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         Hudson W H:     more books (85)
  1. Contribución a la bibliografía Argentina: W. H. Hudson (1841-1922). Separata de Alada, Nº 10, octubre de 1955 by H. Jo. Becco, 1955
  2. El Ombú by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-09-05
  3. A little boy lost by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, Dorothy Pulis Lathrop, 2010-09-07
  4. Nature in Downland by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-07-29
  5. The Land's End: a naturalist's impressions in West Cornwall by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, A L. Collins, 2010-08-17
  6. A traveller in little things by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-09-13
  7. Dead Man's Plack: and An old thorn by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-08-19
  8. Green mansions: a romance of the tropical forest by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-08-23
  9. A crystal age by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-07-28
  10. Dead man's plack, An old thorn by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-09-08
  11. Far away and long ago, a history of my early life by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-09-07
  12. Birds in town & village by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-08-19
  13. A shepherd's life' impressions of the South Wiltshire downs by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-08-08
  14. Nature in downland by W H. 1841-1922 Hudson, 2010-08-30

21. A Project Gutenberg Of Australia EBook Title Nature In Downland
A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook Title Nature in Downland Author WH Hudson18411922 eBook No. 0300651.txt Edition 1 Language English Character

22. Works In The Public Domain In Australia Fifty Years After The Author's Death
A True Story (1930)TextZIP. WH Hudson (18411922). A Hind in Richmond Park(1923)TextZIP; Nature in Downland (1900)TextZIP. Fergus HUME (1859-1932).
Project Gutenberg of Australia
a treasure-trove of literature
treasure-trove n treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership. Home PG Library of Australiana Works in the 'public domain' in Australia Australian Explorers ... Site Map Works provided by Project Gutenberg of Australia which are in the public domain in Australia, fifty years after the author's death. Alphabetic List of Titles Do you need HELP to access the ebooks listed on this site? Click HERE Jump to authors whose surnames begin with... A B C D ... Z A A.E. (George William RUSSELL) (1867-1935)
  • The Interpreters (1923) Text ZIP The House of the Titans and Other Poems(1935) Text ZIP
Hervey ALLEN (1889-1949) (Go to this site for more information about Hervey Allen Sherwood ANDERSON (1876-1941)
  • Death in the Woods and Other Stories (1933) Text ZIP HTML
  • Memoirs of William Cox, J.P. (1908) Text ZIP
B E J BANFIELD (1852-1923)
  • Last Leaves from Dunk Island Text ZIP
J. M. BARRIE (1860-1937)

23. Hampshire Papers No.26 From Hampshire Record Office
WH Hudson in Hampshire by Brian Tippett (2004) This papers explores the Hampshirewritings of Argentinianborn author and naturalist WH Hudson (1841-1922).
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W. H. Hudson in Hampshire
by Brian Tippett (2004)
This papers explores the Hampshire writings of Argentinian-born author and naturalist W. H. Hudson (1841-1922). Hudson, considered as a leading prose stylist of his day by contemporaries such as Joseph Conrad and Ford Madox Ford, is best remembered for classics such as Green Mansions, Far Away and Long Ago and A Shepherd's Life
He came to England in 1874 at the age of 33, apparently in the hope of a career as an ornithologist, and endured many years of poverty in London as he tried to make headway as a writer. Whenever possible he travelled to other parts of the country, including Hampshire, and began to develop an expert knowledge of British birds and the English countryside. He had a particular regard for the New Forest, Selborne (Gilbert White had inspired him as a boy) and indeed the whole of rural Hampshire, and over the course of two or three years, from 1900 to 1903, spent much of his time exploring the county. The outcome was Hampshire Days , one of his most notable books, and a group of related works. Even

24. ALLT OM ARGENTINA - 12 Nya Kändisar!
Guillermo Enrique (WH) Hudson (18411922). För nutidens européer förefallerWilliam Henry Hudson, eller som han egentligen hette, Guillermo Enrique Hudson
12 kända
argentinare till!
Under uppbyggnad!

