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41. Ethical Issues Of The Human Genome Project Ethical Issues of the Human Genome Project. Mapping funding. Original proposals for the project emphasized sequencing the entire human genome. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/IE/Ethical_Issues_of_the_HGP.html | |
42. Human Genome Project Could Revolutionize Medicine Offers an article on how the Human Genome Project could revolutionize medicine. http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/1009398335.html | |
43. CNN.com - Health - Implications Of The Human Genome Project - March 17, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/03/17/genome.project/hs~index.html | |
44. ENU-Mouse Mutagenesis Screen In The German Human Genome Project ENUMouse Mutagenesis Screen in the German Human Genome Project http://www.gsf.de/ieg/groups/enu-mouse.html | |
45. Stanford Human Genome Center National DNA Day commemorates the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003 and the discovery of DNA s double helix a half century ago. more, http://www-shgc.stanford.edu/ | |
46. Your Genes, Your Choices: Exploring The Issues Raised By Genetic Research Your Genes, Your Choices describes the Human Genome Project, the science behind it, and the ethical, legal, and social issues that are raised by the project. http://ehrweb.aaas.org/ehr/books/ | |
47. CNN.com - Health - Implications Of The Human Genome Project - March 17, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/03/17/genome.project/index.html | |
48. Bio Dot Perl Dot Org How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project by Lincoln Stein. Reprinted courtesy of the Perl Journal, http//www.tpj.com Lincoln Stein s http://bioperl.org/GetStarted/tpj_ls_bio.html | |
49. JGI - Human Genome Project Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Government/Executive_Branch/Departments/Energy/DOE_National_Laboratories/Joint_Genome_Institute/Research_Areas http://www.jgi.doe.gov/programs/hgp.html | |
50. Untitled Document April 14, 2003 International Consortium Completes Human Genome Project. Funding for the Human Genome Project is provided by NIH NHGRI and DOE OBER. http://www.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu/projects/human/ | |
51. News.nabou.com - Genetics News Features stories on the Human Genome Project, human cloning, gm foods and general human genetic news and information. http://news.nabou.com/sci-tech/genetics_news.html | |
52. The Scientist :: Human Genome Project Complete Human Genome Project complete. But the Human Genome Project is a leap forward for mankind infinitely more complex than any lunar landscape, he said. http://www.biomedcentral.com/news/20030415/03 | |
53. Human Genome Project Research In Progress Information about the project, its progress, history, and goals; issues associated with genome research; frequently asked questions, the science behind the project; and project sponsors. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/research/research.shtml | |
54. The Human Genome Project-Key Text The Human Genome Project discovering the human blueprint. Published by The Human Genome Project A feat so vast that at first it seems unachievable. http://www.science.org.au/nova/006/006key.htm | |
55. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Human Genome Project. Downloadable etext from Project Gutenberg. http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/BIBREC/BR2201.HTM | |
56. The Human Genome Project-Glossary The Human Genome Project discovering the human blueprint Glossary. Published by Australian Academy of Science. Sponsored by Commonwealth Bank Foundation. http://www.science.org.au/nova/006/006glo.htm | |
57. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Human Genome Project. Downloadable etext from Project Gutenberg. http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/BIBREC/BR2202.HTM | |
58. The Human Genome Project - A High School Science WebQuest The Human Genome Project WebQuest. Biology battle of the century The Human Genome Project vs the top 10 world problems. Introduction. http://www.what-is-the-speed-of-light.com/webquests/human-genome-project-webques | |
59. CNN.com - Quick Breakthroughs From Human Genome Project - September 12, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/09/12/genome.progress.reut/index.html | |
60. BBC NEWS | In Depth | Human Genome Internet links. Human Genome Project. Celera Genomics. DNA from the beginning. Sanger Centre. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/in_depth/sci_tech/2000/human_genome/default.stm | |
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