes of virtue and of happiness, without regarding human nature, upon which every moral conclusion must depend." GO TO TABLE OF CONTENTS
  • Introduction:
  • Hume's Life:
  • Hume's Philosophy:
  • Quotes. ...
  • Notes. Introduction:- By this work I touch upon Hume: his life, his works and his thoughts. David Hume was but one of a number of men of eighteenth century Scotland who brought philosophy into a new age. These philosophers shunned the superstitions and speculations of the past as is represented by the Cartesian view

    Hume's Life:- David Hume was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1711; he died there in 1776. Hume's widowed mother devoted herself to the education of "several young children." She came from an influential family, her father being Sir David Falconer, President of the College of Justice. The family, if not David, had thoughts that David should choose the law as a profession. I am not sure what concrete steps Hume took in this direction; but, at some point, he gave it up and moved in with his brother. At the age of 23, in March of 1734, Hume left Scotland for Bristol visiting London on the way. He had determined to attach himself to a merchant located at Bristol and to learn something of the business world. This venture, for whatever reason, did not work out; for, within a matter of months we see where Hume left Bristol and traveled to France.
  • 75. Philosophie-Seiten: David Hume
    David Hume (1711-1776) Philosophen und Philosophinnen Hannah Arendt Aristoteles Augustinus Francis Bacon ... Mary Wollstonecraft

    76. • Klasická Novoveká Filozofia - David Hume (1711 - 1776)
    Klasická novoveká filozofia David Hume (1711 - 1776) - nar. saaj zomrel v Edinburgu - ako 11 rocný zacal študovat právo

    77. Klasická Novoveká Filozofia - David Hume (1711 - 1776)
    Klasická novoveká filozofia David Hume (1711 - 1776) - nar. saaj zomrel v Edinburgu - ako 11 rocný zacal študovat právo

    78. Hume, David (1711 - 1776)
    Hume, David (1711 1776). Background. Hume rejected rationalism, arguingthat all knowledge comes from sense experience. Even causality

    79. David Hume (1711­1776)
    David Hume (1711­1776). odgojen u kalvinskom duhu. trosvešcano glavnodjelo A treatise of human nature (1739­40). takozvani Enquiries. filozofija/HumePredZS98-99.htm
    David Hume (1711­1776) odgojen u kalvinskom duhu A treatise of human nature takozvani Enquiries concerning human understanding concerning the principles of morals djelo iz filozofije religije: Dialogues concerning natural religion djelo iz povijesti: History of England Hume ne pretpostavlja a priori valjanost nijedne znanosti, nego ga zanima fundament svih znanosti. de facto neka vrsta psihologije spoznaje. Hume polazi od jedne razlike: Što je dakle prema Humeu temelj našega znanja? To može biti samo ono što je kao predmet osjetilne zamjedbe neposredno prisutno u našoj svijesti. Taj neposredan predmet, koji Hume zove 'perception', prema tomu, nije izvanjski objekt, nego nešto u našoj svijesti. Razlikuje dakle dvije vrste zamjedbi (perceptions): Impressions. Ideas. Slabe preslike tih utiska u mišljenju i sudovima. Osim toga razlikuje još dvije vrste utisaka: složene, koje se dadu rastaviti na jednostavne, npr. utisak jabuke Ta mu je razlika vrlo važna da riješi neke probleme. Ktomu, razlikuje jednostavne i složene ideje. Jasno je da složene ideje nastaju povezivanjem jednostavnih ideja, a jednostavne se ideje, ispravnom analizom, svode na jednostavne utiske. The philosophy of logical atomism Logical atomism Kako Hume dolazi do problema indukcije?

    80. David Hume 1711 - 1776 Gnothi Two ON THE MARVELOUS AND MAGNIFICENT ALL-HEALING M
    Moore's Metaphysics - Moore's Metaphysics - Moore's Metaphysics
    David Hume 1711 - 1776
    Gnothi Two
    ELIXIRS AND THE QUINTA ESSENTIA. January 18, 2004 KANG: In light of what is said below about "absolute" knowledge, I would ask a Q of some importance, what is knowledge? GCM: 'Knowledge' is what you are forced to imagine accounting and connecting your sensual impressions to make so-called 'sense' out of them. I have never thought of that connection before. "You have to make sense out of sense." Somehow, this is not a redundancy or tautology NOR is it symbolic or merely representative. I would say "pain" is the over-riding, most important sense impelling us to 'think' things through. "Pain" supposedly communicates - a 'natural language' as Bishop George Berkeley would have it? I am slowly becoming fascinated by Berkeley KANG: Perhaps a conversation can take the place of the abandoned commentary on a work apparently devoted to this very Q. GCM: Don't give up on the commentary on WHAT IS CALLED THINKING?

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