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81. Alethes.net \ Search For Anthony Hope \ 2001. 2001. Hope, Anthony. pseud. of Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, 1863?1933,English novelist. A lawyer, he wrote novels in his spare time. http://www.alethes.net/search/?q=Anthony Hope |
82. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors Hi-Hz (30 KB). Hope, Anthony18631933 AKA Hawkins, Sir Anthony Hope. Hope, LauraLee. Hopwood, Avery The Bat A Novel From the Play (Gutenberg Text Zip). http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libhi.htm | |
83. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (HOP - HOT) Anthony Hope (pseudonym of Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins), English novelist and dramatist(1863 1933) - READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiohop.htm | |
84. Lexikon - Suche Person/H Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Augustus; Hope, Anthony (*1863, 1933), britischer Autor; Hopper http://www.net-lexikon.de/Suche-Person-H.html | |
85. Oxford University Network Anthony Hope, *****1863*****1933(Anthony Hope, Pof-U 1886). http://homepage3.nifty.com/yagitani/art_en15.htm | |
86. Public School Network Marlborough College Wiltshire, Anthony Hope, *****1863*****1933(Anthony Hope). http://homepage3.nifty.com/yagitani/art_en16.htm | |
87. Elibron: Works By Author Anthony Hope. 1863 1933. Books Papers. Sorry, no items available. Questions Customer support. All rights reserved. © Adamant Media Corporation, 2000-2004. http://www.elibron.com/english/other/author_list.phtml?author_id=10004979&bio=1& |
88. RepeatAfterUs.com 30316 visitors 4048 texts 507 recordings 424 authors, Contents Author Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, 1863 1933. 2 Texts. Economy. Ignorance. Search. http://www.repeatafterus.com/author.php?f=Sir Anthony Hope&l=Hawkins |
89. RepeatAfterUs.com 424 authors, Contents Author Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins MemorableQuotes, 1863 1933. 2 Texts. Economy. Ignorance. Search. Home Contents http://www.repeatafterus.com/author.php?f=Sir Anthony Hope&l=Hawkins&g=memorable |
90. Hope, Anthony Hope, Anthony, pseud. of Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, 18631933, Englishnovelist. A lawyer, he wrote novels in his spare time. The http://www.slider.com/Enc/XLink/Hope-Ant.html | |
91. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (H) 1759 1835. Hawkins, Sir Anthony Hope (Hawkins, Sir Anthony Hope). 1863 - 1933. Hawkins, Sir John (Hawkins, Sir John ). 1719 - 1789. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=100&golist=true&init=H |
92. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (HOP - HOT) Anthony Hope (pseudonym of Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins), English novelist and dramatist(1863 1933) - READ QUOTES CHECK READING LIST BUY A BOOK Bob Hope http://www.gigaquotes.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiohop.htm |
93. Occupation: Computer Geek Edith Wharton, 1862, 1937, United States of America. Anthony Hope, 1863,1933, unknown. Rudyard Kipling, 1865, 0, India. HG Wells, 1866, 1946,England. http://www.y-intercept.com/occupation.html?occupation_cd=CG |
94. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: H] poet and antiquary (1803 1874) Stephen W. Hawking, English theoretical physicist(1942 - ) Anthony Hope Hawkins, English novelist (1863 - 1933) Goldie Hawn http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathh.htm | |
95. Benton County Arkansas Cemetery Data SILOAM SPRINGS Hope ROBERT B. 1860 1903 162 ROGERS ND MOUNT PLEASANT HOSMAN JAMESW. 1863 1933 BETHEL HOSMAN 1902 1975 SILOAM SPRINGS HOUSTON Anthony 1792 1878 http://www.rootsweb.com/~arbenton/bccpg/bentc071.htm | |
96. Hope Cemetery: H-I Hope Cemetery Association was organized Oct. 26, 1858. Hicks, MH, , 14 Apr 1869,28y 1m 23d. Higbee, Anthony W. 1833, 1915, -. Holmes, Christena C. 1863, 1933,-. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilknox/cemeteries/hope_h-i.htm | |
97. l¼Xgpg` Robert ? (16351703)HookersHope?m,f,sOE=hopeAnthony ? (1863-1933)Hopkins http://www1.kcn.ne.jp/~hiromi-k/namedic/Ename_02.htm | |
98. Quotations Of Famous Men And Women - Searchable Database. Unless one is a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible. AnthonyHope, 18631933, British Writer. Develop a passion for learning. http://www.nonstopenglish.com/reading/quotations/quotes-5.asp?page=3 |
99. Principaux Auteurs Anglais http://www.roman-daventures.info/auteurs/angleterre/anglais.html | |
100. Principaux Auteurs Anglais approfondie; les notices sur Ainsworth et de Vere Stacpoole sont également http://membres.lycos.fr/adventur/auteurs/angleterre/anglais.html | |
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