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41. Word On Women named after her. The archives also has information on Mary Jane Holmes,a local author who lived from 18251907. The Archives holds http://bfn.org/~wnydap/womengd.html | |
42. LISTA DE TITULOS Of Susan Bell, The, by Trollope, Anthony, 18151882 Cousin Betty, by Balzac, Honorede, 1799-1850 Cousin Maude, by Holmes, Mary Jane, 1825-1907 Cousin Phillis http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/titulos.htm | |
43. T DATA026 KETCHESON George MARTIN 1914 pages 247,488 KETCHESON George McCauley 1825-1907 pages4,19 Jonas TURNER page 223 Holmes Lille page 504 Holmes Mary Jane page 545 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160t026.htm | |
44. H DATA033 Branch Members AZ HENDERSON Elizabeth 18251907 pages d18 84 HENDERSON Ethel aka Jo{Holmes} 1905- page Matilda 1942- page 194 HENDERSON Mary Jane {KINCAID} 1944 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160h033.htm | |
45. 225 Miss Alcott Louisa May (18321888). We all know her. Mary Jane Holmes (1825-1907).Very prolific novelist of 28 books. Mrs. Margaret Preston (1820-1897). http://www.quilthistory.com/2003/225.htm | |
46. Descendants Of Abraham ESTES (1647-1720) Martha Harriet Holmes (18231889 Amanda MANGUM (1825-1907); 1845, Granville Co,NC; Mary Jane Isabella COLEY; 1896, Etowah Co, AL 252 http://www.triode.net.au/~dragon/ft/estes-ab.txt | |
47. Oak Grove Vine Hills Cemetaries (Part 16 Of 17 Parts) Plymouth BENSON) SAMUEL S. BENSON 18251907 BETSEY DOTEN Holmes His Wife of CH ME PERKINS1858-1859 Mary F. PERKINS VCW, EAW, JW) THOMAS RYAN 1823-1913 Jane His Wife http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ma/plymouth/towns/plymouth/cemeteries/ogvh1 |
48. Oakwood Cemetery, Falls Church, Fairfax, Virginia AE 18241908 \ shared headstone Lounsbury, Ellen A. 1825-1907 wife Lounsbury JoAnn age 9m daughter of Joseph Katherine Arnold, Mary Jane Holmes 1828-1912 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/va/fairfax/cemeteries/OakWd_A.txt | |
49. Index Narrative Nancy (18251907). . Narrative Josiah R. (-). Narrative Julia M. (-).Narrative. Holmes Abigail (1762-1841). McDonald Mary Jane (1908-1951). http://www.petteefamily.org/william/names1.html | |
50. INDEX COBB. Elijah T. (1851 ) John (1825-1907) John (1861-1862) COLE. HOBSON. Rebecca Holmes.Louisa Mintoria (1840-1928) Lucy (1760- ) HOPKINS. SHRENE. Mary Jane SIMPSON. http://www.familyorigins.com/users/b/o/w/Anne-Clark-Bowden-Escondido/FAMO4-0001/ | |
51. INDEX Fenton M. (1848 ) Harmon Jackson (1847- ) Holmes ( - ) Iscah Jane Hugh (1801-1840)Mary Elizabeth (1825-1907) DALE. Bessie Pauline (1926-1999) Mary Jane ( -1933 http://www.cdcd.vt.edu/kdf/fo/fowndx3.html | |
52. Mary Mildred Huff, B: - Mary Jane ( Private ) Harshberger, Nelda Jean ( Private - ) Harshberger, Rafe Charles ( Private - ) Hart, Martha Lorene ( 23 MAR 1907 MAY 1825 - 31 JAN 1896) Holmes, Augusta Edith http://www.eubanks.org/GE_New/iph.htm | |
53. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (H) Clellon ). 1926 Present. Holmes, Mary Jane (Holmes, Mary Jane ). 1825- 1907. Holmes, Oliver Wendell (Holmes, Oliver Wendell ). 1809 - 1894. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=275&golist=true&init=H |
54. CORPUS, AUTHORS author. Holmes, Mary Jane, née Hawes, 18251907, American novelist.Howells, William Dean, 18371920, American man of letters. Hunt http://www.burgoyne.com/pages/bdespain/grammar/grambiog.htm | |
55. Peace Outline Descendant Tree Estes 1821 1893 +Martha Harriet Holmes 1823 - 1889 Estes 1824 - 1899 +Amanda Mangum1825 - 1907 7 Isaac Luther N. Estes 1875 - 1953 +Mary Jane Isabella Coley http://users.ap.net/~chenae/peace3.html | |
56. The Ancestors Of Robert And William Herbig Henry, Madison, Marey, Jos, Alexander, Frances Holmes, (40) Sarah of (233) John Hayand (234) Mary Smith (ky Stockstill 18501922 m (58) Ann Jane (Jenny)Polly http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7074/g6.html | |
57. WebGED: HOFF/HUFF'S Data Page 1829 ) - female spouse Huff, Harmon (1825 - 1907) - m. 4 Elizabeth (*1915 - ) -female father Holmes, Frank L FEB 1899 spouse Bowlby, Mary Jane (1807 - 1893 http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/7477/wga36.html | |
58. South Fredericksburgh Cemeteries Paul s Anglican Church. Henderson, Elizabeth A. 1825 1907, wife of Barnabus Diamond,McDowall Memorial. Holmes, Mary Jane, 1844 - 1921, wife of E. Fitchett, St. http://www.sfredheritage.on.ca/cemetH.html | |
59. South Fredericksburgh Cemeteries Diamond, Elizabeth A. (nee Henderson), 1825 1907, wife of Barnabus Diamond. Fitchett,Mary Jane (nee Holmes), 1844 - 1921, wife of Ephraim, St. http://www.sfredheritage.on.ca/cemetDEF.html | |
60. Descendant Report 1921 ) McCOY Jessie Ann McELROY Claudia Holmes (1881 - 1954 1926) Mary Lee MaryMahand Jane (1854 - ) Mary Nellie Jane 1905 - 1920) Pamela Jane (1947 - ) Paul http://members.aol.com/rbystroff/PhineasV3/DR_IDX/IDX001.htm | |
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