Här hittar du fler argentinska kändisar!
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (1931)
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel föddes i Buenos Aires 1931. Sina studier bedrev han dels i konsthögskolan i Buenos Aires och därefter på universitetet i La Plata, strax utanför huvudstaden. I tjugofem år var han sedan lärare på såväl grundskole-, gymnasie- och universitetsnivå. Som skulptör har han verkat i olika media, och ställt ut internationellt. Pérez Esquivel är också utbildad arkitekt.
På 1960-talet engagerade sig Adolfo Pérez Esquivel i kristna folkliga ickevålds-organisationer, vilket ledde till att han 1974 utsågs till huvudsamordnare för ett nätverk av ickevålds-grupper i Latinamerika.
När de argentinska kuppgeneralerna 1976 påbörjade sitt "smutsiga krig" mot vänstern, bidrog han till framväxten av en stark rörelse till försvar för de mänskliga rättigheterna och stöd till de "försvunnas" familjer. Servicio Paz y Justicia kallade han sin tidskrift och den människorättsrörelse som verkade för att avslöja militärens våldsbrott och avskyvärda förtryck.
År 1975 blev Adolfo Pérez Esquivel gripen av den brasilianska militärpolisen, vilket följdes av gripanden i Argentina 1976 och 1977, varvid han också blev torterad och kvarhållen i 14 månader utan rättegång. Påven Johannes XXIII agerade dock för honom genom en fredsmässa.

25. Hudson
Translate this page William Henry Hudson (1841-1922). William Henry Hudson del Archivode la Asociación Ornitológica del Plata. William Henry Hudson
William Henry Hudson (1841-1922) William Henry Hudson del Archivo de la Asociación Ornitológica del Plata William Henry Hudson, hijo de padres norteamericanos, nació en 1841 en la finca Los Veinticinco Ombúes, por entonces Partido de Quilmes (actualmente perteneciente a Florencio Varela), Provincia de Buenos Aires. A los cinco años de edad se trasladó con su familia a Chascomús, donde su padre instaló una pulpería en la finca Las Acacias. Allí vivió durante 10 años en un contacto directo con la naturaleza. Con la caída de Rosas, los propietarios de Las Acacias regresaron del exilio y los Hudson volvieron a Los Veinticinco Ombúes. Poco después murió su madre y comenzaron tiempos difíciles para su entorno familiar. William enfermó de fiebre reumática y aunque logró vencer a la muerte, la enfermedad le dejó secuelas de por vida en su corazón. A los 32 años viajó a Inglaterra. En forma incansable recorrió Londres y las campiñas circundantes, a las cuales encontró totalmente diferentes de aquellas añoradas pampas que lo vieron crecer. En 1876 se casó con Emily Wingrave, quince años mayor que él y dueña de la pensión en la que él vivía.

26. Biografias
Translate this page celular. Ocupó cargos públicos en la administración y en la diplomacia.William Henry Hudson (1841-1922). Naturalista. Escribió
Un lugar en Internet para la divulgación de las biografías de los naturalistas más destacados de la República Argentina Yamila Gurovich y Adrián Giacchino A mediados de 1999 se creó Paleonet, un sitio en Internet destinado a difundir y promover los conocimientos y descubrimientos paleontológicos realizados en la República Argentina, con especial interés en los vertebrados fósiles y la zoología de vertebrados. Desde un comienzo se fue incluyendo en este sitio variada información sobre las diversas especialidades de las ciencias naturales. Entre el material disponible en el mismo se encuentran algunos breves artículos de divulgación sobre historia de la ciencia y numerosas biografías de destacados científicos y exploradores que desarrollaron actividades en la Argentina. Toda la información está acompañada por valiosa documentación gráfica, gran parte de la cual fue facilitada por el personal de la Biblioteca Central del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, de la Biblioteca del Museo de La Plata y del Archivo General de La Nación. De esta manera se difunde y se conserva iconografía científica antigua publicada en la Argentina y fotografías de alto valor para la historia de la ciencia. Este emprendimiento se suma así a otros que se realizan en el país y que tienen objetivos similares, como es el caso del Proyecto Ameghino de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.

27. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Hudson, W(illiam) H(enry) (18411922) British author, born of US parents in dinnerAnon Spontaneous as the song of a bird WH Hudson Spontaneous as the time

28. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Hudson
Meaning English naturalist (born in Argentina) (18411922). Broader naturalist;natural scientist. Synonyms WH Hudson; William Henry Hudson.
words help hyper-dictionary ... at Amazon and more online shopping HyperDic is a hyper-dictionary of English , based on WordNet , a semantic web of English words. This version links 27462 word forms, while the full offline dictionary on CD-rom covers more than 120,000 entries.
The word " Hudson " has 3 different senses:
  • object A New York river. Flows southward into New York Bay. Explored by Henry Hudson early in the 17th century. person English naturalist (born in Argentina) (1841-1922). person English navigator who discovered the Hudson River. In 1610 he attempted to winter in Hudson Bay but his crew mutinied and set him adrift to die (1565-1611).
  • Pronunciation:
    • hh ah1 d s ah0 n
    Hudson Senses object
    A New York river. Flows southward into New York Bay. Explored by Henry Hudson early in the 17th century.
    • Hudson River
    Is part of:
    • New York New York State Empire State NY
    Hudson Senses person
    English naturalist (born in Argentina) (1841-1922).
    • W. H. Hudson

