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21. Screen For Genes A site concerned with the impact of the Human Genome Project and particularly maintaining genetic databases. Links to various related sites. http://www.vic.tadd.btinternet.co.uk | |
22. Genomic Art Works of inspired scientists and artists related to the Human Genome Project. http://www.genomicart.org |
23. Ensembl Genome Browser In the context of the completion of the Working Draft of the Human Genome Sequence by the public Human Genome Project, here are some URLs that are good http://www.ensembl.org/genome/central/ | |
24. Human Genome Project: Ethical, Legal, & Social Issues Comprehensive resource covering forensic identification, arising from the Human Genome Project, discussing accuracies, potential applications and databases such as the Combined DNA Index System. Maintained at Oak Ridge, TN. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/forensics.shtml | |
25. Genetics Education Center Resources for educators interested in human genetics and the Human Genome Project. The site is maintained by Medical Genetics, University of Kansas Medical Center. http://www.kumc.edu/gec/ | |
26. Science -- Table Of Contents {16 February 2001; 291 (5507)} Summary Full Text A History of the Human Genome Project Leslie Roberts, R. John Davenport, Elizabeth Pennisi, and Eliot Marshall Science Feb 9 2001 1195. http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol291/issue5507/ | |
27. Untitled Document Cashing in on the Human Genome Project. By Linda Pannozzo. HighGrader http://www.grievousangels.com/highgrader/2000/genome2000.html | |
28. Science -- Roberts Et Al. 291 (5507): 1195 A History of the Human Genome Project. Science s News staff tells the history of the quest to sequence the human genome, from Watson http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/291/5507/1195 | |
29. The New York Times: The Human Genome Project nature genome gateway human genomeWe are delighted to uphold the principle at the heart of the Human Genome Project free and unrestricted access to all our genome related material through http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/science/genome-index.html | |
30. Pharmacogenomics: Medicine And The New Genetics Overview, anticipated benefits, and links to related resources. From the U.S. Human Genome Project. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/medicine/pharma.shtml | |
31. Twisted Ladder Media: Producers Of "The New Genetics," A Series Of Educational Interactive courseware about the new genetics and genomics resulting from the Human Genome Project. CDROMs for healthcare professionals (CME) and the public. http://www.twistedladdermedia.com/ | |
32. A Brief History Of The Human Genome Project A Brief History of the Human Genome Project. Collins F, Galas, D. A New FiveYear Plan for the US Human Genome Project. Science 262 43-49, 1993. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~cbbc/courses/bio4/bio4-1997/16-HumanGenome.html | |
33. Education And Genetics: Human Genome Project Information Information on the Human Genome Project. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/education/videos.shtml | |
34. Human Genome Project georgetown.edu/ The Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project is not without controversy, however (See II, The Debate). Many scientists http://www.georgetown.edu/research/nrcbl/scopenotes/sn17.html | |
35. Jewish Law - Commentary/Opinion Commentary from the Jewish Law (journal) site that deals with questions that Judaism raises in connection with the Human Genome Project http://www.jlaw.com/Commentary/genome.html | |
36. National Human Genome Research Institute - Home Page Leads the Human Genome Project for the National Institutes of Health, conducts cutting edge research in its laboratories and supports genomic science worldwide. http://www.genome.gov/ | |
37. DOEgenomes.org--genome Programs Of The U.S. Department Of Energy Information about the Project, its progress, history, and goals; issues associated with genome research; frequently asked questions, the science behind the project; and Project sponsors. http://www.doegenomes.org/ | |
38. Human Genome Most Used Links GDB Genome Data Base The Genome Data Base WWW access, chromosome reports, Ideogram-based chromosome searching, Maps, Human Genome Project reasources and http://www-ls.lanl.gov/HGhotlist.html | |
39. Introduction - The Human Genome Project Introduction The Human Genome Project. National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health. Why do the Human Genome Project? http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/IE/Intro_The_Human_Genome.html | |
40. Human Genome Project: Ethical, Legal, & Social Issues Explores the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) surrounding availability of genetic information, as it pertains to privacy and the potential for discrimination. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/elsi.shtml | |
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