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         Heyse Paul:     more detail
  1. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Paul Heyse und Theodor Storm. Hrsg. und erläutert von Georg J. Plotke Volume 1 (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, Storm Theodor 1817-1888, et all 2010-09-28
  2. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Paul Heyse und Theodor Storm. Hrsg. und erläutert von Georg J. Plotke Volume 2 (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, Storm Theodor 1817-1888, et all 2010-09-28
  3. Buch Der Freundschaft. Neue Folge (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, 2010-09-27
  4. Die Schlimmen Brüder, Schauspiel In Vier Akten Und Einem Vorspiel (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, 2010-10-15
  5. Jungfer Justine, Schauspiel In Vier Akten (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, 2010-09-28
  6. Novellen. Auswahl fürs Haus Volume 3 (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, 2010-10-15
  7. Crone Stäudlin; Roman (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, 2010-10-15
  8. Das Mädchen Von Treppi, Marion; Two Novelettes For Use In School And College. Edited By Wilhelm Bernhardt (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, 2010-09-28
  9. Novellen. Auswahl fürs Haus Volume 1 (German Edition) by Heyse Paul 1830-1914, 2010-10-15
  10. A divided heart, and other stories by Paul, 1830-1914 Heyse, 2009-10-26
  11. Mary of Magdala; an historical and romantic drama in five acts. by Heyse. Paul. 1830-1914., 1903-01-01
  12. Biography - Heyse, Paul (Johann Ludwig von) (1830-1914): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01

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Paul Heyse
Geibel Die Freundschaft zum Haus des Kunsthistorikers Kugler brachte Heyse in Kontakt mit Burckhardt , Menzel, Fontane und Storm Viele seiner Novellen siedelte Heyse in seiner Wahlheimat Italien an, wo er auch im Alter meist den Winter auf seinem Landsitz in Gardone am Gardasee verbrachte. Mommsen erhielt den Preis bereits 1902, war aber kein "Dichter", sondern Historiker.)
Werke u.a.: Im Projekt Gutenberg-DE vorhanden:

2. Paul Von Heyse
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse (18301914) German writer, head of the Munich circle of writers, who refused to portray
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse (1830-1914) German writer, head of the Munich circle of writers, who refused to portray the realistic side of life. Heyse was fluent and very prolific - he published several collections of poems, six novels, over sixty plays, and some 120 short stories. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1910, the first German to be so honored, especially because of his contribution to the development of the modern psychological novella. "In Liebesflammenqual vorm Jahr
und doch frisch angesengt schon heuer?
Das alte Sprichwort l
gebrannte Kinder lockt das Feuer."
Heyse settled with his wife, Margaret Kubler, in a villa in Munich, where he remained for the rest of his life. After the death of his first wife in 1862, Hayse married in 1866 Anna Schubart. With his friend Emanuel Geibel he became the leader of a group of writers who opposed the growing trend toward realism. Maximilian died in 1864, and his successor Ludwig II continued the stipend. When Geibel's pension was revoked and he was dismissed from the court by Ludwig II, Heyse resigned in protest but continued to live in Munich in the summer. During each winter he migrated to Gardone on Lake Garda.

3. Heyse, Paul
Heyse, Paul, 18301914. Novellist und Lyriker; Mitbegründer der Dichtergesellschaft "Krokodil Denecke 80 (Heyse, Familie Heyse) Hahn 83 (Frenzel), 86 (Strützki), 137-138
Heyse, Paul, 1830-1914
Novellist und Lyriker; Mitbegründer der Dichtergesellschaft "Krokodil"; Nobelpreisträger für Literatur 1910
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
(Brandis, Cowen, Denecke, Hansel, Helmetag, Raabe) TEILNACHLAß, SAMMLUNGEN:
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
(Katalog SBzB, Denecke, Lülfing, Raabe)
Kiel, Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek
(Cowen, Denecke, Hansel, Raabe)
Marbach, Schiller-Nationalmuseum
(Cowen, Denecke, Hansel, Helmetag, Kussmaul, Lohrer)
Weimar, Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv
(Cowen, Hahn, Hansel, Raabe)
Wien, Stadt- und Landesbibliothek
(Katalog WStLB, Renner I, Renner II)
Wiesbaden, Hessische Landesbibliothek
(Cowen, Hansel, Raabe) WERKMANUSKRIPTE:
Frankfurt a.M., Freies Deutsches Hochstift
(Behrens, Cowen, Denecke, Hansel, Raabe)
Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek
(Katalog UB)
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
(Katalog ÖNB) KORRESPONDENZ: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Library (NUCMC) Bonn, Universitätsbibliothek (Katalog UB) Frankfurt a.M., Freies Deutsches Hochstift

