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         Hubbard Elbert:     more books (54)
  1. A message to Garcia, being a preachment by Elbert Hubbard by Elbert (1856-1915) Hubbard, 1917
  2. Biography - Hubbard, Elbert (1856-1915): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  3. Little journeys to the homes of good men and great: Oliver Goldsmith (Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915. Little journeys) by Elbert Hubbard, 1895
  4. So here then are the preachments entitled The city of Tagaste, and A dream and a prophecy by Elbert Hubbard 1856-1915, 1900-12-31
  5. Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists / written by Elbert Hubbard and done into a Book by the Roycrofters by Elbert (1856-1915) Hubbard, 1902-01-01
  6. Little journeys to the homes of great musicians Elbert Hubbard. by Hubbard. Elbert. 1856-1915., 1916-01-01
  7. Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Painters by Elbert Hubbard - Ary Scheffer by Elbert (1856-1915) Hubbard, 1899
  8. Elbert Hubbardïÿýs scrap book, containing the inspired and inspiring selections, gathered during a life time of discriminating reading for his own use, printed and made into a book by the Roycrofters... by Elbert (1856-1915) (comp.) Hubbard, 1923-01-01
  9. Elbert Hubbardïÿýs scrap book, containing the inspired and inspiring selections, gathered during a life time of discriminating reading for his own use, printed and made into a book by the Roycrofters, at their shops, in East Aurora, Erie County, New York by Elbert (1856-1915) (compiler). Roycroft Shop Hubbard, 1923-01-01
  11. Little journeys to the homes of great teachers. Thomas Arnold. by Hubbard. Elbert. 1856-1915., 1908
  12. The MAN Of SORROWS.A Little Journey to the Home of JESUS Of NAZARETH.Being a Sincere Attempt to Sketch the Life, Times and Teachings, and with Truth Limn the Personality of the Judean Prophet. by Elbert 1856 - 1915]. Hubbard, 1904
  13. Little journeys to the homes of the great : Complete in 14 Volumes / Edited and arranged by Fred Bann : borders and initals by Roycroft artists, and produced by the Roycrofters, at their shops by Elbert (1856-1915) Hubbard, 1928-01-01
  14. LITTLE JOURNEYS To The HOMES Of GREAT PHILOSOPHERS: Voltaire. Vol. XIV, No. 3. by Elbert [1856 - 1915]. Voltaire. Hubbard, 1904

Elbert Hubbard. OF EAST AURORA 1856 1915. The English Who s Whofor 1913 offers the following example of Elbert Hubbard s style
OF EAST AURORA 1856 - 1915
The English Who's Who for 1913 offers the following example of Elbert Hubbard's style: HUBBARD, Elbert; editor, The Fra and Philistine Magazine; President of the Corporation known as the Roycrofters; b. Bloomington, Ill., U. S., 19 June 1856; father a farmer and country Doctor. Educ .: the University of Hard Knocks. Hon. degree of M. A. from Tufts College, and LL. D. from the Auditorium Annex, Chicago; school-teacher, printer, editor and lecturer; met William Morris in London, 1890, and went home and started the Roycroft Press at East Aurora, N. Y., on similar lines as the Kelmscott; the Roycrofters Corporation has grown out of this venture - a semi-communal institution giving work to 800 people. Publications: One Day; No Enemy but Himself; Little Journeys; Time and Chance; Life of John Brown; A Message to Garcia, etc., and about ten thousand magazine articles. Recreations: Horseback riding, swimming, rowing, and care of flowers and garden. Address: East Aurora, N. Y.

82. A Radiant Life - Elbert Hubbard - Inspiration Pointe
dictation. That is to say, I desire to be radiant to radiate life. ElbertHubbard (1856 - 1915) Love, Life Work Roycroft Press, 1906
The following was written by the brilliant Elbert Hubbard in 1906. He is most famous for the essay entitled "A Message to Garcia." If you have a chance, I highly recommend reading this piece as well. It is available online at the Roycrofter Site - A Message to Garcia. ~ A Radiant Life ~
The supreme prayer of my heart is not to be learned, rich, famous, powerful, or "good", but simply to be radiant. I desire to radiate health, cheerfulness, calm courage, and good will. I wish to live without hate, whim, jealousy, envy, fear. I wish to be simple, honest, frank, natural, clean in mind and clean in body, unaffected - as ready to say "I do not know", if it be so, and to meet all men on an absolute equality - to face any obstacle and meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid. I wish others to live their lives, too - up to their highest, fullest, and best. To that end I pray that I may never meddle, interfere, dictate, give advice that is not wanted, or assist when my services are not needed. If I can help people, I'll do it by giving them a chance to help themselves; and if I can uplift or inspire, let it be by example, inference, and suggestion, rather than by injunction and dictation. That is to say, I desire to be radiant - to radiate life.
Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)
Roycroft Press, 1906

