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         Hume David:     more books (100)
  1. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology: Hume, David (1711-1776) by Gale Reference Team, 2001-01-01
  2. David Hume 1711-1776 (Historia De La Filosofia) by Unknown, 1999-12-31
  3. The Students' Hume. A History Of England From The Earliest Times To The Revolution In 1688. Based On The History Of David Hume, Incorporating The Corrections ... Continued To The Treaty Of Berlin In 1878 by Hume David 1711-1776, 2010-10-06
  4. The Student's Hume. A History Of England From The Earliest Times To The Revolution In 1688 by Hume David 1711-1776, 2010-10-07
  5. Exposé Succinct De La Contestation Qui S'est Élevée Entre M. Hume Et M. Rousseau: Avec Les Pieces Justificatives (French Edition) by Hume David 1711-1776, 2010-09-27
  6. Exposé Succinct De La Contestation Qui S'est Élevée Entre M. Hume. Et M. Rousseau: Avec Les Pieces Justificatives (French Edition) by Hume David 1711-1776, Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-27
  7. An Enquiry Concerning The Human Understanding, And An Enquiry Concerning The Principles Of Morals by Hume David 1711-1776, 2010-09-27
  8. Essays and treatises on several subjects Volume 1 by Hume David 1711-1776, 2010-09-29
  9. Essays moral, political, and literary Volume 2 by Hume David 1711-1776, 2010-09-29
  10. David Hume: Scotland (1711-1776) (The Giants of Philosophy)
  11. David Hume, 1711-1776 (Sezione 8, Classici, testi, documenti, biografie) (Italian Edition) by Franco Restaino, 1986
  12. Essays, moral, political and literary Volume 1 by David, 1711-1776 Hume, 2009-10-26
  13. Private correspondence of David Hume with several distinguished persons, between the years 1761 and 1776. Now first published from the originals by David, 1711-1776 Hume, 2009-10-26
  14. Letters of David Hume and extracts from letters referring to him by Hume. David. 1711-1776., 1841-01-01

1. David Hume -- Life And Writings [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. David Hume (17111776) Lifeand Writings. Hume is our Politics, Hume is our Trade, Hume
David Hume (1711-1776)
Life and Writings

Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to that part of this article)
Life David Hume was born in 1711 to a moderately wealthy family from Berwickshire Scotland, near Edinburgh. His background was politically Whiggish and religiously Calvinistic. As a child he faithfully attended the local Church of Scotland pastored by his uncle. Hume was educated by his widowed mother until he left for the University of Edinburgh at the age of eleven. His letters describe how as a young student he took religion seriously and obediently followed a list of moral guidelines taken from The Whole Duty of Man , a popular Calvinistic devotional. Leaving the University of Edinburgh at around age fifteen to pursue his education privately, he was encouraged to consider a career in law, but his interests turned to philosophy. During these years of private study he began raising serious questions about religion, as he recounts in the following letter: Tis not long ago that I burn'd an old Manuscript Book, wrote before I was twenty; which contain'd, Page after Page, the gradual Progress of my Thoughts on that head [i.e. religious belief]. It begun with an anxious Search after Arguments, to confirm the common Opinion: Doubts stole in, dissipated, return'd, were again dissipated, return'd again.

2. David HUME
David Hume, 17111776. One of the greatest philosophers in Western history,as well as an accomplished historian, economist, perennial
David Hume, 1711-1776.
One of the greatest philosophers in Western history, as well as an accomplished historian, economist, perennial skeptic and delightful fellow. David Hume was one of the most prominent figures of the Scottish Enlightenment and a close friend of Adam Smith . Hume's contributions to economics are found mostly in his Political Discourses (1752), which were later incorporated into his Essays Hume was a virulent anti-Mercantilist . He was adamant that wealth was measured by the stock of commodities of a nation, not its stock of money. He was also one of the better articulators of the Quantity Theory and the neutrality of money ("It is none of the wheels of trade: it is the oil which renders the motion of the wheels more smooth and easy", Of Money , 1752). Contrary to the Mercantilists, Hume related low interest rates not to abundant money, but to booming commerce. He was one of the first to spell out the "loanable funds" theory of interest, arguing that interest rates are determined by the demand for loans and the supply of saving. Low interest rates are thus symptoms of a booming, commercial economy, where thrift and the desire for gain and accumulation take hold. However, he admitted that in the short-run (and only the short-run), a rising supply of money could have a beneficial effect on industry.

