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41. Henry, O. (Norwegian Writers' Web) Henry, O. USA 18621910. E-text Project GutenbergText. Links Books and Writers Biography. http://www.litteraturnettet.no/h/henry.o.asp?lang=gb&type= |
42. Biography Of O.Henry O. Henry (18621910) was originally born William Sydney Porter inGreensboro, North Carolina. As a young man, he moved to Austin http://users.aber.ac.uk/jpm/ellsa/ellsa_ohenrybio.html | |
43. O. Henry Definition Of O. Henry. What Is O. Henry? Meaning Of O. Henry. What Doe O. Henry. Word Word. Noun, 1. O. Henry United States writer of short storieswhose pen name was O. Henry (1862-1910) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/O. Henry | |
44. O. Henry Hero of the Day O. HenryThe following remarks by HL Mencken on O. Henry (1862-1910)were first published in the July 1909 issue of The Smart Set, a magazine http://www.dailyobjectivist.com/Heroes/OHenry.asp | |
45. Daily Celebrations ~ O. Henry, Sniffles And Smiles ~ September 11 ~ Ideas To Mot writer William Sydney Porter (18621910), was born on this day in Greensboro, NorthCarolina, is better known as the master of the short story, O. Henry. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/091199.htm | |
46. Daily Celebrations ~ O. Henry, Sugar Coating Inside ~ December 7 ~ Ideas To Moti of a good story, writer William Sydney Porter (18621910), born in Greensboro, NorthCarolina, was better known as the master of the short story, O. Henry. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/120702.htm | |
47. Buried Treasure By O. Henry Logo Link to Home Page, Short Story Classics. O. Henry William SydneyPorter 1862-1910. Buried Treasure. by O. Henry William Sydney Porter. http://www.angeltowns.com/members/shortstories/ohenrytreasure.html | |
48. The Caballero's Way By O. Henry Logo Link to Home Page, Short Story Classics. O. Henry William Sydney Porter1862-1910. The Caballero s Way. by O. Henry William Sydney Porter. http://www.angeltowns.com/members/shortstories/ohenrycaballero.html | |
49. BrothersJudd.com - Books By O. Henry Reviewed Glossary Orrin s Stuff Email. Author O. Henry William SydneyPorter. The Gift of the Magi () O. Henry (1862-1910) (GradeA+). http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.authlist/author_id/490 | |
50. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of O. Henry's The Gift Of The Magi The Gift of the Magi (). Author Info O. Henry William Sydney Porter18621910. Especially when you are young, short stories seem http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/552 | |
51. O. Henry - MediaWiki O. Henry. From Wikiquote, the free encyclopedia. O. Henry (pen nameof William Sydney Porter) (18621910). Writer What is the world http://wikiquote.org/wiki/O._Henry | |
52. Rowan Public Library - Edith M. Clark History Room - O Henry Book Club Collectio O. Henry Book Club (Salisbury, NC). Henry, O., 18621910. WomenNorth CarolinaSalisburyHistory.WomenNorth CarolinaSalisburySocieties and clubs. http://www.lib.co.rowan.nc.us/HistoryRoom/9014mss.htm | |
53. Subjects ("H"), Titles, Authors & Call #s Navigator. / . 92 Henry Henry, O., 1862-1910. O. Henry the storyof William Sydney Porter / illustrated by Hamilton Greene.. 92 http://www.ardsleyschools.k12.ny.us/AHSL_WEB/su-h.htm | |
54. The Cop And The Anthem By O. Henry Logo Link to Home Page, Short Story Classics. O. Henry William Sydney Porter1862-1910. The Cop and the Anthem. by O. Henry William Sydney Porter. http://www.geocities.com/short_stories_page/ohenrycop.html | |
55. O. Henry - BlueRider.com o. Henry. Your search results search for o._Henry on Google o. Henry n. 1),United States writer of short stories whose pen name was O. Henry (18621910). http://o._henry.bluerider.com/wordsearch/o._henry |
56. O. Henry - Menu Translate this page O. Henry (1862-1910) era o pseudônimo usado por William Sydney Porter, um dos maiorescontistas americanos do século e um dos autores mais populares do seu http://www.releituras.com/ohenry_menu.asp | |
57. O. Henry - Dictionary Definition The noun O. Henry has 1 senses. 1. Porter, William Sydney Porter, O. Henry American writer of short stories whose pen name was O. Henry (18621910). http://www.yourdictionary.net/O._Henry.html | |
58. Cuentos De O. Henry - Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva Translate this page Enlaces ¦ Calle Seva ¦ ¿Quiénes Somos? O. Henry Estados Unidos 1862-1910.Cuentos Textos electrónicos completos. Después de 20 años http://www.ciudadseva.com/textos/cuentos/ing/henry/oh.htm | |
59. Electronic Books From SPSCC # H Hemon, Louis, Maria Chapdelaine; A Tale of the Lake St. John Country (1921). Henry,O., 18621910, Cabbages And Kings. Four Million, The. Gift Of The Magi, The. http://www.library.spscc.ctc.edu/electronicbooks/lmcelectbksauthorH.htm | |
60. Fictionwise EBooks: O. Henry Bio William Sydney Porter, 18621910, American short-story writer, b. Greensboro,NC He went to Upon his release he changed his name to O. Henry and settled http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/OHenryeBooks.htm | |
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