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61. English Poetry, Table Of Contents + Hogarde or Huggarde, Miles fl.15481557. + Hogg, James 1770-1835.+ Holland, Hugh 1563?-1633. + Holland, Richard fl.c.1450. http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/e_poetry/htxview?template=toc_hdft.htx&content |
62. Scottish Flotsam From The Shetland Islands - People, Scottish Kings, Quotes, And James Hogg (17701835), When the Kye Come Hame. James Hogg (1770-1835), MyLove She s But a Lassie Yet. Now for a Gaelic Proverb for this month. http://claymore.wisemagic.com/scotradiance/flotsam/flotsam1201.htm | |
63. UBC Library - MARION Subject Scottish poetry 19th century. D 824.79. Series Hogg, James, 1770-1835.Works. 1995 ; V. 6. Material lxix, 285 p. ill., maps ; 24 cm. http://dra.library.ubc.ca/MARION/AYE-3102 | |
64. Index Valuation (1914) Hodgskin, Thomas (17861869) Labour Defended againstthe Claims of Capital Hogg, James (1770-1835) The Private http://www.eshunet.com/list1/en3000/titles/index-h.htm | |
65. When The Kye Comes Hame altered the air. The older air Hogg adapted was The Blaithrie o t.James Hogg (17701835), also wrote/adapted the tune or words to http://www.contemplator.com/scotland/kyehome.html | |
66. Come Owre The Stream, Charlie Come Owre the Stream Download Midi File Lesley NelsonBurns. Information. Lyrics.The tune is MacLean s Welcome. The words are by James Hogg (1770-1835). http://www.contemplator.com/scotland/stream.html | |
67. Douglas Gordon - Kunsthaus Bregenz : Expositie / Exhibition At GALERIES.NL Gordons work to be displayed at Kunsthaus Bregenz, is the novel The Memoirsand Private Confessions of a Justified Sinner by James Hogg (17701835). http://www.galeries.nl/expo.asp?exponr=5002 |
68. Canongate Classics - Confessions Of A Justified Sinner Extract James Hogg (17701835) was a self-educated writer of great subtletyand strength, who was grossly underestimated in his day. http://www.canongate.net/classics/clp.taf?_p=2869 |
69. Auteursregister [H] Op De Boekenplank 1928); Hofman, Wim (geb. 1941); Hogeloon, Kees van; Hogendoorn, Johan; Hogg,James (17701835); Hohlbein, Wolfgang (geb. 1953); Hohler, Franz; Hojems, Jac. http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/h/ | |
70. AAC Database - Full View Of Document System No, 1484304. Author, Hogg, James, 17701835. Title, Queen Hynde/ James Hogg ; edited by Suzanne Gilbert and Douglas S. Mack. Location, http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FIND-ACC/1654912 | |
71. Kniha Pro Mne James Hogg - Vyznání Ospravedlneného V roce 1824 vyla v Anglii kniha Vyznání ospravedlneného hríníka odJamese Hogga (17701835). Práve ono druhé zlo ilustruje James Hogg. http://magazlin.zln.cz/17/kniha17.htm | |
72. James Hogg James Hogg. James Hogg (17701835) byl Skotský básník a romanopisec.Hogg se narodil na farmu blízko Ettrick Forest v Selkirkshire. http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/j/ja/james_hogg.html | |
73. Hogg The Border Reivers Website. Back to Clans Families. The Hogg Family. A nickname.James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, (17701835), was a gifted poet. Subscribing. http://www.borderreivers.co.uk/C&F/Surnames/Z hogg.htm | |
74. LOCK THE DOOR LARISTON Footnote James Hogg, The Ettrick Sheperd (17701835), presented himself asthe successor to the mantle of Robert Burns, and indeed claimed the 25th of http://www.scotsindependent.org/features/singasang/lariston.htm |
75. The Gothic 125, (2). ETA Hoffmann (17761822). 127, (1). James Hogg (1770-1835). 128,(1). Washington Irving (1783-1859). 129, (1). GPR James (1799-1860). 130,(1). http://www.booksmatter.com/b0631220631.htm | |
76. ETIQUETTE, MANNERS, BEHAVIOR (ebook, Ebooks, E-Book, E-Books) CornellU. Hogg, James, 17701835, A Series Of Lay Sermons On GoodPrinciples And Good Breeding, 1997, NetLibrary, $54.00, EdinburghUPr. http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010etiquettea.asp | |
77. The Private Memoirs And Confessions Of A Justified Sinner, By James The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner, by James Hogg; with an introduction by T. Earle Welby. Lettered on cover Memoirs of a justified sinner. "First reprinted, 1924. New http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ABW7144.0001.001& |
78. James Hogg -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article , Hogg, James (17701835). Scottish peasant poet James Hogg enjoyed his greatestsuccess during the ballad revival that accompanied the Romantic movement. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=392508&query=poetry&ct= |
79. James Hogg - The Ettrick Shepherd James Hogg. The Ettrick Shepherd Poet. James Hogg's Genealogy. The Scottish poet, James Hogg. was b. 9 Dec 1770 to Robert Hogg. and Margaret Laidlaw. He married Margaret Phillips 20 Apr 1820 in Selkirk, Scotland. Currie, FSA 1770, Ettrick, Selkirkshire - 21 November 1835. Poet known as the Ettrick Shepherd, James Hogg spent most of http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hogg/jameshogg.html | |
80. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Hogg, James 1770 - 1835 Hogg, James 1770 1835 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. GIDE, André, Predmluva,PHILOLOGICA, Philologica 67 - Anglica 1, JD 854/67-1. © Mestská http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/h/9511.htm |
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