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21. About Henty About GA Henty. GA Henty s life (18321902) was filled with exciting adventure. Completing Westminster School, he attended Cambridge University. http://www.hsrc.com/Online Store/History/about_henty.htm | |
22. G.A. Henty GA Henty (18321902). About GA Henty George Alfred Henty, the Prince of Storytellers Read one of Henty s informal letters, the preface http://home.att.net/~d.hiffernan/henty2.html | |
23. The Young Carthaginian, A Children's Story About Ancient Carthage, By G.A. Henty Search. Ancient / Classical History The Young Carthaginian, by GA Henty. A children s story, by GA Henty (18321902), about ancient Carthage. More of this Feature. http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/henty/blhentych15.htm | |
24. The Young Carthaginian, By G.A. Henty Advertisement. The Young Carthaginian, by GA Henty. A children s story, by GA Henty (18321902), about ancient Carthage. More of this Feature. http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/henty/blhentych4.htm | |
25. G.A. Henty GA Henty 18321902 MY DEAR LADS, In the following pages I have endeavored to give you a vivid picture of the wonderful events of . This address marks http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/railway/age/henty_bio.html | |
26. Note For a survey of his writing see Peter Newbolt, GA Henty, 18321902 A Bibliographical Study, Aldershot, Scholar Press, 1996. It http://www.club.it/culture/culture2000/claudia.gualtieri/note.gualtieri.html | |
27. G. A. Henty, Novelist, Questions About His Subjects GA Henty 18321902 A Bibliographical Study of His British Editions, With Short Accounts of His Publishers, Illustrators and Designers, and Notes on Production http://www.talkaboutabook.com/group/rec.arts.books.childrens/messages/77298.html | |
28. Henty GA Henty s Historical Fiction. The Works of George Alfred Henty 18321902. Blood and Morality GA Henty and the Tradition of Adventure Writing for Boys. http://www.valerieslivingbooks.com/henty.htm | |
29. A Knight Of The White Cross - 630-664 stretch their minds, but will not compromise your familys standard of decency, you will be very pleased to learn about the works of GA Henty (18321902). http://www.timberdoodle.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=473 |
30. G.A. Henty On CD ROM, Great Authors Series From Seedy Press, B&R Samizdat Expres Henty.html GA Henty (18321902). At Agincourt; Among the Malay Pirates; Beric the Briton; Bonnie Prince Charlie; The Bravest of the Brave; http://www.samizdat.com/hentycd.html | |
31. Sobre Osos Y Dacoits Translate this page George Alfred Henty (1832-1902) De Osos y Dacoites Un Cuento de los Ghauts por GA Henty Editado originalmente en la revista Unión Jack, Junio de 1881 http://dreamers.com/lospulps/pago11.html | |
32. English Heritage - 19 Sheffield Terrace, W8 Kensington Chelsea 2001 Henty, GA (George Alfred) (18321902), Author, lived here. 33 Lavender Gardens, SW11 Wandsworth 1953 http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/default.asp?wci=WebItem&WCE=177 |
33. Tale Of The Lost Dutchman: Bibliography With Comments And Chronology. Juvenile F Henty, GA (George Alfred) 18321902. The golden canon. New York Hurst and Comp. (Federal Book Co.), 1899. Hardcover with dust jacket, xii, 223 pages. http://www.lost-dutchman.com/dutchman/juvenile.html | |
34. PDA News & Reviews - Pocket Press Pg 2 books. We lead off this week with 22 books written by GA Henty. Henty s life (18321902) was filled with exciting adventures. He http://pocketpress.info/backissues/051003b.html | |
35. Author Page Henderson, Carolyn. Search for books by this author. Henty, GA. George Alfred Henty (18321902). http://www.206enterprises.co.uk/kidzbooks/authors/authorlist.aspx?letter=H |
36. De Grummond Children's Literature Collection - Collection Highlights Alfred Henty (18321902), over 100 of which are in the online catalog. The books are from the collection of Robert L. Dartt, author of GA Henty A Bibliography http://www.lib.usm.edu/~degrum/html/collectionhl/ch-Henty.shtml | |
37. Prince Charles - Additional Information Who are the Jacobites? Bonnie Prince Charlie A Tale Of Fontenoy And Culloden This is an etext of the book by Henty, GA (George Alfred), 1832-1902; http://www.electricscotland.com/history/charles/103.htm |
38. Writers Of Historical Fiction HENRY, WILL (1912). Pseudonym. See entry under Allen, Henry. Henty, GA, 1832-1902. The author was born at Trumpington, England. He http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~soon/histfiction/list/h.html | |
39. Catalog Project | Basic Search | Results Search Results. THROUGH RUSSIAN SNOWS, OR A STORY OF NAPOLEON S RETREAT FROM MOSCOW / Henty, GA (George Alfred), 18321902 823 H398T PCL Stacks; http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~jrubarth/gslis/lis385t.16/catalog/basicresults1.html | |
40. Text Details For In The Reign Of Terror Author Henty, GA (George Alfred), 18321902 Keywords Authors H Henty, GA (George Alfred), 1832-1902; Titles I. Average User Rating no ratings, Read 2 times. http://www.archive.org/texts/texts-details-db.php?id=52738 |
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