    29. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors Hi-Hz
    Hudson, WH (William Henry), 18411922 A Crystal Age(Golden Gale zipformat) , 1887 (PH)(DOS Reader or Windows Reader required); Green
    web hosting domain names email addresses
    The Mad Cybrarian's Library
    Authors: Hi-Hz
    Hichens, Robert S.: Hichens, Robert Smythe:
    • The Prophet of Berkeley Square
    Hieronymus Vida, Marcus
    Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Hilary of Poitiers Hilton, Walter Himes, John A. : Hingston, Edward P. : Hippocrates Hippolytus Hirtius Hobbes, Thomas :

    30. Electronic Books From SPSCC # H
    Rise of Silas Lapham, The. Hudson, WH (William Henry), 18411922, Green Mansionsa romance of the tropical forest. Hugo, Victor, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
    South Puget Sound Community College Library-Media Center Electronic Books Authors H Author index A B C D ... Return to Library Home page H Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925 Allan Quatermain King Solomon's Mines Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 Brick Moon And Other Stories, The Hamilton, Alexander; John Jay; and James Madison The Federalist Papers (1788) Hamilton, James, 1814-1867 Life Of Bunyan [Works of the English Puritan divines Hardy, Thomas Far From The Madding Crowd Jude the Obscure (1910) Mayor of Casterbridge, The Pair Of Blue Eyes ... Tess Of The D'urbervilles Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1824-1911 Poems Sketches of Southern Life (1891) Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1804-1864 Blithedale Romance, The The House of the Seven Gables (1851) Marble Faun, The Volume 1 Marble Faun, The Volume 2 ... Twice-Told Tales Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 Chita: A Memory of Last Island Hemingway, Ernest Cat in the Rain Hemon, Louis

    31. W. H. HUDSON - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
    Search Dictionary WH Hudson Dictionary Entry and Meaning. WordNet Dictionary.Definition n English naturalist (born in Argentina) (18411922). h. hudson
    English Dictionary Computer Dictionary Thesaurus Dream Dictionary ... Medical Dictionary
    Search Dictionary:
    W. H. HUDSON: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
    WordNet Dictionary Definition: [n] English naturalist born in ... Argentina Synonyms: Hudson William Henry Hudson See Also: natural scientist naturalist HOME ABOUT HYPERDICTIONARY

    32. Phillip J. Pirages Rare Books And Manuscripts
    Hudson, WH GREEN MANSIONS A ROMANCE OF THE TROPICAL FOREST. Born in Argentina butlater a naturalized British citizen, Hudson (18411922) devoted much of his

    33. Drexel University Libraries Archives
    For the Drexel Institute Library with the compliments of Herbert W. West May/1948Hanover NH Hudson, WH (William Henry), 18411922 Books and reading.

    34. Good Examples
    *WH Hudson, 18411922. Naturalist and novelist, much respected byJoseph Conrad and other writers of the time. David Miller, in
    online: 9 september 2003
    5 september 2003 good examples
    16:00 Feeling shattered after several hours waiting in a clinic for treatment that, when it came, seemed excellent. The doctors and nurses are wonderful (exemplary!) but the logistics of the free health service, and the rigid enclosed world in which the professionals and patients have to operate, are not. Walking in Hyde Park: Oscar Niemeyer*, his summer pavilion on the lawn of the Serpentine Gallery. Clarity, simplicity, non-symbolic forms, honesty... and his example of being active at 96. I feel refreshed. It's as if post-modernism never happened. W H Hudson**: writer and field naturalist - a bird sanctuary, a pond, and an Epstein sculpture, all in his memory. But the pond is covered by a green water weed. And wasn't there a fountain? The inscription is partly obscured by moss... But at least there are birds - pigeons, thrushes - also squirrels - behind the railings. A woman walks by and tells me she is going to write to someone about the neglect of it. Me too - I'm writing this! ...However Hudson himself might not object to the neglect of his memorial - he could have found the water weed and the moss interesting - and he apparently wished that no one would remember him or his works. But I think it better that people know what he did and was - a rare and perceptive writer and person - in touch with the divine as well as with the natural (yet a non-believer) - and an inspiration to others. As I walked away: a smiling man in wheelchair and his smiling companion. He looked as if he had been disabled, and smiling, all his life - how does he do it? ...Both say hello! hello!