83. Search Zitate - Sprüche - Aphorismen - Weisheiten
Elbert Hubbard hat 3 Resultate geliefert. Elbert Hubbard(1856 - 1915). Ich glaube an das Paradoxon des Erfolges durch Scheitern. Hubbard

84. Zitate - Sprüche - Aphorismen - Weisheiten - Elbert Hubbard
Translate this page Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915). Leute, die nie mehr leisten als das, wofür sie bezahltwerden, werden nie für mehr bezahlt werden als für das, was sie tun.
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Suchen nach: ZULETZT BEARBEITET msd - Jun 2, 17:19 Zitierte Autoren KatsujaSakura - Jun 2, 16:26 Albert Einstein msd - Jun 1, 15:15 Andere Webseiten Excalibur-ger - Mai 28, 21:26 Albert Einstein lalisa - Mai 28, 13:28 oscar wilde lalisa - Mai 28, 12:59

85. SENTIA ·· Spome:blog: Elbert Hubbard
SENTIA ·· spome:blog
Fundstücke Elbert Hubbard Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) hat in den Jahren, die ihm auf Erden beschieden waren so mancherlei Spruchgut gedrechselt, zum Beispiel: "Ein Mann ist so gut, wie er sein muss, eine Frau ist so schlecht, wie sie sich zu sein traut". Oder: "Leute, die nie mehr leisten als das, wofür sie bezahlt werden, werden nie für mehr bezahlt werden als für das, was sie tun." Oder der hier: "Eine Maschine kann die Arbeit von 50 gewöhnlichen Männern leisten; keine Maschine kann die Arbeit eines außergewöhnlichen Mannes leisten." Es war dann aber eine gewöhnliche Maschine, ein deutsches U-Boot, das am 7. Mai 1915 das britische Passagierschiff Lusitania mit Elbert Hubbard an Bord versenkte. Keiner wünschte ihm bei aller Klugschwätzerei dieses durch ein Kriegsverbrechen herbeigeführte Ende. Sein Geist aber, der Geist ebenso bedingungs- wie bisweilen auch hirnloser Leistungsbereitschaft, lebt weiter in Weisheiten wie das bekannte "Ich glaube an das Paradoxon des Erfolges durch Scheitern". (aus dem Streiflicht der heutigen SZ) von spome .

86. Elbert Hubbard Quotes And Quotations
Amusing Quotes and Sayings, Search Quotes. Elbert Hubbard Quotes. Pages 1.(1856 1915) - American writer. - Click icon to send that quote to a friend.
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Elbert Hubbard Quotes
Pages: (1856 - 1915) - American writer.
- Click icon to send that quote to a friend. Laughter is higher than all pain. Habit is a form of exercise. Life is just one damned thing after another. Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive. Email this page of Elbert Hubbard quotations to a friend.
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87. Elbert Hubbard Quote
Elbert Hubbard Send this quote to a Friend, More Elbert Hubbard Quotes(1856 1915) - American writer. Elbert Hubbard Items on Amazon.
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive.
Elbert Hubbard
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(1856 - 1915) - American writer.
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88. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Elbert Hubbard (American Literature, Biographies) - Ency
Related Category American Literature, Biographies. Elbert Hubbard1856–1915, American author and publisher, b. Bloomington, Ill.
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 03, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia American Literature, Biographies ... Elbert Hubbard
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Elbert Hubbard, American Literature, Biographies
Related Category: American Literature, Biographies Elbert Hubbard Philistine magazine and was the author of the essay "A Message to Garcia" (1899), a lesson in duty and efficiency based on an incident in the Spanish-American War. Hubbard died on the Lusitania, which was sunk in the Irish Sea by a German submarine on May 7, 1915.
Topics that might be of interest to you: Andrew Summers Rowan
Calixto GarcIa y Inigues