3. Hume, David, 1711-1776: Free Web Books, Online
David Hume (17111776) Biographical note The Principles of Morals, by David Hume read download
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4. Hume
David Hume (17111776).
F A Q Dictionary ... Locke

David Hume
Life and Works


The Self
Internet Sources
Soon after completing his studies at Edinburgh, Scottish philosopher David Hume began writing his comprehensive statement of the views he believed would contribute to philosophy no less than Newton's had to science. But the public reception for the three books of his magisterial Treatise of Human Nature (1739) was less than cordial, and Hume abandoned his hopes of a philosophical career in order to support his family as a librarian, historian, diplomat, and political essayist, a course of action he described in the autobiographical My Own Life (1776). Hume's Essays Moral and Political (1741-1742) found some success, and the multi-volume History of England (1754-1762) finally secured the modest livelihood for which he had hoped. Although he spent most of his life trying to produce more effective statements of his philosophical views, he did not live to see the firm establishment of his reputation by the criticisms of Kant and much later appreciation of the logical positivists The central themes of Book I of the Treatise receive a somewhat more accessible treatment in An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748), a more popular summary of Hume's

5. David Hume (1711-1776)
Inhoud en betekenis van zijn gedachtengoed.
David Hume (Edinburgh 26-4-1711 - 25-8-1776 Edinburgh)

A. Leven
I. 'Mijn eigen Leven'
Op 18 april 1776 is David Hume, dan al ernstig ziek, klaar met zijn uiterst beknopte autobiografie My Own Life . De eerste zin luidt: 'Het is moeilijk voor iemand om lang over zichzelf te spreken zonder ijdel te worden; daarom zal ik kort zijn'. Het tekent hem. Wanneer Hume, nimmer gehuwd en kinderloos, in zijn testament laat opnemen dat op zijn graf een eenvoudig monument moet komen te staan met daarin uitsluitend zijn naam gehakt, verzucht zijn vriend en econoom Adam Smith, schrijver van het boek Wealth of Nations eerlijk mens'. Hoezeer ook Hume in zijn handelen als een bescheiden persoon te boek staat, als hulpvaardig, vrijgevig, evenwichtig, en bovenal goedaardig, zo valt eveneens overal te lezen hoe extreem Hume was in zijn denken, hoe meedogenloos in discussies, hoe meesterlijk in zijn geschriften. Dat radicale denken komt beneden aan de orde, maar eerst wordt hier kort - hoe zouden we anders durven - het leven geschetst van deze Verlichte Schot, le bon David , die, nota bene als atheist, in de naar hem vernoemde St. David Street woonde.

6. David Hume
philosopher ever to write in English, David Hume (17111776) the last of the great triumvirate of master stylist in any genre, Hume's major philosophical works A Treatise of
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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David Hume
Generally regarded as the most important philosopher ever to write in English, David Hume (1711-1776) the last of the great triumvirate of "British empiricists" was also noted as an historian and essayist. A master stylist in any genre, Hume's major philosophical works A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740), the Enquiries concerning Human Understanding (1748) and concerning the Principles of Morals (1751), as well as the posthumously published Dialogues concerning Natural Religion (1779) remain widely and deeply influential, despite their being denounced by many of his contemporaries as works of scepticism and atheism. While Hume's influence is evident in the moral philosophy and economic writings of his close friend Adam Smith, he also awakened Immanuel Kant from his "dogmatic slumbers" and "caused the scales to fall" from Jeremy Bentham's eyes. Charles Darwin counted Hume as a central influence, as did "Darwin's bulldog," Thomas Henry Huxley. The diverse directions in which these writers took what they gleaned from reading Hume reflect not only the richness of their sources but also the wide range of Hume's empiricism. Comtemporary philosophers recognize Hume as one of the most thoroughgoing exponents of philosophical naturalism.

7. David Hume - Essays [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. David Hume (17111776) Essays,Moral, Political and Literary. In 1580, French writer Michel
David Hume (1711-1776)
Essays, Moral, Political and Literary
In 1580, French writer Michel Montaigne created a literary genre with the publication of his Essais . Montaigne's work is a collection of over 100 musings on a variety of subjects, including "Of Idleness", "Of Liars", "Of Fear", "Of Friendship", and "Of Cannibals". After Montaigne, hundreds of collections of essays appeared by noted writers such as Francis Bacon, John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, and Samuel Johnson. Although some writers published formal essays that might be better termed "treatises", the quintessential essay was informal, personal and, above all, entertaining. In 1741 Hume published his Essays, Moral and Political in which he consciously followed the tried and true model of informal essay writing. Part of Hume's motivation for producing a collection of informal essays stems from the poor public reception of his more formally written Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740). In his essay "Of Essay Writing", Hume expresses his hope that his own collection of essays would be of interest both to learned people and conversational people. In the opening section of his first Enquiry (1748, first titled

