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Hudson W H: more books (85) | ||
81. Literary Encyclopedia: Hudson, W. H. Hudson, WH. (1841 1922). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. Novelist,Naturalist, Short Story Writer. Active 1861 - 1922 in Argentina http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2243 |
82. Hudson W. H. Hudson. Argentineborn naturalist and author born in 1841. His other books included The Purple Land He died in 1922. Here Nature is unapproachable with her green, airy http://www.netwalk.com/~vireo/hudson.html | |
83. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (H) Flexmore ). 1913 1988. Hudson, WH (Hudson, William Henry ). 1841 -1922. Hufana, Alejandrino G. (Hufana, Alejandrino G. ). 1926 - Present. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=325&golist=true&init=H |
84. California Genealogy Index Death Notice. 50105. Huber, Charles H. 1922. Biography. 93771 Huber, Henry. 1841. Arrival. 102578. Huber, Henry Lodge. 18461. Hudson, W.H.W. 1882. Directory. 29315. Hudson, William Gordon http://www.cmug.com/~minesroad/index.Hu.html | |
85. W H Hudson Bibliography FantasticFiction Authors H WH Hudson. Fantastic Fiction, WH Hudson (WilliamHenry Hudson) Argentina (1841 1922). Search Authors. Search Books. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/W_H_Hudson.htm |
86. Hudson, William Henry Hudson, William Henry, 18411922, English author and naturalist, b. Buenos Airesof See AD Ronner, WH Hudson The Man, the Novelist, the Naturalist (1986 http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0824437.html | |
87. Hudson, William Henry. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 18411922, English author and naturalist, b. Buenos Aires of American parents. 1.See AD Ronner, WH Hudson The Man, the Novelist, the Naturalist (1986 http://www.bartleby.com/65/hu/HudsonW.html | |
88. William Henry Hudson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia WH Hudson. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. W Henry Hudson(1841 1922) was an Argentinian-British author and naturalist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.H._Hudson | |
89. AllRefer Encyclopedia - William Henry Hudson (English Literature, 19th Century, William Henry Hudson 18411922, English author and naturalist, b. Buenos Airesof See AD Ronner, WH Hudson The Man, the Novelist, the Naturalist (1986 http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/H/HudsonW.html | |
90. Amazon.ca: Books: Green Mansions Search for books by subject Classics Fiction Fiction / Classics Fiction / LiteraryHudson, WH (William Henry), 18411922 Literary Literature - Classics http://greatsfandf.com/CA/0192832883.html | |
91. Treasures Of The Internet 1909 1990; Hudson, Robert American, born 1938; Hudson, WH British, 1841- 1922; Hudson, William Henry British, 1841 - 1922; Huet, Francois http://treasuresoftheinternet.org/arts/artists/h/h4_artists.shtml | |
92. Porkopolis - Quotations, Say It With Swine who is a perfect pig? WH Hudson , (1841 1922), British naturalistwriter.bar-p.gif. ~ 105 ~. The wretched, bloody, and usurping http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/7484/quote/q-say1.htm | |
93. Porkopolis - Quotations, Acclaim & Tribute air with us. The Book of the Naturalist , (1919). WH Hudson , (1841 1922), British naturalistwriter. bar-p.gif. ~ 116 ~. I like http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/7484/quote/q-accl1.htm | |
94. Tuscaloosa Public Library /All Locations 1 Hudson Faye 1997 1 Hudson Frank Parker 3 Hudson Gary 1932 1996 1 Hudson GuillermoEnrique 1841 1922 See Hudson WH William Henry 1841 1922 1 Hudson http://innopac.tuscaloosa-library.org:90/kids/10,12/search/a?Hudson Institute |
95. Poudre School District Libraries /All Locations See Hudson John John R 1 Hudson Patricia L 1989 1 Hudson Peggy 1967 1 Hudson Selma1971 1 Hudson Virginia Cary 4 Hudson WH William Henry 1841 1922 6 Hudson http://library.psd.k12.co.us:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aHudson, Patricia L./ahuds |
96. History 11 to them . WH Hudson. ( 1841 1922 ). But this bench is too heavyto move. More. like a feature of the landscape than a chair. http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~chrislees/History of Chairmaking/history11.html | |
97. Aikakausien Vaihteessa Hudson, William Henry (1841 1922). Yhdysvaltalaissyntyinen brittiiläinenkirjailija, luonnontutkija ja lintutieteilijä. Hudsonin http://www.pori.fi/kirjasto/e-kirja/hudson.htm | |
98. Civil War Graves In Tish.Co. Rifles, Campground. Hudson, ZB Zeb , , 1848, 1917, CSA Union, Campground. Epps/ White. Blakney, WH, -, 1832, 1906, 7 AL Cav. Holder, John Oliver, -, 1841, 1922,27 AL Cav. http://www.freedom2000net.com/userpages/genealogy/Tishom/civilwar12.html | |
99. sì¹Ìï/¿ºW The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~yachou/siryou/siryou_08.html | |
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