4. Paul Johann Ludwig Von Heyse (1830-1914) German Writer.
Paul von Heyse Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse (18301914) German writer, head of theMunich circle of writers, who refused to portray the realistic side of life.
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Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig von
(1830-1914) German writer. Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse was a German novelist, poet, and dramatist. He received the 1910 Nobel Prize in Literature "as a tribute to the consummate artistry, permeated with idealism, which he has demonstrated during his long productive career as a lyric poet, dramatist, novelist and writer of world-renowned short stories."
Recent Up a category Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse Winner of the 1910 Nobel Prize Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. Paul von Heyse Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse (1830-1914) German writer, head of the Munich circle of writers, who refused to portray the realistic side of life. Heyse was very prolific - he published several collections of poems, six novels, over sixty plays and

5. Heyse, Paul Von (1830-1914) 1890. He Also Wrote Some Novels, Plays
HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'Heyse, Paul von (18301914)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals, TV and radio Heyse, Paul von (1830-1914) The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts 01-01-1998 Heyse, Paul von (1830-1914) German author

6. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > H > Heyse, Paul, 1830-1
There is no description available for this text. Author Heyse, Paul, 18301914Keywords Authors H Heyse, Paul, 1830-1914; Titles A ; Literature.

7. Heyse, Paul
Heyse, Paul 18301914, German realistic writer. Besides the 120 novellas on which his reputation rests, he wrote some 50 plays, 6 novels, and many fine translations, especially of Italian poets.

8. Paul Heyse - Autobiography
Biographical note on Paul Heyse. Paul Heyse (18301914) was made anobleman by the King of Bavaria in 1910. His complete works were
Berlin University
Romanische Inedita
I have given a detailed account of the first four decades of my life until the death of my dear royal patron in my Jugenderinnerungen und Bekenntnisse (Berlin, 1900) [Memories of my Youth and Confessions]. From that time on outward events receded; my life has passed without particular events or adventures and has been devoted entirely to writing. Here is a list of books published by the Cotta Publishing House:
Gesammelte Werke (1871-191O) [Collected Works], 36 vols.; Dramatische Dichtungen (1864-1905) [Dramatic Works], 36 vols.; Romane, Novellen, lyrische und epische Gedichte (1902-1912) [Novels, Novellas, Lyrical and Epic Poems], series I, 12 vols.; series II, 40 vols.; (1889-1905) [Italian Poets since the Middle of the I8th Century: Translations and Studies], 5 vols.
Published by other publishers: Deutscher Novellenschatz (1871-76) [Treasury of German Novellas], 24 vols.; Novellenschatz des Auslands (1872-76) [Treasury of Foreign Novellas], 14 vols.; Neuer Deutscher Novellenschatz Geschichte der Spanischen Baukunst Biographical note on Paul Heyse Paul Heyse (1830-1914) was made a nobleman by the King of Bavaria in 1910. His complete works were published in fifteen volumes in 1924, ten years after his death.

9. Andrea Delfin
Andrea Delfin Heyse, Paul, 18301914 Paul, 1830-1914 Heyse

10. Biographie: Paul Von Heyse, 1830-1914
Translate this page 1830-1914. Paul von Heyse. Schriftsteller. 1830 15. März Paul vonHeyse wird als Sohn des Philologieprofessors Karl Heyse und seiner
Paul von Heyse
Studium der klassischen Philologie, Romanistik und Kunstgeschichte in Berlin und Bonn.