8. Empirisme - Hume
Antecedents de l'empirisme (Occam, Bacon i Hobbes) i fil²sofs empiristes.
L'EMPIRISME I DAVID HUME (1711-1776) Però l'empirisme, com a moviment filosòfic, es fa ressò d'una llarga tradició britànica. Entre els seus antecedents podem esmentar el nominalista Guillem d'Occam (Medieval: S.XIVè).També recull la teoria de la ciència de Bacon (Renaixement) i la teoria política de Hobbes, autor del llibre "Leviathan o l'Estat" pels aspectes ètics i polítics. La paraula "Empirisme" prové del grec empíria o empeireia que significa: "experiència". Els empiristes diuen que el coneixement racional no depèn de la suposada existència d'idees innates, sinó que es fonamenta en l'experiència, en el concret, o (en expressió de Locke) "en el comerç amb el món". No hi ha raó que pugui prescindir del coneixement sensible, la raó humana no és autosuficient sinó que depèn de la sensibilitat. Com a moviment, podem assenyalar quatre grans idees en el conjunt de l'empirisme:

9. Gale Encyclopedia Of Psychology Hume, David (1711-1776)
You are Here Articles Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology Article.Hume, David (17111776). Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology. Scottish

10. Gale Encyclopedia Of Psychology Hume, David (1711-1776)
You are Here Articles Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology Article. Hume,David (17111776). Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology. Continued from page 2.

11. Hume, David (1711-1776) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Hume, David (17111776), Scottish philosopher who, as Berkeley criticizedtheories of causality and emphasized the empirical and
Branch of Science Philosophers Nationality Scottish
Hume, David (1711-1776)

Scottish philosopher who, as Berkeley criticized theories of causality and emphasized the empirical and probabilistic nature of knowledge about the physical world. He questioned cause and effect and viewed knowledge as beliefs based on psychological factors, since a single experiment was capable of disproving an entire theory.

12. Terra - Hume, David (1711-1776)
Hume, David (1711-1776).Sitios, David Hume Compendio del Tratado de la naturaleza humana.
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... Filósofos
  • David Hume
    Compendio del Tratado de la naturaleza humana.
  • David Hume
  • David Hume
    Investigación sobre el conocimiento humano, sección IV

13. Hume, David (1711-1776) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Philosophers. Nationality. Scottish. Hume, David (17111776) Scottish philosopher who, as Berkeley criticized theories of causality and emphasized the empirical and probabilistic nature of knowledge
Branch of Science Philosophers Nationality Scottish
Hume, David (1711-1776)

Scottish philosopher who, as Berkeley criticized theories of causality and emphasized the empirical and probabilistic nature of knowledge about the physical world. He questioned cause and effect and viewed knowledge as beliefs based on psychological factors, since a single experiment was capable of disproving an entire theory.

14. ATRIUM: Philosophie: Hume David (1711-1776)
Sites Atrium Section Philosophie Grands Philosophes Hume David Présentation... Présentation Le projet fondamentale de David Hume est "d'introduire dans la science de l'homme la méthode d'investigation empirique", c'est-à-dire de s'appuyer sur l'expérience et l'observation. Il développe, dans cette perspective, un scepticisme mesuré, qui opère une limitation critique des possibilités de connaissance de l'homme... Hume, David (1711-1776) Éléments biographiques Sa philosophie La méthode de Hume L'empirisme de Hume Enquête sur la causalité Morale et politique La théorie de la croyance et le problème religieux Hume et le scepticisme Conclusion O euvres en ligne sur Atrium Essai sur le contrat primitif

15. ATRIUM: Biographie De Hume David (1711-1776)
Translate this page Ses dernières œuvres (La Vie de David Hume écrite par lui-même, Deux essaissur le suicide et l’immortalité, et les Dialogues sur la religion naturelle
Sites Atrium Section Philosophie Grands Philosophes Hume Hume : Éléments biographiques D avid Hume est né en 1711 à Edimbourg en Ecosse. En 1723 il entre à l’Université d’Edimbourg où il se consacre à l’étude du droit. De 1751 à 1757, Hume exerça la charge de Conservateur de l’ Advocate’s Library d’Edimbourg , bibliothèque reconnue comme la meilleure du pays. De 1767 à 1769, il assuma la fonction de sous-secrétaire d’Etat en charge des provinces du Nord. Il mourut en 1776. Son oeuvre majeure est le Traité sur la nature humaine , paru en , alors qu'il n'avait que vingt-huit ans. Il est aussi, et cela compte, un des rares philosophes doués d'humour, dont le style clair, plaisant, teinté de bonhomie sceptique régale le lecteur. Ses