    35. Text Details For Green Mansions: A Romance Of The Tropical Forest
    Author Hudson, WH (William Henry), 18411922 Keywords Authors HHudson, WH (William Henry), 1841-1922; Titles G ; Literature.

    36. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > H
    Hubbard, Mina Benson; Hudson, WH (William Henry), 18411922; Hugh Walpole;Hughes, Ceiriog; Hughes, Thomas, 1822-1896; Hugo, Victor, 1802

    37. The Victorian Literary Studies Archive, Hyper-Concordance, Concordance, Concorda
    17781830); Hearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904); Hopkins, GM (1844-1889);Hudson, WH (1841-1922); Keats, John (1795-1821); Kingsley, Charles
    This Hyper-Concordance is written in C++, a program that scans and displays lines based on a command entered by the user. The main advantage of the C++ program is that it not only identifies the concordance lines but the words occurring to the left and the right of the word or phrase searched. It also reports the total number of text lines, the total word count and the number of occurrences of the word or phrase searched. The full text of the book is displayed in a box at the bottom of the screen. Each line of the text is numbered, and the line number and the term(s) searched provide a link to the full text. The Hyper-Concordance displays two pull-down boxes. The user can first choose one of a selection of authors from the box and then one from a list of the author's works. There are four limiting options displayed before searching: case sensitive, non-alphabet character sensitive, head length and tail length. The searcher can also ascertain the book's total word count and vocabulary distribution by searching without a query. I hope this web-based KWIC concordance (Key Word in Context) offers a clear survey of Victorian literary texts. My warmest thanks go to a colleague of mine, Dr. Masahiro Komatsu (Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University), who was kind enough to write the C++ program.

    38. IPac2.0
    1. Hudson, William E., 1948, 1. Hudson, William Henry, 1841-1922. 0. See Hudson,WH (William Henry), 1841-1922. 35. Hudson, William Henry, 1862-1918. 1. = mcl*&index=PAUTHO

    39. Willian H Hudson´s
    WH Hudson S (18411922). South American Romances - The Purple Land;Green Mansions - El Ombú - London - 1930. Tribute. back. Anna Rank.
    click This history of a house that had been was told in the shade, one summer's day, by Nicandro, that old man to whom we all loved to listen, since he could remember and properly narrate the life of every person he had known in his native place, near to the lake of Chascomus, on the southern pampas of Buenos Ayres. CHAPTER I As a small boy, from the time when I was able, at the age of about six years, to climb on to a pony and ride, I knew this tree. It was then what it is now; five men with their arms stretched to their utmost length could hardly encircle it. And the house stood there, where you see a bed of nettles - a long, low house, built of bricks, when there were few brick houses in this district, with a thatched roof. W.H. HUDSON'S (1841-1922). South American Romances - The Purple Land; Green Mansions -"El Ombú" - London - 1930 Tribute back Anna Rank

    40. Illustrated Books
    Hudson, WH (18411922) Green Mansions, a romance of a tropical forest, by WilliamHenry Hudson, illustrated by E.McKnight Kauffer, foreword by John Galsworthy
    Previous Page K KANDINSKY KANDINSKY, Wassily (1866-1944)
    Sounds, Wassily Kandinsky, translated and with an introduction by Elizabeth R. Napier
    New Haven; London, Yale University Press, c1981
    ISBN 0300025106
    Barcode: 81167725, Suffix: KANDINSKY KAUFFER HUDSON, W. H. (1841-1922)
    Green Mansions, a romance of a tropical forest, by William Henry Hudson, illustrated by E.McKnight Kauffer, foreword by John Galsworthy
    New York, Random House, 1944
    ISBN B3384679
    Barcode: 72051272, Suffix: KAUFFER KEEPING KEEPING, Charles (1924-1988)
    Cockney ding dong, compiled and illustrated by Charles Keeping
    Harmondsworth, Kestrel books; London, EMI music publishing Ltd, 1975 ISBN 0722650612 Barcode: 72051140, Suffix: KEEPING CROSSLEY-HOLLAND, Kevin The Wildman, story by Kevin Crossley-Holland, pictures by Charles Keeping London, Deutsch, 1976 ISBN 0233968016 Barcode: 72051965, Suffix: KEEPING KENT VOLTAIRE (1694-1778) Candide, (by) Jean Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, illustrated by Rockwell Kent New York, Random House, 1929

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