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         Hazlitt William:     more books (72)
  1. William Hazlitt: The First Modern Man by Duncan Wu, 2008-11-15
  2. Selected Writings (Oxford World's Classics) by William Hazlitt, 2009-06-22
  3. Liber Amoris & Related Writings (Fyfield Books) by William Hazlitt, 2008-09-01
  4. The Day-Star of Liberty: William Hazlitt's Radical Style (Literary Studies) by Tom Paulin, 1999-09
  5. William Hazlitt, Critic of Power by John William Kinnaird, 1979-01
  6. Leigh Hunt: A Life in Letters - Together With Some Correspondence of William Hazlitt by Leigh Hunt, Eleanor M. Gates, et all 1999-02
  7. Hazlitt's Criticism of Shakespeare: A Selection (Studies in British Literature) by William Hazlitt, R. S. White, 1996-03
  8. Romanticism and Linguistic Theory: William Hazlitt, Language, and Literature (Transitions) by Marcus Tomalin, 2009-02-15
  9. The Plain Speaker: The Key Essays (Blackwell Anthologies) by William Hazlitt, 1999-01-06
  10. On The Pleasure of Hating by William Hazlitt, 2005-09-06
  11. Contest for Cultural Authority: Hazlitt, Coleridge, and the Distresses of the Regency by Robert Keith Lapp, 2000-03
  12. Hazlitt and the Reach of Sense: Criticism, Morals, and the Metaphysics of Power (Oxford English Monographs) by Uttara Natarajan, 1999-02-18
  13. My First Acquaintance With Poets 1823 (Revolution and Romanticism 1789-1834) by William Hazlitt, 1993-11
  14. Hazlitt in Love: A Fatal Attachment by Jon Cook, 2007-09-28

61. Search Results
The Plain Speaker was the last great original work of William Hazlitt (17781830), the finest prose writer of the romantic period....... HAZLITT&author0=

62. Margaret Hazlitt
She compiled information on her father William Hazlitt (17371820), and her brothers William Hazlitt (1778-1830) and John Hazlitt (1767-1837) from family
"Recollections, 1835-38." Manuscript diary, inscribed "To my good friends Mr. and Mrs. Johns . . . Crediton December 10,1836." Margaret Hazlitt's recollections of her literary family, written for the information and instruction of her nephew William Hazlitt (1811-1893), cover the period from 1737 to about 1812. She compiled information on her father William Hazlitt (1737-1820), and her brothers William Hazlitt (1778-1830) and John Hazlitt (1767-1837) from family papers and her own recollections, as well as those of her mother. The diary is of great interest for its account of the origins and history of the Hazlitt family and its detailed description of the visit of the Reverend William Hazlitt and his family to North America from 1783 to 1787. Margaret Hazlitt's journal is the sole source of material on the early years of her brother, essayist and critic William Hazlitt, and a valuable record of conditions in the United States immediately after the American Revolution. The text, edited by Ernest J. Moyne, was published by the University of Kansas Press in 1967.

63. Great Quotes: The Collective Wisdom Of Celebrities
Mahatma (18691948) Gaulle, Charles De (1890-1970) Godard, Jean-Luc (1930-) Goethe, Johann W. von (1749-1832) Hazlitt, William (1778-1830) Holmes, Oliver
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Aquest era, de fet, el meu primer contacte amb l obra de William Hazlitt (17781830), del qual només tenia referències la mar de vagues, segurament a través
ELS VOSTRES CLÀSSICS L'assaig anglès JORDI LLOVET William Hazlitt va salvar-me literalment la vida. M'explicaré. Vaig trobar-me, fa uns quants anys, que havia de viatjar de Nova York a Washington en la coneguda i gairebé sempre eficaç companyia de ferrocarri1s Arintrak, i esperava la sortida del tren tot llegint, al vestíbul de l'estació, un volumet amb assaigs d'aquest bon home, que havia comprat el dia abans, per un preu irri sori¡, a la llegendària llibre ria Strand de Nova York: es tractava del llibre Sketches and Essays,- and Winterslow, en edició a càrrec referències la mar de vagues, segurament a través de la Història de la crítica, de René Wellek, que tots llegíem per consell d'Antoni Vilanova. Llegia. Per més detall, llegia amb goig l'últim dels textos que portava l'edició esmentada, és a dir, "A Farewell to EssayWriting", que podríem traduir com "Prou d'escriure assaigs", potser, ja aleshores, amb la secreta intenció de fer-me fort en la meva no menys vaga voluntat de no escriure mai més crítica literària -de mortuis nihil nísi bonum: no digueu mai cosa dolenta dels difunts-, sinó a la meva distracció i la meva descuranca; tal vegada al fet -un "acte fallit", diria Freud- que no tenia cap ganes d'anar a Washington, on m'esperava la signatura d'un conveni completament forassenyat, pel qual els estudiants de Georgetown vindrien a la Uni