16. Hume
Translate this page David Hume. (1711-1776). Biographie. Oeuvres principales. David Humeest une grande figure du XVIIIème siècle anglais. Né à Edimbourg
David HUME Biographie. Oeuvres principales Essais moraux et politiques les Essais philosophiques sur l'entendement humain (1748) et l'Histoire naturelle de la religion Les Dialogues sur la religion naturelle Racines et apports I - Les racines 2 - Les apports conceptuels La morale de Kant , PUF p.3 Les concepts fondamentaux de Hume sont les suivants : J. Russ, , Bordas p. 210-211 Essai sur l'entendement humain de I748. J. Vialatoux, La morale de Kant , PUF p.3

17. Hume David (1711-1776)
Translate this page David Hume (1711 - 1776). Der schottische Philosoph, Historiker, Ökonomund Essayist David Hume ist der einflussreichste, vollendetste
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David Hume (1711 - 1776)
Der schottische Philosoph, Historiker, Ökonom und Essayist David Hume ist der einflussreichste, vollendetste Naturalist in der modernen Philosophie und eine entscheidende Figur der Aufklärung. Geboren als zweiter Sohn eines kleinen schottischen Landeigners besuchte Hume die Universität von Edinburgh. Von 1734-37 hielt er sich in Frankreich auf und wurde, nach vergeblichem Versuch die Universitätslaufbahn einzuschlagen, Sekretär des Generals Saint Cloud. Seit 1752 war er Bibliothekar in Edinburgh. 1767/68 war er Unterstaatssekretär im Auswärtigen Amt. Er war befreundet mit Adam Smith, dem er auch in der Nationalökonomie nahe stand, verkehrte in den Kreisen der Enzyklopädisten, bot Rousseau ein Asyl in England. Seine Philosophie:
Seine wichtigsten philosophischen Werke sind:
A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40) An Abstract of a Book lately Published, entituled A Treatise of Human Nature (1740) Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748) Enquiry concerning the Principles of Moral (1751) Dissertation on the Passions (1757) Dialogues concerning Natural Religion (1779) Zitat: Examine the religious principles which have, in fact, prevailed in the world, and you will scarcely be persuaded that they are anything but sick men's dreams.

David Hume (17111776). When we run over libraries, persuaded of theseprinciples, what havoc must we make? If we take in our hand
DAVID HUME (1711-1776)
"When we run over libraries, persuaded of these principles, what havoc must we make? If we take in our hand any volume of divinity or school metaphysics, for instance, let us ask, Does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit it then to the flames, for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion." An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding
"Methinks that I am like a man, who having struck on many shoals, and having narrowly escap'd ship-wreck in passing a small firth, has yet the temerity to put to sea in the same leaky weather-beaten vessel, and even carries his ambition so far as to thi nk of compassing the globe under this disadvantageous circumstances...Fain wou'd I run into the crowd for shelter and warmth; but cannot prevail with myself to mix with such deformity. I call upon others to join me, in order to make a company apart, but no one will harken to me. Everyone keeps a distance, and dreads that storm that beats upon me from every side. I have expos'd myself to the enmity of all metaphysicians, logicians, mathematicians, and even theologians; and can I wonder at the insults I must suffer?... Can I be sure that in leaving all establish'd opinions I am following the truth?" A Treatise of Human Nature David Hume was a Scottish philosopher. historian and economist. Among the interesting features of Hume's empiricist philosophy are a revolutionary view of causality, the problem of induction, and the distinction between fact and value. Hume advocates various forms of moderate or mitigated skepticism. He was a relentless critic of metaphysics and religion. In the

19. David Hume, 1711-1776
Translate this page Grandes Economistas. David Hume, 1711-1776.
Grandes Economistas David Hume, 1711-1776
Este filósofo escocés es considerado un precursor de Adam Smith , de quien fue amigo personal. Hume analizó las fuerzas que impulsan la actividad económica, el deseo de lucro y de acumulación. Considera que no debe adoptarse ninguna medida de tipo redistributivo para que no desaparezcan los estímulos individuales, imprescindibles para el funcionamiento del sistema económico. Pulsa aquí para ver todos los
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David Hume
Criticó las teorías mercantilistas y fisiocráticas imperantes en su tiempo. Atacó a los terratenientes considerando que no contribuían al aumento de la riqueza nacional. En sus escritos trató también sobre otros temas económicos como la teoría monetaria, la teoría del interés, la política fiscal y el comercio internacional. Texto incluido en este CD-ROM o sitio web Hume, D. Sobre el Contrato Original
Enciclopedia Multimedia
y Biblioteca Virtual

20. David Hume 1711 - 1776
Translate this page fermer. David Hume. 1711-1776. La philosophie de Hume appartient au courantempiriste du XVIIIe siècle qui ruine les systèmes métaphysiques

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