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41. March 1997 I decided I didn t want to read any more WH Hudson. William Henry Hudson(18411922) was born in Buenos Aires to American parents. http://home.att.net/~cgbraggjr/v20n6.htm | |
42. Amazon.fr : Livres En Anglais: Green Mansions Translate this page livres en anglais par sujets Classics English Fiction Fiction / Classics Fiction/ Literary General Hudson, WH (William Henry), 1841-1922 Literary Literature http://greatsfandf.com/FR/0192832883.html | |
43. IPac2.0 Hudson, William Henry, 1. Hudson, William Henry, 18411922, 0. See Hudson,WH (William Henry), 1841-1922. 20. Hudson, William Henry, 1862-1918. 3. Wade |
44. IPac2.0 Harfenist, Jean, 1. Harford, Henry, 18411922, 0. See Hudson, WH (William Henry),1841-1922. 20. Harford, James J. 1. Harford, John Scandrett, 1785-1866. 1. Je |
45. :: Literature On The Web :: H-I :: Jeanne Wakatsuki 1934; Howe, Julia Ward 1819-1910; Howells, WilliamDean 1837-1920; Hudson, WH 1841-1922; Hughes, Langston 1902 http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/h/h.html | |
46. Literature On The Web - H Howe, Julia Ward 18191910. Howells, William Dean 1837-1920. Hudson,WH 1841-1922. Hughes, Langston 1902-1967. Hugo, Victor 1802-1885. http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/oldlit/h/h.htm | |
47. Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records, Index Hudson, Robert, 1920 (National Educational Television) 577.5 Hudson, Stephen,1868-1944 S 460.6 Hudson, WH (William Henry), 1841-1922 86.10, 259.1 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/correspondents/aakcorh13.html | |
48. } îñ Carlyle, Thomas, 17951881. Hudson, WH (William Henry),1841-1922. London JM Dent , 1908. xx, 474 p.;18 cm. http://www-lib.shinshu-u.ac.jp/Scripts/WebOpac.dll/BookDetail?NC_ID=BA06807614 |
49. CONVOCATORIA Translate this page que trate aspectos relativos a The Purple Land de WH.Hudson y se En 1904, WilliamHenry Hudson (1841-1922) publicó en Londres una segunda versión, corregida http://www.fhuce.edu.uy/hudson/hudson.html | |
50. ALTAIR Boletín Novedades: Narrativa, Historia, Biografía, Ficción, Ensayo, An Translate this page y tiempo atrás WH Hudson. El Acantilado. Barcelona, 2004. 325 págs. 18,00 .Admirado por todos los escritores de su generación Hudson (1841-1922) nos http://www.altair.es/boletinmadrid.htm | |
51. London Zoo on a concrete pillar. Hudson and Holmes. We pause at the memorial towriter and field naturalist WH Hudson (18411922). As if we ve http://www.wildyorkshire.co.uk/naturediary/docs/feb00/feb05.html | |
52. Bibliography Novels Fiction. Hudson, WH (1841-1922) - Green Mansions - A Romanceof the Tropical Forest Dover Publications, Inc. 1989 ISBN 0 http://www.lastfrontiers.com/biblio.htm | |
53. W. H. Hudson - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Rhymes. Translate. Definition for WH Hudson. WH Hudson (noun) . 1. English naturalist(born in Argentina) (1841-1922) Synonyms Hudson, William Henry Hudson. http://define.ansme.com/words/w/w._h._hudson.html | |
54. Hudson - WordWeb Dictionary Definition century Hudson River; English naturalist (born in Argentina) (1841-1922)- WH Hudson , William Henry Hudson. See also natural scientist http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/HUDSON | |
55. Series 1 1, Hudson, WH, 18411922, Green Mansions, 1904, Novel, Search, 1,Hudson, WH, 1841-1922, Purple Land, The, 1885, Novel, Search, 1, Hugo,Victor, http://www.ditext.com/archive/1a.html | |
56. World Literature Bromfield, Louis, 1896, Green Bay Tree, The, 1924, Novel, Search, 1, Hudson, WH,1841-1922, Green Mansions, 1904, Novel, Search, 1, Unknown, Grettir the Strong,13th cent. http://www.ditext.com/archive/1t.html | |
57. Evil WH.Hudson (18411922). Calm in quietude is not real calm; when you canbe calm in the midst of activity, this is the true state of nature. http://www.gardendigest.com/evil.htm | |
58. ILAB-LILA Database Search Result Hudson, WH 153 LETTERS FROM Edited and with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes knownfor his novel Green Mansions (1904), Hudson (18411922) was primarily http://www.ilabdatabase.com/php/search.php3?All=birds books |
59. W. H. Hudson 1 definition found From WordNet (r) 1.7 i WH Hudson n English naturalist (bornin Argentina) (18411922) syn Hudson, WH Hudson, William Henry Hudson. http://www.dictionarywords.net/find/word/W. H. Hudson/ | |
60. International Vegetarian Union - Quotations - Equality composition. The mind inbeast and bird, as in man, is the main thing.WH.Hudson (18411922). It was said that the brutes cannot reason. http://www.ivu.org/people/quotes/equality.html | |
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