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21. MSN Encarta - Lafcadio Hearn Translate this page Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), escritor de origen grecoirlandés que dio a conocerla cultura japonesa en Occidente. Nació en la isla griega de Leucade y http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761560367/Lafcadio_Hearn.html | |
22. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - Lafcadio Hearn Translate this page Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), escritor de origen grecoirlandés que dio a conocerla cultura japonesa en Occidente. Nació en la isla griega de Leucade http://es.encarta.msn.com/Lafcadio_Hearn.html | |
23. Lafcadio Hearn You are in Virtual Museum of Science Hall of Scientists Inventors Lafcadio Hearn. Lafcadio Hearn. 18501904. Writer Translator. http://www.virtualology.com/virtualsciencecenter.com/hallofscientists/LAFCADIO-H | |
24. Lafcadio Hearn You are in Virtual Public Library Hall of Famous Authors Lafcadio Hearn. Lafcadio Hearn. 18501904. American author. http://www.virtualology.com/virtualpubliclibrary/halloffamousauthors/LEFADIOHEAR | |
25. Lee Jaffe - Japan Books Hearn, Lafcadio, 18501904. The Buddhist writings of Lafcadio Hearn / selectedand with an introduction by Kenneth Rexroth. Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904. http://www.jaffebros.com/lee/japan/j-culture.html | |
26. Kythera-Family.net - For The World-wide Kytherian Community arrow, Sponsors. Picture Lafcadio Hearn 18501904, add a Miscellaneous image.Showing 1 - 10 from 76 entries. Lafcadio Hearn 1850-1904. email to a friend. http://www.kythera-family.net/index.php?nav=104-116&cid=189&did=2569&pageflip=1 |
27. Kythera-Family.net - For The World-wide Kytherian Community Copyright (2004) http//www.trussel.com. Lafcadio Hearn 18501904 Rosa AntoniaTessima Cerg Kassimatis (Cassimatis) was born on Kythira Island, in 1823. http://www.kythera-family.net/index.php?nav=117-118&cid=190&did=1869&pageflip=2 |
28. Literatura Translate this page Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904). Por Laura Tomàs y Luis Rodríguez. PatricioLafcadio Tessima Carlos Hearn. De padre irlandés y de madre http://www.nipoweb.com/japon/literatura/hearn.htm | |
29. DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service, Title Lafcadio Hearn 18501904(English) http//www.trussel.com/f_Hearn.htm. http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/18/87/info-5786.html | |
30. DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service, Titel Lafcadio Hearn 18501904(Engels) http//www.trussel.com/f_Hearn.htm. Beschrijving http://www.kb.nl/dutchess.ned/18/87/info-5786.html | |
31. Louisiana Secretary Of State/Archives/Previous Events/Lafcadio Hearn Exhibit 199 Lafcadio Hearn (Japanese name Koizumi Yakumo, 18501904) author,translator, educator is known for his excellent English prose. http://www.sec.state.la.us/archives/hearn/hearn-1.htm | |
32. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article Hearn, (Patrick) Lafcadio (Tessima Carlos) (18501904). The HutchinsonDictionary of the Arts; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?DOCID=1P1:28926667&num=8&ctrlInfo=Round |
33. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results One of the most original and 14. Hearn, (Patrick) Lafcadio (Tessima Carlos)(18501904) The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts; January 1, 1998 http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
34. Lafcadio Hearn Links 14; Lafcadio Hearn18501904 (Steve Trussel); The Koizumi YakumoLafcadio Hearn Page (Scotte Brown); http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/~kameoka/H_link.html | |
35. JAPAN-PHOTO | STADT | MATSUE Translate this page bekannt für ihr altertümliches Stadtbild mit einigen Samurairesidenzen und demWohnhaus des irischen Lehrers und Schriftstellers Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904). http://www.japan-photo.de/matsue.htm | |
36. JAPAN-PHOTO | CITY | MATSUE view from the castle (3). Matsue City. city centre. J 240 333. residence of LafcadioHearn (18501904). Matsue City. J 240 327. Lafcadio Hearn - bust. Matsue City. http://www.japan-photo.de/e-matsue.htm | |
37. Hearn, Lafcadio Login Logout. ISBN Title Most Popular Similar Authors. Hearn,Lafcadio 18501904. (Lafcadio Hearn). Books by this Author. Out of http://isbndb.com/d/person/hearn_lafcadio.html | |
38. University Of Tennessee Libraries Special Collections Library Hearn, Lafcadio, 18501904. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. Index. DS809.H43. Hearn,Lafcadio, 1850-1904. Out of the East Reveries and Studies in New Japan. http://www.lib.utk.edu/spcoll/japandth.html |
39. University Of Tennessee Libraries Special Collections Library Hearn, Lafcadio, 18501904. Kotto. Traduit de l Anglais par Joseph DeSmet. Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904. The writings of Lafcadio Hearn. http://www.lib.utk.edu/spcoll/japanother.html |
40. SciFan: Books: Fantastics And Other Fancies By Lafcadio Hearn (from Our Database The 19thcentury writer Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) is now far better known inJapan than in the US, but he once had fame in America, chiefly for his 1887 http://www.scifan.com/titles/title.asp?TI_titleid=28840 |
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