65. EL País, 5 De Junio De 1999
William Hazlitt (1778-1830), del que pais, Hazlitt.htm
EL País, 5 de junio de Ensayo Hazlitt , Crítico de la Experiencia Una antología recupera la penetrante mirada del ensayista inglés. ENSAYO. EL ESPÍRITU DE LAS OBLIGACIONES Y OTROS ENSAYOS. WILLIAM HAZLITT Traducción DE JAVIER ALCORIZA Y ANTONIO LASTRA ALBA. BARCELONA,1999. 296 PÁGINAS. 3.300 Pesetas IGNACIO ECHEVARRíA A sí he perdido mi vida, leyendo libros, mirando cuadros, yendo al teatro, escuchando, pensando, escribiendo sobre lo que más me agradaba": en estos términos se refiere a sí mismo, al poco de cumplir los 45 años, el crítico y ensayista inglés William Hazlitt (1778-1830), del que inesperadamente acaba de publicarse esta muy recomendable antología. Escribe Hazlitt tales palabras en un artículo titulado Mi primer conocimiento de los poetas, donde rememora sus primeros recuerdos de Coleridge y de Wordsworth, a quienes conoció y trató siendo todavía muy joven, y en cuyo círculo se fraguó la amistad que lo ligaría a Charles Lamb. Sobre Wordsworth vuelve a ocuparse Hazlitt en un capítulo, incluido aquí, de El espíritu de la época (1825), seguramente su libro más célebre, en el que reúne perfiles críticos de algunos de sus contemporáneos. Entre ellos se cuenta el de Lord Byron, recogido también en esta antología, de la que viene a constituir la pieza acaso más ejemplar y soberbia: una obra maestra de la reticencia ejercida como pasión moral.

66. HAZLITT Robin Allott
Hazlitt 17781830. Extracts from The Life of William Hazlitt by PP Howe 1922. I think WH William Hazlitt to be, in his natural
HAZLITT 1778-1830
[Extracts from The Life of William Hazlitt by P.P. Howe 1922] "I think W.H. [William Hazlitt] to be, in his natural and healthy state,one of the wisest and finest spirits breathing" [Charles Lamb] "An original bias or craving to be satisfied of the reason of things" Essay on the Principles of Human Action "An eagle dallying with the wind" "The love of others has the same necessary foundation in the human mind as the love of ourselves" "While we are executing any work, we are preparing and qualifying ourselves to undertake another" "I say what I think: I think what I feel" "I know he thinks himself not estimated by ten people in the world - I wish I knew he is" [Keats] "Hazlitt is giving lectures on poetry ... I have attended. He is the Shakespeare prose writer of our glorious country; he outdoes all in truth, style and originality" [William Bewick] "Hazlitt has damned the bigotted and blue-stockinged; how durst the Man? he is your only good damner, and if ever I am damn'd - damn me if I shouldn't like him to damn me" [Keats] [his]"fiery laconicism" [Keats] "He drank water only, and lived plainly ... He had nothing that was parsimonious or mean in his character, and I believe that he never thought of eating or drinking, except when hunger or thirst reminded him of these wants" [Procter]

67. Random House Trade | Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
It is Shakespear all over, and Shakespear when he was young, declares William Hazlitt (17781830), acclaimed British essayist and critic, in his exuberant

68. Hazlitt
William Hazlitt (17781830). A list of Hazlitt s essays, description of content, and quotations http//
William Hazlitt (1778-1830) A list of Hazlitt's essays, description of content, and quotations: Back to Authors