  • Encyclopedia U ... com Check out around 175,000 brief encyclopedia articles on almost all topics. Related Categories: Literature and the Arts Literature in English
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  • 89. Omaggio A Elbert Hubbard
    Omaggio a Elbert Hubbard, scrittore americano (1856-1915). Un amico e' uno che sa tutto di te e nonostante questo gli piaci. Non prendere la vita troppo sul serio: tanto, per quanto tu possa faticare, alla fine non ne uscirai vivo.  (Don't take life too seriously: You're not getting out alive, anyway). (Attribuita anche a Kin Hubbard e a J.Robert Hoppenheimer) Il genio puo' avere le sue limitazioni, ma la stupidita' non ha tale limitazione. (Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped...) Il pessimismo e' soltanto il nome che gli uomini deboli di nervi danno alla saggezza. Per evitare le critiche, non fare niente, non dire niente, non essere niente.   C'era una volta un tale che si pensava superiore a me: e lo fu veramente finche' continuo' a crederlo. Morire: Cessare improvvisamente di peccare. Dateci una religione che ci possa aiutare a vivere, perche' non possiamo morire senza assistenza. Il pessimista e' uno che ha conosciuto bene un ottimista. Amicizia: il tacito accordo fra due nemici di voler collaborare per un bottino comune.

    90. Torak - Life Since The Internet - Home
    Quotes Elbert Hubbard (1856 1915). Everything comes too late forthose who only wait. - Reality - Simplicity The greatest mistake Hubbard&QAC=1856 - 1915

    91. Search Results
    Quotes by Elbert Hubbard (1856 1915) Category, Quote, E-Mail thisquote. Editors, Editor a person employed by a newspaper, whose Hubbard

    92. Quotes World - Famous Quotes - Funny Quotes
    what happiness is. Elbert Hubbard (1856 1915) Measure not the workuntil the day s out and the labor done. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    Quotes World - Famous Quotes - Funny Quotes
    Quotes World posts quotations on a variety of topics. Many sources of quotes are browsed and selections from those quote sources are posted here. Famous Quotes - Love Quotes - Funny Quotes - Inspirational Quotes - Movie Quotes - Cute Quotes - Friendship Quotes - Motivational Quotes and more.
    Thursday, June 03, 2004
    RE: [famous_quotes] hello to all
    Great quotes from TB
    Positive hope-faith-confession-action == a positive result
    Negative hope-faith-confession-action == a negative result
    Trevor Bartley
    Faith is not a formula to be learned, but a relationship to be lived
    Trevor Bartley
    Here are some performance appraisals about some volunteers;
    "This volunteer has delusions of adequacy."
    "This volunteer sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to
    achieve them."
    This volunteer should go far-and the sooner they start, the better we will be." Trevor Bartley "One has the vision and others have the provision" Trevor Bartley "Creativity fosters adaptability" Trevor Bartley "Believe and you will receive; Doubt and you will go without"

    93. NewsScan Publishing Inc. - NewsScan Daily Archives
    Today s Honorary Subscriber is the American editorpublisher and prolific writerElbert Green Hubbard (1856-1915), who began his literary career at age 35

    94. Carl Alwin Schenck Photograph Series Friends And Colleagues 1885 - 1948
    A photograph of Elbert Hubbard,Harry White, and Dr. Schenck. Hubbard (1856 1915) was a writer and...... Elbert Hubbard, October, 1899 1. Item
    Carl Alwin Schenck Photograph Series
    Friends and Colleagues 1885 - 1948
    MC 35
    This collection contains 40 images of acquaintances of Dr. Carl Schenck dating from 1885 to 1948. These acquaintances include lecturers from the Biltmore Forestry School and Dr. Schenck's professors and associates from his student days in Germany. There are also various people in and out of the forestry profession Dr. Schenck met throughout his career.
    Descriptive Summary
    Friends and Colleagues
    24 Kallitypes 12 Photographic prints 2 Photographic postcards 2 Flyers (Printed matter)
    For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Special Collections Research Center Reference staff
    Information for Users
    Preferred Citation
    Carl Alwin Schenck Collection, Special Collections Research Center, North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh, North Carolina.
    Processor's Note
    The titles of the individual photographs were derived from the notations on the backs of the photographs. When there was no notation on the photograph, a title was created and enclosed in brackets.The information on the back of the photographs has been transcribed verbatim. The author's capitalization and punctuation have been retained exactly as originally written. When a word could not be deciphered, it is indicated by a set of empty brackets: [].
    Historical Note
    This is a collection of images of people Dr. Carl Schenck encountered throughout his career. The collection includes photos of individuals from Schenck's student days, such as Dr. Richard Hess, who awarded Schenck his Phd. There are also images of lecturers from the Biltmore Forestry School and various people Schenck encountered in the course of his career. Some of the more notable people in this collection include: Frederick Law Olmsted, Elbert Hubbard, and Ernest Ludwig, the Grand Duke of Hessen.