Teilnahme an der Revolution von 1848 als Mitglied des Berliner Studentenkorps.
Gründung des literarischen Vereins "Krokodil".
Freundschaft mit Gottfried Keller (1819-1890) und Theodor Storm (1817-1888).
Veröffentlichung von "L'Arrabiata", der ersten von insgesamt 150 Novellen.
Redakteur für das "Literaturblatt zum Deutschen Kunstblatt".
Veröffentlichung der "Gesammelten Novellen in Versen".
Herausgeber des "Deutschen Novellenschatzes" (24 Bände) und des "Novellenschatzes des Auslandes" (7 Bände).
Publikation von Heyses Gedichten.
1872-1914 Erscheinen von Heyses "Gesammelten Werken" (38 Bände).
Herausgeber des "Neuen deutschen Novellenschatzes" (24 Bände).
Aufgrund zunehmend klerikaler Einflüsse legt Heyse seine Mitgliedschaft im Beirat des bayerischen "Maximiliansordens für Kunst und Wissenschaft" nieder.
Wilhelm II.

11. Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse Winner Of The 1910 Nobel Prize In Literature
Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. Paul JOHANN LUDWIG Heyse. 1910 Nobel Laureate in Literature as a lyric poet, dramatist, novelist and writer of worldrenowned short stories. Background. 1830-1914. Residence Germany
1910 Nobel Laureate in Literature
    as a tribute to the consummate artistry, permeated with idealism, which he has demonstrated during his long productive career as a lyric poet, dramatist, novelist and writer of world-renowned short stories.

    Residence: Germany
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12. Paul Von Heyse
Translate this page Home_Page Paul Von Heyse (1830-1914), Novelista, poeta y dramaturgo alemán,que destacó por el realismo y la perfección estructural de sus escritos.
Paul Von Heyse
N ovelista, poeta y dramaturgo alemán, que destacó por el realismo y la perfección estructural de sus escritos. Nació y se educó en Berlín. La mayor parte de su carrera transcurrió bajo el mecenazgo de los reyes de Baviera, Maximilian II y Luis II. Su narración más famosa es La furia (1855); otras son: La muchacha de Treppi (1858) y Andrea Delfin (1859). Entre sus novelas se encuentra Hijos del mundo (1873). Aunque escribió alrededor de sesenta obras teatrales, Heyse es recordado sobre todo por su poesía. Su ideal poético era el de una belleza desprendida de la realidad cotidiana y fue un oponente conservador a los movimientos naturalistas e impresionistas en la literatura alemana de finales del siglo XIX. A pesar de que las nuevas tendencias literarias hacían aparecer su obra irreal y artificial, Heyse fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1910; fue el primer escritor alemán en recibir este honor. © eMe Textos:
Andrea Delfín (fragmento)


Archivo Midi epdlp

13. Paul Von Heyse
Paul von Heyse. ( 18301914) Paul von Heyse. Escritor alemán " El que se apoya en los demás, ve como vacila el mundo; el que se apoya en sí mismo se mantiene seguro". Paul Heyse. Nació el 15 de marzo

14. Zitat Und Vertonungen Der Gedichte Von Paul Heyse
Paul Heyse (1830-1914). Die Zitate- Schatzkiste bei
"Da werfen sie ohne sich zu schämen
Die Flinte gleich ins Korn hinein.
Wo die Leute nur den Mut hernehmen,
So ungeheuer feige zu sein!"

Zitat von Paul Heyse (1830-1914) Die Zitate- Schatzkiste bei Vertonungen der Gedichte von Paul Heyse ( Auswahl )
Text by Paul Heyse ( 1830 -1914 )
Set by Joseph Marx (1882 - 1964 ) Der Himmel hat keine Sterne so klar Text by Paul Heyse ( 1830 -1914 )
Set by Alexander von Fielitz ( 1860 -1930 ), " Der Himmel hat keine Sterne so klar ", op. 40 no. 3, pub.
Alexander Zemlinsky (1871 -1942 ) op. 2 Heft 1 Nr. 2 ( 1894 - 1896 ) Text by Paul Heyse ( 1830 -1914 )
Set by Johannes Brahms ( 1833 -1897 ), " Waldesnacht ", op. 62 no. 3 ( 1874 ) Adolf Jensen
( 1837-1879 ), " Im Walde ", op. 22 no. 4 (1864 ) Arnold Franz Walter Schoenberg (1874 -1951), Wenn du zu den Blumen gehst Text by Paul Heyse ( 1830 -1914 ), after an anonymous Spanish text.

15. Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig
Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig (18301914). Biographical note on Paul Heyse(1830-1914) was made by a nobleman the King of Bavaria in 1910.
Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig
The year 1853 yielded even greater results in creative writing. In the spring of 1854 some of my publications persuaded King Maximilian II of Bavaria to offer me, at the suggestion of Emanuel Geibel, a position in Munich with an annual salary of 1000 guilders, to take part in his so-called symposia, weekly soirées at which scholars and poets were gathered. Before I moved I was married to Kugler's daughter Margarete, whom death took away from me in the autumn of 1862 after she had borne me four children. Five years later I married a young woman from Munich, Anna Schubart, with whom for forty-four years I have lived happily, except for the premature deaths of two children and a son from my first marriage. I have given a detailed account of the first four decades of my life until the death of my dear royal patron in my Jugenderinnerungen und Bekenntnisse (Berlin, 1900) [Memories of my Youth and Confessions]. From that time on outward events receded; my life has passed without particular events or adventures and has been devoted entirely to writing. Here is a list of books published by the Cotta Publishing House: Gesammelte Werke (1871-1910) [Collected Works], 36 vols.; Dramatische Dichtungen (1864-1905) [Dramatic Works], 36 vols.; Romane, Novellen, lyrische und epische Gedichte (1902-1912) [Novels, Novellas, Lyrical and Epic Poems], series I, 12 vols.; series II, 40 vols.; Italienische Dichter seit der Mitte des 18ten Jahrhunderts: übersetzungen und Studien (1889-1905) [Italian Poets since the Middle of the I8th Century: Translations and Studies], 5 vols.

16. Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig Von
Translate this page Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig (1830-1914). Ecrivain allemand (Berlin, 1830— Munich, 1914). Ses nouvelles, pittoresques et sentimentales
Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig
Ecrivain allemand (Berlin, 1830 — Munich, 1914). Ses nouvelles, pittoresques et sentimentales, destinées à distraire (l'Arrabbiata, 1855; le Cousin Gabriel, 1869), et ses traductions lui apportèrent le succès. (Prix Nobel, 1910.)

17. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page
Translate this page 1. Der Tag wird kühl. Language GERMAN Authorship by Paul Heyse(1830-1914). Language GERMAN Authorship by Paul Heyse (1830-1914).

18. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page
Input by Alberto Pedrotti Authorship by Paul Heyse (18301914) Based on a textin Italian from folk poetry/song tradition , Compagno mio, visto che andèmo

19. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - Paul Von Heyse
Translate this page Paul von Heyse (1830-1914), novelista, poeta y dramaturgo alemán, que destacópor el realismo y la perfección estructural de sus escritos. Nació y 2.
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta Encarta Resultados de la bºsqueda de "Paul von Heyse" P¡gina de 2 Siguiente Exclusivo para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium Paul von Heyse Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta Paul von Heyse (1830-1914), novelista, poeta y dramaturgo alem¡n, que destac³ por el realismo y la perfecci³n estructural de sus escritos. Naci³ y... Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse Imagen—Enciclopedia Encarta Paul von Heyse (1830-1914) fue el primer escritor alem¡n que recibi³ el Premio Nobel de Literatura (1910). Se opuso a las tendencias naturalista e... Paul von Hindenburg Imagen—Enciclopedia Encarta Paul von Hindenburg dirigi³ a los ej©rcitos alemanes en la I Guerra Mundial y fue el segundo presidente de la Repºblica de Weimar; Adolf Hitler... Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg (1847-1934), militar y pol­tico alem¡n, presidente de la Repºblica (1925-1934), cargo que desempe±³... Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach Art­culo—Enciclopedia Encarta Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach (1775-1833), jurista y fil³sofo alem¡n, autor de la teor­a del impulso ps­quico (

20. MSN Encarta - Paul Von Heyse
Translate this page Paul von Heyse (1830-1914), novelista, poeta y dramaturgo alemán, que destacópor el realismo y la perfección estructural de sus escritos. Nació y se
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