69. MSN Encarta - William Hazlitt
Translate this page William Hazlitt (1778-1830), ensayista y crítico inglés, famoso por la lucidez y brillantez, tanto de estilo como de contenido, de sus numerosos
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. William Hazlitt William Hazlitt (1778-1830), ensayista y cr­tico ingl©s, famoso por la lucidez y brillantez, tanto de estilo como de contenido, de sus numerosos... ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
  • M¡s de 41.000 art­culos Diccionario biling¼e Atlas din¡mico
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70. Hazlitttable
Hazlitt (William, 17781830, essayist) UNPUBLISHED AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED ( W Hazlitt ), presumably to his bankers( Gentlemen ), informing them that he hopes
HAZLITT (WILLIAM, 1778-1830, essayist 1 page, small quarto, right-hand margin of verso a little glue-stained where formerly guarded, no place or date [but March 1822] Letters of Hazlitt are notoriously rare: the texts of only 168 are printed in the Letters , 1978 and Charles Robinson has raised the count to just less than 200. The present letter is not printed in the Letters and is thought to have remained unpublished. The work to which Hazlitt refers in this letter is probably the second volume of Table Talk. In a letter of 3 March [1822], to Henry Colburn who was to publish the second volume of the work, he asked for £0 advance to enable him to get back to Edinburgh so that he could divorce his first wife. £900 plus VAT

71. Free Biography E-Books
1917 Liber Amoris, or, The New Pygm. Hazlitt, William, 17781830 Relations with wome Life and Adventures of Calamit. Calamity
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72. The Victorian Literary Studies Archive, Hyper-Concordance, Concordance, Concorda
Gissing, George (18571903); Gosse, Edmund (1849-1928); Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928); Hazlitt, William (1778-1830); Hearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904
This Hyper-Concordance is written in C++, a program that scans and displays lines based on a command entered by the user. The main advantage of the C++ program is that it not only identifies the concordance lines but the words occurring to the left and the right of the word or phrase searched. It also reports the total number of text lines, the total word count and the number of occurrences of the word or phrase searched. The full text of the book is displayed in a box at the bottom of the screen. Each line of the text is numbered, and the line number and the term(s) searched provide a link to the full text. The Hyper-Concordance displays two pull-down boxes. The user can first choose one of a selection of authors from the box and then one from a list of the author's works. There are four limiting options displayed before searching: case sensitive, non-alphabet character sensitive, head length and tail length. The searcher can also ascertain the book's total word count and vocabulary distribution by searching without a query. I hope this web-based KWIC concordance (Key Word in Context) offers a clear survey of Victorian literary texts. My warmest thanks go to a colleague of mine, Dr. Masahiro Komatsu (Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University), who was kind enough to write the C++ program.

73. Hazlitt's Hotel, Soho Square, London
Hazlitt s occupies three historic houses, dating back to 1718, in Frith Street, Soho Square and was the former home of William Hazlitt (17781830), a painter
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Call Us Click here for our telephone and live chat details Where is it? Click here for map and directions Introduction Hazlitt's occupies three historic houses, dating back to 1718, in Frith Street, Soho Square and was the former home of William Hazlitt (1778-1830), a painter and writer whose clergyman father founded the Unitarian church in Boston, Mass, USA. Hazlitt's size, age and position lends it a unique, intimate charm that makes it a popular choice for the visitor tired of large, chain hotels. Location Frith Street is in the heart of Soho, one of London's most fascinating districts. Back when Hazlitt's was built, Soho was the most fashionable address in town. Things went downhill in the 19th century and by the 1960s Soho was famous as the vice centre of London. The last twenty years has seen a remarkable upturn in the area's fortunes and it now boasts the UK's busiest cafe society and is host to countless media, fashion and advertising companies. A few minutes walk away are the shops of Oxford Street and the most of London's top theatres.

74. Elibron: Title Info Page
William Hazlitt (17781830), list of works. William Hazlitt dabbled in both fine arts and philosophy, painting at the Louvre and

75. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
William Hazlitt (1778 1830). Hazlitt, William (1778­1830) http// Short biography.

76. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
1756) Hazlitt, William (1778 1830) Head, Bessie (1937 - 1986) Heaney, Seamus (1939 - ) Hearne, Mary ( - ) Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedirch (1770 - 1831

77. Liber Amoris, Or, The New Pygmalion By William Hazlitt
Free download of the Project Gutenberg eBook Liber Amoris, or, The New Pygmalion by William Hazlitt

78. William Hazlitt (b.1778, D.1830) - Curriculum Vitae (CV)
An academic directory and search engine Views. 105. William Hazlitt ( b.1778, d.1830) ( Prev
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79. Hazlitt, William. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
1778–1830, English essayist. 2. William Carew Hazlitt, 1834–1913, his grandson, was a bibliographer and wrote The Memoirs of William Hazlitt (1867).
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Hazlitt, William

80. Hazlitt, William. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fo
2000. Hazlitt, William. SYLLABICATION Haz·litt. PRONUNCIATION h z l t, h z . DATES 1778–1830. British essayist noted for his trenchant literary criticism.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference American Heritage Dictionary hazelnut ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

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