    95. Elbert Hubbard, Famous Quotation/Quote
    Quote from Elbert Hubbard. The man who craves disciples and wants followersis always more or less of a charlatan. The man of genuine
    Quote from Elbert Hubbard "The man who craves disciples and wants followers
    is always more or less of a charlatan.
    The man of genuine worth and insight wants to be himself;
    and he wants others to be themselves, also."

    Elbert Hubbard (click for more quotes by Elbert Hubbard or books by/about Elbert Hubbard Categories: Honor Integrity Liberty Power ...
    More quotes here

    96. - Die Große Zitate-Sammlung
    Translate this page Elbert Hubbard amerikanischer Essayist (1856 - 1915). Der Freund isteiner, der alles von dir weiß, und der dich trotzdem liebt.

    97. Blue's News: News Comments
    ROFL Never explainyour friends do not need it and your enemies will not believeyou anyway. Elbert Hubbard (1856 1915). Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915).

    98. ‚ ‚³–¼@“w—Í
    The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    `@“w—́@` –ˆ“ú¸ˆê”t‚â‚Á‚Ă݂悤‚ÆŒˆˆÓ‚·‚ê‚΁Al¶‚́AŽv‚¢‚ª‚¯‚È‚¢—ã‚Ü‚µ‚Å–ž‚½‚³‚ꑱ‚¯‚é‚Å‚µ‚傤B ƒuƒbƒJ[ETEƒƒVƒ“ƒgƒ“(1856`1915D•Ä‘‚Ì‹³ˆçŽÒB“z—ê‚Æ‚µ‚Ä“­‚«‚È‚ª‚ç•×Šw‚𑱂¯A•l‚Ì‚½‚ß‚ÌŠwZ‚ðŠJZ‚µA“z—ê‰ð•ú‰^“®‚̃Š[ƒ_[‚̈êl‚Æ‚È‚Á‚½Bj Any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day. Booker T. Washington ‘f°‚炵‚¢–¼‰æ‚àA‚©‚‚Ă̓pƒŒƒbƒg‚̏ã‚ÌŠG‚Ì‹ï‚É‚·‚¬‚È‚©‚Á‚½‚Ì‚¾B ƒwƒ“ƒŠ[E‚rEƒzƒXƒLƒ“ƒX The greatest masterpieces were once only pigments on a palette. Henry S. Hoskins ˆê¶Œœ–½“­‚­‚Ù‚Ç‚æ‚葽‚­‚̍K‰^‚ªŽè‚É“ü‚é‚ÆŒ¾‚¤‚±‚Æ‚ðAŽ„‚Í”­Œ©‚µ‚½B I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) ¬Œ÷‚́A’Ç‚¢‹‚ß‚é‚à‚Ì‚¶‚á‚È‚¢B‚»‚ê‚ÉŒü‚©‚Á‚Ä‚½‚ä‚Ü‚È‚¢“w—Í‚ðd‚Ë‚é‚à‚Ì‚¾B‚»‚¤‚·‚ê‚΁A¬Œ÷‚ÍŽv‚¢‚ª‚¯‚È‚¢Žž‚É‚â‚Á‚Ä—ˆ‚éB‚»‚ꂪ‚í‚©‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢l‚ª‘½‚¢‚ñ‚¾B Success isn`t something you chase. It`s something you have to put forth the effort for constantly. Then maybe it`ll come when you least expect it. Most people don`t understand that Michael Jordan –¾“ú—Ç‚¢ŽdŽ–‚ð‚·‚é‚½‚߂̍ŗǂ̏€”õ‚Ƃ́A¡“ú—Ç‚¢ŽdŽ–‚ð‚·‚é‚±‚Æ‚Å‚ ‚éB The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.

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